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There are still some Pan-Green DPP supporters who are sided with Vietnam. Meanwhile they also claiim that Tibet was never part of China.

Those fxxkers will call u.s. their real daddy and japs their real mommy. What can you do to those SOBs?
There are still some Pan-Green DPP supporters who are sided with Vietnam. Meanwhile they also claiim that Tibet was never part of China.

People will just say about anything for a political campaign.
Those fxxkers will call u.s. their real daddy and japs their real mommy. What can you do to those SOBs?

Too bad Chiang Kai-shek isn't around anymore. He would just throw the whole traitorous group in jail or eliminated them.
Some assert that Vietnam will be able to defeat China in a guerilla war. Let's examine the proposition.

It is true that America is not making any headway in Iraq or Afghanistan. While the locals are absorbing tremendous losses, after almost ten years, the Americans are no closer to achieving a victory against Iraqi insurgents or Afghan Talibans.

By analogy, Vietnamese nationalists argue that Vietnamese guerilla warfare will bog down the Chinese military. Does the analogy make sense? The answer is clearly "NO."

America is technologically powerful, but a soft country. It has a hammer, but lacks the will to use it. Unlike the United States, China will not follow American rules of engagement.

For the American soldier, you cannot shoot a male suspect unless you clearly see that he is holding a gun. This is called idiotic liberal doctrine that is guaranteed to ensure a loss in any war.

China follows Chinese rules. Chinese soldiers will shoot any Vietnamese male suspect first and ask questions later. This is a war, not a police action. Furthermore, China has observed the effects of American military strategy during the Vietnam War. If hostilities break out between Vietnam and China, I predict that China will start with three months of unrelenting "Rolling Thunder" and pulverize every military and strategic asset in Vietnam.

After Vietnam is on her knees, the PLA (backed with air power and attack helicopters) will swoop in and eliminate every potential Vietnamese male soldier or suspected soldier. If hostilities broke out in January, the war will be over by June. After China has devastated Vietnam, it will take the Vietnamese 50 years to rebuild.

I don't see how China's strategic position is disadvantaged by a Vietnam-China war. The downside is that China's global image takes a temporary dip. Aside from that, the Chinese military will have an excellent opportunity to test the effectiveness of inter-service cooperation. China may learn valuable lessons to improve its war machine.

In conclusion, though it may seem ironic, I agree with the Vietnamese nationalists that Vietnam and China should settle this border dispute once and for all. "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war."

Chinese soldiers respect the rule of law.

However Vietnam does not.

Vietnam uses false flag tactics like pretending to surrender waving white flag, then when Chinese soldiers are near, detonate grenades or set up ambush.

Vietnamese people frequently use old people and children in civilian clothes as soldiers. This is disgusting violation of the laws of war.

China has never violated international laws of war.
Step #1: After eliminating Vietnam's primitive air defenses, "Rolling Thunder" for three months. Destroy every Vietnamese military base, barracks, arms depot, airfield, maintenance facility, fuel depot, etc.

Also, destroy every bridge, airport, sea port, railway system, communication network, large warehouse facilities, electric power plant, water pumping station, civilian airfield, granary stores, manufacturing centers, and other valuable targets to paralyze Vietnamese Army.

The Vietnamese Army now lacks mobility, war supplies, food supplies, water, ability to communicate, ability to coordinate, etc. They are extremely vulnerable and demoralized.

Step #2: Advance into Vietnam with ground troops. Upon encountering any large concentrations of Vietnamese troops, eliminate with heavy howitzer barrages. Follow with tank and infantry attacks that are supported by attack jets and attack helicopters.

Step #3: Every PLA soldier is free to shoot if they believe that they're in danger. Chinese Rule of Engagement: protect yourself. This is war.

Step #4: Argue about the Geneva conventions after total victory. Veto and ignore liberal complaints at the U.N. They're going to do that anyway. Simply point to the thousands of civilian collateral damage in Afghanistan and the tens of thousands (or more) of civilian collateral damage in Iraq due to NATO bombings. Their hands aren't clean and they're in no position to criticize.

Only a fool would advocate American-style Rules of Engagement. Under American rules, China will fare no better in Vietnam than the U.S. Army in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is a recipe for disaster and humiliation. Only deluded bleeding hearts think that building schools in an enemy country is a path to victory.

The strategy for victory is to rip the enemy country into shreds and let them pick up the pieces over the next 50 years. I guarantee that Vietnam will not be eager to pick a fight with China over the South China Sea ever again.
This thread is full of warmongering kid wet dreams and to much nationalism.

Japanese dont like being called japs.

"han territory" you know there are other ethnic groups in China...
This thread is full of warmongering kid wet dreams and to much nationalism.

Japanese dont like being called japs.

"han territory" you know there are other ethnic groups in China...

it is just bloody funny that you are talking about nationalism here as an aussie. when every single of your supermarket has your national flag stupidly on sale, tell me how you can pointing fingers at others and call it nationalism? dude, we don't sale our national flags to our bogans in supermarket.

want to take the moral high ground and start judging people? how about fix your own problem at home first?
China has no warmongering kid, but Australia has many, too many, so they send some to invade other countries, like Afghanistan.
This thread is full of warmongering kid wet dreams and to much nationalism.

Japanese dont like being called japs.

"han territory" you know there are other ethnic groups in China...

The other minorities are all separatists. The Uighurs killed about 140 innocent Han civilians, including women and children. The Tibetans killed about 20 Han civilians, including women and children. You can see the dead Han bodies after they were butchered by the Uighurs and Tibetans on YouTube. I've watched them.

Murderous and lawless Uighurs and Tibetans are separatist minorities. The Mongolians are following the footsteps of the Uighurs and Tibetans in their separatist activities. I intentionally and correctly mentioned Han territory. The blood-thirsty separatist/terrorist minorities will eventually be "contained" in American-style Native American reservations, sooner or later.

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China has no warmongering kid, but Australia has many, too many, so they send some to invade other countries, like Afghanistan.

What where we supported our ally where the Taliban (who controlled the country) supported a terrorist attack.

Sounds like an act of war to me.

I didnt say China i said this thread read it.
it is just bloody funny that you are talking about nationalism here as an aussie. when every single of your supermarket has your national flag stupidly on sale, tell me how you can pointing fingers at others and call it nationalism? dude, we don't sale our national flags to our bogans in supermarket.

want to take the moral high ground and start judging people? how about fix your own problem at home first?

I said over-nationalism.

Theres a difference between buying flags and wanting to invade a country because they took "han territory" and calling them fuxxers.

Not warmongering all the posts on this thread are about how to destroy vietnam have you read it? course not.

So australia has bad moral grounds because we sell our flags? good joke is that the best you got.
While you are entitled to your opinion, they are worthless. No Australian civilian has been slaughtered by Uighurs, Tibetans, or Vietnamese. Over a hundred Han Chinese civilians, some on their bikes, have been killed by Uighurs and Tibetans. You discuss China's domestic terrorism by Uighurs and Tibetans at an abstract level, because you have nothing at stake.

Our fellow Hans have been butchered by terrorists and we are threatened by a belligerent neighboring country. We will deal with them accordingly.

Your unsolicited advice is unwanted and not welcomed.
While you are entitled to your opinion, they are worthless. No Australian civilian has been slaughtered by Uighurs, Tibetans, or Vietnamese. Han Chinese have been terrorized and killed by the hundreds. You discuss the problem at an abstract level. Our fellow Hans have been butchered by terrorists and we are threatened by a belligerent neighboring country. We will deal with them accordingly.

Your unsolicited advice is unwanted and not welcomed.

You are a proposing ethnic genocide and nazi like camps.

Manchurians and Zhuangs are also Chinese.gonna kill them 2 because there not Han?

The seperatist movements are also done by a few not the whole population.

I also like the mind set it was once ours so its ours now.
You are wasting your time. No one is interested in your liberal agenda. No Australian blood has been spilled.

Every Han that watches the video of the Uighurs slaughtering Han women in cold-blood understand that "blood cries out for blood." It is our problem and we will deal with it. Now go home. No one asked for your naive opinion, which is suitable only for ivory-tower university classroom debates.

This is the real world. Helpless Han civilian women have been butchered en mass by Uighurs. Our sisters' blood are flowing in the streets. Han China will not permit this to be repeated. This is final.
You are wasting your time. No one is interested in your liberal agenda. No Australian blood has been spilled.

Every Han that watches the video of the Uighurs slaughtering Han women in cold-blood understand that "blood cries out for blood." It is our problem and we will deal with it. Now go home. No one asked for your naive opinion, which is suitable only for ivory-tower university classroom debates.

This is the real world. Helpless Han civilian women have been butchered en mass by Uighurs. Han China will not permit this to be repeated. This is final.

Go home?

where are you? oh yes USA apprently.no one asked for your opinion either nor did i ask for you to reply to me.

Wake up to the real world no one in the Chinese government will do your style of.......anything

21st century baby welcome.
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