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Tattoo is seen on the back of a dead TTP terrorist.

please tell me a blood thirsty rapist who was a drunkard considered a hero?
There was a comma-blood thirsty invaders,looters,drunkards etc..Not a blood thirsty invader who is also rapist who is also a drunkard..And as for examples-Babur,Ourangazib,Muhammed ghazni etc etc to name a few..In m

secondly ISLAM preaches protection of the poor & unarmed. so anyone killing unarmed innocent people is NOT A MUSLIM.
Really...?Then why do you guys glorify afghan taliban,Hamas etc who have targeted innocents several times..?
even your ajmal kasab was not fighting a muslim war or had islamic aims! hell he didn't even pray much did he?
The pakistani pig Ajmal kasab did consider his fight islamic,as a part of jihad against india..That is not the point here..He killed dozens of innocent,Yet many pakistanis in this forum including the senior members were justifying Hafeez sayeed offering funeral prayers for him.Because he is still a muslim no matter how graves his sins may be-and according to some pakistani members who posted in that thread,islamic funeral prayers are offered to dead TTP members as well.

what about narinder modi and his involvement in gujrat massacre? or bal thackrey and bombay riots? what would you consider them PURE HINDUs? or would you conisder them non hindus? what does hindu dharam preach regarding killing of muslims?
They will be considered hindu extremists no matter whether their acts were in accordance to dharma or not..

isn't TTP a foreign run organisation? i am amazed at how people try to seperate the fact that the non muslim TTP is a seperate identity lead by some pious man

TTP is not a foreign run organisation..Thats just conspiracy theorist brain fart to hide from reality that they are pakistani muslim men with many of their senior leadership veteran afghan-soviet war jihadis.
There was a comma-blood thirsty invaders,looters,drunkards etc..Not a blood thirsty invader who is also rapist who is also a drunkard..And as for examples-Babur,Ourangazib,Muhammed ghazni etc etc to name a few..In m

Really...?Then why do you guys glorify afghan taliban,Hamas etc who have targeted innocents several times..?

The pakistani pig Ajmal kasab did consider his fight islamic,as a part of jihad against india..That is not the point here..He killed dozens of innocent,Yet many pakistanis in this forum including the senior members were justifying Hafeez sayeed offering funeral prayers for him.Because he is still a muslim no matter how graves his sins may be-and according to some pakistani members who posted in that thread,islamic funeral prayers are offered to dead TTP members as well.

They will be considered hindu extremists no matter whether their acts were in accordance to dharma or not..

TTP is not a foreign run organisation..Thats just conspiracy theorist brain fart to hide from reality that they are pakistani muslim men with many of their senior leadership veteran afghan-soviet war jihadis.

1)Babur,Orangzhib and rest india glorifies them. besides they are as good or as bad as ASHOKA that indians glorify as well. weird i guess stockholm syndrone is in india!

2) Hamas is fighting invaders just like kashmiris that pelt the indian occupying forces. see the difference between fighting opressors and fighting nationals?

3) the kasab dude was a psycho probably indian boy. but hey the media gimmick worked well and rehman dumb malik played along ansd danced along to the tunes. anyways HE WAS NOT A PREACHER of religion. he is as good or bad as modi or bal thacrkey ALL killed innocent unarmed MEN! so kasab=modi= bal thackrey

kasab killed less men then bal thackrey or modi did with their orders. and yet THACRKEY got a state farewell weird.

4) TTP is aided by Uzbek militants and concept was incepted by USA during the 80s. so once movies like RAMBO were made on taliban by hollywood....today they disown them!
rock star talibans now :laugh:
Has the hidden message encrypted on the dead mans back, deciphered yet by Pakistani intelligence?
same skull tattoo also shown in the film expendables 2.

mercenary I guess?
1)Babur,Orangzhib and rest india glorifies them. besides they are as good or as bad as ASHOKA that indians glorify as well. weird i guess stockholm syndrone is in india!
The point was that many muslims especilly pakistanis hail these bloodthirsty invaders and looters as muslim heroes.You guys have even named missiles after them..Never ever seen the discussion as to whether These men or even Muhammed ali jinnah(Who ate pork and drank whiskey) was a true muslim or not..
2) Hamas is fighting invaders just like kashmiris that pelt the indian occupying forces. see the difference between fighting opressors and fighting nationals?

Your arguement was "anyone killing unarmed innocent people is NOT A MUSLIM.".In that aspect,both afghan taliban and HAMAS have killed unarmed innocent people..You are convinently omitting afghan taliban while triying to give justification to hamas..pathetic
3) the kasab dude was a psycho probably indian boy. but hey the media gimmick worked well and rehman dumb malik played along ansd danced along to the tunes. anyways HE WAS NOT A PREACHER of religion. he is as good or bad as modi or bal thacrkey ALL killed innocent unarmed MEN! so kasab=modi= bal thackrey
I do not want to discuss the conspiracy theorists' BS..I was refering to the thread in defence.pk about hafeez sayeed offering funeral prayers to ajmal kasab.Many pakistani members were justifying the act because according to them he was a muslim and hafeez sayeed was right to offer funeral prayers even though he murdered innocents..

4) TTP is aided by Uzbek militants and concept was incepted by USA during the 80s. so once movies like RAMBO were made on taliban by hollywood....today they disown them!

Getting aided by afghan taliban or Uzbek militants wont make them foreign,they are still pakistani with all of their senior leadership and most foot soldiers being pakistanis..Please read up the history of TTP since its inception in 2004(When baitullah mehsud signed peace deal with mighty pak army)
By the way how have they come to the conclusion they were Uzbek anyway? Uzbek by nationality or Uzbek by ethnicity? I fear my fellow Pakistanis know nothing about Uzbeks.

These are a few pictures of ethnic Uzbeks:







Now where do you find glowing white skin with wide eyes? Uzbeks have epicanthic folds which are not as vivid as the Chinese with yellow skin that borders brown and often people have suggested are a cross between brown and yellow people.

Also there are ethnic Russians in Uzbekistan which make up about 5% of the population. However almost all follow Orthodox Christianity so this Uzbek label doesn't make a lot of sense, especially when it is not being clarified whether they are being referred to in the ethnic or religious sense.

Looks like its time to find out from the US embassy if some Raymond Davis has gone missing? It would really for once be useful if the army told us what we are facing... whether this is an outside threat or an inside one. Right now the army just looks either complicit in supporting terror or completely incompetent. Both very bad for its reputation.
The point was that many muslims especilly pakistanis hail these bloodthirsty invaders and looters as muslim heroes.You guys have even named missiles after them..Never ever seen the discussion as to whether These men or even Muhammed ali jinnah(Who ate pork and drank whiskey) was a true muslim or not..

well aurangzib,babar and all did more than Ashoka and ashoka is celebrated in india hell they make movies on him don't they? so aurangzib,akbar,shahjahan did alot for the sub continent in terms of arcthiecture,laws & roads and education & culture as well as art. these people must be celebrated. as for them killing people in a battle i guess you can kill people. you can't take modern standards and compare things of the past. in their time these rulers were the most leninet. hence hinduism existed & no major genocide took place wipping out hindus.

Your arguement was "anyone killing unarmed innocent people is NOT A MUSLIM.".In that aspect,both afghan taliban and HAMAS have killed unarmed innocent people..You are convinently omitting afghan taliban while triying to give justification to hamas..pathetic

what about the indian army killing unarmed men,women & children? what about israelis killing raping women,genocide of children? usually hamas & kashmiris target armed forces and that too with STONES pathetic how you can compare armed military with stone pelting innocents!

I do not want to discuss the conspiracy theorists' BS..I was refering to the thread in defence.pk about hafeez sayeed offering funeral prayers to ajmal kasab.Many pakistani members were justifying the act because according to them he was a muslim and hafeez sayeed was right to offer funeral prayers even though he murdered innocents..

well bal thackrey was directly and modi too directly involved in killings and riots and yet bal thackrey got a state funeral. if he got such high treatment then i guess you shouldn't dare question anything knowing clearly the role of modi and bal

Getting aided by afghan taliban or Uzbek militants wont make them foreign,they are still pakistani with all of their senior leadership and most foot soldiers being pakistanis..Please read up the history of TTP since its inception in 2004(When baitullah mehsud signed peace deal with mighty pak army)

please check the bold parts i have written sorry i made a mistake in quoting and i am too lazy to rewrite everyrthing again
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