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Taliban 'prepared to work with US on security in Afghanistan'

Bullshit news !! .........The current Govt and the system that US developed so far would go down the drain ...to top it , it wont sit well with Obama's good boy image

Then there is also the Question..........The entire AFghan war was to remove Taliban...if After so long the power is returned to them....what was the need for the war.....Alqaeda alone cant be the reason
Is Pakistan Losing The Plot In Afghanistan?

What would happen to Pakistan’s so called desire for ‘strategic depth’ in Afghanistan? Things don’t look so rosy since the Afghan Taliban are now deciding to work with the U.S. instead, for the security of Afghanistan after the withdrawal in 2014.

So where does that leave Pakistan? Their whole game plan was to install a 'pliable' government in Afghanistan with the help of the Haqqanis and allied groups so that they could have sufficient leverage to dictate terms including policy issues related to security as well as access to energy sources from the CIS Republics through Afghanistan.

But if the Taliban prefer to break bread with the US instead, Pakistan may be left out in the cold. The desired 'strategic depth' doctrine will come a cropper.

What next for Pakistan? But there's one thing Pakistan should be happy about. The dollars will continue flowing as the Americans will need to stick with the logistics supply routes through Pakistan. The National Logistics Cell (NLC) run by the Army would still be rubbing their hands in glee! Something is better than nothing, what? :smokin:

Mate, you consider that they will go against Pakistan? Wrong! :)
Its one of those deliberate leaks to create confusion and gauge the sentiment of people who have stake in Afghanistan. The US is here to stay. They plant such stories to convey the message they want the bases here.

Afghanistan is a strategic location to have bases. The countries that neighbor Afghanistan must deny them bases. The presence of US forces will not bring peace but usher in instability and mischief in the region.
Same old trick. Make enemy your friend for sometime while you re group yourself and wait for reduction of NATO troops and its offensive power and then come back to same old business. Then NATO won't return back that's for sure since OBL is dead, not to forget what future US president will be ?

This peace may save hundreds of lives NOW, but may result in death thousands of lives in FUTURE.

Taliban is like Aasteen ka Saanp.
Same old trick. Make enemy your friend for sometime while you re group yourself and wait for reduction of NATO troops and its offensive power and then come back to same old business. Then NATO won't return back that's for sure since OBL is dead, not to forget what future US president will be ?

This peace may save hundreds of lives NOW, but may result in death thousands of lives in FUTURE.

Taliban is like Aasteen ka Saanp.

Taliban is a faction in Afghanistan with which all those dealing in Afghanistan need to come to terms with unless you can beat them into complete submission, which after 10 years of war does not seem likely. Aasteen ka saanp analogy applies to all involved in Afghanistan, just differs based on whom you ask. The Taliban feel the very same about the NA and their backers. NA feel Pakistanis fit the role, Pakistanis believe NA and Indians fit the bill.
ahhah **** BUllshit of Americans... just want to shift WAR into Pakistan and need permanent terrorist bases in Afghanistan.... now showing the world... LOOK now Talibans with us and we will go for war against haqqani LOL sorry on those ********* who are actually believe on this nonsense!

Talibans *** Americans in Afghanistan simple they don't want any kuta bila superpower in A-Stan!!

Mind your language.

You have no proof America is doing anything like that in Pakistan. As for the Haqqanis, don't cry when the drones come.
Bullshit news !! .........The current Govt and the system that US developed so far would go down the drain ...to top it , it wont sit well with Obama's good boy image

Then there is also the Question..........The entire AFghan war was to remove Taliban...if After so long the power is returned to them....what was the need for the war.....Alqaeda alone cant be the reason
Actually the war wasn't so much to remove the taliban as it was to get too Bin Laden and Co., but as they were shielding him they had to go.
I am confused.
First they created taliban/Al-Qaida against Russia.
Then went to war sayng Taliban and Al-Qaida both are bad, or as if both are same.
Then in 2011,

The Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee (previously known as the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee), was established on 15 October 1999, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1267 concerning Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaida and/or the Taliban and associated individuals and entities and has subsequently been modified to deal with issues limited to Al-Qaida. The Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee is one of three Security Council committees dealing with counter-terrorism. The other two committees are the Counter-Terrorism Committee established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), and the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004).

Then they started saying that, Hey dude There are many good people in Taliban and Asked them to open office in Qtar. By this time reports were also coming saying Mullah Omar was not supporting twin tower attack!

Then in Libya they supported NTC many of those even had connection with Al-Qaida or Taliban. Same is happening in Syria (I am not Assad supporter). I really dont understand how any country can do this.

You can never connect the dots of what US is saying or doing. But i can say for sure than US need Al-Qaeda more than any one else.
Mate, you consider that they will go against Pakistan? Wrong! :)
Can one really trust the Taliban? Once they come to 'power' they probably would ditch Pakistan like a hot potato unless there is an all out war between them and the so called 'Northern Alliance' supported by the US, Russia, CIS Republics, Iran, India and other sundry warlords from the North and West.

Interesting times ahead, what? :pop:
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