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Taliban militants behead 2 Pakistani soldiers

Disagree on the pretty well part.. Look at the crime rate, terrorism, etc etc in our country and the indian/american infilteration..

Anyways, hope for betterment

Crime rate? The ISI is not a bloody police chowki! As for terrorism, well, that's our own cancer, but still for every successful attack, about 5 are foiled. As for infiltration, there is none, the TTP are NOT Indians and Americans, the quicker we get that through are excessively thick skulls, the quicker we can put them down for good.

Bl[i]tZ;2908884 said:
Taliban militants behead 2 Pakistani soldiers, hang their heads from poles in northwest - The Washington Post

Why does Pakistan use heli gunships to attack Taliban who are terrorists but also Pakistanis? India has till date never used artillerty and heli gunships in Kashmir.

Kashmir was never this sticky.......

its a myth.. take a look around pakistan and think again.. is the agency responsible for security of pak really doing its job?

Already addressed.
... I lobbied hard for us to carry the momentum in 2010 and get NWA out of the way, since we were on a roll, but our mighty politicians raised hue and cry over the 'Bloodshed of Muslim Brothers' and dismissed the idea as being open provocation against a standing peace accord. ...

Bravo for you forthright comment!

...you don't care what ever happens in the land of Pashtuns as long as they aren't coming to Lahore? for us a blast in Marja (Helmand) and Kabul are the same as long as our innocent Afghans are dieing no matter what ethnicity/religion they belongs to!

Its provocative to say this but read Ralph Peters. He says there are two Pakistans one is to the east of Indus river (Punjab + Sindh) which is comparatively prosperous and modern compared to what is on the west of Indus river (Balochistan and NWFP) which he says are basically tribal societies and have more in common with A'stan. He says the area to the east has been occupied by Pakistan and both Baloch and pashtuns have rebelled ferociously against Rawalpindi's rule. Baloc contest that they were never part of Pakistan while Pashtuns have never really agreed to the Durand line. The latter one is a very sensitive topic between Pak and A'stan and has the potential to explode if not managed properly.
its a myth.. take a look around pakistan and think again.. is the agency responsible for security of pak really doing its job?

ISI is not Internal security agency , and yes ISI is doing its job. ISI is like RAW not CBI. Or you can assume it as CIA. How a CIA like agency will work like FBI????
ISI is not Internal security agency , and yes ISI is doing its job. ISI is like RAW not CBI. Or you can assume it as CIA. How a CIA like agency will work like FBI????

TTP has to have logistical support. ISI's job would be to track where they are getting this support.
TTP has to have logistical support. ISI's job would be to track where they are getting this support.

Donkeys or Technicals crossing over from A'stan through uncharted mountain passes.....A.K.A: Pretty Damn hard to locate.
ISI is not Internal security agency , and yes ISI is doing its job. ISI is like RAW not CBI. Or you can assume it as CIA. How a CIA like agency will work like FBI????

ISI having no role in the collection of internal intelligence is a myth. Plus ISI is more than an intelligence agency, it does act like a paramilitary force in certain areas, viz., Balochistan and FATA

It operates in P o K, Balochistan, FATA. ISI even co-ordinates with CIA in Balochistan (Quetta) and tribal agencies.

ISI has a political wing which may have been dismantled recently.
Donkeys or Technicals crossing over from A'stan through uncharted mountain passes.....A.K.A: Pretty Damn hard to locate.
Well what I meant was who is supporting them financially?

Could the source be the rampant Opium trade that is being led by NATO and Afghanistan?

It's hard to believe these people are buying arms and ammunition by selling kebabs.
This blows away the conspiracy theories that the Army has not been fighting the militants in North Waziristan, or doesn't want to fight them. There has been fighting going on between the militants & the Army in North Waziristan for a few months now. Mullen said if Pakistani troops took action against the militants in North Waziristan, the US would stop the drone strikes, but they still keep resorting to their conspiracy theories, that Pakistan controls the Taliban.


Yet you call them the good Taliban? As long as they attack NATO? Just see the moment you told them to behave they gave you two heads on a platter as a good will gift? Time to attack all Taliban in Pakistan.
Bl[i]tZ;2909075 said:
ISI having no role in the collection of internal intelligence is a myth. Plus ISI is more than an intelligence agency, it does act like a paramilitary force in certain areas, viz., Balochistan and FATA


Whoa Sherlock, pretty nice interpretation you did there of ISI's role.

My suggestion, get a dictionary and look up the meaning of Paramilitary.
this will keep on happening until we make a border like with india so that none can cross easily. thats where these guys are coming from quite easy to walk between two countries ttp has to be annihilated even the remnants should not live the army has some work to do over there
Bl[i]tZ;2909075 said:
ISI having no role in the collection of internal intelligence is a myth. Plus ISI is more than an intelligence agency, it does act like a paramilitary force in certain areas, viz., Balochistan and FATA

It operates in P o K, Balochistan, FATA. ISI even co-ordinates with CIA in Balochistan (Quetta) and tribal agencies.

ISI has a political wing which may have been dismantled recently.

Those sly bastards! 10 years and they never let me know that we are a paramilitary force! Now that's being secretive!
TTP has to have logistical support. ISI's job would be to track where they are getting this support.

Stop crying and mourn for dead soul, I have heard lot of conspiracy theories how entire world is funding TTP. Till date none of ZH follower has provide any proof of their foreign funding.

Have you heard how money is collected in UK or USA in name of Jihad?? Who knows some one from Pakistan only collecting money for TTP in USA..

By the way living in USA and Abusing USA, don't some-one feel ashamed????

My point is TTP is home grown, they get funding from FUndamentalists from all over world. They consider India-US-Israel enemy (They offer their service to Pakistan army aftr 26/11). Your journalist exposed how ISI and Taliban are entangled (He was allegedly killed by ISI, his phone record was deleted.). The supporters of TTP are sitting in Pakistan not in India. There funding, training ,all happen in Pakistan.
Your journalist exposed how ISI and Taliban are entangled (He was allegedly killed by ISI, his phone record was deleted.). The supporters of TTP are sitting in Pakistan not in India. There funding, training ,all happen in Pakistan.

Firstly, try the black color, it's easy on the eye.

Secondly, have you read the latest on that journo case, the truth spilled out by a journo himself on live television!!!
Stop crying and mourn for dead soul, I have heard lot of conspiracy theories how entire world is funding TTP. Till date none of ZH follower has provide any proof of their foreign funding.

Have you heard how money is collected in UK or USA in name of Jihad?? Who knows some one from Pakistan only collecting money for TTP in USA..

By the way living in USA and Abusing USA, don't some-one feel ashamed????

My point is TTP is home grown, they get funding from FUndamentalists from all over world. They consider India-US-Israel enemy (They offer their service to Pakistan army aftr 26/11). Your journalist exposed how ISI and Taliban are entangled (He was allegedly killed by ISI, his phone record was deleted.). The supporters of TTP are sitting in Pakistan not in India. There funding, training ,all happen in Pakistan.

Dude, stop huffing gas.

How have I abused the US?
My point is TTP is home grown, they get funding from FUndamentalists from all over world. They consider India-US-Israel enemy (They offer their service to Pakistan army aftr 26/11).

Proof? Or is this just another "Our Security Apparatus Failed Because You Were Behind it" Rant? Talk about hypocrisy, you're calling him a conspiracy theorist and your argument is based on a conspiracy theory!

Your journalist exposed how ISI and Taliban are entangled (He was allegedly killed by ISI, his phone record was deleted.). The supporters of TTP are sitting in Pakistan not in India. There funding, training ,all happen in Pakistan.

Incorrect, his last article was about the Mehran Base attack and said that the attackers probably had knowledge of the Base through serving or retired insiders. There is a difference between 1 mole and an entire institution being complicit.

Poor posting!
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