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Talat Hussain on MQM politics

Why's he crying about the MQM? They're the only party to have done SOME development in the country unlike PTI which has no electablity, the corrupt PML-N or the corrupt PPP. The only option, besides MQM which is great is the army

That's why they are the most sensible on talk shows

Their terror trumps everything. Some development pales in comparison to the murder and terror they have committed.

Biggest terrorist and extortionist political party in the country. No one comes close. If PPP and PML-N are corrupt, MQM is a murderer.

Its a league of corrupt and killers.
Why's he crying about the MQM? They're the only party to have done SOME development in the country unlike PTI which has no electablity, the corrupt PML-N or the corrupt PPP. The only option, besides MQM which is great is the army

That's why they are the most sensible on talk shows

The Taliban were bombed by the US because they sided with AQ and as such shown they are complicit and work as one.

The most recent report by Transparency International shows that close to $94 billion dollars looted in corruption, tax evasion and bad governance in the last 4 years of this government, that is 25 years of Pakistan Armed Forces budget. And why is the PPP still in power?, its because of the MQM, ANP and PML-Q.........why?, because the MQM has always loved being in power, they could not care less if India or the US took charge, they will still join hands in order to stay in power, they have no morals, no principles, no dignity, no honesty and NO LOYALTY to the state of Pakistan......... so please keep your outer shell comments about MQM to yourself, the inner shell is well known of these gangters and terrorists......
Their terror trumps everything. Some development pales in comparison to the murder and terror they have committed.

Biggest terrorist and extortionist political party in the country. No one comes close. If PPP and PML-N are corrupt, MQM is a murderer.

Its a league of corrupt and killers.

you dont even know the murder history in karachi, run kiddo

MQM is criticised because it holds karachi and everybody else want a piece of it
you dont even know the murder history in karachi, run kiddo

MQM is criticised because it holds karachi and everybody else want a piece of it

Do you admit that the MQM too has killed others, regardless of being in the other parties or not...........HAVE THEY KILLED ANYONE.......

If the answer to that is YES, which it most definately is..... then they are no better then anyone else....they too have armed goons to do their bidding.......

Just like sectarian sects causing havoc, the political class are no different............. they too cause divisions and segregation.

Quran - 5:32
Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors

Democracy does not mean that you have to have different Politicial groups and no where in the Constitution of Pakistan does it mentions this, ALL polticial parties should be banned altogether with all Politicians part of one entity individually campaigning for the electorable seat of their constituency...........

Just remember one thing.......... WE ALL BLEED THE SAME
Their terror trumps everything. Some development pales in comparison to the murder and terror they have committed.

Biggest terrorist and extortionist political party in the country. No one comes close. If PPP and PML-N are corrupt, MQM is a murderer.

Its a league of corrupt and killers.
Lies, I live here and have never been extorted by them or my relatives
Lies, I live here and have never been extorted by them or my relatives
Well I have been. My car was almost snatched by MQM sector guys. And you know how I know that? Because a guy who was my neighbour was sitting with me. I was driving. As soon they took out the gun in parallel to my car, the guy sitting with me recognized them. They came from behind in a car and they did not know he was sitting with me. They fled. The guy in my car was not in MQM but their sympathizer and he told me later what was that.

So keep your wisdom to yourself. I have been born in Karachi and lived all my life including the hell time of MQM terror.
Talat hussain should have been reminded about security situation in India Tahir Mashadi should also have told him how many illegal guns do they have in present in karachi alone. Hazaroon ana hazaraeys are murdered in this country.Also Ana Hazareys country does not have any herione , weapons traders .
Talat hussain should have been reminded about security situation in India Tahir Mashadi should also have told him how many illegal guns do they have in present in karachi alone. Hazaroon ana hazaraeys are murdered in this country.Also Ana Hazareys country does not have any herione , weapons traders .

This has got nothing to do with what Talat said. His main argument is that MQM itself is the government and they are saying government does this, government does that e.t.c.
MQM cannot play both sides of the field. mazay bhe karnay hain aur tanqeed bhe
This has got nothing to do with what Talat said. His main argument is that MQM itself is the government and they are saying government does this, government does that e.t.c.
MQM cannot play both sides of the field. mazay bhe karnay hain aur tanqeed bhe

In a country owned by fuedal lords there is little a minority party can do , in Pakistani circumstances there are no choices MQM have full right to complain about things which are not under them , considering the present security nightmare interior / defence ministry is held by PPP
In a country owned by fuedal lords there is little a minority party can do , in Pakistani circumstances there are no choices MQM have full right to complain about things which are not under them , considering the present security nightmare interior / defence ministry is held by PPP

first step LEAVE COALITION for good! THAT MQM will never do! and MQM is a minority party??? since when it is the third largest party of pakistan!!!

and as for choice well Imran hai naa :lol: but NO MQM is power hungry!!! its bottom line is JO JEETA USKAAY SAATH ITEHAAD!

MQM sat with dictator now 4 years with PPP waderas & did horse trading of senate seats & seats in baltistan and azaad kashmir!

TIME TO END 90s politics by MQM,PPP & PMLs!
Lies, I live here and have never been extorted by them or my relatives

Well I lived in Karachi during the 80s and the 90s and I have personally seen the reign of terror of the MQM. I find it difficult not to hate the MQM...

Sometime in the 80s, when I was 6-7 years old, MQM terrorists came in our residential compound at night to kill a PPP guy. I woke up by the sound of aerial firing. Although we were not the target, they set our wooden door on fire but luckily the fire did not spread. Then they set our two vehicles on fire. The suzuki's fuel tank was full because we were to go Hyderabad on picnic the next day; the fire was so fierce that I could see the flames in front of my window on the second floor; even the nearby trees caught fire; and the car was completely destroyed. The datsun survived with some damage.

The terrorists then proceeded to locate the PPP guy but he was not at home. So they dragged his younger brother of around 16-17 and killed him at point blank range. This youger brother had come from some small town for a few days to prepare for his exams.

They kept firing for quite some time before leaving. The police and the fire brigade promptly appeared once the terrorists had left.

In those days, the MQM had erected gates and barriers on the streets to protect from God knows whom and would extort money from all the houses in the locality. I was no longer allowed to go out to play. When darkess fell, the terrorists will come out in the streets with their weapons and the sounds of gunfire would be heard all night.

Then fast forward to 90s. Altaf Hussain would give out a strike call every other day and the MQM terrorists would roam the streets of Karachi forcing transporters and shops to close down meanwhile completing their quota of killing random people on the streets.

I encountered them a few times. Once I was at a tandoor buying roti and the MQM terrorists appeared, two on each bike, firing in the air. Terror filled the atmosphere, people started running to the side streets, women crying and rushing towards safety. I froze just looking at them when the tandoorwala grabbed my neck from behind pulled me in his shop and pulled the shutter down. The terrorists left after ensuring that the market was closed for the day.

My school was closed on all strike days and they even could not not take the final exam and had to promote every one in the clas without an exam.

Gone through the above experiences and then some more, I find it difficuly not to hate the MQM, and I hold Musharraf responsible for bringing this Scourge back to its undead life for his political gains...
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