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Taliban infighting breaks out 20 militants killed in clashes between Sajna, Mehsud groups

We saw fights between turkistan bhittani group and baitullah mehsud.....turkistan bhittani was openely backed by pak army

Mullah nazir and uzbeks fought with each other.....mullah nazir was openly backed by pak army

ISI spread the false rumours that hakimullah and waliurehman have killed each other. They also spread the false rumours that afghan taliban are attacking TTP in kunar while it was actually ISI's LeT and LI
ISI leaks false rumours to spread confusion and mistrust between taliban. When leadership was strong, under baitullah and hakimullah, it didnt work that much. Now its working as leadership is sitting in afghanistan.

It seems you are uncomfortable in giving credit to ISI. CIA, KGB, ISI etc work like hashashins, no morality, no islam..just ruthlessness and evil to achieve their targets for the country

And ttp has Islam, right? The butchers of innocents, who use young boys to carry out suicide bombing, that's Islamic? Making them fake promises of afterlife. Wow, you are insane, man. Today your Taliban are killing each other and it's causing you so much pain that you are crying for Islam . But when they brutally chop off the heads of innocents that's cause for a celebration cuz it shows the strength of Taliban.

Well, get ready, these hounds of hell are about to dispatch each other back to the deepest hole of hell where they rightfully belong.
And ttp has Islam, right? The butchers of innocents, who use young boys to carry out suicide bombing, that's Islamic? Making them fake promises of afterlife. Wow, you are insane, man. Today your Taliban are killing each other and it's causing you so much pain that you are crying for Islam . But when they brutally chop off the heads of innocents that's cause for a celebration cuz it shows the strength of Taliban.

Well, get ready, these hounds of hell are about to dispatch each other back to the deepest hole of hell where they rightfully belong.
Stop making voices like a girl. The infighting between taliban is not spontaneous and casaul , it is a big news. Give credit to pakesia secret service
19 More Pigs Killed on Friday while fighting each other . That makes the total around 70 in few days,
just wish i could be dazzy cutter bomb sent by PAF on them?lolzz
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