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its pathetic that tamils are ready to work in english but not in fellow indian language

Dude first of all no one hates or purposefully does not want to learn a language. If there is a need we will learn it.

But that will be of our own volition and not because some one forces us.

Look this is a sensitive issue and I request you to treat carefully and cut down the stupid insinuations.
thanks for your explanation I actually didnt knew about that.

but for your part hating congress is Ok but is it OK to hate hindi for that? is that hate is above nation?

For the millionth time, Hindi != India.

Its just one of the langauges spoken by the people of India.

So Hindi speakers speak your beautiful language with pride and let others speak their beautiful langauge with equal pride without any compulsions.

Dont you guys know that it was forceful imposition of a language that caused a new nation to our East ?
Goundare I think u confused little bit. There is nothing like senthamil which lived b4 . there are various names for tamil like senthamil ,paintamil,theentamil,iyartamil etc. so it just names to describe excellency of tamil. but u can classify tamil evolution like muthat sangam ,idai sangam ,kadai sangam literatures. sangatamil(i mean muthat sangam) literature is too difficult to understand per se.
Goundare I think u confused little bit. There is nothing like senthamil which lived b4 . there are various names for tamil like senthamil ,paintamil,theentamil,iyartamil etc. so it just names to describe excellency of tamil. but u can classify tamil evolution like muthat sangam ,idai sangam ,kadai sangam literatures. sangatamil litrature is too difficult to understand per se.

I used Senthamizh to describe the older version of chaste Tamil - the tamil that was used during the period of the Cholas in about 10th century.

I think Malayalam is actually closer to that Tamil than the Tamil that we guys use now. i once tried reading a Chola stone inscription and damn, I could not understand a single word of it.:lol:
its the reality.. better face it...

I dont know why we even have to bear this "english", its even sad to know that southerns are advocating and politicising for it...

its pathetic that tamils are ready to work in english but not in fellow indian language

Not only Tamils I as a Malayalee would be pissed off if I am forced to work with Hindi. There is a saying in our place that mother tongue is like mother's milk.

PS: I don't see much interest in Hindi Belt to learn any of the 15 regional language, then why should we forced to learn Hindi. As for learning English , it makes us a global citizen while Hindi do not give us that opportunity.
i can barely speak Hindi but can speak Punjabi almost perfectly

national language of India should be kept as English and Hindi in fact schools should teach based on the region e.g west Bengal Bengali and students should learn there mother tongue first, then Hindi and then English in there studies
Not only Tamils I as a Malayalee would be pissed off if I am forced to work with Hindi. There is a saying in our place that mother tongue is like mother's milk.

PS: I don't see much interest in Hindi Belt to learn any of the 15 regional language, then why should we forced to learn Hindi. As for learning English , it makes us a global citizen while Hindi do not give us that opportunity.

Not to forget Bengalis, Maharastrians, Telugus, Kannadigas, and all others with separate regional languages.

The current policy of no national language and only official language is working fine and there is a well known management mantra - never attempt to fix something that is working perfectly.
I used Senthamizh to describe the older version of chaste Tamil - the tamil that was used during the period of the Cholas in about 10th century.

I think Malayalam is actually closer to that Tamil than the Tamil that we guys use now. i once tried reading a Chola stone inscription and damn, I could not understand a single word of it.:lol:

Its okay ,usually v used to say sangath tamil instead of senthamil. I think I am sure chola period tamil is idai sangath tamil. Thats true malayalam having high influence frm tamil as well as Sanskrit. even I tried hard to read in Thanjvur PRAGADESSWARAR temple inscription but I can't understand anything frm that.
classical sanskrit is more old than than any oldest language...panini was the one who formulated the grammar of sanskrit in his book asthadhyayi in 4th century BC...vedic sanskrit existed even before that..

I think u r not got my point. Tolkappiyam is not a poetry its grammar and it clearly indicates hw to write poetry ,hw many stanza should be there , hw many eg can include in a poem or epic, which word to be start ,hw to end poetry , hw synosis of poem would be. My argument is first identified script is tolkappium a grammar ,so if language having grammar poetry in first place(according to carbon dating) definitely it should be evolved long long ago. That is wat i tried to mean.

Even greatest poetry THIRUKKURAL is typical example for that. After bible THIRUKKURAL IS TRANSLATED IN MAJORITY OF LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD

Let me clarify my point. Tamil and Sanskrit did not just pop out one day. There were languages existing for thousands of years before the written script was invented or widely used. Surprised?..Don't be...as you would find out if you go to a rural or tribal village...reading and writing is not very high up on the list of priorities.
Let me clarify my point. Tamil and Sanskrit did not just pop out one day. There were languages existing for thousands of years before the written script was invented or widely used. Surprised?..Don't be...as you would find out if you go to a rural or tribal village...reading and writing is not very high up on the list of priorities.

Wat's ur point? I can't understand wat u trying to say? tribal language have separate form u can say its art form(Chinese is best example for art language) tamil and Sanskrit is word format. In ancient period if some poet wrote epic/poetry they can't publish as such they should present at Tamil sangam ,once if they agreed they only it come to public learning the committee used to check the poet followed the recommend the path or not .Only one literature have an exception that is Tirukkural .
classical sanskrit is more old than than any oldest language...panini was the one who formulated the grammar of sanskrit in his book asthadhyayi in 4th century BC...vedic sanskrit existed even before that..

Wat's ur point? I can't understand wat u trying to say? tribal language have separate form u can say its art form(Chinese is best example for art language) tamil and Sanskrit is word format.

You cannot say that only a written language is language.It has evolved from something. That something is a spoken language. The world thousands of years ago was mostly village and tribes. Spoken languages were predominant and predated written languages like the Egyptian Heiroglyphs, Tamil or Sanskrit by thousands of years. Tribals today are a representation of the way languages would have been at that time.
You cannot say that only a written language is language.It has evolved from something. That something is a spoken language. The world thousands of years ago was mostly village and tribes. Spoken languages were predominant and predated written languages like the Egyptian Heiroglyphs, Tamil or Sanskrit by thousands of years. Tribals today are a representation of the way languages would have been at that time.

H. habilis, H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, H. rhodesiensis, H. rhodesiensis,homo sapiens ,homo sapien sapiens . so can u able say which one is non human? ,all r humans but homo sapiens is civilized but h.sapien sapien is more civilized than homo sapien that is accountable. I think i explained
"Worlds largest democracy " India is from 1947 but that cant be a claim to fame according to me ! Isnt the democracy impeding India from taking tough decisions on privatization and big infrastructure projects
I agree with Brahmos and fast growing country status though!
English is good for the global industries, but if India and Indians truly want a national language then SANSKRIT should be enforced at all levels....it will be a long process but start in the primary schools.....it would be a great intiative to bring back a dying wonderful language
H. habilis, H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, H. rhodesiensis, H. rhodesiensis,homo sapiens ,homo sapien sapiens . so can u able say which one is non human? ,all r humans but homo sapiens is civilized but h.sapien sapien is more civilized than homo sapien that is accountable. I think i explained
Actually only homo sapiens (and an additional sapiens) is human or rather modern human.What exactly did you explain?
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