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Taliban slaughtering people like animals(WARNING: VERY VIOLENT MATERIAL)18+

dont know how these ppl sleep at night and what kind of dreams they have.

dreams to make more innovative machines/methods to make the torture and pain all the more excruciating !

Usually such tendencies are due to brain defects
These kind of videos have been available since quite long, i m surprised that most of the chronic users of the internet have not come across one before.

Anywaz, the reaction that i have seen on this thread is mostly of fear and less of reacting to the menace strong handedly. That is what the propagators of such videos aim at, to strike fear in your hearts!

i have seen in Wana and surrounding that such photographs were posted on the village walls with a notice that the same treatment would be meted out to anyone else who turned out to be a spy or anti-taliban ideology etc etc. Though most of the videos and pics were not 'made in Pakistan'.

These really used to piss off the locals.

Someone was talking about beheading in Saudia, i am surprised of the shallow knowledge that he is comparing 'that' beheading with 'this' beheading.

Let's not derail the thread, Saudis practice Shariat and they do it by the governmental law. That is what Islam says and we believe in it in totality. But this act of brutality as shown in this video is NOT Islam! So please see the hairline and let's stay on the topic at hand!!

Your location shows Saudi ? Is it the same way in Saudi ? I mean public beheadings , women being mistreated - having no powers ? If not then i am wondering why not ? All the stuff that i have read or heard leads me to believe that Taliban is heavily influenced by Saudi Islam (wahabism - if i am not mistaken).


Well, anathema, I was born here and am living here.

No, aboslutely not Saudi's listen to music have parties, they live normal lives like all the rest of the people all around the world.

Yes, as being a monarchy, your freedom of speech is limited, there are very few political parties around 90% are tribes, as you have in FATA and NWFP but these guys are a bit different, they donot have the same strict idioligy as the sick Taliban.

But I would say that the freedom of women in Saudi Arabia is very limited, they are not allowed to drive , not to go out of their homes without a male gaurdian, but things have improved here in the past few years, with King Abdullah at the throne as the new King, he sure has brought many reforms, and now the women are allowed to do business and go out alone all by themselves.

Yes, we have beheading's in Riyadh, SA, they take place in Batha or Dheerah area i guess, but again the convicted are not simply sentenced to death, a great deal of inquiry is done and it is not easy for a judge to give out a death sentence, like the stupid taliban who just execute at the spot if convicted of a serious crime. All the beheadings are signed by a Prince, all that depends under which province the beheading takes place, different Prince's control different provinces, so it is complicated.

You also need to remember that death sentence is only given if anyone is found guilty of murder (no blood money is accepted by the victims family), or convicted found in possesion of drugs, which are banned in Islam, and their use punishable with a death penalty.

Women are never mistreated here, my friend Saudi's respect their women in public or any other women for that matter, I cannot say anything what goes in their personal lives, but a women has a lot of respect in Saudi society, not at all mistreated like the taliban do.

But given the time they (Saudi's) need I do not doubt that they will progress inshallah. Saudi Arabia is a peace loving Nation and I always have preferred to live there.

I hope that answers all your questions raised in your post.:agree:
Slaughtering human being and shouting " Allahoakbar"...they claim to be muslim. They learn from arabian animals. Its old arab tradition of slaughtering opponents. All this garbage imported from Arab land.
Imagine after Afghan war, arab countries refuse to accept these animals and they stayed in FATA, after running away from Afghanistan, during first US air raid in Afghanistan. America should first fixed the source of terrorism and fund provider , which is Saudies.

well thank you very much for the generalization and the defamation, coz we don't have things to do other than behead people.
Sir, please don't embarres yourself, this happens everywhere, the europeans do it, the asians do it, africans do it etc. Hell, one of the favorite tricks serbs did to muslims were cutting their ring muscle and shoving a huge and sharp wood cross up their rectum until it came out of their mouth.
The people responsible for this are not arabs, but extremists and I dont't see any arab in the video, which implies that they are doing this voluntarily and without arab assistance or pressure.
our main problem is the extremitization of our religion and people, Profet Muhammed PBUH, praised moderation and justice, not animal and sadistic behavior. And our job is to counter these brainwashed and backwards people everywhere.
One of the best ways to deal with this, is creating wealth and future prospects in a stable environment. When people begin using their energy on making a living, they usually stap away from hopeless extremism and manipulation.
well thank you very much for the generalization and the defamation, coz we don't have things to do other than behead people.
Sir, please don't embarres yourself, this happens everywhere, the europeans do it, the asians do it, africans do it etc. Hell, one of the favorite tricks serbs did to muslims were cutting their ring muscle and shoving a huge and sharp wood cross up their rectum until it came out of their mouth.
The people responsible for this are not arabs, but extremists and I dont't see any arab in the video, which implies that they are doing this voluntarily and without arab assistance or pressure.

I think the point was that other than Arab countries no government sanctions beheading or cutting of body parts. Most European nations don't have capital punishment.

I agree that Africa is bad and that Bosnia-Serbia was pretty cruel, but none of it was official policy of law.
I will agree there are times at looking at the underlying causes of events and the creation of mufsidun such as those in the video.
There is also however a time when be-damned with reflection, navel-gazing and finger pointing, the simple action of hunting down and killing those evil-doers is the timely and appropriate action.
well thank you very much for the generalization and the defamation, coz we don't have things to do other than behead people.
Sir, please don't embarres yourself, this happens everywhere, the europeans do it, the asians do it, africans do it etc. Hell, one of the favorite tricks serbs did to muslims were cutting their ring muscle and shoving a huge and sharp wood cross up their rectum until it came out of their mouth.
The people responsible for this are not arabs, but extremists and I dont't see any arab in the video, which implies that they are doing this voluntarily and without arab assistance or pressure.

Well i will like to add that, it's easy to blame everything on Muslims and their way of living. No doubt 9/11 has made every freedom movement, struggle and cry a terrorist organization. Anything that contradicts the liberties of the West are labeled as either wrong, inhumane, against the freedom/human rights and blasphemic.

Though these very 'properties' have been present in their own blood and traditions. Just an example....

P.S this is just a pic of wax statues in one of the restaurants in america telling the history of the Red indians.
I think the point was that other than Arab countries no government sanctions beheading or cutting of body parts. Most European nations don't have capital punishment.

I agree that Africa is bad and that Bosnia-Serbia was pretty cruel, but none of it was official policy of law.

What is the problem with giving a death punishment to an offender by the state?

Don't you and us give death sentences and hand people?

It is strange that you feel 'bad' about killing those who have been damned by your, mine or anyone else govt.

Death by beheading is what Islam has permitted, only if it is ordered by the State that too after the verification of the sin/wrongdoing, which is normally done after exhaustive trials as you, us or any other country does, so what's that make you worry?
oh my god, GOD give us strength to deal with these ppl, this mus be shown to taliban supporters, these ppl r a menace 4 our society they mus be eliminated n look those bastards r doin this in name of Islam thts disgusting n it boils my blood they mus be treated the same way :angry::angry::angry::angry:
damn the MATHERFCKIN SONS of Swines....ugly SADISTIC SH*T.....

They are animals,but may be it is insult for the animal,because animals are loving,not brutal.

kill these Swati terrorists,Government must take strong steps to stop these barbaric acts by these idiot so called Mullahs.

Government must ruin the every structure and organization run by these misguided peoples.

Stop it Stop it,for the humanity,for the next generations, for the peace

Now or Never.
Let be united to stop these barbaric acts,lets join hands with the community,with the all religions,the whole world and the people who respect the humanity.

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