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‘Taliban families’ expelled from Swat

Jirga style, comprise of some local people who may be not much educated, follow a traditional precedent without knowing the consequences. So its now government responsibility to establish rule of law through courts and give up the old traditional way which can perpetuate the situation by instigating the flames of hatred between state and its subjects once again.
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So do you think the parents should be executed and the girl should continue to live in Swat..?Supporting anti state elements when there is an operation going on is treason and death is punishment for treason.There is a lot of difference between supporting relatives who are terrorists and having a relative who is terrorist.I ave a lot of sympathy for the girl but none for the parents who dont care about their children.

Spare me the legal mumbo jumbo as we know it's a farce. I don't need to cite a Transparency International report as I've seen convicted killers walk free after paying the right price. Incidentally I'm still waiting for someone to be hanged for treason, I would've thought by now that the 12,000 + "anti-state elements" nabbed by security forces, the competent judiciary you so eagerly quote, would've been able to enact the law you hold so dear to your chest. No?

This collective punishment is something that started against Palestinians by Israel. Do you remember houses being bulldozed in cities such as Jenin with families inside because someone in their family was a resistance fighter? Similarly its been used in Sri Lanka and also a modified version has been adopted and trialled by the USA in Afghanistan with the Shinwari tribe where they were paid millions to burn down the houses of any family who had potential links to the Taliban. I won't educate you any further.

As evidenced by other level-headed posters in this thread your comments stick out like a sore thumb and are extremist at best. You make no sense, not one a jot. Continue to fester in your hate and your illogical theory of 'guilty through association'.
What you people fail to take into account firstly is that the area in which its taking place is considered to be a tribal and rural one. They have followed this way of justice for centuries, its their way(JIRGA). Secondly, Their families are indeed Indirectly supporting the killing of innocent people, and they fail to agree to stop even after the request of the Jirga and the Pakistani government.

The question is, would you allow their families to harbor them and shelter them while they go around killing innocent citizens of our country?

The decision made is correct, as for the uprising sentiments, well these 130 families were supporting their relatives in killings before (which is bad enough) and by expelling them its not going to make them any more barbaric that what they already are. In fact, the help from the side of the Pakistan might change their mindset positively.

Like I mentioned earlier, their fate should be much worse but its the kind heartedness of the Pakistan Army to allow them to live, eat and be given medical supplies in Pakistan.

As for the Relation to the Palestine and other countries in terms of collective punishment. Well consider this, Pakistan is not bulldozing their homes, they are not bombarding their houses, they are not killing them because they support Terrorist. They are in fact helping them. So please do not compare THE RUTHLESSNESS AND BARBARIC ACTS OF ISRAEL with Pakistan. I don't want to go into detail.
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What you people fail to take into account firstly is that the area in which its taking place is considered to be a tribal and rural one. They have followed this way of justice for centuries, its their way(JIRGA). Secondly, Their families are indeed Indirectly supporting the killing of innocent people, and they fail to agree to stop even after the request of the Jirga and the Pakistani government.

The question is, would you allow their families to harbor them and shelter them while they go around killing innocent citizens of our country?

The decision made is correct, as for the uprising sentiments, well these 130 families were supporting their relatives in killings before and by expelling them its not going to make much of a difference.

Like I mentioned earlier, their fate should be much worse but its the kind heartedness of the Pakistan Army to allow them to live, eat and be given medical supplies in Pakistan.
Good, if expelling these guys make Swat safer then why not. Taliban can be both men and women, their activities also differ, from fighting to cooking food for the taliban fighters.
wah ji wah kia bat ha.

Someone becomes terrorist and his family supports him and when the local people exile the family due to their share in barbaric acts they become innocent.

FIR should be registered against these families for being an accomplice in spreading terror and killing people.
Put urself in there position, then start kicking :cheers:

What will you do with those people who help the taliban? any solution to it? if they dont hide and help the taliban, the taliban wont be able to kill you and me.

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