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Tamilnadu fights back Modi's Hindi Imposition

If you go through the posts on this thread there are people justifying the use of English using terms like Free Market, Jobs, Development. Macaulay's kids are those who are proud of the fact that Britishers came to India, exploited the natives, destroyed their self-esteem and imposed the English education system.

Thanks for writing all that in English.

My main complaint is that most of the people who are opposing the "directive" are harping more about the importance of English than the importance of the Indian Languages. My claim is that the advisory on use of Hindi in Social Media was controversial, but the primary goal was elevating the National Pride and not elevating the Status of Hindi. However the government must have though about the consequences properly.

Because all Indian states have two official languages, local/regional language and English, while the local/regional language is different in different states, English remains the only common language among all states and also among states and centre. ALSO, English is the only common language between Indians and the rest of the developed world.

Btw, how attempts to impose one of the regional languages Hindi all over India equals to elevating the national pride?
My main complaint is that most of the people who are opposing the "directive" are harping more about the importance of English than the importance of the Indian Languages. My claim is that the advisory on use of Hindi in Social Media was controversial, but the primary goal was elevating the National Pride and not elevating the Status of Hindi. However the government must have though about the consequences properly.

Elevating the pride of Aryan invaders at the expense of indigenous dark skinned Tamil speaking Dravidians ?
Like English , Hindi too is of foreign origin, British brought English and Mughals introduced hybrid Hindi , some 600 yr , a Persian / Arabic mix
You get on the first boat you can to Australia or Americas if that happens. As a boat Christian, you will find them welcoming you with open arms. So why so much paranoia and worry?
But the original data speaks otherwise...........More Hindus settle down in US , Australia & Canada than Indian Christians
But the original data speaks otherwise...........More Hindus settle down in US , Australia & Canada than Indian Christians

Not according to their proportionality in India . Hindu Americans make up about 50% of the Indian American population, while Indian Christians make up about 18% of American population. I think the data would be similar in the other anglophone countries you mentioned.

Anyways I just wanted to point out to takeiteasy that his nest is nicely feathered even if India becomes a fascist Hindu rashtra and embarks on a Hitleresque genocide of all minorities.
Elevating the pride of Aryan invaders at the expense of indigenous dark skinned Tamil speaking Dravidians ?
Like English , Hindi too is of foreign origin, British brought English and Mughals introduced hybrid Hindi , some 600 yr , a Persian / Arabic mix

Funny how a SL muslim who hates his own country is actually lecturing us about imaginary racial divisions created in the minds of British imperialists.

Find your identity first mate. SL? Tamil? Muslim? Or simply an anti-Indian troll?
Thanks for writing all that in English.

Because all Indian states have two official languages, local/regional language and English, while the local/regional language is different in different states, English remains the only common language among all states and also among states and centre. ALSO, English is the only common language between Indians and the rest of the developed world.

Btw, how attempts to impose one of the regional languages Hindi all over India equals to elevating the national pride?

I can respond in Hindi if forum rules allow that, unfortunately I cannot think in English whatever I write in English is actually a translation of my thoughts. Like it or not Hindi has established itself as the link language of masses and it is going to stay that way. Like I said most of the people who oppose "Hindi Imposition" are primarily concerned about status of English, your post proves that fact.

BTW, Hindi is not my mother tongue.
Elevating the pride of Aryan invaders at the expense of indigenous dark skinned Tamil speaking Dravidians ?
Like English , Hindi too is of foreign origin, British brought English and Mughals introduced hybrid Hindi , some 600 yr , a Persian / Arabic mix
Fake tamil Muslim @manlion please ignore him
from facebook(Tamilnadu):



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Great News for @Sriram , @manlion and other anti Hindi people

New research reveals that learning Hindi or Sanskrit leads to brain damage | My Faking News

New research reveals that learning Hindi or Sanskrit leads to brain damage
Published on November 16, 2014by manithan

Geneva: A new research study conducted on the activities of human brain as a part of the huge Human Brain Project has revealed startling results. They have established that of all the 6000 languages being used in the world, only Hindi and Sanskrit has the ability to damage the brain of people who try to learn it.

The research study gained big throttle among the non-Hindi and anti-Sanskrit speakers and they were found celebrating this as an event. People from south India were seen bursting crackers and distributing sweets. One such person who was overwhelmed with joy said, “This research finding is more significant than the discovery of Relativity and Wheel. This finding will let us do linguistic politics forever.”

Faking News correspondent spoke to Dr. John Claine, who was leading the team which conducted this groundbreaking research. He said, “When I visited India five years back, I met a lot of both Hindi and non-Hindi speakers. While Hindi speakers were claiming a myth that Hindi is the national language, non-Hindi speakers were recalcitrant to that idea. The non-Hindi speakers always protested that Hindi was being imposed on them. They were claiming that exposure to Hindi even made them forget their mother tongue. I was flabbergasted.”

He continued, “I had researched on the evolution and sustenance of languages for thirty long years. And never had I come across an opinion that learning one language makes one human to forget another language. But, when I had a tour of south Indian schools, almost all of the school sans few government run schools had English as the medium of instruction. The people who told that exposure to Hindi was endangering their own language, never claimed that learning English would destroy their own language. That made me ponder over the danger that the Hindi language poses for human brain. I also felt that most of Indians have the same aversion to Sanskrit, but not to foreign languages like Arabic or German or French. This made me to conduct a research on the Hindi and Sanskrit language and how learning those two can impact the human brain.”

And then he revealed about how his research was conducted, “I was a part of Human brain project studying the linguistic and understanding portion of brain. I started concentrating on these two languages.We made a count of brain cells of people and split them into four groups – one who will learn Hindi, one who will learn Sanskrit, one who will learn German and one who will learn English. I was astounded when I saw the result of our two year long research study. The non-Hindi speakers were right. The ones who learnt German and English had their brain cells more than before but the ones who learnt Hindi or Sanskrit had their brain cells depleted four times than before. This reduction in brain cells might lead to their death in sixty or seventy years. This is dangerous to the human species. You are free to choose whether to make a language extinct or a species extinct.”

After reading about the research, a prominent Anti-Sanskrit protester, Rambabu, said, “Tell me any use of learning Sanskrit or Hindi? Maximum we can do is sit in India and earn only few thousands. But, English and German are necessary for our kids to survive outside India. See, if you go to Middle East, all of them know English. All Latin American countries, South East Asian countries and almost all parts of Africa speaks English. So learning English is necessary for winning bread and butter. Didn’t our forefathers worked as slaves learning English? Why can’t we follow them? Being a slave of a foreign language is so cool man! Also, this research throws light on how learning Hindi or Sanskrit can lead to brain damage.”

A person of Indian origin, working at NASA, replied to us, via e-mail, that, “Parents want their kids to use India for schools and colleges as it is very cheaper in India. Once, those kids graduate, they strive harder and spend all their money on post graduate courses in US, Canada, UK or Germany. It is more like gravitational slingshot to help their children earn more money. Then, their children will settle in those countries and so their lineage will have super brain due to reading those languages instead of Hindi or Sanskrit. This is very much quintessential for the survival of intelligent species.”
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