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'Taliban could take Karachi hostage at any point'


Dec 20, 2008
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'Taliban could take Karachi hostage at any point'

Karachi (PTI): Taliban have established secret hideouts in the southern financial hub of Karachi and its militants "could take the city hostage at any point," according to Pakistani police.

The CID Special Branch of police has highlighted the presence of Taliban in Karachi in a report submitted to the Sindh government and the provincial police chief.

The Taliban have "huge caches" of weapons and ammunition and "could take the city hostage at any point," the report said.

The report provides details about secret Taliban hideouts and their presence in areas like Sohrab Goth and Quaidabad.

Besides living in small motels in these areas, the Taliban are hiding in the hills of Manghopir and Orangi town and in other low-income areas and slums, the Daily Times newspaper quoted the police report as saying.

The daily also quoted sources as saying that the deputy chief of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban, Hasan Mahmood, was hiding in Karachi.

The Muttahida Qaumi Movement, which is part of the coalition government in Sindh province, has often warned authorities that the Taliban had established a presence in Karachi. The Daily Times said the Special Branch report had "terrified" police and security personnel.

Recently, personnel of the Anti-Violent Crime Cell had raided a guesthouse in Sohrab Goth but the Taliban apprehended them instead.

The militants were trying to execute the policemen when another police party intervened.

Two policemen were killed in the operation while a SSP and 11 other policemen were seriously injured.

Police also arrested eight men who were said to be pro-Taliban militants.

On the directives of the Sindh government, a survey has been conducted of guesthouses across Karachi and senior police officials have asked for surveillance of these facilities.
Its not easy to take hostage a city like Karachi which is having a populatin of more than 18 million, massive presence of armed forces, especially navy and last but not the least the urdu speaking majority. This report is nothing but to create a terror among karachiites. Its basically a conspiracy by MQM nothing else.

Yes around 2 millions pushtoons also lives in karachi in the suburban areas like orangi town, sohrab goth and Manghopir.

They all look alike thats why its musch easier for the hideout.

Soheab goth is centre of gravity because of Illegal Afghan population commonly involved in drugs and illegal ammo dealings. Infact MQM bought their stuff from the same source.

But in general Karachi is not peanuts.
Why would they do that ???? Dont you think this will just end the world for them as they will loose support of extrimist people of pakistan, who are giving them refuge till now.

And this is just a speculative article. And taking on a country by a bunch of retards is not child's play rather impossible. Its a known fact that taliban is active in pakistan and at a small scale through those terrorist organistaions in india and many other countries. They can keep dreaming. ( impossible but hypothetically)If that ever happens India us and Israel and nato countries will be in much more shyt than pakistan will be. So that will mean a big alliance against them and their own people against them.
This is BS fear mongering. I mean sure there are a lot of Afghan refugees who need to be expelled out of Karachi, but that is because they find work opportunities in Karachi. They aren't there for a secret takeover plan.

I've been to places like Sohrab Ghoth. Afghanis didn't let us into "their roads". Its pathetic, its a bigger problem than having Talibanis taking over Karachi. At some point these guys are going to become enough of a nuisance that we'd have to use force then Human Rights people will show up. Not thinking that these guys are drying up Karachi. They have taken over property owned by Pakistanis and are squatting over them and won't move.

You goto places like Scheme 33 or in general the entire Superhighway area, its like entering into Afghani tribal areas. All of Karachi's Abandoned projects are there and Afghanis living in half constructed buildings, with massive signs reading "Jai Wali Khan".

I really don't understand how Karachi has allowed this to happen to itself.
Its not easy to take hostage a city like Karachi which is having a populatin of more than 18 million, massive presence of armed forces, especially navy and last but not the least the urdu speaking majority. This report is nothing but to create a terror among karachiites. Its basically a conspiracy by MQM nothing else.

Yes around 2 millions pushtoons also lives in karachi in the suburban areas like orangi town, sohrab goth and Manghopir.

They all look alike thats why its musch easier for the hideout.

Soheab goth is centre of gravity because of Illegal Afghan population commonly involved in drugs and illegal ammo dealings. Infact MQM bought their stuff from the same source.

But in general Karachi is not peanuts.
Yes but isn't MQM doing something good? If you label them as terrorists, you can at least kick them out with force. Otherwise to the outside world they are "poor refugees". These guys are the biggest criminals of Karachi. When Benazir died, the Jialay didn't do 90% of the damage, it was these guys. Some tough action is required for the protection of Karachi!
karachi has a shoot on sight law on miscreants
taliban will never be able to touch karachi
MQM wants karachi to be an independent nation, 'so called Jinnapur' they not only kill innocent pashutns and punjabis- "sons of the soil" but at the end of the day, killing innocnet "true Pakistanis"is their excuse to their so called Jinnapur.
Speaking of Altaf Hussain, if he is such a good leader,, then why does he not come to pakistan. IT MUST BE BECAUSE HE IS TOO SCARED!
MQM wants karachi to be an independent nation, 'so called Jinnapur' they not only kill innocent pashutns and punjabis- "sons of the soil" but at the end of the day, killing innocnet "true Pakistanis"is their excuse to their so called Jinnapur.
Speaking of Altaf Hussain, if he is such a good leader,, then why does he not come to pakistan. IT MUST BE BECAUSE HE IS TOO SCARED!
This is not a thread about MQM. However you cannot deny that there are scores of Afghani gangs all over Karachi becoming a major nuisance. Afghanis are killing PAkistanis, Afghanis have kicked out Pakistanis for their own lands...

MQM by their MO, in this case, is working in the interest of Pakistan.
Yes but isn't MQM doing something good? If you label them as terrorists, you can at least kick them out with force. Otherwise to the outside world they are "poor refugees". These guys are the biggest criminals of Karachi. When Benazir died, the Jialay didn't do 90% of the damage, it was these guys. Some tough action is required for the protection of Karachi!

Yea first of all you can't blame them for being criminals. Any slum that is ripe with poverty, illiteracy and unemployment will turn into a breeding ground for crime.

Secondly, don't forget that those areas where the 'afghan muhajirs' are staying are also home to some of our own 'pakistani pashtun muhajirs' (the people of Bajaur, Mohmand and Swat) who have fled the fighting and have now found refuge in cities like Karachi. So killing all afghans is not an option since some of our own people will also get caught up in between and die.

Thirdly, this whole 'talibanization' crap has been a major propaganda campaign launched by the fascists of MQM in order to criminalize and destroy the pashtun population of Karachi. MQM doesn't just have a problem with the Afghan muhajirs, they have a problem with all the pashtuns of Karachi. They are afraid of the fact that at some point in the future they will lose their dominance over Karachi and its politics because of the rising population of pashtuns in Karachi.

Fourthly, Its funny how history repeats itself and often the oppressed turns into the oppressor. There was a time (60 years ago) when the local people of Karachi complained of the 'Urdu-speaking muhajirs' and how they are a bunch of criminals and that they are destroying their beautiful city of Karachi. They started a propaganda campaign and we saw the rise of Sindhi Nationalism that meant to destroy the 'Urdu-speaking muhajirs'. Now we see the same thing kind of propaganda happening except for the fact that the roles have been switched and now those 'Urdu-speaking muhajirs' want to destroy the new 'afghan muhajirs'. To say that we should kill all 'afghan muhajirs' is the same as saying that we should have killed all 'urdu-speaking muhajirs' 60 years ago....:tsk::tsk:

Finally, my fellow countrymen we need to realise that in this time of uncertainty we need unity and faith rather than enmity and hatred. For our nation to succeed in this dark hour we have to ignore this kind of propaganda and we must unite our people rather than devide. I suggest that all political parties that are based on ethnic groups should be banned in Pakistan. Political parties should be based on policies and ideaologies and not on ethnicity or culture. All these cowards of MQM and ANP and BNP and the rest should all be destroyed. These parties only create and spread hatred among our people and are responsible for all the ethnic conflicts that are dividing our country...:angry::angry::angry:

Yea first of all you can't blame them for being criminals. Any slum that is ripe with poverty, illiteracy and unemployment will turn into a breeding ground for crime.
I can blame them for being in my country! I don't care if they are dastardly poor in Pakistan. They don't have a right to be in Pakistan. If they were dastardly poor in Afghanistan, I would care for them.

Secondly, don't forget that those areas where the 'afghan muhajirs' are staying are also home to some of our own 'pakistani pashtun muhajirs' (the people of Bajaur, Mohmand and Swat) who have fled the fighting and have now found refuge in cities like Karachi. So killing all afghans is not an option since some of our own people will also get caught up in between and die.

Well they need to present some sort of valid ID, get themselves registered with NADRA and if they are able to prove their Pakistaniat then its okay. I never said anything about killing them. Arrest them and ship the ones who can't prove themselves to be Pakistanis.

Thirdly, this whole 'talibanization' crap has been a major propaganda campaign launched by the fascists of MQM in order to criminalize and destroy the pashtun population of Karachi. MQM doesn't just have a problem with the Afghan muhajirs, they have a problem with all the pashtuns of Karachi. They are afraid of the fact that at some point in the future they will lose their dominance over Karachi and its politics because of the rising population of pashtuns in Karachi.

I'll tell you something, the entire development on the Superhighway started in the 70s when these Afghanis started coming in. Its been close to 40 years now, and its not even 10% done! Because of these Afghanis. We Pakistanis have paid for that land and Afghanis live on it. EVEN if they are Pakistani Pashtuns, they need to present proof of ownership of the land. This is not just some empty areas of the government that these squatters took over. These are lands paid for by the middle class of Pakistan (it includes people from all over Pakistan). It's totally ridiculous, our money and they live off it.

Fourthly, Its funny how history repeats itself and often the oppressed turns into the oppressor. There was a time (60 years ago) when the local people of Karachi complained of the 'Urdu-speaking muhajirs' and how they are a bunch of criminals and that they are destroying their beautiful city of Karachi. They started a propaganda campaign and we saw the rise of Sindhi Nationalism that meant to destroy the 'Urdu-speaking muhajirs'. Now we see the same thing kind of propaganda happening except for the fact that the roles have been switched and now those 'Urdu-speaking muhajirs' want to destroy the new 'afghan muhajirs'. To say that we should kill all 'afghan muhajirs' is the same as saying that we should have killed all 'urdu-speaking muhajirs' 60 years ago....:tsk::tsk:
The Urdu, VALID Pakistanis, nationality holders intermingled with Karachi's society. They got jobs, they BOUGHT housing, or were granted houses by the LAW. They didn't steal, rob and kill for these positions. Those were issues between two groups of Pakistanis. And mostly about sharing your limited resources in a legal way. These are foreigners who are robbing us of our land and kicking us out. Try going to these areas, they'll chase you out!

Finally, my fellow countrymen we need to realise that in this time of uncertainty we need unity and faith rather than enmity and hatred. For our nation to succeed in this dark hour we have to ignore this kind of propaganda and we must unite our people rather than devide. I suggest that all political parties that are based on ethnic groups should be banned in Pakistan. Political parties should be based on policies and ideaologies and not on ethnicity or culture. All these cowards of MQM and ANP and BNP and the rest should all be destroyed. These parties only create and spread hatred among our people and are responsible for all the ethnic conflicts that are dividing our country...:angry::angry::angry:
I think tolerating their nonsense for 40 something years is enough. They need to be kicked out now because they are already kicking US out of our own lands.


There is no question about that. But Afghanis are not our countrymen. And we must reap the benefits of our investments.
Well I personally a victim of encroachment by a pathan, who falsley changed the ownership of the land. My father could not do anything in that and lost that precious piece of lans which worth around mln now. Inspite of getting a court order we couldnt throw that damn tax driver out.

Well just because of this I still dont hate pathans they are my fellow countryment but still the only lingo they understand is shooting on their *****, thats what happened in Ayub's era, in 1982 and maybe in future.

The Govt. must take action against the baigharath Afghanis throw them out of the country.
Why we don't just leave the Ethnic part Alone and Deal everyone who creates Trouble in KARACHI as terrorist and one who breaks the law as Criminal. Why Bring the Ethnicity in this issue.

Regarding Afghans in Karachi, they must be registered and they are refugees and our Guests, They are also our brothers and we must treat them Properly its our social and religious duty. If any Afghan is found to be guilty in any kind of Criminal or Terrorist activity he must be deported to Afghanistan but the whole community must not suffer for his sins.
This is going to be tricky as most Afghani's have interbred with Pakistani's and have children who carry NIC's in fact most of these Afghani's have managed to secure NIC's so it will be very difficult to determine who is a Afghan and who is a Pakistani Native.

I agree that it is about time we started monitoring the number of Afghan Nationals on our soil and enforcing a strict regulation of who enters and leaves the state of Pakistan for Afghanistan and vice verse.

As for the Karachi issue, this is a flash point. The people are scared and the MQM is using this fear to its political advantage, however i agree that in Karachi the action that is taking place is due to self protection rather then persecution.

I also agree and strongly advocate that we are all Pakistani's but this banner does not apply to foreign nationals, who after years of living with them and working along sides them couldn’t care less if Pakistan lives or dies... To them we are the next best thing...

However we must be dignified and treat all refugees on our soil with accordance with the Oslo Guidelines and ensure no one is persecuted based on race or creed. We should task the FIA with the option of registering all foreign nationals and providing either naturalisation or repatriation services.

Persecution will only make the situation worse.

Just my two cents.
There is no question about that. But Afghanis are not our countrymen. And we must reap the benefits of our investments.

Your point about the Afghanis is right. I agree with you on that. I am not interested in defending their presence. I live in Quetta and believe me we have been affected the most by the influx of afghan refugees (crime, weapons, drugs and prostitution).....

But my issue rests with the fact that this whole 'talibanization' propaganda and fearmongering is less about the afghanis and more about the whole pashtunization of Karachi which groups like the MQM are politicising and using to achieve their own 'domination agenda'.....

Dont you agree? :undecided:

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