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Taliban leader killed by SAS was Pakistan officer: According to Afghani sources

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Here's a bit more on the helicopter story from the Army Times-

Pakistani Helicopters in A-Stan

Nangahar province about fifteen to twenty kms from the border in two valleys called Agam Tengay and Wazir Tengay near the Tora Bora region a year ago last June.

All this is speculation fueled by NDS (Afghanistan's Nat'l Directorate of Security) and civilian reports eminating from a village called Tangay Kholl. Lt. Col. Chris Nash, U.S.M.C. deemed the reports credible. Others in the U.S. Army do not.

Lamb's comments seem borrowed from Sean Naylor's Army Times story from above. Naylor carries a very good reputation highlighted by his superb chronicling of Operation Anaconda in his book- Not A Good Day To Die.


"Hey American soldier S-2 dude...I think more highly of NATO than that, they care for their men and certainly about the mission, certainly enough to know that if someone is working against them, that someone should be called out at the very least."

Read the article by Naylor and then explain the denials by U.S. Army types-

"Retired Army Lt. Gen. David Barno, senior U.S. commander in Afghanistan from November 2003 to May 2005, said he “would have been absolutely astounded” had the Pakistanis attempted to resupply the Taliban by helicopter during his tenure in command, which ended in May 2005. “Nothing remotely like that occurred,” he said.

A field-grade Army officer with recent experience in eastern Afghanistan was also surprised by Nash’s claim.

“I never saw or heard of an ISI helicopter resupplying the enemy inside Afghanistan,” he said. “I just didn’t. It doesn’t match any of my knowledge of that area.”

Another Army officer, currently stationed in eastern Afghanistan, also said he had never heard of any cross-border Pakistani helicopter flights to support the Taliban."

The quoted source carries authority but has been out of the area of operations since 2005. Much has changed since then. Unattributed sources always bother me. Two Army guys are thus. Nash isn't. Instead, he's attached his name to this story. Who's credibility is more on the line?

Again, nobody knows what goes on out there for certain. Nobody. Not even the guys who are there. Makes for fun reading though and nobody enjoys a good story like those of us at this board.
Its just a plant probably and an attempt to tarnish the Brits and Pakistan.

SAS operations are firmly kept under wraps why would such information be disclosed to newspaper.
This Saturday, October 11th, the ISAF stationed at two bases near Kabul fired artillery in two separate barrages in defence of themselves and of the Pakistan Military stationed at a nearby border post.

On both fire missions, Pakistan Military and ISAF coordinated actions.
"Retired Army Lt. Gen. David Barno, senior U.S. commander in Afghanistan from November 2003 to May 2005, said he “would have been absolutely astounded” had the Pakistanis attempted to resupply the Taliban by helicopter during his tenure in command, which ended in May 2005. “Nothing remotely like that occurred,” he said.

A field-grade Army officer with recent experience in eastern Afghanistan was also surprised by Nash’s claim.

“I never saw or heard of an ISI helicopter resupplying the enemy inside Afghanistan,” he said. “I just didn’t. It doesn’t match any of my knowledge of that area.”

Another Army officer, currently stationed in eastern Afghanistan, also said he had never heard of any cross-border Pakistani helicopter flights to support the Taliban."

The quoted source carries authority but has been out of the area of operations since 2005. Much has changed since then. Unattributed sources always bother me. Two Army guys are thus. Nash isn't. Instead, he's attached his name to this story. Who's credibility is more on the line?

Again, nobody knows what goes on out there for certain. Nobody. Not even the guys who are there. Makes for fun reading though and nobody enjoys a good story like those of us at this board.

Wait a min good sir, so you agree with me and think that this story is hardly credible enough to be taken seriously?
Here's my reply from before-

"Again, nobody knows what goes on out there for certain. Nobody. Not even the guys who are there. Makes for fun reading though and nobody enjoys a good story like those of us at this board."

I guess that I mean it. I don't doubt anything along that border. At the same time, I wouldn't accept anything at face value either. In the end I understand that it's likely that I'll never have perfect clarity on what's happenin' down-range.

It's just not the way things work...
Dude, you just evaded giving me a straight answer! Which ofcourse is perfectly up to you. But since you were defending most of the content of this report, I just thought you might attribute more credibility to it then we do.

Anyway...what ever happened, it didn’t seem to create too many ripples.
I'm not defending anything. Just food for thought that deserves a bit of probing.

You'll note from Naylor's article that LTC Nash absolutely confirms that HIS men have been engaged in firefights with Pakistani elements along the border. In addition, his comments were supported further here-

"Shown a copy of Nash’s briefing, a U.S. government official who closely tracks events in Afghanistan and Pakistan said he could confirm everything Nash said about Pakistani support to the Taliban with the exception of the line about 'helo resupply.'”

Whether true or not or, if true, sanctioned at the highest levels is another matter which will likely never see the light of day. Truth is a tad slippery out there.
I'm not defending anything. Just food for thought that deserves a bit of probing.

You'll note from Naylor's article that LTC Nash absolutely confirms that HIS men have been engaged in firefights with Pakistani elements along the border. In addition, his comments were supported further here-

"Shown a copy of Nash’s briefing, a U.S. government official who closely tracks events in Afghanistan and Pakistan said he could confirm everything Nash said about Pakistani support to the Taliban with the exception of the line about 'helo resupply.'”

Whether true or not or, if true, sanctioned at the highest levels is another matter which will likely never see the light of day. Truth is a tad slippery out there.

lets just assume that this is true - then the Paks are damn good!
You are obviously an Indian with No flags. You can stop your wasted propaganda effort anytime. It's not working.
What is going on in these Brits head?
They are allowing the death of their own soldirrs and wasting of their tax payers money because of the Pakistani diaspora in UK.
What is going on in these Brits head?
They are allowing the death of their own soldirrs and wasting of their tax payers money because of the Pakistani diaspora in UK.
Your comment contrasts the attachment of betraying profusion of your cognitive impediments. Destroying hope is a critically important project, something RA&W underlings in our midst r straining 2 accomplish. The lies aimed at moral disintegration of the nation ? They know perceptions play faster than realities can cope. @Aeronaut
What sort of free time does one have to dig up a 6 year old thread?? :o:

The kind that you use-up to come up with pick-up lines for pretty ladies because you still can't break my hold over their hearts ! :smokin:
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