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'Taliban could take Karachi hostage at any point'

Well I personally a victim of encroachment by a pathan, who falsley changed the ownership of the land. My father could not do anything in that and lost that precious piece of lans which worth around mln now. Inspite of getting a court order we couldnt throw that damn tax driver out.

Well just because of this I still dont hate pathans they are my fellow countryment but still the only lingo they understand is shooting on their *****, thats what happened in Ayub's era, in 1982 and maybe in future.

The Govt. must take action against the baigharath Afghanis throw them out of the country.
its wrong wat happened to u definitely but i find it extremely offensive we dont belive in shooting our own kind or watever u think this gun culture is ours it was created by the isi suppourt for the terrorists screwing us over today isi funded them armed them and housed them and the great general zia ruined a paradise and turned it into a graveyard by his suppourt for the so called mujahideen and then he took it upon himself to let in refugees. we dont suppourt any Islamic ideology not even Sharia we dont want it we belive in the beliefs of bacha khan a secular leader who wanted womens rights and who opposed our involvement in afghanistan its hateful bigots like u that divide Pakistan, quick to turn a blind eye to mqm thugs and their slaughter of innocents not only pashtuns but punjabis and whoever but equally quick to blame a great ppl who culture has been raped by these backward thinking apes created i will admit by our own country long live pakistan united and strong against internal and external enemies
Kick these afghans out. For once, i suppourt the MQM in this cause.
This is the hypocrisy that drives me crazy we pakistanis r responsible as is the US for Afghanistan being the dump it is and as Muslims we should help them or no we can be secular and mind our own business and stop this mujahideen crap everywhere including kashmir and cut all ties with them. Also throwing everyone in the same boat doesn't help there will b bad afghans but there's also bad punjabis ,pukhtoon,baloch and whomever elseso stop being a racist it only attracts more hatred towards u

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