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Taliban warn Bangladesh

We all bleed when we remember the loss of 1971 war with India when our Eastern part was dislocated and became Bangladesh. From that shameful era when our 90000 soldiers were taken as Prisoners of War by India and then in 1974 when India tested its first Nuclear Bomb, Pakistanis came a long way ahead leaving all the painful memories behind and regrouped as one of the big military power of the region.

Since long, there have been a general understanding that whatever happened in 1971 it had to happen one day or another. Many also think that Bangladesh’s independence did not hurt Pakistan much as that part was not defendable in any full scale war. I do not agree to both the above notions. Countries that have strong governing system can protect their Islands and other installations that are thousands of miles away from their main territory, so why can’t we accept that it was our failure of governance that led Bangladesh dislocate. Even if anybody thinks that leaving Bangladesh issue behind would be a better choice and some even take a step further in finding consolation by saying that whatever happened in the past, now Bangladesh is a Muslim country and the member of Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), my stance is totally different. Bangladesh was created to hurt Pakistan and keep hurting whenever it is required.

The formation of pro Indian Government of Sheikh Haseena Wajid and a Military coup that led many soldiers of Bangladesh Rifle die in 2009 created a new dimension in the politics of that country. The Bangladeshi/Indian intelligence reports suspected ISI’s role in this coup and created a sense of insecurity among the people loyal to Indian agenda inside Bangladesh. The changes in the ranks in the Bangladesh Military were then triggered and pro Pakistan Officers were replaced. It is most serious thing to note that in order to acquire assurances from USA and India to provide strong support to the Government, Sh. Haseena Wajid may had agreed to give certain relaxations and volunteered cooperation on serious issues concerning with the war on terror. This is now becoming visible by the recent steps by the Bangladeshi Government.

The sense of insecurity due to existence of so called Islamic extremist forces like Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh, Harkatul Jihad al Islami, Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh and Shahadat-e al Hikma, led Sh. Haseena accept certain demands of USA that included the inclusion of Bangladeshi people in the notorious military contractors company Blackwater or Xe. Bangladesh is also all set to send its troops to Afghanistan to fight along with NATO against the freedom fighters and Taliban. It is also extremely dangerous to note that the sentiments of Bengali nationalists will be used against Pakistan too who are already brainwashed about the alleged brutality of Pakistan Army during 1971 war. Pakistan and its Military establishment should not overlook this present development. Pakistani media and the Intelligence should closely observe the activities of Xe in Philippines where thousands of Indian and Bangladeshis are being trained for onward deployment in Afghanistan and probably in Pakistan too.

Recently a clear warning from Taliban to Bangladesh displays the intensity of this matter. The undue dragging of Bangladesh into this war on terror has some ugly designs behind that will create havoc in that country which is still not harmed with the fumes of terror. The chessboard seems all set when Bangladesh would fall into the trap set for it and it will be in the best favor of India and USA in particular to pierce their teeth on the neck of Bangladesh’s independent status.

In short, the negative factors of dislocation of East Pakistan are now becoming visible and after almost 4 decades Bangladesh is being used against the sovereignty of Pakistan more dangerously but openly. The presence of Bangladeshi troops inside Afghanistan will not fulfill any agenda that would be favorable to our Country. The issue is serious and demands urgent and thoughtful attention for every Pakistani.

Original Source of this Article Pakistan Hope (Mohammad Mansoor Ali Ansari) - Bravenet Blog

Thats it, Pakistan thought Bangaldesh was a island to them and so has to leave.
I dont understand how Bangladesh would hurt Pakistan if it deploy troops in Afhganistan? It might help ease the pressure on Pakistan if the WOT succeeded. Or the writer cant not take the fact or overjealous that BD could take that kind of job or earned the reputation to take the job?
Von Hölle;1166997 said:
Now this is surprising ..in another thread people were claiming that Taliban would welcome Bangladeshi troops with open arms or in fact will welcome any Muslim country's troops.

The taliban are power hungry religious fanatics that accept nobody but themselves.
Bangladesh in my opinion has its best interests in not moving into Afghanistan. The country has brought disaster after disaster onto big powers like US, Soviets, its a battleground to be avoided by us smaller countries at all costs trust me.
Bangladesh in my opinion has its best interests in not moving into Afghanistan. The country has brought disaster after disaster onto big powers like US, Soviets, its a battleground to be avoided by us smaller countries at all costs trust me.

I think, you are right in your assessment. However, there is another thread on this same subject, where there is an article that says everything is preplanned by the USA. I was also wondering all the time why USA was doing so many military exercises with in BD land! I was suspecting it to get us stronger against any adventures by our bigger neighbours. But, the reality is, they were training our troops so that they can be sent in missions abroad.

USA is insisting us to send troops to Afghanistan. It may not be possible for a weak country like BD to defy the big Uncle. But, whatever number of troops we put there will have no effect unless USA declares a timetable for NATO Christian troop withdrawal, and at the same time bringing in Sunni Muslim troops from many other countries under the UNO.

There can be a political settlement in such a situation. It can also be said that the Taliban will be less able to recruit its fighters from inside Afghanistan and its neighbours (some say there are also Bangladeshi recruits there) when other Muslim Sunni troops are involved, whose main mission will be to bring peace.
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I have two questions for my BD friends.

Is there any support for Taliban inside Bangladesh? If they don't have people or groups supporting them, how can they hard BD?

How is US perceived in BD?
I have two questions for my BD friends.

Is there any support for Taliban inside Bangladesh? If they don't have people or groups supporting them, how can they hard BD?

How is US perceived in BD?

Generally, people with education and correct information about Taliban do not support Taliban. But, many people with distorted knowledge about the geopolitics may view Taliban as the saviors of Islam from being insulted at the hands of Crusader NATO troops.
I agree we cannot really tell for sure what would have happened if WOT wouldn't have been supported by the NATO nations...

But you think that Al-Qaeda would have kept silent after attacking US WTC? If they had planned on this massive scale and achieved total success why would they want to sit silent after that. We all know it was not a 1 time job... it just couldn't have been, there was a whole lot of logistics and planning that went behind that.

Now imagine the same thing happening in your city or country, would you just sit quiet accepting your fate.... or would you want to raise your voice against it? Simple as that. It just had to happen and the reason behind the all these killings was because of their 9/11 attack.

I agree with you, but...
I was commenting on the volume of terrorism today not the reason for WOT. I believe we have many more despaired and manipulated young men involved in terrorism than pre-WOT, and hence the WOT is acting as a catalyst for more terrorism rather than opposite. So even if the WOT has managed in foiling some attacks in the West, do you honestly think that these individuals would find anything else to do? contrary, you would find a lot more angry young men, because for each person killed in the WOT (probably in excess of 1,000,000 people so far), be it in Irak, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc more terrorists are born.
Al Qaida as an organisation (if one believes it exists) is more or less destroyed, but has acted as an inspiration to many more, it has become a global franchise, and it is not AQ that is trying to commit terror today, rather it is mostly young local men who are inspired by AQ and fueled by the WOT.
So as a reaction to a couple of thousand deaths in 9-11 attacks, the WOT has been a catastrophe.

Well sir, my people and country has been occupied and under constant attack for 62 years now, we have lost hundreds of thousands of lives, and more than 2/3 of my people forced to live as exiled refugees in poverty and squalor with no hope for the future, so I know terrorism, state-terrorism, when I see it.
America wants all Muslims fight each other in this part of the world and Bangladesh is falling in this ugly trap for the charm of few billion dollars
It is not the matter of jealousy! it is the matter of pulling Bangladesh in front of Pakistan to revive hatred
I agree with you, but...
I was commenting on the volume of terrorism today not the reason for WOT. I believe we have many more despaired and manipulated young men involved in terrorism than pre-WOT, and hence the WOT is acting as a catalyst for more terrorism rather than opposite. So even if the WOT has managed in foiling some attacks in the West, do you honestly think that these individuals would find anything else to do? contrary, you would find a lot more angry young men, because for each person killed in the WOT (probably in excess of 1,000,000 people so far), be it in Irak, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc more terrorists are born.
Al Qaida as an organisation (if one believes it exists) is more or less destroyed, but has acted as an inspiration to many more, it has become a global franchise, and it is not AQ that is trying to commit terror today, rather it is mostly young local men who are inspired by AQ and fueled by the WOT.
So as a reaction to a couple of thousand deaths in 9-11 attacks, the WOT has been a catastrophe.

But you have to keep in mind that terrorism can not be eradicated only by force neither it can be eradicated only by positive motivational incentives. In one hand you have to use force to destroy terror infrastructure on the other hand you have to use motivational factor like education, employment etc. You need both.

Well sir, my people and country has been occupied and under constant attack for 62 years now, we have lost hundreds of thousands of lives, and more than 2/3 of my people forced to live as exiled refugees in poverty and squalor with no hope for the future, so I know terrorism, state-terrorism, when I see it.

With all the sympathy for Palestine people I must have to say that this terrorism destroyed moral high ground for the palestinian freedom struggle.
How many times vietnamese gone and blown off to any american civilian infrastructure? We lost 1.5 million people in our freedom fight but our freedom fighter did not make a single attack in West Pakistan in 1971. That is how they kept world opinion in favor of them.
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In short, the negative factors of dislocation of East Pakistan are now becoming visible and after almost 4 decades Bangladesh is being used against the sovereignty of Pakistan more dangerously but openly. The presence of Bangladeshi troops inside Afghanistan will not fulfill any agenda that would be favorable to our Country. The issue is serious and demands urgent and thoughtful attention for every Pakistani.

Original Source of this Article Pakistan Hope (Mohammad Mansoor Ali Ansari) - Bravenet Blog

I think BD people do not think PK as enemy. BD people have no intention to harm or revenge on PK but BD is well wisher of Pakistan. I do not think deploying BD-army in Afghan can be a threat to PK as we have no bad intention.

But I suspect AL who may do conspiracy with India against Pakistan.

the Intelligence should closely observe the activities of Xe in Philippines where thousands of Indian and Bangladeshis are being trained for onward deployment in Afghanistan and probably in Pakistan too.

I do not know about that. What Bangladeshis and Indians are doing together in Philippines?
bangladesh if u send ur troops to Afghan,then get ready to see daily bombings in BD...
better stay out,Let the creator of terrorism handle..
the funny thing is even the 2 creators of terrorism can't handle them..:rofl::rofl:
Afghan is an India's ally,they (taliban)are in a proxy war of india...
BD Don't even try to put ur foot step in Afghanistan...
U guys are making them more aggressive..
only way to stop them is by using Gandhi's method,but the creators of terrorism even don't know wat it is..
bangladesh if u send ur troops to Afghan,then get ready to see daily bombings in BD...
better stay out,Let the creator of terrorism handle..
the funny thing is even the 2 creators of terrorism can't handle them..:rofl::rofl:
Afghan is an India's ally,they (taliban)are in a proxy war of india...
BD Don't even try to put ur foot step in Afghanistan...
U guys are making them more aggressive..
only way to stop them is by using Gandhi's method,but the creators of terrorism even don't know wat it is..

Gandhi method with the Taliban? what the hell is that? as if the taliban know this method.
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