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Taliban Enter Northern Capital Kunduz

As Afghanistan is called "graveyard of empires" and the same is acknowledged by many Pakistani members here... What are the chances of Pakistani army against Taliban? (Hypothetical scenario) keeping in mind Afghanistan and Pakistan shares border and ANA sides with Pakistan army.
You cannot beat insurgency without local support - so they'll lose the unconventional aspect

But Pak army beat the Taliban in thier own territory because

A- Local support for Pak army
B- FC (local paramilitary)
As Afghanistan is called "graveyard of empires" and the same is acknowledged by many Pakistani members here... What are the chances of Pakistani army against Taliban? (Hypothetical scenario) keeping in mind Afghanistan and Pakistan shares border and ANA sides with Pakistan army.
Same blood line..they are Pashtun n half of Pakistan is Pashtun. So don't worry about Pakistan. You guys get ready you just made them enemy. You guys deserve Congratulations for this success
Perhaps not the hearts and minds, but their respect and acquiescence.
well the fact is that FIRST and FOREMOST, people want SAFETY and SECURITY instead of corruption, extortion & exploitation like the filthy corrupt ghani & karzai regimes have been putting the masses through. I mean, for God's sakes man, this joker called dostum was given the title of a "field marshall" just for being a two bit warlord, he hasn't served in a professional army as a uniformed anything, not even a chapraasi...of course the masses will throng to the Taliban in spite of having ideological differences. their whole thing is that they'll manage the Taliban once they are in power and restore things like women's education and right to work and all that BUT within an Islamic framework. at least corruption, extortion & exploitation say tau jaan chootay gi, at least the honor and dignity of their daughters, sisters & safety of children will be guaranteed. we may be take these things as trivial in our lives but they mean the world to the afghans who yearn to live in an environment where they will be sure that once a woman goes to work or school, she'll return unscathed.
Same blood line..they are Pashtun n half of Pakistan is Pashtun. So don't worry about Pakistan. You guys get ready you just made them enemy. You guys deserve Congratulations for this success
How did we make them enemy.we did not handover their leaders or give bases to bomb them to USA.
After capturing two provincial capitals in the last 24 hours, the Taliban are now marching towards Kunduz city. Reports suggest the Taliban have entered the city and besieged the police headquarters. Intense fighting is going on near the NDS office and the governor house.
Taliban are capturing far more weapons than they can handle.

Meanwhile down South the Taliban thank Allah for their Victories.
They have captured it fully.
Jalalabad is probably the third hardest. Second would be Kabul. And obviously the hardest would be the Panjahir Valley, but nobody really expects that to be “taken”; probably just encircled and an understand reached if this civil war keeps going the way it is.

If Herat, Kandahar and Lashkar gah fall, then other smaller provinces (especially in the east) may see the writing on the wall and fall. But even then, Ghazni will stand in the way of Kabul falling.

If they take Bagram and Tokram border crossing (along with the 2 minor crossings with Pakistan and the border crossing with Uzbekistan), Kabul may fall sooner rather than later.
Lashkargah has already practucally fallen and is of no strategic value since all of the province its fertile poppy fields are under the talis

Kandahar and herat are two important cities

Torkham/jalabad has value for its route

If these three fall and taliban hold its current ground then the central govt is good as gone

But airpower is the key

A single b52 can devastate taliban forces and we may well see reversal of any gains..with no boot on ground there will be no holding back this time..you will see 100 civilians dying in carpet bombing for each talis

Expect the cities to be levelled just like in the 1990s

Best case senrio is for talis to take over without usa bombing or ANA to fight without air power

Air bombing will destroy afghanistan with it the taliban
Same blood line..they are Pashtun n half of Pakistan is Pashtun. So don't worry about Pakistan. You guys get ready you just made them enemy. You guys deserve Congratulations for this success
Are you a pushtoon??
If no then u have no idea what hell r u taking about
How did we make them enemy.we did not handover their leaders or give bases to bomb them to USA.
While sending weapons to Kabul regime on the name ofwithdrawal then organizing un meeting against them. You don't worry about us. They came on table for talk because of Pakistan. If pak accept your logic that Taliban are enemy of Pakistan then why idiots from india keep blaming Pakistan for supporting Taliban
While sending weapons to Kabul regime on the name ofwithdrawal then organizing un meeting against them. You don't worry about us. They came on table for talk because of Pakistan. If pak accept your logic that Taliban are enemy of Pakistan then why idiots from india keep blaming Pakistan for supporting Taliban
Again my sh!t doesn't stink logic, if India providing weapons makes Taliban it's enemy so tell me then why will it not make Pakistan the enemy of Taliban when it's joined America and handed over many top leaders to USA and provided bases to bomb Taliban.
Regarding us blaming your country,everyone know about the airlift of Taliban top leaders when you guys were fighting alongside usa.
We want Taliban to take over Afghanistan and all the Taliban to move completely to Afghanistan along with their families.
Again my sh!t doesn't stink logic, if India providing weapons makes Taliban it's enemy so tell me then why will it not make Pakistan the enemy of Taliban when it's joined America and handed over many top leaders to USA and provided bases to bomb Taliban.
Regarding us blaming your country,everyone know about the airlift of Taliban top leaders when you guys were fighting alongside usa.
We want Taliban to take over Afghanistan and all the Taliban to move completely to Afghanistan along with their families.
International relations doesn't work like the bean counting you are doing.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are neighbours, we have cultural and religious affinities. So there is a lot of things that happen unsaid.
Not the same for India which is only in Afghanistan because of America largesse and there only to make trouble for Pakistan.
That's the reason the real on the ground Afghans can see through your malign actions and hate you for that.
sick of these talibans/Afghanistan threads.

Talibans enters anywhere in afghanistan or not shouldn't be our concern much....let them fight their own war ....dont know why, we are so obsessed to create every thread about talibans did this and that ....moderators should just junk all the afghanistan related thread in one single thread under Afghanistan civil war
As Afghanistan is called "graveyard of empires" and the same is acknowledged by many Pakistani members here... What are the chances of Pakistani army against Taliban? (Hypothetical scenario) keeping in mind Afghanistan and Pakistan shares border and ANA sides with Pakistan army.

We'd be foolish to try an occupy Afghanistan. The only military tactic they have is Guerilla warfare - so we wouldn't play to thier strength.

Instead if a conflict were to occur we'd defend our border, seal it and use artillery and air assets to create a safe zone across the other side.

The only reason any of these other militaries lost the war was because they wanted thier territory which meant they were then surrounded and open to attack by men not in uniform.

Pakistan defeated a similar enemy in the form of the TTP. What we did to avoid falling victim of guerilla tactics was to displace the population and only allow them back in once we had total control of the area. This meant the only people who stayed were combatants and it was easier to push them out.

Still cost tens of thousands of lives - no plans are perfect.
Again my sh!t doesn't stink logic, if India providing weapons makes Taliban it's enemy so tell me then why will it not make Pakistan the enemy of Taliban when it's joined America and handed over many top leaders to USA and provided bases to bomb Taliban.
Regarding us blaming your country,everyone know about the airlift of Taliban top leaders when you guys were fighting alongside usa.
We want Taliban to take over Afghanistan and all the Taliban to move completely to Afghanistan along with their families.
F...k Your first post claims that they are enemy of Pakistan now you saying Pakistan airlift them. Make your mind first then come here and talk. You are on Pakistani forum not on India media idiot. Here we talk logic.
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A correction - ANA doubled down on Laskhar Gah and pushed Taliban out to the outskirts of the city.
However, Laskhar Gah is locking up a lot of ANA's ressources enabling the fall of less strategic cities around Afghanistan
Why Panjahir is the hardest?

Because of geography (mountains and limited entry points) and its population's historic stand against the Taliban. It's predominantly Tajik and Ahmad Shah Masoud is still revered as a hero. They will fight till death but wont give in to the Taliban.

Abdullah Abdullah right now represents most of this region, even though he's a Pashtoon but is seen as a successor of Masoud.
Why Panjahir is the hardest?

It’s not a city but a mountainous region (so its a large area) where the population (previously under Ahmed Shah Mehsood) will resist. It the key Tajik Stronghold bastion against perceived Pashtun dominance. Although, things could have changed over the last 20 years, the younger Mehsood may not be half the tactician his father was.
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