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Taliban are only revlutionaries in Pakistan?

You sound like a nice man Raja, so I will try to be a bit more than mere brief here in comparing your outlook with history.

Taliban do not have support of large segment - nor did the revolutionaries of India (before independence - Pakistan included, was part of India - I hope you don't mind).

Violence was committed by Indian revolutionaries too, from Mangal Pandey to Ashfaqulla and Bhagat Singh (fear tactics?)

Mangal pandey and Bahgat singh never oppressed their own people and they never used violence or fear tactics against them but these tactics were used for invaders but again what those groups of revolutionaries actually achieved? Did they overthrew British government and were managed to establish their rule/government ? Answer is NO. Its insane to think that talibans will manage to rule Pakistan and Pakistani people just by scaring them and by using fear tactics

You want to implement sharia law in constitution of Pakistan by forced and against the will of people ? Which sharia laws ? Destroying girls school and force women to wear burqa and force men to keep beard and offer Salah? Kill anyone who speak anything against your interpenetration of Islam? I don't think sharia permit certain things which talibans committed in the name of islam and there should not be any compulsion in religion

I gave you example of IK to explain that revolution is not always bloody. You can win support of people without using fear tactics. How you are going to control people against their will and how long you could do that? Revolution without support of people is not revolution at all because revolution is a war of the masses which you wage by mobilizing the masses
You sound like a nice man Raja, so I will try to be a bit more than mere brief here in comparing your outlook with history.

Taliban do not have support of large segment - nor did the revolutionaries of India (before independence - Pakistan included, was part of India - I hope you don't mind).

Violence was committed by Indian revolutionaries too, from Mangal Pandey to Ashfaqulla and Bhagat Singh (fear tactics?)

And surely, the revolution does appear against oppression - No Sharia law included in constitution! Injustice - tell me where injustice has not been given out in Pakistan? (or anywhere for that matter?)

You say revolutions need public support and you bring in Imran Khan - the same man who defied the world and failed to acknowledge the threat of the Taliban? Apparently, IK is with the Taliban!

While Taliban people might want to rule Pakistanis with such techniques, truth is - even the Talibanis do not know that they already do rule Pakistan with such acts!

If you do not believe me, why not look at how often the liberals are killed? How quiet they have become since May 2011? Yes! While the Taliban may not have administrative control, it surely has the psychological control - have you noticed how scared the people in Pakistan are? Especially liberals?

I am not saying Pakistan is a lost case, but it would be nice to watch the so called 'intellectuals' get serious about it!

While some of your arguments are valid for some case studies.
In Pakistan the situation is different.
Over the last few years, the TTP has had ample chance to create this revolution but even the most devout prefer to just stick with their more acceptable parties like JI or JuI. They had the perfect chance what with souring relations with the US, the Afghan taliban did not attempt to distance itself too much, political turmoil and it seemed for a while political parties vs the army. Then also, drones, raymond davis, Salala incident, OBL raid.

Despite all these opportunities to gain ground, they have no real foothold fit for a revolution outside of their stronghold.
Oh, and their opportunities fade day by day as their image worsens.

However, one thing to remember is that the taliban are a special kind of nuisance, one that you cannot kill with bullets, the more you shoot it often the more aggravated it gets, and just when you think you've got it, they will run to their sanctuaries, regroup and counter. Their death lies is social upheaval, development and economic growth, those three things are needed for the right atmosphere, then comes the part of removing the ideology which is an entirely different battle.
Are you retarded?

TTP are a foreign funded and armed insurgency. Much like the one in Syria.

They are an enemy of Pakistan.

We have to crush them or they will break us.

How many of our people must die for us to realise who is our friend and foe.

Wake up.

Just like we funded ''Afghan Taliban'' to take over Afghanistan. They killed thousands of innocent shia hazara and tajiks. What goes around comes around, now we have to bear the fruit our military establishment interfered in another country.
Just like we funded ''Afghan Taliban'' to take over Afghanistan. They killed thousands of innocent shia hazara and tajiks. What goes around comes around, now we have to bear the fruit our military establishment interfered in another country.

Then I guess that was Afghanistan bearing the fruit of the taliban due to their failed attempt in invading Pakistan in the 50's and their supporting baloch separatists. Pakistan made a lot of bad mistakes but Afghanistan was the first to interfere in Pakistan.
Then I guess that was Afghanistan bearing the fruit of the taliban due to their failed attempt in invading Pakistan in the 50's and their supporting baloch separatists. Pakistan made a lot of bad mistakes but Afghanistan was the first to interfere in Pakistan.

Afghanistan has never been much strong to do much damage to Pakistan.
The definition of revolution is,

a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system
revolution: definition of revolution in Oxford dictionary (British & World English)

Taliban want to replace democracy with their sharia, PM and President with amir-ul-momineen and parliament with their shura. In that sense are they not the only revolutionaries in pakistan?......
Whatever you call them, at the end of the day, they are terrorists, both afghan and pakistani ones
Afghanistan has never been much strong to do much damage to Pakistan.

Neither was Pakistan able to by itself either, remember the U.S and Saudi Arabia were also a part of that whole fight against the soviets.
Violence was committed by Indian revolutionaries too, from Mangal Pandey to Ashfaqulla and Bhagat Singh (fear tactics?)

Clutching at straws are we? Bhagat Singh never blew up his country men but Hakim U Mehsud did? End of the day history (people) have to recognise TTP as Freedom fighters not internet warriors like you. The sooner TTP is wiped out the better. We do not need a one eyed mullah to be the Emir of Pakistan.
By technical definition they are.

But they've got no chance left in Pakistan, I'll be counting the days till they are dead, gone or no longer at war.

After the DI khan episode their numbers increased by +200 or so.
Just like we funded ''Afghan Taliban'' to take over Afghanistan. They killed thousands of innocent shia hazara and tajiks. What goes around comes around, now we have to bear the fruit our military establishment interfered in another country.

That episode and the TTP are quite unrelated.

After the DI khan episode their numbers increased by +200 or so.

That is unfortunate, 200 more potential trouble makers to the slaughter.
Clutching at straws are we? Bhagat Singh never blew up his country men but Hakim U Mehsud did? End of the day history (people) have to recognise TTP as Freedom fighters not internet warriors like you. The sooner TTP is wiped out the better. We do not need a one eyed mullah to be the Emir of Pakistan.

You may, but no, I do not need a straw to clutch on.

The TTP is targeting those people who are with the government, either vocally, or silently. The same was done by the revolutionary Mukti Bahini in Bangladesh. The same by the French revolutionaries too, and same happened in the United States of America - both during the war of independence, and during the civil war with the Confederate States. And quite a many in India, especially in the first rebellion did exactly the same, and worse (including raping and pillaging 'their own people' wherever they went).

So try not to come at me with such obscene display of ignorance.

And just because Mullah Omar has only one eye he is not fit to lead a rebellion? I won't expect even a kindergarten baby to blabber that crap.

Next time you quote me, make sure you keep off that name-calling if you want me to take your posts seriously.
They are devolutionaries who wants to take back Pakistan in 6th century :rofl:

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