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Taliban takeover of Afghanistan: implications & next steps for Pakistan

Thanks for the source, i'll look into it but it does not make much sense that TTP would celebrate his release now and refer to it as a prison break but let's see.

This is disinformation warfare.
They are doing it to confuse the public against the Taliban. Our stupid media is also running it on TV without any confirmation.

I very much remember the news myself from April when he was released to be used against Pakistan.
Yes, I have pain because I mourn for them :

And I mourn for the progressives, common people and community minorities who will now either emigrate or go underground or live in misery in the wonderful "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan of course co-sponsored by Western governments.

Please read my reply to -blitzkrieg- in post# 35.
Chal oye itni acting nai achi. Shahrukh Khan ki aulaad
This is disinformation warfare.
They are doing it to confuse the public against the Taliban. Our stupid media is also running it on TV without any confirmation.

I very much remember the news myself from April when he was released to be used against Pakistan.
TTP is saying that it was a false statement and that no release was made at that time. Hence why the jubilations on his release now, it makes sense now.

After 2000 local militias were disbanded along with NA,and ANA was build according to population of Afghanistan with most of it's foot soldiers being Pashtuns.
Talis are also Pashtun majority,over the years Talis were able to cultivate friends in Kabul.
When push came to shove most of foot soldiers instead of fight chose to defect or surrender.
ANA majority bis Parsibaans/Persian speaking. You can tell from countless documentaries and news reports.
It's a much better ending than Dr. Nejeeb Ullah.

Please watch the video carefully to note what happens to the man carrying two hefty handbags. This man was walking just behind Ashraf Ghani. Then another person appears and follows Ashraf Ghani once they started stepping up to board the plane. The person carrying hand bags is now at number three. Then suddenly someone almost pulled the person carrying hand bags back and ordered him to step down and stay back.

What was there in the hefty bags?

Pakistan should offer all sorts of help in return for TTP and BLA leadership. From helping them in getting international recognition to help them build infrastructure and their Armed Forces we should demand they hand over TTP and BLA leaders to us.

Also check this strange claim

Perfect. It was just like the SPA… Imaginary.

Good chance is that you never visited SPA's website which is the second link in the "References" section in the Wiki page.

Let me guess, the website's managers and contributors are also imaginary. The entire internet is imaginary.
One of the strongest pic from Kabul. Brave girls going to school a day after Kabul takeover by Taliban.
The Taliban have declared an end to the war.

Hope things will get normal in the neighborhood.


Pakistan should offer all sorts of help in return for TTP and BLA leadership. From helping them in getting international recognition to help them build infrastructure and their Armed Forces we should demand they hand over TTP and BLA leaders to us.
Actually Pakistan told Taliban clearly a few months back (cant remember when specifically) that they should show that they are true to their word and cut ties with TTP. After that conversation perhaps a few weeks or months later it is learnt, at least publically, that Taliban and TTP participated in joint operations together (i have referenced the 2 specific confirmed operations in another thread).The Pak military probably know even more operations such as this but anyways. This is why my skepticism and why every other person is skeptical of their intent. If they cannot stay true to their word now then i have my doubts that they will be in the future as well.



This gentleman rose to become an Air Marshal in the Indian Air Force.
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Aviator Anil Chopra

· 21h
Watching BBC news on Afghanistan. Nearly 50% of the Taliban are clearly Pakistanis, as seen from their facial features & dress which is entirely distinct from the Afghans. So the 'open secret' is out
Actually Pakistan told Taliban clearly a few months back (cant remember when specifically) that they should show that they are true to their word and cut ties with TTP. After that conversation perhaps a few weeks or months later it is learnt, at least publically, that Taliban and TTP participated in joint operations together (i have referenced the 2 specific confirmed operations in another thread).The Pak military probably know even more operations such as this but anyways. This is why my skepticism and why every other person is skeptical of their intent. If they cannot stay true to their word now then i have my doubts that they will be in the future as well.
References please
People here must be naive to think that the Taliban takeover won't embolden extremists of a similar mind in Pakistan.
I'm not suggesting that there is a link, or the TTA is supporting TTP, but just be honest with yourself, do you really think radicals in Pakistan aren't happy about the Taliban victory in Afghanistan? Don't you think they want Pakistan to see a similar fate?
Extremists are never pragmatic.
Just my 2 cents. Feel free to disagree.
Extremism is the issue and needs to be eradicated.
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