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Tajikistan bans youth from mosques


Mar 16, 2011
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Tajikistan on Wednesday banned all children and teenagers from worshipping in mosques as the volatile Central Asian republic pressed ahead with its battle against rising Islamic fundamentalism.

President Emomali Rakhmon signed the measure into law after it was unanimously adopted by the upper house of parliament last month, local news reports said.

The law bans those under the age of 18 from praying in churches or mosques and requires them to study in secular schools, Aziya-Plus news agency said.

The authorities said the change would help stem the spread of religious fundamentalism in the overwhelmingly Muslim but secular nation.

But the bill's passage was strongly condemned by religious groups.

"The ban to attend mosques will give rise to the negative reaction among the people," prominent Muslim theologian and former deputy prime minister Akbar Turadzhonzoda said in an open letter to the president.

Other religious leaders noted that Rakhmon signed the law in the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan -- a period of fasting and prayer for Muslims.

The president also approved separate changes to the criminal code that make "active participation" in an unauthorised rally into an offence punishable by up to five years in prison.

Those found guilty of providing "illegal religious education" to young people can now be put behind bars for up to 12 years.

The impoverished ex-Soviet state shares a 1,340-kilometre (840-mile) border with Afghanistan and has previously accused religious groups of stoking unrest in a bid to impose Islamic rule.

Rakhmon last year recalled Tajik students studying abroad after accusing foreign institutions of taking steps to "prepare terrorists".
Well considering that it is not a democracy and has had Soviet influence, not to mention that it has big problems of jihadi terrorism in CAR I think there was little choice left but to follow Chinese-like laws regarding practising Muslims. Even China has such laws whereby Muslims under the age of 18 cannot attend Madrassas and go to Mosques or something.

From the looks of it Rakhomon is doing everything to preserve his power with Kremlin's blessings.
This is a patently stupid and illegal move by the government. Freedom to practice one's religion is a universal human right and this law interferes with that right.
That is a pretty dumb way to combat terrorism but I expect many members here to support this since this is against Islam.

Doesn't China have similar ban in place for the Uyghurs of Xinjiang?

The riots in Xinjiang: Is China fraying? | The Economist

Since 2001 the authorities have banned private visits to Mecca and insisted that those making pilgrimages there must go on organised tours. The authorities have tightened controls on mosques in Xinjiang and rules that ban children from receiving religious education. They have warned students and civil servants not to observe Ramadan. A group of Uighur women staged a protest in Khotan last year against local government efforts to ban head coverings. (The niqab is often seen in Xinjiang, especially on older women.)

CHINA Government bans party members, women and minors from entering mosques in Xinjiang - Asia News

Government bans party members, women and minors from entering mosques in Xinjiang. Signs posted in mosques across the region say youth league members, government officials, as well as active and retired state employees are banned from entering.

And funny how no one saw this, before pulling out the victim card.:disagree:

The law bans those under the age of 18 from praying in churches or mosques and requires them to study in secular schools, Aziya-Plus news agency said.
This will Encourage Jihad against the Government.

Tajikistan is a former Soviet republic. Do you really think that they would mind using brute force especially when it is not a democracy but a government and an economy managed by Russians? I don't think so.
Tajikistan is a former Soviet republic. Do you really think that they would mind using brute force especially when it is not a democracy but a government and an economy managed by Russians? I don't think so.

You don't remember the Civil War in Tajikistan ? Government fought against the fundamentalists, but again you may be right Russia is far more powerful then it was in the 90's still radicalism could grow.
"The ban to attend mosques will give rise to the negative reaction among the people,"

Indeed! This is the worst way to combat extremism!
The old communist leadership hates Islam, what would you expect.
the anti-religious so-called ''secular'' policies of Central Asia are causing their radical jihadi elements to spill over into OUR side of the world.......

I cant believe Pakistan is so soft on these CARs --like Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. We should warn them that their policies of repression and police-state mentality may "help" with their jihadi issue there, but they can't keep their bad apples from spilling over to our side.

and then we get blamed......

the best model all these countries should be looking at is Turkiye --- where people are free to worship, and free to think. In Pakistan, people are free to worship, but we haven't mastered the whole "free-thinking" part quite just yet.

banning people from worship? Well hmm gee whiz, doesnt that FUEL radicalization rather than contain it??? :what:
Well, they were after all Muslim countries living under a very anti-religious rule. It`s what they know, what are used to and see the rise of fundamentalism as a threat to their way of life, though i think in this case it will accomplish the opposite of what they wanted.
That is a pretty dumb way to combat terrorism but I expect many members here to support this since this is against Islam.

perhaps you should cultivate the habit of reading an article before posting dear man? it did not single out only Islam, but also all religions. Being Chinese I would imagine you would like the secular teaching only comment within-- but that would mean you would stop to read the article , heh.

Viva Tajikistan , keep all religion out
Why Muslim countries understand secularism from its a$$??

One of the key aspects of secularism is freedom of religion NOT "ban of religion" then you enter the communist zone. and They did exactly that by this law.
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