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Taliban warns of 'big war' if Pak attacks N Waziristan

$ 1.2 Billion are compensation from America. Now i got the context of the fresh aid. Hope Pakistan comes out of this with flying colors. and the aid is last of the lot.

This isn't aid. This is the funds used by the Americans to supply or order equipment needed by PA in their operations. No cash or transfer of money is involved.
Sir, the FC is already deployed to its maximum, rather at 100%.

The FC that you are pointing to and which was referred to a few days back is the Frontier Constabulary not Corps, both are different.

Frontier Constabulary is kind of reserve police duty guys, they are manned by Police Officers, not Army Officers. And their number is much less compared to Frontier Corps. This FC is good in just city areas, not for COIN operations.

They'll still come in handy for the 'hold' phase when the Army hands over control, though I imagine that task will primarily be done by local tribal militias.
$ 1.2 Billion are compensation from America. Now i got the context of the fresh aid. Hope Pakistan comes out of this with flying colors. and the aid is last of the lot.

The outstanding amount of around $2 billion needs to be reimbursed first ...
Forget about aid, how come a sovereign country allow militias to have a free run in their country. Then later you have to use force to clear these areas, why in first place allow them?
So we should let thugs threaten and blackmail the State into submission?

The Taliban have options - disband their militias and submit to the writ of the State. if they do that there will be no confrontation and no war. If they want to fight NATO, they should do what they are suggesting the local population do - migrate to Afghanistan and enjoy 'Karzai's hospitality'.


You know well they love dying with enemy bullet and war, it is their life , just like pig in the mud.

They will never accept to lay down their arms and after eight years they proved it true.
We must start peace deals to differentiate between bad guys and good guys .putting all them in same league can make huge problems for PAISTAN ARMY and this war can prove fatal affects in that region.

You know well they love dying with enemy bullet and war, it is their life , just like pig in the mud.

They will never accept to lay down their arms and after eight years they proved it true.

LOL Fundamentalist you speak of Men Of Honor these Thugs have proven to be nothing more then cowards suicide Bombings hitting girls is not a tool of Brave it's a Tools Of cowards so please stop convincing your self these Guys have any honor.

And since Dying with a bullet is concerned there been enough peace deals signed with these thugs only to be used by these thugs to regroup and start attacking again so if they wanna die with bullets there wish should be granted one at a time or all at once
Bahadar and Nazir and Haqqani are much stronger then Mehsud Group.Presently focusing on Afghanistan because they dont wanted to tartget Pakistan being independent muslim country .But if PA decided to attack or capture their areas then they will definately retaliate , in that case Mullah Omar will also support them.Estimated 50 Million people will have to migrate from battle zone ,All big cities of NWFP and Balouchistan will also be effected.

their area????? i thought it was Pak area.....

You know well they love dying with enemy bullet and war, it is their life , just like pig in the mud.

They will never accept to lay down their arms and after eight years they proved it true.

they just a bunch non required human on earth.....
their area????? i thought it was Pak area.....
its surely a PAKISTAN area .its mean where they live .I think you are not familiar with historical background of this terrain .The people of that area always retaliate strongly against invasion and easily united against it .thats why i said we should give awareness to local people and start peace deals with them to seperate them from militants
Forget about aid, how come a sovereign country allow militias to have a free run in their country. Then later you have to use force to clear these areas, why in first place allow them?
Historically autonomous tribal areas.

The current situation is the result of a sustained build up of Taliban forces and ideology (the catalyst of which was the US invasion of Afghanistan) and a corresponding fall in the influence of the Tribal Maliks and leaders that were traditionally used to exert State influence in the area when needed.
their area????? i thought it was Pak area.....

Under the Constitution, FATA is included among the “territories” of Pakistan (Article 1). It is represented in the National Assembly and the Senate but remains under the direct executive authority of the President (Articles 51, 59 and 247). Laws framed by the National Assembly do not apply here unless so ordered by the President, who is also empowered to issue regulations for the “peace and good government” of the tribal areas. Today, FATA continues to be governed primarily through the Frontier Crimes Regulation 1901. It is administered by Governor of the NWFP in his capacity as an agent to the President of Pakistan, under the overall supervision of the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions in Islamabad (Khan, 2005).

FATA [ Federally Administered Tribal Area ]
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