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Taliban bodies are 'returned to Pak Tribal Area for burial'

Authentication of this news is highly objectionable. Infact BBC might have made that up as well. It is a no go area for the Pakistani media and journalist as well than how come BBC have talk to the residents living there.
Phone ,internet, email ,skype etc are some modern communication methods
SO who is negotiating with Good Taliban? Pakistan or America? Who Is allowing Good Taliban to open offices in Qatar? Pakistan Or America? Seems like, The term coined by Pakistan is being implemented by Americans.!

Let me know when a deal is finally struck :)
stop providing refuge to TTP and Baloch terrorists that are using YOUR country as a base to attack Pakistan

until that time, Afghans should keep their mouthes sealed shut with elfy super glue

Will you please stop providing refuge to Haqqani Networ, Hafiz Gul Bahadhur and Mullah Nazir factions of Taliban that are using YOUR Country as a base to attack Afghanistan.
Even dump one in the ocean. I think that is the worst evil we ever face by Obama. Bush was an angel compare to Obama.
No! No! plz don't say Obama is a bad guy. He the best guy and infact the greatest hero of the mankind got rid of the evil OBL and dumped him in the sea. He realli did favor to us. But I'm afraid the OBL won't rise from the dead cuz everything is possible nowadayz. Somebody might Clone him and bring him back. It was best for the Obama to burn him infront of everybody cuz then there was no chance of his cloning and his rising from the dead...........:smokin:
3000 casualties in 11 years.. No disrespect to the dead, but what do Taliban use to fight? Pillows ??

but they seem to be more effective when they attacks Pakistani forces on their home grounds..

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan 2003-2012

when u r fighting a true war in the field then there will be sacrifices and casualities but there will also be honor and victory...

But when u r sitting in the barracks and fortified cities then casualities will be minimum but then there will also be disgrace and defeat....

Hope u understand now
Your army and ISI trained them and sent them here - accept NATO's 'Ehsan' that they are giving you the dead bodies!

and watch your mouth kid! how old are you? no really how old are you?

How ungratful you are kid, update yourself boy.

they were trained to save you fron soviet but you are so evil that they have to kill you... What are you doing with nato in your bed btw.

Spanked? These morons can only attack hotels and such, and then not even efectively. Our troops are safer in AF, here they have a higher chance of dying in a car-crash.

Really your troops are saved in AF.? I am Surprised.
Ramblings are generally a sign of running out of sounds that make sense.. At those times its better to stay silent and avoid looking more foolish and confused than you already are coming across as.. So chill mate..;)

I think you shouldn't have posted more after you admitted that USA is supporting terrorists but again we all love to advice others when we ourselves don't follow it. Like you are doing in the bold part. ;)

Really.. Did you go thru the numbers in the link i gave you.. Civilians, Security men, Army getting killed at will by your own strategic assets (or should I say pet snakes).. Alternate day bomb blasts in KP and Balochistan regularly and now even your military is being abducted and killed at will.. And you say you are more effective despite being on your home ground.

Swat is more peaceful than Kabul that mighty USA liberated from Taliban. Go figure. And then you yourself have admitted that USA is supporting terrorists and PA is fighting those terrorists and in such fights casualties happen even though if you quit trolling and try to analyze the situation you might realize that major terrorist incident have declined inside Pakistan. But again such behavior doesn't suit your taste as you are here to troll. You weren't banned so many times for no reason.:)
Will you please stop providing refuge to Haqqani Networ, Hafiz Gul Bahadhur and Mullah Nazir factions of Taliban that are using YOUR Country as a base to attack Afghanistan.
don't train OBL group,TTP group, Molvi Faqir group, Fazlullah group,Chechen group, Eastern Turkistan movement group , Sinkiang group, Dalai Lama group, Kurdish group etc etc the list goes on and is never ending.........:woot:
But dont Pakistanis here claim that the current govt in Afghanistan only controls Kabul ( the famous Mayor of Kabul title for Karzai) and rest of the area in Afg is controlled by Pakistan's darling Afghan Taliban. Now does this mean that its Afghan Taliban who are hosting TTP and BLA in Afghanistan and allowing them to attack Pakistan. Despite Pakistan sacrificing its national sovreignity thru drone strikes in lieu of protecting haqquani group.. :woot:
Hey!!! We lied to U(infact we were joking). Don't U have brain/mind trying to believe whatever we claim here about Mr. Karzai(the Mayor of Kabul)..........:lol:
when u r fighting a true war in the field then there will be sacrifices and casualities but there will also be honor and victory...

But when u r sitting in the barracks and fortified cities then casualities will be minimum but then there will also be disgrace and defeat....

Hope u understand now

No I dont. I always thought the measure of success in a war is how many enemies you killed not how many of your own died...

if you quit trolling and try to analyze the situation you might realize that major terrorist incident have declined inside Pakistan. But again such behavior doesn't suit your taste as you are here to troll. You weren't banned so many times for no reason.:)

That is not correct.. Go thru the link I gave and it will show that The casualties on civilian an sec forces side have gone up and terrorist deaths have gone down in Pakistan, giving a feel of total deaths going down..
That is not correct.. Go thru the link I gave and it will show that The casualties on civilian an sec forces side have gone up and terrorist deaths have gone down in Pakistan, giving a feel of total deaths going down..

Major terrorist attacks have decreased and even non Pakistani sources have accepted that. Despite America supporting terrorists(as you agreed) major terrorist attacks in major cities have decreased considerably.
Will you please stop providing refuge to Haqqani Networ, Hafiz Gul Bahadhur and Mullah Nazir factions of Taliban that are using YOUR Country as a base to attack Afghanistan.

decade onwards and your brains are suffering from further rot

haqqani isnt a network or an organization


Major terrorist attacks have decreased and even non Pakistani sources have accepted that. Despite America supporting terrorists(as you agreed) major terrorist attacks in major cities have decreased considerably.

But Pakistani deaths have gone up.. so what means more to you, less attacks or less Pakistani deaths.. ?

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