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Taliban gunned down 6 American soldiers.

assalam alaikum

The dawood came by over throwing zahir shah, noor came after bombing dawood and the rest is history, Ahmad shah masood came on tank to kabul this is ur history u axpect taliban would come with votes?

Still u didnot provide any name of villages where they did these actrocities, just for the history.

Yes u r right majority of taliban r pushtoon i was also surprised when i knew he was uzbek.

Afghans had many problems before taliban and after the west is behind karzai still afghans have many problems. Taliban ruled from 1996 to 2001 dont put all the blame on taliban for ur long time political problems.


The dawood came by over throwing zahir shah, noor came after bombing dawood and the rest is history, Ahmad shah masood came on tank to kabul this is ur history u axpect taliban would come with votes?

Yes, that is right. And nobody call them the rightful authorities, so their rules are not rightful as well. same thing goes for everybody.

Still u didnot provide any name of villages where they did these actrocities, just for the history.

I have provided proofs to many people many reports regarding mascares done by the taliban in here, right now i am not at home, but if i find time i will try to post a few reports for you too.

Afghans had many problems before taliban and after the west is behind karzai still afghans have many problems. Taliban ruled from 1996 to 2001 dont put all the blame on taliban for ur long time political problems.

Nobody puts all the blame on the taliban, perhaps you havent seen my previous posts that i have corrected people if they had put unnecessary blames on the taliban, if you dont take my words then go and search for my posts. But the taliban and Rocketyar are the only people who are still busy destroying afghanistan and killing afghans, here is the difference. There are a few taliban leaders who are still talibs but has abononed their violent agenda and have joined the political process, they have the same ideas as they had in the past, but since they are not killing their people i have always admired them- i dont agree with their points of view, but i respect them.
Ahmed a question in general about Afghanistan, Is there any leader at present who attracts support of all ethnic and religious groups of Afghanistan? To me all the politicians seem corrupt just like in Pakistan but at least we have an army to fall back onto when the politicians mess things up too much.

Just curious to know, because as said i am no Taliban supporter but then on the other hand this present government isnt achieving much either really so who to support?
are you sure?

In most issues on this forum muslims always bring up religion.

just my opinion anyway


Muslims will always bring islam in their discussions coz they r muslims.

This is Pak forum ( pakistan became in the name of islam ) so obviously is islam will come into discusstion.

If u think taliban and alqaeda r representatives of islam then u r wrong
there r around 57 muslim countries and more then 1.5 billions of muslims all over the world whole population of afghanistan is around 25 million plus minus and how many taliban supporters r far less.

Ahmed a question in general about Afghanistan, Is there any leader at present who attracts support of all ethnic and religious groups of Afghanistan? To me all the politicians seem corrupt just like in Pakistan but at least we have an army to fall back onto when the politicians mess things up too much.

Just curious to know, because as said i am no Taliban supporter but then on the other hand this present government isnt achieving much either really so who to support?

No brother, there is no any leader like that. We have never had such a leader for the last 200 years or so. Our existing ethnic division was created by the so called leaders such as Amanullah khan, abdul rahman khan, Nadir shah, Zahir shah, and dawood khan, these people initiated the ethnic based domestic policies which has led us to today's suffering, this policy even influenced their foreign policy as they wanted NWFP for Afghanistan because those pashtoon leaders thought about pashtoon on the other side rather than thinking about afghanistan as a whole, and the outsiders have exploited it for their own interest. they are/were all corrupt including the taliban, during the taliban corruption was really bad and no any better than now, since there is poverty and illiteracy there is corruption, not a surprise. this present gov initially was supported by everybody but later on it lost the support of everyone, the tajiks dont support the gov as they are in oppostion, although abdullah abudullah(leader of the large oppostion who have support of tajiks) is a pashtoon but he draws his support and strenght from among the tajiks, the hazaras and uzbeks have also abondoned the gov as they were sidlined by karzai and pashtoons support the taliban. everything is a mess, but if nato leave the country then things will go from bad to many times worse, trust me river of blood will be flowing.

Muslims will always bring islam in their discussions coz they r muslims.

This is Pak forum ( pakistan became in the name of islam ) so obviously is islam will come into discusstion.

If u think taliban and alqaeda r representatives of islam then u r wrong
there r around 57 muslim countries and more then 1.5 billions of muslims all over the world whole population of afghanistan is around 25 million plus minus and how many taliban supporters r far less.


Im christian i dont bring christianity into everything , same for many hindu members on this forum.

i stand by what i said.
Im christian i dont bring christianity into everything , same for many hindu members on this forum.

i stand by what i said.

religion is important for muslims. if somebody mixes religion with politics like Bin Laden and Taliban does then yes there is a problem, but wider muslim population doesnt do this, you should know this by now as the muslims are suffering the most in the hands of taliban and al qaeda.
religion is important for muslims. if somebody mixes religion with politics like Bin Laden and Taliban does then yes there is a problem, but wider muslim population doesnt do this, you should know this by now as the muslims are suffering the most in the hands of taliban and al qaeda.

i no most muslims do not support taliban , im with you on this 1.

it just seems many muslims are still split between modern standards and i guess what christianity was in the 1800s.

Perhaps this is because most of the muslim world is still developing idk ,its just my opinion i mean no disrespect.

for example in my school i remember a guy had a go at my freind because she was talking to boys.

(they were both muslims 1 arab and 1 of pakistani descent)

And i stand with what i said we muslims bring islam in our discussions lol


The current situation of all Muslims reflects well on your statement. Keep bringing religion in everything, lets see how long your typing superiority lasts.
The current situation of all Muslims reflects well on your statement. Keep bringing religion in everything, lets see how long your typing superiority lasts.

i will side with you on this. bringing religion about everthing even if you breathe oxygen is wrong, just keep it in a moderate and personal level, things will be fine.
The current situation of all Muslims reflects well on your statement. Keep bringing religion in everything, lets see how long your typing superiority lasts.

Bhai this is what muslims do good or bad it is upto everbody's choice or liking.

I m very bad in typing and very slow.

Kill the soldiers, otherwise you can't win. They are invaders my friend, do you how many Afghan civilians these thugs are killing each day? They are also raping young girls and women, which you won't read in western media.

Westerners don't believe in mercy and peaceful coexistance with other nations. They believe in total domination, hence they will only understand the language of power. Once you defeat them you will earn "respect".

You're avoiding one very important question. For thje sake of argument I accept that the Talibans have extreme views of Islam but does that give the americans the right to invade and bomb Afghanistan?

Is not the fear that lies with terrorism apparent among many nations? Is not Pakistan a prime example of a country that is facing home grown insurgency and paying the price with the lives of its citizens? The US’ mistake was not taking early terrorist threats seriously and for that we paid the price on 9/11. You said “the Taliban have extreme views of Islam but does that give the Americans the right to invade and bomb Afghanistan”? The US decision to target al-Qaeda and its allies in Afghanistan who openly claimed responsibility for planning and executing the attacks on 9/11 was undertaken in order to prevent further growth of terrorist organizations that who prey on innocent civilians. The main goal in this war on terror is to free Afghanistan from the grip of Taliban; not to “invade” and “bomb Afghanistan,” and to ensure the transition of security responsibility to Afghan authorities in accordance with the Afghan government. As it is never easy to bear the loss of fallen soldiers it certainly does not halt our progress in Afghanistan nor does it change our agenda in the region. Not a day goes when our soldiers do not risk their lives in fighting insurgency. Taliban mouthpiece have been consistently spreading unverifiable propaganda regarding our progress in the region and it is unfortunate when readers comments start echoing his accusations that our soldiers “rap[e] young girls” instead of acknowledging our humanitarian and development efforts in the region. With respect to innocent Afghans being killed and injured in this conflict, independent observers such as the ICRC and UNAMA have repeatedly affirmed what we have been saying: that the vast majority of civilian casualties in Afghanistan are caused by Taliban brutality, either through their indiscriminate bombings, or more ruthless targeting of civilians, intended to keep the Afghan people living in fear.
IRIN Asia | AFGHANISTAN: Over 2,400 civilian deaths in 2009 - UNAMA | Afghanistan | Conflict | Human Rights

Our mission is to remove that threat, and the fear many Afghans have of what awaits should the coalition leave prematurely. This is done not merely by fighting taking the fight to the Taliban, but through outreach programs designed to empower the people, and build relationships with them. The ‘Girls Village Outreach Program,’ which evolved from the successful boys program, is one such effort. Afghan girls would watch boys learn and play and when they were invited to come and play, the girls eagerly joined in the fun and have been forming strong bonds with their American counterparts. Since its inception, the Girls Village Outreach Program has evolved from 17 children to over 135 today. Do you see how the rumors are spread to make you believe otherwise?

. CENTCOM | Soldier builds Afghan relations, one girl at a time

You will not hear Taliban mouthpiece provide any explanation for their cruel acts. Did you hear about the 8-year-old Afghan girl wounded when the Taliban attacked Afghan security guards in the south of Ghazni province? Polish medics first delivered medical care, but it soon became necessary to transport the child by helicopter to FOB Ghazni's field hospital to perform surgery. Polish surgeons, assisted by an American anesthesiologist, operated for two-hours. “The doctors managed to safely remove the bullet from girl’s body, the operation was a success and shortly afterward the girl was transported to a provincial hospital in Ghazni City.

CENTCOM | ISAF Doctors Save Afghan Child in Ghazni

Did you know the number of ISAF troops has grown from the initial 5,000 to over 140,000 troops from 48 countries, including all 28 NATO member nations? The essence of the contribution in Afghanistan is that 48 nations are standing together to bring about security and stability in Afghanistan and the international commitment remains strong. Do you see how that contradicts your statement, “Westerners don't believe in mercy and peaceful coexistence with other nations”?

LCDR Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command

If you mean TTP terrorists then yes. If you mean Afghan Taliban then no.

Afghan Taliban are not Pakistani people's enemy.

Everyone has the right to defend their nation from foreign invaders.

It's the exact same thing. Same ideology, same form of fundamental terrorism, etc. Maybe we could have accepted the Taliban and ignored what they do to Afghans if they didn't hop the border and do the same to our people. But no. They refused to hand over the ones who did 9/11, some of them jumped into our country to spread the ideology while being safe from allied forces, and now wreak havoc on us.

We [Pakistani's] created the Afghan Taliban. They are not protecting 'their' country. They kill more people intentionally than the entire fleet of Allied forces do accidentally.
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