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Taliban sensing shift in public opinion?

Not only geo news but also ARY is not very patriotic...they never telecast a news twice or some time they even don't telecast a news against India bcz of the partership with indian channels...and everytime after a tragic news they always comes toward entertainment and shows bollywood movie trailer....better to watch express news or Aaj.

You're spot on about ARY. Their contracts and dealings can't help them from showing mindless Indian crap on our television channels which apparently to them is far more important than raising awareness within our public about the threats that we face from within our own society.

This hypocrisy must stop. When the 26/11 insanity was taking place, I wonder what GEO executives were thinking when they first showed a report about Indian public, influenced by war hysteria and general bigotry, demanding that every Indian should boycott everything Pakistani including our Music, dramas, and films. But after every report, They JUST couldn't stop themselves from showing pathetic news from bollywood EVERYTIME in their 'Entertainment Section'. Most of which would be composed on useless stories about who's dating whom these days in bollywood and who's going to sign another movie for the billionth time.
LOST IDENTITY: ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????۔۔۔
طالبان نے میڈیا کو دھمکی دی ہے کہ وہ طالبان کے خلاف رپورٹنگ کر رہا ہے۔۔۔اخبارات اور ٹی وی چینلز کو بذریعہ فیکس بھجوائے گئے مراسلے میں کمانڈر فدائین شعبہ تحریک طالبان سوات کی جانب سے تمام نیوز ایجنسیوں، صحافیوں، کالم نگاروں کو انتباہ کیا گیا ہے کہ ایک ہفتے سے خبروں کو ایک نئے لب و لہجے کے ساتھ پیش کیا جا رہا ہے۔ جس سے انہیں یہ تاثر ملا ہے کہ میڈیا شاید مغرب نواز پالیسی پر کسی لالچ یا دباوٴ کے تحت گامزن ہو گیا ہے۔ مراسلہ میں لکھا گیا ہے ایسا تاثر دیا جا رہا ہے جیسے طالبان نظام عدل اور امن ماحول کو سبوتاژ کر رہے ہیں۔ تحریک طالبان سوات نے مراسلہ میں دھمکی دیتے ہوئے کہا ہے اگر میڈیا ایسا تاثر پھیلانے سے باز نہ آیا تو پھر شرعی عدالتوں میں جائیں گے اور میڈیا اپنی اس گھناوٴنی سازش کا جوابدہ اور بھیانک نتائج کا خود ذمہ دار ہو گا۔

میڈیا کا سب سے اہم کام عوام تک درست خبرین پہنچانا اور مختلف سیاسی سماجی اور اخلاقی موضوعات پر عوام کی رہنمائی کرنا ہے۔۔۔یہ ہی وجہ ہے کہ میڈیا کو ریاست کا پانچوان ستون بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔۔۔
دہشت گردی کی اس جنگ میں پاکستانی میڈیا اپنی رپورٹنگ کی وجہ حکومت اور طالبان دونون کی تنقید کا شکار بنتا رہا ہے۔۔۔ الیکٹونک میڈیا خاص طور پر مختلف ٹی وی چینلز کے آنے کے بعد پاکستانی سوسائٹی میں انقلاب سا آ گیا ہے۔۔۔ معلومات کے اس سیلاب میں ساری قوم اس چینل پر ہی اعتبار کرتی ہے جس کی خبرین درست اور غیر متعصب ہون۔۔۔ اور جو اس پیمانے پر نہ ہون وہ چینل جلد اس دوڑ سے نکل جاتے ہیں۔۔۔۔ سچائی کی اس دور میں اکثر میڈیا حکومتی اور اپوزیشن کی تنقید کا حصہ بنتا رہا ہے۔۔۔ جسے کنٹرول کرنا حکومت اور مخالفین کے لئے درد سر رہا ہے۔۔یہ ہی وجہ ہے کے غیر متعصب رپورٹنگ اور درست رپورٹنگ کے جرم میں صرف دو ہزار آٹھ میں بارہ صحافی قتل جبکہ چالیس گرفتار یا اغوا ہوئے ۔۔۔ دوسری طرف اسی سال یعنی دو ہزار آٹھ میں میڈیا کے نمائندون پر دو سو ایک سے ذائید حملے کئے گئے۔۔۔۔

دہشت گردی کی جنگ میں پاکستانی میڈیا پر کبھی حکومت نے پرو طالبان ہونے کا الزام لگا تو کبھی پاکستانی صحافی سچ کی پاداش میں طالبان کے غضب کا شکار ہوئے۔۔۔۔طالبان کی میڈیا کو دھمکی دراصل میڈیا کو اپنے کام سے روکنے کی ایک کوشش ہے۔۔۔۔ جو عوام تک درست اور غیر متعصب خبرین بہنچانہ ہے۔۔۔۔

LOST IDENTITY: ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????۔۔۔
this is the PROBLEM fundemental problem in PAKISTAN and PAKISTANIS....we are getting overly influenced by INDIA....go out shopping in karachi or lahore with a woman and you will here things like TULSI print PARVATI SAARI MATERIAL and stuff....makes u wonder where are pakistani designs......you come out of KARACHI AIRPORT...you see imran hashemi on posters of ufone or whatever......everyone is so INDIANIZED....it is sad to watch our media instead of making us flock to them are actually showing indian programs to attract us.....i heard in the early 90s indians used to be crazy about pakistani dramas songs fashion everything how quickly have things changed!!!
this is the PROBLEM fundemental problem in PAKISTAN and PAKISTANIS....we are getting overly influenced by INDIA....go out shopping in karachi or lahore with a woman and you will here things like TULSI print PARVATI SAARI MATERIAL and stuff....makes u wonder where are pakistani designs......you come out of KARACHI AIRPORT...you see imran hashemi on posters of ufone or whatever......everyone is so INDIANIZED....it is sad to watch our media instead of making us flock to them are actually showing indian programs to attract us.....i heard in the early 90s indians used to be crazy about pakistani dramas songs fashion everything how quickly have things changed!!!

not all channels are like JEW TV ...i mean channels like express and samaa and waqt etc promote pak culture or pak elite culture but JEW has crossed all limits for few petty comercial intrests they are distroying our culture

i as a member of express news request you not to grossly generalize all the media
At last the the pakistan govt is turning it around........give them sharia,rename the province and bring in the pushtoon language into schools before they start bringing that one up also.
Leave them no issue and then destroy the whole terrorist gang.
I think we should start campaign against the enemy of state media especially GEO & ARY. COuple of days back ARY kept repeating the news about the jurga statement in buner where Jirga denied about ISPR statement. This is where the conspiracy starts and that is what our enemies want as to keep the nation in denial mode towards self destruction.

I am 100% sure that nothing will happen to Pakistan, but this nedia needs to bring down in dogie position before its too late.

I am all for banning these channels as they are changing the mindsets of the common people who are mostly and unfortunatly illeterate, they only belive what this Pathetic media promote.

People like Ansar Abbasi, Hamid Mir and Shahid Masood are working on somebody's agenda. I think its about time for them to have a tour in ISI drawing room.
Is the tide of public opinion finally swinging against the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan and the so-called ‘good offices’ of Sufi Mohammad, chief of the Tehrik-i-Nifaz-i-Shariat Mohammadi? The challenge they present to the writ of established law and the state have been obvious for some time. But it has taken the Taliban’s increasingly atrocious crimes and the expansionist tendencies displayed recently to set off alarm bells in many quarters. Now, the Pakistan Army claims renewed resolve and promises to ‘seriously’ tackle the militants.

The citizenry may legitimately ask why matters were allowed to worsen until the gauntlet thrown down by the Taliban became a direct challenge to the authority and resources commanded by the state. Nevertheless, the army’s ‘renewed resolve’ must be greeted with relief. Troops have reportedly regained control of some key areas, including portions of Lower Dir and the Maidan Valley. Yet major challenges still lie ahead. While no doubt the Taliban must be routed in the areas they have usurped, their ideological moorings that allowed them to become such a danger must also be undermined so that neither they nor other groups of their seditious ilk can rise in a similar fashion to challenge the state’s writ.

In this context, the Tableeghi Jamaat leaders’ rejection of the enforcement of Sharia at gunpoint at one of the group’s major gatherings takes on great significance. An apolitical organisation with considerable influence in society, the Jamaat has always opposed the Taliban’s violent ways in the propagation of religious values, focusing instead on a peaceful mode of preaching. Until now, the passive acceptance of the demands of any group packaging its bid for power under a religious label was a factor that lent the Taliban a perceived moral upper hand. The Jamaat’s denunciation may well shake some of the Taliban’s ideological moorings.

It is time for other religious and right-wing groups and political parties to also take a stand against the imposition of any ideal or ideology through violent means. There have been some quiet murmurs but to have any effect these must become a resounding rejection of the tactics of repression and fear and of seditious activities — regardless of how beguilingly packaged.

There is no issue with peacefully spreading the message of Islam; but a fine line divides preaching from indoctrination. In a largely illiterate population awash with arms, such indoctrination can threaten state institutions and the country’s established, constitutional law. The country’s experience with the Taliban must serve as a wake-up call if the present insurgency is to be quelled and future ones avoided.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Wake-up call
The citizenry may legitimately ask why matters were allowed to worsen
The citizenry should be legitimately asked why they were so dead set against the use of military force prior to recent events?

Wasn't it the citizenry that vilified the Army in the aftermath of the Lal Masjid?

Why did nothing about the ideology and actions of the Taliban convince the citizenry, prior to the video of the lashing of a girl and Sufi's tirade against democracy and the judicial system?

The citizenry needs to accept its fault here as well, as does the media.
we have got great opportunity to crust these talibans once and for all. who would have imagined that religious parties will also come in open against talibans.
If cash flow starts the people will dump taleban. Mankind will do these things. Now they have nothing and if someone presses them they have no choice then accepting it.
Taliban vow to reform banking, journalism

LAHORE: Swat Taliban have announced that they will ‘reform’ the banking system and journalism in the areas they control, shifting the focus from barbers and CD shops, Dunya News reported. Talking to the TV channel, Taliban spokesman Haji Muslim Khan said Taliban’s next target would be the banking system “where un-Islamic affairs are being carried out”. He said the Taliban would penalise the media with the sharia punishment for telling lies. The Taliban would take action against the people “who are trying to conceal facts by publishing and broadcasting false reports”. He admitted that Taliban had issued posters warning the media in Swat. daily times monitor

Source: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Several reporters have been killed in Pakistan’s conflict zones in recent years while others have faced torture, harassment and intimidation. The truth, it seems, can be hard to stomach for the Taliban and security personnel alike. Reports of ‘collateral damage’ involving civilian deaths often do not go down well with the security apparatus.

The Taliban, for their part, brook no dissent whatsoever. Since they consider their cause to be faultless and their actions above reproach, any ‘negative’ reporting is deemed to be worthy of brutal retaliatory action. What else is to be expected of people who do not even pretend that they believe in freedom of expression? They do not subscribe to democratic values or basic human rights. These are people, after all, who are convinced that any Pakistani who is opposed to the Taliban is an infidel.

Be that as it may, the seriousness of Tuesday’s warning issued by the Swat Taliban cannot be downplayed. Never has the threat of extreme violence been more brazen, with militants sending pamphlets outlining their future options to media houses and pasting similar posters in Swat. Any media personnel engaged in ‘anti-Taliban’ and ‘pro-western’ agendas will face dire consequences, according to the militants. After bombing schools, barbershops and CD stores — not to mention flogging and killing civilians — the Taliban have now announced their intention to ‘reform’ the media and make it ‘mend its ways’.( ITS ABOUT BLOODY TIME THEY DID THIS FREAKING MEDIA SHOULD PAY THE PRICE IDIOTS STILL CALL THEM TALIBAN AND NOT TERRORIST)

This is what a Taliban spokesman had to say: ‘It is the duty of the media to give space and time to statements which have a positive impact on society.’ Why the mainstream media is unable to find any positives in the activities of the Taliban :rofl:is something the militants simply cannot understand, so blind are they to their barbarity and so alive to the righteousness of their ‘mission’.

So what is to be done to safeguard the lives of reporters(NO YOUR PET IS ABOUT TO BITE YOU AND YOU WANT US TO PROTECT YOU ) and other journalists working in the north? The government’s writ is suspect, to say the least, but it must make every effort to provide security to journalists (NO)wherever possible. It is also imperative that media houses do not send reporters and cameramen into war zones without adequate protection and training.

A case in point is that of the three Al Jazeera journalists who either came under attack by militants or were caught in the crossfire in Buner on Wednesday. Accounts are sketchy but it appears they were caught unprepared as they ventured into the theatre of war. No one should have to pay the ultimate price for a story.(CANT STAND THE HEAT GET OUT OF THE SUN)

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Taliban?s ?media reforms?

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