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Taliban suspected of sexually abusing young boys


Jun 8, 2010
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Though the militants attempt to impose their harsh interpretation of Islamic law on others, they themselves are hypocrites, sources confirm.
Staff Report

ISLAMABAD – Taliban exploitation of young boys for sex is common in parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan, Central Asia Online has learnt through interviews with analysts, military officers, clerics and a former militant.

"I have personally done investigative reporting when they were allegedly taking away young boys from schools for sexual pleasure," Peshawar-based analyst and author Aqeel Yusufzai told Central Asia Online in early August. "I've confirmed reports of militants – both in Pakistan and Afghanistan – exploiting young boys."

The militants routinely visit schools in border towns to "select good-looking teenaged boys" in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Aqeel said. The district education officer reported the matter to the provincial government, then run by the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) (2002-2007), but the problem apparently continued.

A secret perpetuated by fear
A former militant commander-turned-fruit seller in Pakistan confirmed the abuse but told Central Asia Online that the majority of cases go unreported because of "cultural taboos."

"Due to social fear, [the victim] keeps it secret … because in our society, the victim boy is always accused of the act," said the former commander, who identified himself only as Mohmand. "It doesn't matter whether he is forced or if he consented. … Once used, he is then vulnerable to blackmailing and exploitation by others – including commanders or colleagues – for their pleasure."

Some of the abusing commanders would often "proudly share" the act and encourage their peers and colleagues also to "use" the victim, he said.

Senior leadership inside the Taliban has done "nothing" to stop the abuse, he added, saying that "they [senior commanders] understand militants are living a tough life away from families and homes." If reported, "the issue is resolved by just reprimanding the perpetrators."

No place for sexual abuse in Islam
The practice is yet more evidence that the militants say one thing and do another. They hold others to strict moral standards, but they themselves do things that violate basic tenets, religious scholars said.

"There is no bigger crime than sexually abusing a child of Islam," Maulana (Mullah) Abdul Akbar Chitrali, director of the Markaz-e-Islami seminary in Peshawar, told Central Asia Online.

Allah will never forgive those involved in such lustful activities, he said, adding that those committing such acts are "outside the fold of Islam."

Maulana Rahat Hussain, a leading Peshawar religious scholar and former member of the Pakistani National Assembly, agreed, saying that true religious scholars and true holy warriors would never indulge in such acts. Such men can't be called Muslim, he said.

"But there are black sheep everywhere," he said. "There were hypocrites even in the days of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)."

Still, Islam has no room for sexual contact with boys, he said.

Practice dates back decades
Senior Pakistani military officer Brig. (ret.) Said Nazeer also confirmed the practice of taking "bacha bazi," or "boys for pleasure."

"I have served as a commander of forces in border areas and knew well how young boys are exploited and taken away," Nazeer told Central Asia Online.

"Boys – good-looking ones – were often taken as war booty by commanders during the Afghan jihad [the 1979-1989 anti-Soviet war]. … The situation has not changed. … The people are the same, the culture is the same and conflict is there, so the practice is continued," he said, adding that women, teenage boys and young children face huge risk in every conflict zone.

Aqeel described the problem as "widespread" in both countries.

"Keeping good-looking boys instead of women for pleasure is fashionable [among the militants]," he said.

Taliban suspected of sexually abusing young boys - Central Asia Online
I tend to disagree. Mere propaganda. In fact Taliban banned it and gave strict punishment (yeah, stoning to death) for it. But this has restarted again in Afghanistan (commanders keep "young" boys). Rashid Dostum is famous for this.

The problem has become rampant again in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan, esp those with greater ANP influence (you can search youtube) e.g Bannu

they are gays and they were treated as wives in madrasas we should be clear abut it . madrasa ke ustaad se kara kara ker talib bany thy

Bara experience raha hay aap ko! Kitnay madrasson ma gayay hain aap?


Americans and Canadian soliders turn a blind eye cause it's their allies (karzai and co) doing this:
Child Sexual Abuse A Disturbing Reality in Afghanistan. | NowPublic News Coverage
Most of the blame is put to Taliban (easy scape goat) but it is not true
I hate Taliban, though this could be propaganda. Of course there are individuals who probably do it, because bacha bazi is very common in that region. It is unfortunate we can not stop such ****** practices
I tend to disagree. Mere propaganda. In fact Taliban banned it and gave strict punishment (yeah, stoning to death) for it. But this has restarted again in Afghanistan (commanders keep "young" boys). Rashid Dostum is famous for this.

The problem has become rampant again in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan, esp those with greater ANP influence (you can search youtube) e.g Bannu

Bara experience raha hay aap ko! Kitnay madrasson ma gayay hain aap?


Americans and Canadian soliders turn a blind eye cause it's their allies (karzai and co) doing this:
Child Sexual Abuse A Disturbing Reality in Afghanistan. | NowPublic News Coverage
Most of the blame is put to Taliban (easy scape goat) but it is not true

thanks for bieng a voice of talibans on PDF?
after shoting the 14 years old mallala yousf zai, no thing left to defend to them?
dont describe it as prapogangda?
thanks for bieng a voice of talibans on PDF?
after shoting the 14 years old mallala yousf zai, no thing left to defend to them?
dont describe it as prapogangda?

stay on topic. it's about sexual assault of boys.
if you want to digress, maybe you can answer the bombs and drones on madrassas (schools) that have killed upto 80 students at a time! (1 malala > 80 children?)
so shut up and keep dancing with karzai and his commanders. you will get free food and wine
@batmannow ....

Wow .. I didnot know we have believers of western propoganda hliving in pakistan also.... Please confirm that "IT WAS TALIBAN THAT SHOT MALALA" ...... ur acting like a kid... go through drone strike history 47 women and children killed in one frone atytack and only one terrorist ... there were 13 malalas there..... some only 2 months old .....

Who needs US of A (Where A doesnot stand for america) ...... when we have nationals of pakistan like you..... Shame on you for even mentioning this story.....

thanks for bieng a voice of talibans on PDF?
after shoting the 14 years old mallala yousf zai, no thing left to defend to them?
dont describe it as prapogangda?
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There was a research on line that Pakistanis are the leading country in the world when it comes to gay and beastiality **** online searches in Google. This report confirms Pakistani obsession with gay sex, as well as sex with goats and other animals?

This is a wierd obsession pak bros, please stay away from the gay sex, pedophilia and animal sex. Its not civilized behaviour...

Please stay away from rapes.
stay on topic. it's about sexual assault of boys.

Why feel the compulsive need to defend Taliban though ? Are they saints or gentlemen lot or charity people ? Are they even Muslims or Humans ? After killing 50,000+ Pakistanis , at least it should be clear to us , who's the enemy , wouldn't you say ? But , it appears that some people are always ready to defend them , as it is their religious duty to present the barbaric psychopaths as kind , gentle people :azn:

Please stay away from rapes.

Cant help it , can they ? :D
Why feel the compulsive need to defend Taliban though ? Are they saints or gentlemen lot or charity people ? Are they even Muslims or Humans ? After killing 50,000+ Pakistanis , at least it should be clear to us , who's the enemy , wouldn't you say ? But , it appears that some people are always ready to defend them , as it is their religious duty to present the barbaric psychopaths as kind , gentle people :azn:

Cant help it , can they ? :D

Taliban are surely murderers of 50000 people but they are not into sodomy, dont rely on propaganda to discredit them.

You would be surprised to hear that Taliban in our areas shoot those who are involved in bacha bazi.
@batmannow ....

Wow .. I didnot know we have believers of western propoganda hliving in pakistan also.... Please confirm that "IT WAS TALIBAN THAT SHOT MALALA" ...... ur acting like a kid... go through drone strike history 47 women and children killed in one frone atytack and only one terrorist ... there were 13 malalas there..... some only 2 months old .....

Who needs US of A (Where A doesnot stand for america) ...... when we have nationals of pakistan like you..... Shame on you for even mentioning this story.....

you need to check the history before taking your goddamed head out of dirty sand son?
here is the the dam prove for your unashamed eyes!
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/17/taliban-letter-malala-yousafzaiTaliban's letter to Malala Yousafzai: this is why we tried to kill you

Adnan Rasheed tells schoolgirl she was targeted because Taliban believed she was running smear campaign

Malala Yousafzai has received a rambling letter from her would-be assassin, claiming she was targeted for maligning the Taliban.
A senior member of the Pakistani Taliban has written an open letter to Malala Yousafzai – the teenager shot in the head as she rode home on a school bus – expressing regret that he didn't warn her before the attack, but claiming that she was targeted for maligning the insurgents.
Adnan Rasheed, who was convicted for his role in a 2003 assassination attempt on the country's then-president Pervez Musharraf, did not apologise for the attack, which left Malala gravely wounded, but said he found it shocking.
"I wished it would never happened [sic] and I had advised you before," he wrote.
Malala was 15 when she and two classmates were targeted by a masked gunman who picked them out on a school bus as they went home from school in Pakistan's northwest Swat valley last October.
She was seriously injured in the attack, and was flown to Britain to receive specialist treatment from doctors in Birmingham, where she and her family now live.
Last week, she celebrated her 16th birthday by delivering a defiant speech at the United Nations in New York, in which she called on world leaders to provide free schooling for all children.
In the letter, Rasheed claimed that Malala was not targeted for her efforts to promote education, but because the Taliban believed she was running a "smearing campaign" against it.
"You have said in your speech yesterday that pen is mightier than sword," Rasheed wrote, referring to Malala's UN speech, "so they attacked you for your sword not for your books or school."
The rambling four-page letter, in patchy English, citing Bertrand Russell, Henry Kissinger and historian Thomas Macaulay, was released to media organisations in Pakistan.
In it, Rasheed – a former member of Pakistan's air force, who was among 300 prisoners to escape jail in April last year – advises Malala to return to Pakistan, join a female Islamic seminary and advocate the cause of Islam.
He admitted that the Taliban are "blowing up" schools, but justified the attacks on the grounds that the Pakistani army and the paramilitary Frontier Corps use schools as hideouts.
Hundreds of schools have been targeted in Pakistan's north-west: activists say some had been used by the military, but many attacks were motivated by the Taliban's opposition to girls' education.
The Taliban commander also justified recent attacks in Pakistan on health workers vaccinating children against polio by claiming the west was trying to sterilise Muslims.
The letter is clearly intended to influence opinion in Pakistan: although in much of the world Malala has been hailed as a symbol of courage, at home she has been the subject of intense criticism and vilification. Online commentators have described her as a "drama queen" and even accused her of spying for the CIA.
Rasheed contrasted international support for Malala with the lack of coverage given to those killed in US drone attacks – a source of intense grievance in Pakistan.
"If you were shot [by] Americans in a drone attack, would [the] world have ever heard updates on your medical status? … Would you were called to UN? Would a Malala day be announced?"
Gordon Brown, now a UN special envoy on global education, said: "Nobody will believe a word the Taliban say about the right of girls like Malala to go to school until they stop burning down schools and stop massacring pupils."

peoples killed in drone strikes are still very less in numbers, thn the peoples killed in sucide bombings by dogs called TTP?
now take this all, to your very loved homosexual favourite madarsha mulllha & just enjoy your time in his dirty kholi, really i dont mind it, off course he can , show you the tom & jerry show this night?
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stay on topic. it's about sexual assault of boys.
if you want to digress, maybe you can answer the bombs and drones on madrassas (schools) that have killed upto 80 students at a time! (1 malala > 80 children?)
so shut up and keep dancing with karzai and his commanders. you will get free food and wine

so that you are so ashamed off, that you dont even wana know thier dirty minds?
& by your goddamed logic, after every drone strike its TTp,s moral right, to take out young boys for thier joy rides?
& to take headshots of 14 years , student grils? is all that going to stop , USA targeting them? lol
i mean, you are standing in the middle of dirty pond while singing a qawali?lol
Regarding accusations, counter-accusations, clarifications, and counter-clarifications: Truth needs to be told without violating sense of propriety and modesty.

The moment I looked at the posted article, I was reminded of abuses that go on in ANA. Does that make me a Taliban sympathizer?

What does it take to be labelled a Taliban sympathizer? We need to discuss that. Where does one draw a line? Is it a personal call, something like anyone who disagrees with personal bias, or is there something that can be more defined?

I can tell one thing, for Liberal Fascists and Musharraf supporters, anyone not agreeing with them is automatically a Taliban sympathizer.

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