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Talking to the Taliban

so mam u mean talking to taliban in afghanistan is not in favour of pakistan?
I feel US/CIA can never be trusted. They are now eyeing Taliban for using as proxies against Al-Qaeda as they know that their forces cant counter them.
It means they are trying to shoot 2 birds with one arrow.
1. Making Taliban as their partners they will be saved from opposition of Taliban.
2. By using the same Taliban for fighting Al-Qaeda, the US/CIA will save their own soldiers and sacrifice the Afghans once again for their war.

Well its not good for Afghanistan in the long run as well unless US invaders leave Afghanistan. There is need to bring all the parties in Afghanistan onboard in the new government so that people could be benfited and peace could be brought.

The current government is not the representative of the common people.

I was objecting to the unjust pressur from US on Pakistan to do more whereas they are now joining hands with Taliban in Afghanistan whereas they are threatening us not to do so in Pakistan.
Karzai should be left to deal with the mess. Karzai is a US puppet now in trouble. Don't start dreaming that he is a "nice" guy as you saw him sitting in Presidential oath ceremony of Zardari. Karzai is anti-Pakistan and will always remain one.

Pakistan shouldn't help in any type of negotiations between Afghan Taliban and Karzai government.

well sir i know that he is anti pakistan and i fully agree with u that pakistan should not help them in negotiation and i m not concerned with this puppet president at all. sir i m asking,Are these negotiations in favour of pakistan or not?how it is going to effect pakistan?
I feel US/CIA can never be trusted. They are now eyeing Taliban for using as proxies against Al-Qaeda as they know that their forces cant counter them.
It means they are trying to shoot 2 birds with one arrow.
1. Making Taliban as their partners they will be saved from opposition of Taliban.
2. By using the same Taliban for fighting Al-Qaeda, the US/CIA will save their own soldiers and sacrifice the Afghans once again for their war.

Well its not good for Afghanistan in the long run as well unless US invaders leave Afghanistan. There is need to bring all the parties in Afghanistan onboard in the new government so that people could be benfited and peace could be brought.

The current government is not the representative of the common people.

I was objecting to the unjust pressur from US on Pakistan to do more whereas they are now joining hands with Taliban in Afghanistan whereas they are threatening us not to do so in Pakistan.
(dera mehrabani) for the reply:)
well mam i guess taliban will probably never join US against AL-QAIDA...they would have done that long before when US asked them to hand over usama to them or face the consequences...and now as taliban have suffered sever loss of lives till now dont u think mam they will never join those who dented them so badly?:what:
I feel US/CIA can never be trusted. They are now eyeing Taliban for using as proxies against Al-Qaeda as they know that their forces cant counter them.
It means they are trying to shoot 2 birds with one arrow.
1. Making Taliban as their partners they will be saved from opposition of Taliban.
2. By using the same Taliban for fighting Al-Qaeda, the US/CIA will save their own soldiers and sacrifice the Afghans once again for their war.

Well its not good for Afghanistan in the long run as well unless US invaders leave Afghanistan. There is need to bring all the parties in Afghanistan onboard in the new government so that people could be benfited and peace could be brought.

The current government is not the representative of the common people.

I was objecting to the unjust pressur from US on Pakistan to do more whereas they are now joining hands with Taliban in Afghanistan whereas they are threatening us not to do so in Pakistan.

Easy to say but hard to act upon. Taleban and Alqeada are two ends of the same rod. They have identical agenda, mission and goal.

Taleban is not an organized army/group that can be shattered with internal antipathies created by their enemy. You can buy thousands of them for dollars, however, its impossible to deter every single of them from their motto.:police::
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(dera mehrabani) for the reply:)
well mam i guess taliban will probably never join US against AL-QAIDA...they would have done that long before when US asked them to hand over usama to them or face the consequences...and now as taliban have suffered sever loss of lives till now dont u think mam they will never join those who dented them so badly?:what:

Well let us be very fair and see things in an unbiased manner here with regard to Taliban role.

They were supporting US in the past if you remember the project of uncoal in Afghanistan during Taliban rule it was only after Taliban refused to bent anymore to US activities that US started dicthing them.

Osama was also CIA man who was used by US/CIA against USSR during Afghan Jehad. He was treated for Kidney problems under the supervision of CIA in the US hostpitals.

Mullah Umer had reportedly asked the US to provide the proofs against Osama Bin Laden and a trial will be run against him and he will be handed over if found guilty of WTC attack when US was demanding handing over Osama to them.

Giving amaan to Osama was according to code of Pashtunwali it was not to sheleter him for money or anything or even not for fighting against US as at that time US had not yet attacked Afghanistan .
Easy to say but hard to act upon. Taleban and Alqeada are two ends of the same rod. They have identical agenda, mission and goal.

Taleban is not an organized army/group that can be shattered with internal antipathies created by their enemy. You can buy thousands of them for dollars, however, its impossible to deter every single of them from their motto.:police::

No i do not agree with this notion that Taliban and Al-Qaeda are the same as the goal, objective and mission of the two are different.

Taliban (Although they had done many wrongs and were harsh with people) but they are not Takfiris nor they had ever announced to creat an Islamic empire arround the world.

They were more for steps in Afghanistan and they were concerned with Afghanistan only it can be debatable that their way of imposing things was wrong or right, their rule was wrong or right but it is clear that they are not aspiring for brining Muslim states arround world under their rule.


Al-qaeda has this mission of creating one single Muslim empire according to their own version of religion.
Al-qaeda members are Takfiris. They are against the rulers of all the Muslim states and they support terrorism against all those even those Muslims who object their ideology.

Taliban never wage war against Muslim states whereas Al-qaeda supporst rebelion against all Muslim rulers for replacing them with hardcore Takfiris.
The issue is not so much that the US may be less averse to finding a 'political solution' in Afghanistan, but as Jana suggested, that the US cannot be trusted.

What are US goals in the region, or in the war on terror?

Despite all the rhetoric of 'winning hearts and minds', under this administration those goals have pretty much revolved around preventing attacks on US interests and defeating and marginalizing AQ so that it cannot mount future attacks on US interests, regardless of the costs locally (In other words, "who gives a crap about hearts and minds").

But if the US is going to move towards reconciliation with certain factions of the Taliban who might not be amenable to AQ's 'Global Jihad against the infidels', it will then end up using them as proxies against AQ and AQ aligned Taliban groups.

That is still not necessarily a deterioration in the regional situation from Pakistan's perspective (compared to today), except when we try and analyze how the US is going to motivate and organize its proxies. Will we see the 'Pashtunistan' idea revived from the dead? Will we see alliances pushed between US Taliban proxies and the Baluch in the whole greater Afghanistan scheme?

The US won't necessarily be looking at this bearing fruit in the sense that they want and will actively push for a 'Greater Afghanistan', but as an ideological tool to garner support for their Taliban proxies from the Tribes and locals in Afghanistan in fighting AQ.

The blow back for Pakistan however could be severe, in terms of an additional dimension to the militancy, and one that might be harder to suppress.

All speculation at this point though, lets see how things play out. One crucial advantage we can obtain is quelling the fires on our side as soon as possible and normalizing the situation as much as possible, to deny fodder to any potential US Taliban proxy.
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Well let us be very fair and see things in an unbiased manner here with regard to Taliban role.

They were supporting US in the past if you remember the project of uncoal in Afghanistan during Taliban rule it was only after Taliban refused to bent anymore to US activities that US started dicthing them.

Osama was also CIA man who was used by US/CIA against USSR during Afghan Jehad. He was treated for Kidney problems under the supervision of CIA in the US hostpitals.

Mullah Umer had reportedly asked the US to provide the proofs against Osama Bin Laden and a trial will be run against him and he will be handed over if found guilty of WTC attack when US was demanding handing over Osama to them.

Giving amaan to Osama was according to code of Pashtunwali it was not to sheleter him for money or anything or even not for fighting against US as at that time US had not yet attacked Afghanistan .

mam i thank u for ur time and i respect ur knowledge and deep insight into this matter..
but again the main hindrance for taliban to join US against al-qaida would be the above highlighted line.(i might be wrong but that is my personal view)the rest i agree with u :enjoy::tup:
Who made Taliban 'USA' who gave money to Taliban in past USA who provided weapon to Taliban USA ... they all did to fight against todays Russia in past ... Anyway if yu hav to finish them now yu hav to make development in that areas hav to giv education , jobs , health centers , and all life facilities to local communities Taliban ll be automatically finished :coffee:

...and who will capture pakistan with the help of taliban 'USA'.
(dera mehrabani) for the reply:)
well mam i guess taliban will probably never join US against AL-QAIDA...they would have done that long before when US asked them to hand over usama to them or face the consequences...and now as taliban have suffered sever loss of lives till now dont u think mam they will never join those who dented them so badly?:what:
I was reading a book"The Sewing Circles of Herat".Its a memoir of Afghanistan by Christina Lamb.
Many sources believe in its authenticity.
There was a very interesting quoutation by a former talib who had left them.When he was asked why didn't taliban handover Osama and save their ---.The reply did not contain any elaboration of pushtun tradition of guarding the guest but rather the fact that-----How could taliban hand him over for he was the one in command and not Mullah umer.If somebody had to be handed over then usama could be asked to handover mullah umer.
Interesting isn't it?
By the way i recommend the book.Its worth reading.
I was reading a book"The Sewing Circles of Herat".Its a memoir of Afghanistan by Christina Lamb.
Many sources believe in its authenticity.
There was a very interesting quoutation by a former talib who had left them.When he was asked why didn't taliban handover Osama and save their ---.The reply did not contain any elaboration of pushtun tradition of guarding the guest but rather the fact that-----How could taliban hand him over for he was the one in command and not Mullah umer.If somebody had to be handed over then usama could be asked to handover mullah umer.
Interesting isn't it?
By the way i recommend the book.Its worth reading.

hmm thats interesting!! but still cant say much about that as all know mullah umer was the commander of the taliban!!anyway thx bro for ur recomandation,will try to find out:agree:
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