Many thanks to you T-55, and to Penguin as usual, for keeping this thread mesmerizing.
Most of the designs I was familiar with, having served in the ABC from Saumur & although
not in tanks myself. Still, a couple surprises surfaced in the last 3 pages :
- a thought for the Praying Mantis as predecessor to today's Famas Felin and other Future
Soldier attempts with decoupled sights from the user ( already known to SFs everywhere );
- a huge grin at the pic #367 with the 3 sizes of tanks stacked together;
- a Oh! so cute moment for that Swedish dish that looks like a sexy miniature M-60 next;
- separated at birth : that Caterpillar 6-9 and a snail;
- etc.
Keep it coming please, Tay.