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Taliban launch raids on Kabul and other Afghan targets




What a grade A c0ck you are, you don't even know the geography And culture of Afghanistan and Pakistan before opening your dioherea mouth. The afghan pak border is nothing more then a line on a map. There are families living on both sides of the line, who are brothers, sisters, fathers, sons relatives and where marriages take place in between. There are tribes living between the valleys and they do not know or care where the hell Afghanistan and Pakistan draws a line, as far as they are concerned they are of one tribe, one community, one society. They are made up of different tribal elders which forms its own tribe or kabila like Haqqani and others. Haqqanis are based on both sides of afghanistan and Pakistan.

now, the 2001 war has been seen by many Pashtuns as a genocide. And they are not far off wrong, when if, IF AQ killed 3000 thousand the US is no better. Terrorists all over the world put together have not killed many people as compared to the western so called "oil for food" program in Iraq alone. I mean, Oil for Food.....WTF, you give us your oil and we give you food...... Inhumane or what.... We haven't even touched the others killed in their millions directly and indirectly around the world.

So, when 80% of Afghanistan in under the Taliban control, they asked for evidence of OBL involvement as is the legitimate right of the leaders of the land. The US refused to recognise them as such then, but had no problems in recognising them before 9/11 when Unicol wanted to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan and visited the Taliban many times then, oh and this is the same Unicol george bush was a member of as well as Hamid Karzai. When the US launched its genocide on the people of Afghanistan, the call to resist became legitimate for all the pashtun tribes on the call of the ameer of afghanistan. So the US can claim whatever the hell they went, as far as the Haqqanis are concerned the US and it's allies are legitimate targets. Hence why Pakistan cannot attack the Haqqanis as this will be a declared war on Pashtuns and as such, a civil war in Pakistan.

The Mehsud tribe is just that, a tribe within the Pashtuns who are based in Pakistan, as such they see their leaders in Pakistan as stooges of the West, hence there campaign against Pakistan as well as the attacks by the drones and Pakistani airforce which has killed numerous of their children. they have however made clear that they are willing to end their campaign when Pakistan declares shariah in Pakistan, that way they can guarantee that such stoogism will not exist. They are a bit like the Bugtis, although over a hundred tribes within Balochistan are within the state of Pakistan, the Bugtis along with 2/3 others are not, even with a democratic result, they are a very small minority hence their calls for independence is illegal and seen as treason.

And by the way, this attempt all of a sudden to try and wedge a gap between the Taliban and Haqqanis is never going to work. There is not separation. The Haqqanis are nothing more then a tribe within the Taliban and as such is not just a part of the Taliban but the Taliban. This deliberate attempt by the US to use this terminology is pathetic at best in order to justify its plans to negotiate with the Taliban whilst using a stick against Pakistan to target the evil and separate "Haqqani" tribes.
The blatant attacks could have killed hundreds of people, but due to the bravery and quick response of the Afghan and ISAF security forces, the damage to innocent human lives was limited, although more than 36 terrorists were reported killed. We forget that we are still fighting a war against ruthless terrorists who have no regard whatsoever for human lives. They know that their days are numbered, and in desperation they again were testing the resolve of the Afghan forces and people. Did we not see Afghan people and forces face the dangers bravely and courageously take on the killers?

Whoever calls these terrorists anything but killers does not know the ground realities. People of Afghanistan have rejected violence and the atrocities of the terrorists, be they Al-Qaeda, Taliban or any other terror groups. It is time to call a spade a spade and not make them heroes. They are not!

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
The blatant attacks could have killed hundreds of people, but due to the bravery and quick response of the Afghan and ISAF security forces, the damage to innocent human lives was limited, although more than 36 terrorists were reported killed. We forget that we are still fighting a war against ruthless terrorists who have no regard whatsoever for human lives. They know that their days are numbered, and in desperation they again were testing the resolve of the Afghan forces and people. Did we not see Afghan people and forces face the dangers bravely and courageously take on the killers?

Whoever calls these terrorists anything but killers does not know the ground realities. People of Afghanistan have rejected violence and the atrocities of the terrorists, be they Al-Qaeda, Taliban or any other terror groups. It is time to call a spade a spade and not make them heroes. They are not!

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Last time we checked, YOU were the invaders in Afghanistan and Iraq and not vice versa. YOU have killed MORE people in the last decade than the taliban have killed since their existence. Infact, YOU have killed MORE people than ALL the other NATIONS combined! Includes African countries too!

A spade a spade? Or only your cards spade?
The blatant attacks could have killed hundreds of people, but due to the bravery and quick response of the Afghan and ISAF security forces, the damage to innocent human lives was limited, although more than 36 terrorists were reported killed. We forget that we are still fighting a war against ruthless terrorists who have no regard whatsoever for human lives. They know that their days are numbered, and in desperation they again were testing the resolve of the Afghan forces and people. Did we not see Afghan people and forces face the dangers bravely and courageously take on the killers?

Whoever calls these terrorists anything but killers does not know the ground realities. People of Afghanistan have rejected violence and the atrocities of the terrorists, be they Al-Qaeda, Taliban or any other terror groups. It is time to call a spade a spade and not make them heroes. They are not!

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
US came to Afghanistan to fight 9/11 responsible Al Qaeda...Where is that fight against them.Last time i checked not in 10years have the US killed or arrested any Al Qaeda members.Oh i forgot its US who created these.Now if there is no AlQaeda same as no WMD's in Iraq,you have shifted Al Qaeda to Pakistan FATA.Not going to talk about that as its another topic. Now USA has killed more afghan than ever. Not taliban because you have no guts. Only your soldiers have access to old men, women and childres and they kill them and show that they are machos. Now get ready for what you did all those years in afghanistan. These talibans would not spare you.
Can this be a drama to showcase the preparedness of Afghan Forces..? Just asking..
Can this be a drama to showcase the preparedness of Afghan Forces..? Just asking..

it showed nato,s faults mostly considering kabul is their safe house the capital and the taliban are so strong and well equipped that they could launch an attack on the capital take over the embassy,s and for over 18 hours keep the city hostage..

and i am looking at it now busy for two days an answer to the first 2 stupid posts from indians you have to realize that they have been fighting for 10 years against not just america but a group of powerful nations and ten years of destruction they r still so powerful that they can launch a full attack on the so called safe zone. just goes to show you that ten years later they r fighting with the same passion as before america should realize this. infact it kinda reminds of the tet offensive lets see what america will do and how will it cover its failure here.
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