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'Tamil Nadu politicians used LTTE to achieve their goals'

"Indian government gave the training to the Tamil youth"

"We had a base in Tamil Nadu, a base in India"

"India trained and armed them"

India is famous for creating terrorists and state terrorism in other countries
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Fresh probe on HR violation by an alleged criminal organisation is an eye wash

Sri Lanka Guardian: Fresh probe on HR violation by an alleged criminal organisation is an eye wash

(May 27, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Media reports of government appointing a five member panel of judges to investigate into the Human Rights and Fundamental rights violations in the North-East following the newly appointed Chairman of Human Rights Commission (HRC), the retired Supreme Court Judge Priyantha Perera rises the eyebrows of those who are concerned about the approach the government is taking on the issues very central to the international outcry against Sri Lanka.

According to the news, the five member panel of judges are expected to be selected in a defined racial basis to give majority to the Sinhala community in the investigations. The Judges will be paid on the basis of case by case and they will be reporting back to the HRC.

According to the new Chairman of the HRC ‘I expect to commence the process from June and the response has been encouraging for the calling of applications. The judges will act independently under the mandate of the HRC’.

When HRC itself lacks independence in its affairs, how can the panel of judges derive the very same independence propagated? This is my simple reflection on the comment of the HRC Chairman.

The new thinking of the government comes at the time when international pressure is mounting on Sri Lanka to develop its own internal mechanisms on accountability issues.

HRC that is privy to war crimes in Sri Lanka and has not presented a report on the scale of its knowledge of the complaints received and violations it is aware of to this date is now embarked on a fishing expedition. It has decided to use a new strategy to project that it is doing something creative to deal with the issues in the manner it has been mandated by the government accused of committing war crimes.

HRC’s conduct to this date is an issue that needs to be thoroughly investigated independently. In addition to its inability to play its due role, by succumbing to political compulsions at the much needed time, the organisation is accused of aiding and abetting with the military and intelligence service, thus causing serious harm to the victims and the civil society.

In addition, the new direction of the HRC comes without any effort to abolish the Emergency Rule and the anti- Terrorism law that are throttling the very functioning of the HRC’s.

HRC that comes under the President’s remit, is an organisation that is being pampered and panegyrised by the state military machinery and is now trying to give a new look with the new suit and a new broom without clearly establishing its independence from the political and military pressures and also without the government creating the conducive climate for the victims to come forward with their evidence without any fear.

War crimes accused government, in one front is celebrating its victory over the LTTE having committed untold war crimes against the civilian population and on another front is using the HRC to project a deceptive humane role on accountability issues.

Last year, the President who is responsible for the HRC, proclaimed that the armed forces did not kill a single civilian and that they “carried a gun in one hand and a copy of the human rights charter in the other”. How can the HRC bypass this statement when it is mandated by the very same President who still upholds that there were no war crimes committed and is obstructing any independent international investigations?

In the presence of jumbo sized state military and intelligence service and the state backed paramilitaries and the violent government goons, the HRC is being engineered to do an exercise to undermine any further UN effort on war crimes against Sri Lanka.

Some of the victims have fled the country and many in fear of retribution will not reach the panel to tell their experience, but the government is engineering its well known deceptive methods to play down the international pressure by using its own discredited HRC.

Will the HRC reveal its involvement with the inhuman Ranjith group of the army headed by Mohammed who is exposed in the media of gang raping and murdering Anita Annalingam in Jaffna and committing untold crimes against the Tamil civilian society from Jaffna to Vanni? It is also known that HRC passed information provided by the victims to the Ranjith group to commit further untold crimes against the complainants. Persons with scares of the wounds are the surviving testimonies the so-called HRC panel will not hear.

At the time when HRC is to put on the dock on charges of complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity, it is being now used to undertake investigations against crimes, it is quite privy to. Studying through the complaints HRC received will reveal the facts of war crimes and inhumanity of the War Heroes and according news reports abundance of these complaints will not form part of the HRC panel.

This is typical of banana republic trying to provide kangaroo court justice with the help of those played part in the crimes they are being mandated to investigate.
lolzz why you are threatening an independent country Sri Lanka?

its internal matter of Sri Lanka

It is easier said than done. if LTTE raises again, it would affect India too. unless the Tamils of Lanka have a political solution to their problem and live in peace, there is threat of the region destabilizing again.
lolzz why you are threatening an independent country Sri Lanka?

its internal matter of Sri Lanka

Nothing is an internal matter of any country if it threatens our interests.

We wouldn't think twice before securing our interests in Sri Lanka.

Gen Ashok K Mehta was commissioned in the 5th Gorkha Rifles in 1957. He took part in all the military operations undertaken by India except the 1947 war in Jammu and Kashmir and the 1962 China war when he was on a peacekeeping mission in Congo (Zaire) in 1962. He did courses at Fort Leavenworth (US) in 1975 and the Royal College of Defence Studies in UK in 1974. He is a founder member of the Defence Planning Staff, now the Integrated Defence Staff, of the Chiefs of Staff Committee. His last assignment was General Officer Commanding, Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF) South, in Sri Lanka.
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it was a genuine cause later went wrong by the actions of LTTE..who wanted absolute power and control Tamils..they even killed their own kind for power.

what genuine cause?? what right does India have to support and create terrorist orgnaistaions like LTTE on pretext of human right???
Nothing is an internal matter of any country if it threatens our interests.

We wouldn't think twice before securing our interests in Sri Lanka.

does it mean other countries should also apply the same formula against India?
It is easier said than done. if LTTE raises again, it would affect India too. unless the Tamils of Lanka have a political solution to their problem and live in peace, there is threat of the region destabilizing again.

:) But Indians here are calling for creating Elam regime once again.

and let Sri Lanka decide its own fate and fate of its people. India has NO right to use this excuse otherwise there are many such things going on in India and every other country has the right to apply same logic then against India
u are wrong
india cannot
but india could raise concerns.
and jana i'm sure u'll hang on to the this statement of her's for the next thre pages.
TamilNet: 27.05.11 Political truth of Mu’l’livaaykkaal

Political truth of Mu’l’livaaykkaal

The Sinhala nation is aware of the massacres, but they justify it the way the USA argues for its invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel argues for invasion of Palestine. For the UN and IC, it was not a mistake but a deliberate action taken by them to protect the Sri Lankan state. The same IC now says there are war crimes and Tamils are victims. Why? They want a group of helpless victims who begin to depend on them to find answers. Tamils had to face the first genocidal massacre of the 21st century, but this should not lead to a sense of helpless victimhood where the very forces who are responsible are seen to be saviours by the Tamils. It is the Tamil people who should decide what their future course of action should be, said Dr. Jude Lal Fernando, post doctoral scholar on International Peace Studies in Trinity College, Dublin, while delivering a speech on 18 May.

Full tex of the address by Dr. Jude Lal Fernando, a lectuerer at the Irish School of Ecumenics of the Trinity College and a member of the Irish Forum for Peace in Sri Lanka (IFPSL), follows:

Mullivaikal: The moment of deep sorrow and courage

Today, we mourn from the very depths of our hearts the deaths of thousands of Tamils who were killed in Mullivaikal as well as in other places. Who are they? They are our beautiful children, our courageous young sons and daughters, beloved parents and grandparents whose burial grounds we do not know.

On this day, as a Sinhalese, let me remember not only the physical deaths of thousands of Tamils, but also the moral and spiritual death of the Sinhala nation to which I belong, a nation that has been built on the unknown graveyards of many thousands of my Tamil sisters and brothers.

As Martin Luther King lamented over his own American nation during the war against the people of Vietnam; a nation which spends on warfare and not on healthcare, welfare and education of its people is spiritually and morally doomed.

Mullivaikal does not mark the end of Tamil aspiration for nationhood, homeland and self-determination, but it marks another defeat of humanity.

Anybody who has a conscience among the Sinhalese and in the international community needs to know that Vanni massacre of Tamils questions our humanity rather than the project of Tamil Eelam.

Therefore, Mullivaikal is a historical moment in the dawn of the twentyfirst century that highly questions the humanity of this so called global village.

This is the fundamental moral truth about Vanni massacre of Tamils.

What is the political truth about Mullivaikal?

Mullivaikal is the climax of the brutality of the Sri Lankan state which was first created by the British colonial rule and rebuilt again and again by every Sinhala ruling party after the so called independence in 1948.

Are the Sinhalese unaware of the massacre of the Tamils for the last 60 years?

Are they unaware of the massacre of the Tamils in 1983 and 2009?

In 1983, the massacre was carried out by the unofficial thugs of the Sri Lankan state. In 2009, it was carried out by the official military of the same state with the full support of every major power in the international community.

The Sinhala nation is aware of the massacres. If so as human beings how do they justify such brutality of the state? They justify it by playing the role of victimhood saying that it is they who were attacked and that they have a right to defend themselves as a state. Is that all? No, they go further claiming a moral obligation to conduct a humanitarian war to protect the Tamils from the LTTE. The same arguments can be seen when the USA argues for its invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and when Israel argues for invasion of Palestine.

Therefore, it is not right to say that the Sinhala nation does not know the massacres, but they cannot know because they have justified the massacres wholeheartedly in the name of the Sri Lankan state.

Didn’t the UN and the international community know about? Is it a mistake from their part not to reveal the truth about the massacres? No, it is not a mistake, it is a deliberate action taken by them to protect the Sri Lankan state. Therefore, their omission is not an error or a mistake, but a part of the crime against the Tamil people.

Therefore, to say that it was a war without witnesses is untrue. The whole diplomatic community knew about the crimes. Even wikileaks cables alone provide unbreakable evidence to prove that every powerful nation knew how the slaughtering progressed.

It is the same international community that says now ‘yes, there are war crimes and crimes against humanity... and the Tamils are the victims’. Has any new discovery been made? No discovery has been newly made. There is no problem in saying this, this is what has to be said and what should be said, but what does the international community led by the major powers in the world want now by saying this? They want a group of helpless victims who begin to depend on them to find answers. These so called ‘ helpless victims’, the Tamils, resisted as a people to domination of the Sri Lankan state without depending on any major power for sixty years. It was their great resistance that brought about the 2002 peace process which was internationally recognised. By siding with the Sri Lankan state and working politically, diplomatically and militarily to destroy the Tamil resistance, and the 2002 peace process, now the international community says, ‘Tamils are the victims’!

Let me say one thing. It is true that the Tamils had to face the first genocidal massacre of the 21st century, but this should not lead to a sense of helpless victimhood where the very forces who are responsible are seen to be saviours by the Tamils.

It is the Tamil people who should decide what their future course of action should be. Let me echo the words of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and many others who led the oppressed peoples. The path to justice can never be stopped as long as people are determined to walk the long walk to freedom...

It is the paradox in the Sri Lankan history, that while the Sinhala nation celebrates the 2600 anniversary of Lord Buddha’s Enlightenment the Tamils also have to remember the massacre of their loved ones on the 18th of May this year. The most nonviolent preaching of Lord Buddha expressed compassion not only to every human being on earth but also to every creature, this preaching radically challenged and transformed kingdoms and societies promoting justice and peaceful coexistence in Asia. Could the Sinhala nation celebrate that Great Human Being’s Enlightenment by lighting millions of lamps while the Sri Lankan state does not permit the Tamil people to light a single candle in the Tamil homeland remembering their dear ones who were killed in Vanni?

This paradox or irony is a shame on every human, moral and religious value we cherish. It is against the eternal dharma of Lord Buddha and every other founder of great ethical and religious traditions.

By allowing the Sri Lankan state to oppress the Tamil people the Sinhala society has established a regime that destroys every form of democratic dissent. By building a prison for the Tamils, the Sinhalese have made their own chains. Let those who have ears listen, eyes see, tongues speak out!

Finally, this day is not only a day of mourning for the Tamil people, but it is also a day of remembrance of courage of so many thousands of my Tamil brothers and sisters who upheld the dream of a dignified life until the last breath of their lives.

Let that courage be our inspiration, so that our mourning will not end in a sense of helpless victimhood, but reinvigorate us to walk the journey towards the goal of justice, dignity and freedom as a people.
does it mean other countries should also apply the same formula against India?

Go ahead and try.

BTW, let me remind you of your miserable failure vis a vis Khalistan and Kashmir and our stupendous success vis a vis Bangladesh.
u are wrong
india cannot
but india could raise concerns.
and jana i'm sure u'll hang on to the this statement of her's for the next thre pages.

why not. if India has the right to foment State terrorism in other countries then why cant others ?
why not. if India has the right to foment State terrorism in other countries then why cant others ?

You Already tried this In Khalistan - Failed. LTTE issue is almost over in Sri Lanka. Your view is least important. Our PM who sent troops to Kill LTTE and he was assassinated. Do some research rather increasing number of posts. Bangladesh - You know better.

You are trying in Kashmir for Last 60 years. What happened ?? Keep trying for Next 60 Years. No one is stopping you. Good Luck.

But Do Keep Eye on your side and Neighboring Countries like Afghanistan. :toast_sign:

And Don't forget What you did to destroy Afghanistan with help of Taliban:cheesy: Remember what happened in Taliban ?? How People were Brutally Killed supported by your people. Will Post Video when it will be needed. And now same Taliban wants whole Pakistan. :cheers:
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