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Taliban vow to attack “BJP-backed terror camps in Kashmir”

You PAkistanis need to read this UN resolution couple of time before bringing Kashmir into discussions....

U.N.Resolution on J&K August 13, 1948

Its Paistan's responsibility to move back first and then only India would be required to do anything like a Plebiscite.

We never went to UN...It was Nehru who went there cryin n askin them to save indian a**** from pakhtoons the same Pakhtoons who are again warning you.....

Pakistan is willin to hold plebiscite simultaneously in the presence of neutral observers but its india who runs away from this idea as they know pretty well the outcome...So the solution to this issue is only military one n i guess makin these taliban go to kashmir would be a nice idea on part of ISI....One will have to praise them for makin one enemy fight with the other one..

Because of Gandhi you got Pakistan...otherwise there would have been no Pakistan....

We got Pak because of Allam Iqbal's vision leading to the resolution of 1940 dint need any black *** like gandhi for our independence...
Though im personally against independence as muslims would still have been ruling the sub-continent like they did for ages before britishers...And would have turned into a superpower by now ...
We never went to UN...It was Nehru who went there cryin n askin them to save indian a**** from pakhtoons the same Pakhtoons who are again warning you.....

Pakistan is willin to hold plebiscite simultaneously in the presence of neutral observers but its india who runs away from this idea as they know pretty well the outcome...So the solution to this issue is only military one n i guess makin these taliban go to kashmir would be a nice idea on part of ISI....One will have to praise them for makin one enemy fight with the other one..

We got Pak because of Allam Iqbal's vision leading to the resolution of 1940 dint need any black *** like gandhi for our independence...
Though im personally against independence as muslims would still have been ruling the sub-continent like they did for ages before britishers...And would have turned into a superpower by now ...

You mean to say Madrasa educated super power muslims
You mean to say Madrasa educated super power muslims

Thats what yu like to believe and spread but in truth PAk is far better than india even today...Our per capitia income is more than india and so is the poverty level which is much less than incredible india and PAK is actively operating even a plutonium reactor something india is trying to complete by 2016...

So come in real world n say something on topic dun trolll.........
Thats what yu like to believe and spread but in truth PAk is far better than india even today...Our per capitia income is more than india and so is the poverty level which is much less than incredible india and PAK is actively operating even a plutonium reactor something india is trying to complete by 2016...

So come in real world n say something on topic dun trolll.........
India's per capita as per nominal terms is USD 1514 as per 2011 and PPP terms was 3652 where as Pakistan's per capita as per 2012 nominal is 1378 USD and PPP 2011 figures are USD 2800..where is Pakistan's per capita higher than India's...don't fool yourself and also others

According to HDI, 60.3% of Pakistan's population lives on under $2 a day, compared to 79% in India and 81.3% in Bangladesh, and some 22.6% live under $1 a day, compared to 24.9% in India and 49.6% in Bangladesh
If congress is in govt n something happens because of extremist views of RSS and BJP supporters yu cant blame it on them yes the number yu mentioned would have increased manyfolds had there been a BJP govt at those times...

BJP was in power for complete 6 years at center, & the only thing you can show of is Gujarat + I can also guarantee that you will never talk about how they started in first place.

+ I belong to a BJP ruled state, where they are in power for last 10 years & i haven't heard about any major communal riot in those years ( yes there have been some communal tensions at times though). Not only this BJP rule many north Indian state but there were again no Major riots there either.

+ The riots he talked about were of times when both centeral & state govt. were of Congress i.e. Congress was All-Powerful & BJP/RSS were just in there nascent stages.

The way you avoided any mention of independent views of wikipedia on RSS clearly reflects how much biased you are and blind in your judgement regarding whats right n whats wrong...If things keep going like this and maniacs like modi keeps winning india's division isnt that far and nobody would be able to save you from talibans...

INDEPENDENT VIEWS OF WIKIPEDIA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dude this statement will not even be acknowledged by wikipedia itself, as they clearly mentions in such articles that this can be a biased view.

here is something to open yr eyes unless yu havnt binded them with the sp**** of modi

What about the women raped in Modi

again as i said, you view is narrow, u will talk about just 1 riot to bash someone u don't like but u will never see that others had atleast 1000s of riots. U certainly don't know about Gujarat, don't comment on that.

P.S. AND STOP SPEAKING FOR INDIANS as if you care for them, If Indians decide to make Modi as PM than who are U to protest??? U aren't Indian. Plus if he will come, it will be only by the wishes of majority as India is a Democracy not a dictatorship. Whatever consequences will come (fragmentation, etc. of India) we will handle it, we have experience of 65 years at it.
Kashmir is 90% muslim populated area and was even in 47 so there was no question of askin their opinion as the division was based on religion..Did we ask delhi where it wanted to go???
What was Islamic Pakistan trying to do in Hindu majority Junagarh and Hyderabad State even without having a border. Infact it was Pakistan who first tried to merge Junagarh in Pakistan within one months of independence first of all preferring hostility with India. Why was Pakistan supplying weapons to Razakars to kill Hindus in Hyderabad?? So much, peace loving since the day 1.
Since lot many Muslims stayed back in India, so yes we can merge a tiny population of Kashmiri Muslims with remaining huge population of Indian Muslims.
Any ways gandhi being the licker of viceroy's wife(sorry for being crude but im honestThe shocking love triangle between Lord Mountbatten, his wife and the founder of modern India | Mail Online ).
There are so many conspiracy theories even against Jinnah also and such books are banned in Pakistan.

do injustice with Pak regarding kashmir and calcutta as both were muslim dominated areas...
British were biased in favor of Muslim League that's why NWFP Assembly were Muslim league lost the election was not allowed to decide her fate like Punjab, Bengal and Sindh assembly.
Calcutta was not Muslim majority but Karachi was Hindu majority but it still went to Pakistan. Infact Pakistan recieved so many Hindu majority areas.

what yu guys are afraid of why not go for the opinion of kashmiries coz deep inside yu know they are gonna kick yr a**** out of kashmir after what yu guys have done with them in last 6 decades...Do you know kashmir population is 90 lacs and excluding women and children there might be around 30 lacs adult males and yu have an active 7 lacs armythere...means for every four unarmed men there is one trained soldier fully equipped killing,torturing men and raping their women and then yu blame us for their aggression against hindus and their army...how blind can one be?????
Pakistani invaders committed lot many atrocities in Baramulla in 1947 with that fear Pakistan just delayed the referendum by not following the UN resolution.

The claim of 7 lakh troops in Kashmir is totally false, did you do the headcount of Indian troops in Kashmir. :cheesy:
@ gigawatt

If all the bullshit you said is true then just reply one thing why not hold plebiscite and finish this problem for once and for all after taking a vote in favor of India....

Indians are the most biased and away from reality nation in this world n this thread is a clear proof of that...
Today is the gr8 day in history of mankind......

PDF has found a door to Alternate Universe which Quantum physic was struggling so much..Atlast an Alternate Universe where a terrorist outfit is Pledging to destroy other's so called terrorist outfit

Cheers for that :pdf:
@ gigawatt

If all the bullshit you said is true then just reply one thing why not hold plebiscite and finish this problem for once and for all after taking a vote in favor of India....

Indians are the most biased and away from reality nation in this world n this thread is a clear proof of that...

Why did Pakistan initially refused to vacate so called Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas in 1948. Now, its 65 years already.
Why did Pakistan initially refused to vacate so called Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas in 1948. Now, its 65 years already.
your answer clearly reflects what you guys are afraid of.....Your a****being kicked by kashmiries...that was our land muslim majority land why should we had vacated it...I dont know why Qaid accepted that cease fire otherwise we would have won the whole area till tibet n i guess that was the reason nehru went crying to UN that pakistani are spanking my *** badly please save us..
But let me tell you guys kashmiries would never side you and forgive you especially after what you did to them in last six decades....
your answer clearly reflects what you guys are afraid of.....Your a****being kicked by kashmiries...that was our land muslim majority land why should we had vacated it...I dont know why Qaid accepted that cease fire otherwise we would have won the whole area till tibet n i guess that was the reason nehru went crying to UN that pakistani are spanking my *** badly please save us..
But let me tell you guys kashmiries would never side you and forgive you especially after what you did to them in last six decades....

Kashmiri Muslims are mere 3-4% of Indian Muslim population, so we are not going to accept anything like handling over Kashmir to Pakistan on religion basis, Kashmir is the integral part of India. Kashmir insurgency is dead, so is your dreams. You lost your opportunity.

Jinnah agreed for ceasefire because Pakistan didn't had money to continue the war.
super-idiot Shinde....who made him he Home Minister ? a monkey from Honolulu has better IQ than him.
hope the Taliban knows the exact address of these terror camps.
What BS are these Taliban saying?

The effing idiot Shinde is responsible for this. He's now given every ACTUAL terror group an immediate out with his "BJP camps" line. This fool doesn't even have the balls to resign does he? He needs to go.
We never went to UN...It was Nehru who went there cryin n askin them to save indian a**** from pakhtoons the same Pakhtoons who are again warning you.....

Pakistan is willin to hold plebiscite simultaneously in the presence of neutral observers but its india who runs away from this idea as they know pretty well the outcome...So the solution to this issue is only military one n i guess makin these taliban go to kashmir would be a nice idea on part of ISI....One will have to praise them for makin one enemy fight with the other one..

We got Pak because of Allam Iqbal's vision leading to the resolution of 1940 dint need any black *** like gandhi for our independence...
Though im personally against independence as muslims would still have been ruling the sub-continent like they did for ages before britishers...And would have turned into a superpower by now ...

Plebscite? Now? Are you kidding me? Kashmir is split and controlled by 3 nations now. The pandits have left and will never come back. And you want a plebscite held on the India portion? Yeah right, wishful thinking buddying. You got yours and we got ours. Enjoy what you have, cause we will.
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