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Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

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LOL, i can't believe what i'm reading! Too ridiculous...

BTW Hi guys, i'm new here... Just got this urge to reply on the racist posts of some.


Edit ***** = C H I N K S

way to respond to racism with more racism then, because sure, being a dick is the best move on your first post.
such a murderer's protector
As I say, it is too early to judge before investigations came out~ we don;t know yet the circumstances in which the shooting was conducted.

And shooting foreign vessels is not uncommon. Last year Korean and Palau also shot Chinese crewmen, as per the circumstances demand.

If the shooting was indeed done without proper protocol, then the Philippines must apologize.
Following the same argument, If the circumstances at the time demand the shooting, then It will be the Taiwan part to apologize for breaching Philippines border.

What I'm objected is the misinformation spread by Chinese/Taiwanese media to discredit Philippines, which is the case that I've shown and proven here.

if your assumption of "autonesian" can sail across the sea, I can also safely assume our ancient
folks had begun fishing in the disputed areas
This is not assumption, this is scientifically and anthropologically proven fact of histories.

This is why I've argued many times, Chinese historical education are at best Sinocentric if not Chauvinistic. Chinese look down upon other cultures as if they are non-existant barbarian and technologically primitive. The truth is far more than that.

The fact is, Austronesian culture are the only culture in the world to spread across the sea, not land. Their culture are inherently maritime-based from the beginning of their existence since 3000 BC.

This is scientific reference from Internationally reputable journal "Nature":
Diamond, Jared M. (1988). "Express train to Polynesia". Nature 336 (6197): 307–8. doi:10.1038/336307a0.

Other Reference:
1. Pawley, A. (2002). "The Austronesian dispersal: languages, technologies and people". In Bellwood, Peter S.; Renfrew, Colin. Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. pp. 251–273. ISBN 1902937201.
2. Dewar, RE; Wright, HT (1993). "The culture history of Madagascar". Journal of World Prehistory 7 (4): 417–466. doi:10.1007/BF00997802.
3. The Austronesians : historical and comparative perspectives. Australian National University. 2006. ISBN 1920942858.

Chinese culture, in contrast, is agricultural based, and their spread were continental-based, not archipelagic. This is China neolithic culture domain before the era of 3 Sovereigns and 5 Emperors around 3000 BC

From scientifically proven history, the filipino's ancestors as well as all South East Asian people's ancestors, had in fact sailed and conducted fisheries in the area for centuries, and even millenials, before the Chinese late comers to the sea.

Points are logical to your unreasonable claims
You are the one who claim historic titles. If you say it is unreasonable, then Chinese historical claim is also unreasonable, and so according to UNCLOS, Taiwan cannot extend beyond the median line equidistant to each countries baseline.

Again the Taiwanese aboriginals could be Chinese too!
We are talking about ethnicity. Taiwanese abroigines are not Han Chinese, they are Austronesian people. And by the way, excersing traditional fishing rights by the word "traditional" means, traditional fishing vessel, not some advance modern ship. And this has been excerside by Indonesian traditional fishermen by using only traditional means to fish.

you think you can rightfully claim eez through an assumption of an irrelevant “Austronesia” history and a useless map for back up then you have failed miserably
That's why Chinese are so sinocentric and chauvinist~
The fact is clear, anthropologically and scientifically, that Austronesian had been exploring the sea long before the Chinese. And logically, historically wise, the Austronesian had more legitimacy to assert historical rights than the Chinese had, if we follow Chinese logic of Historical rights (傳統捕魚區).

But Chinese keep ignoring and Chauvinistically continue looking down upon other cultures. These all are reflected by your posts and Chinese media.

Even after Taiwanese government investigations had reveal otherwise that the boat indeed was located outside Taiwan-claim border, you and the Chinese/Taiwanese media stubbornly assert the contrary or choose to ignore the official Taiwan investigation results.
As I say, it is too early to judge before investigations came out~ we don;t know yet the circumstances in which the shooting was conducted.

And shooting foreign vessels is not uncommon. Last year Korean and Palau also shot Chinese crewmen, as per the circumstances demand.

If the shooting was indeed done without proper protocol, then the Philippines must apologize.
Following the same argument, If the circumstances at the time demand the shooting, then It will be the Taiwan part to apologize for breaching Philippines border.

What I'm objected is the misinformation spread by Chinese/Taiwanese media to discredit Philippines, which is the case that I've shown and proven here.

This is not assumption, this is scientifically and anthropologically proven fact of histories.

This is why I've argued many times, Chinese historical education are at best Sinocentric if not Chauvinistic. Chinese look down upon other cultures as if they are non-existant barbarian and technologically primitive. The truth is far more than that.

The fact is, Austronesian culture are the only culture in the world to spread across the sea, not land. Their culture are inherently maritime-based from the beginning of their existence since 3000 BC.

This is scientific reference from Internationally reputable journal "Nature":
Diamond, Jared M. (1988). "Express train to Polynesia". Nature 336 (6197): 307–8. doi:10.1038/336307a0.

Other Reference:
1. Pawley, A. (2002). "The Austronesian dispersal: languages, technologies and people". In Bellwood, Peter S.; Renfrew, Colin. Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. pp. 251–273. ISBN 1902937201.
2. Dewar, RE; Wright, HT (1993). "The culture history of Madagascar". Journal of World Prehistory 7 (4): 417–466. doi:10.1007/BF00997802.
3. The Austronesians : historical and comparative perspectives. Australian National University. 2006. ISBN 1920942858.

Chinese culture, in contrast, is agricultural based, and their spread were continental-based, not archipelagic. This is China neolithic culture domain before the era of 3 Sovereigns and 5 Emperors around 3000 BC

From scientifically proven history, the filipino's ancestors as well as all South East Asian people's ancestors, had in fact sailed and conducted fisheries in the area for centuries, and even millenials, before the Chinese late comers to the sea.

You are the one who claim historic titles. If you say it is unreasonable, then Chinese historical claim is also unreasonable, and so according to UNCLOS, Taiwan cannot extend beyond the median line equidistant to each countries baseline.

We are talking about ethnicity. Taiwanese abroigines are not Han Chinese, they are Austronesian people. And by the way, excersing traditional fishing rights by the word "traditional" means, traditional fishing vessel, not some advance modern ship. And this has been excerside by Indonesian traditional fishermen by using only traditional means to fish.

That's why Chinese are so sinocentric and chauvinist~
The fact is clear, anthropologically and scientifically, that Austronesian had been exploring the sea long before the Chinese. And logically, historically wise, the Austronesian had more legitimacy to assert historical rights than the Chinese had, if we follow Chinese logic of Historical rights (傳統捕魚區).

But Chinese keep ignoring and Chauvinistically continue looking down upon other cultures. These all are reflected by your posts and Chinese media.

Even after Taiwanese government investigations had reveal otherwise that the boat indeed was located outside Taiwan-claim border, you and the Chinese/Taiwanese media stubbornly assert the contrary or choose to ignore the official Taiwan investigation results.

Why must ROC government apologize for the fisherman for intruding Philippine water if found to be true? Did you see Indo need to apologize for every illegal Indon immigrant getting into Malaysia or Australia?

But excessive use of force is barbaric especially involved even taking away someone's life. If the Taiwan fishing boat intrude into Philippine water, by all mean PN shall arrest it. As for the ramming of PN patrol ship, I will say its a pack of lies to legalize their shooting of unarmed fishing vessel. Its very clear from the returning fishing vessel, there is no sight of ramming evident from the bow of the fishing boat. And it doesn't need an expert to tell you how can an unarmed smaller fishing vessel will go and ram a bigger armed patrol craft?
As I say, it is too early to judge before investigations came out~ we don;t know yet the circumstances in which the shooting was conducted.

only murderers' protectors will stage a support for the pinoys when blatant evidences are there

And shooting foreign vessels is not uncommon. Last year Korean and Palau also shot Chinese crewmen, as per the circumstances demand.

yes the situation with s korea was settled
you need to show me the palau incidence then I will reply

If the shooting was indeed done without proper protocol, then the Philippines must apologize.

All the evidences available are unfavourable to the philippines' claim
not only apologies but also
1. adequate compensation
2. guarantee safety of our fishermen in the area
3. proper legal trial against the murderers

Following the same argument, If the circumstances at the time demand the shooting, then It will be the Taiwan part to apologize for breaching Philippines border.

it is the Taiwanese who are the victims not the philippines

What I'm objected is the misinformation spread by Chinese/Taiwanese media to discredit Philippines, which is the case that I've shown and proven here.

you are not Chinese you dont have the feeling

This is not assumption, this is scientifically and anthropologically proven fact of histories.

explain to us point by point the following and more to come

This is why I've argued many times, Chinese historical education are at best Sinocentric if not Chauvinistic.

that is your own perception. Sinocentric is important for knowing our own past and civilization
we also have world history in our curriculla

Chauvinistic is appropriately found in the west, japan et al, plenty of it; and now a growing traits of the same in people from territories and countries which have adopted western cultures

Chinese look down upon other cultures as if they are non-existant barbarian and technologically primitive. The truth is far more than that

we respect the culture of our neighbours
tech primitive or not is fairly judged by scientific, functiional evaluations and practices
many indians, europeans, japanese and/or yankies are looking down on our tech too

The fact is, Austronesian culture are the only culture in the world to spread across the sea, not land. Their culture are inherently maritime-based from the beginning of their existence since 3000 BC.

show me the lines to describe that

This is scientific reference from Internationally reputable journal "Nature":
Diamond, Jared M. (1988). "Express train to Polynesia". Nature 336 (6197): 307–8. doi:10.1038/336307a0.

nature is just one source of info and is not conclusive. you have to present to us a lot more!

what are the circled numbers. give us a description of events happening in each of the circles . What were the evidences to substantiate the time that the circles occurred?

circled no 1 appears very close to the coast of China and that could be a strong evidence showing that Austronesian were from China

Other Reference:
1. Pawley, A. (2002). "The Austronesian dispersal: languages, technologies and people". In Bellwood, Peter S.; Renfrew, Colin. Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. pp. 251–273. ISBN 1902937201.
2. Dewar, RE; Wright, HT (1993). "The culture history of Madagascar". Journal of World Prehistory 7 (4): 417–466. doi:10.1007/BF00997802.
3. The Austronesians : historical and comparative perspectives. Australian National University. 2006. ISBN 1920942858.

in China we also have historical/archeological books too! Having the above series of references does not represent the people (who may be Chinese too)were the first to know how to navigate at high seas

Chinese culture, in contrast, is agricultural based, and their spread were continental-based, not archipelagic. This is China neolithic culture domain before the era of 3 Sovereigns and 5 Emperors around 3000 BC

explain to me the varies era in China's history and let us verify

you have to prove fisheries at sea never happened in our civilization

From scientifically proven history, the filipino's ancestors as well as all South East Asian people's ancestors, had in fact sailed and conducted fisheries in the area for centuries, and even millenials, before the Chinese late comers to the sea.

nothing is proven here

dont jump into conclusion before the above and more questions to be properly answered
filipinos' ancestors could be of Chinese origin

You are the one who claim historic titles. If you say it is unreasonable, then Chinese historical claim is also unreasonable, and so according to UNCLOS, Taiwan cannot extend beyond the median line equidistant to each countries baseline

B/S my point has revealed your attempt to hide away other conditions in UNCLOS' article
you cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt the areas belong to the filippines and there is no other governments who are in contention of the claim

We are talking about ethnicity. Taiwanese abroigines are not Han Chinese,

we have 56 ethnic groups Han is Chinese; so are Mongolians Manchurians etc
give us a proof the earliest ancestors of Taiwanese aborigines are not originated from mainland China

they are Austronesian people. And by the way, excersing traditional fishing rights by the word "traditional" means, traditional fishing vessel, not some advance modern ship. And this has been excerside by Indonesian traditional fishermen by using only traditional means to fish.

that their history which bears no relevance to the disputed area and it has no relevance as to negate our fishing boats did not sail there

explain to us the relevance of the pic as to the EEZ claims

That's why Chinese are so sinocentric and chauvinist~

see my reply above

you are seriously biased against us

The fact is clear, anthropologically and scientifically, that Austronesian had been exploring the sea long before the Chinese. And logically, historically wise, the Austronesian had more legitimacy to assert historical rights than the Chinese had, if we follow Chinese logic of Historical rights (傳統捕魚區).

that is your individual rough claim on a forum which is narrow minded and it cannot be substantiated by a comprehenisive comparison with our history

But Chinese keep ignoring and Chauvinistically continue looking down upon other cultures. These all are reflected by your posts and Chinese media.

Its more appropriate to you who have paid no regards to our culture

we have high regards to others culture and again dont repeat something you have said and I have answered

Even after Taiwanese government investigations had reveal otherwise that the boat indeed was located outside Taiwan-claim border, you and the Chinese/Taiwanese media stubbornly assert the contrary or choose to ignore the official Taiwan investigation results.


Taiwanese boat was in disputed waters and the party who had caused the unarmed fisherman's death was the PCG - these will be the findings from the investigation
It's time for China to "check" on the bananas imported from the pinoys, again.

Like before sorry w don't import any of that to stupid china as i say good bye to rubbish chinese criminals stealing natural resources killing millions of filipinos in the long rung bye and don't let the door hit you on your way out!
Philippine deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte, at a press briefing on Friday, said the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) “responded accordingly” to the situation.
“It was an aggressive act, the ramming of the boat into our vessel was certainly an aggressive act, so the PCG responded accordingly,” she said.
However, the spokeswoman said with a clear smile over such a tragic incident, causing public anger in Taiwan.

smh not the first time Philippines government officer did this kind of thing

Philippine deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte, at a press briefing on Friday, said the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) “responded accordingly” to the situation.
“It was an aggressive act, the ramming of the boat into our vessel was certainly an aggressive act, so the PCG responded accordingly,” she said.
However, the spokeswoman said with a clear smile over such a tragic incident, causing public anger in Taiwan.

smh not the first time Philippines government officer did this kind of thing


Before this event, I did not know the Philippines are on bad terms with so many nations. I just read they had an incident with Malaysia earlier this year. USA needs to rethink their strategy with Philippines if they cannot control their aggression on other countries.
I wouldn't call Filipino politicians and bureaucrats are aggressive. There's nothing for them to be aggressive about. Mostly it has to do with their competencies and their interdepartmental miscommunication. All of them are so eager to go the press when they hold a itsy bitsy information.
Before this event, I did not know the Philippines are on bad terms with so many nations. I just read they had an incident with Malaysia earlier this year. USA needs to rethink their strategy with Philippines if they cannot control their aggression on other countries.

Philippines kept upsetting their neighboring countries recently , Hong Kong (Manila hostage incident) , China( disputed islands) , Malaysia ( Sabah incident) , and now Taiwan ....
Before this event, I did not know the Philippines are on bad terms with so many nations. I just read they had an incident with Malaysia earlier this year. USA needs to rethink their strategy with Philippines if they cannot control their aggression on other countries.

Not to defend the Philippines but before you jump into conclusion you should read more. The ongoing Malaysian incident was not perpetuated by their government. It was caused by Muslim rebels that the Pinoys had been fighting for ages which BTW we (U.S) have sent troops to help train Pinoys marines to battle the extremist. In addition, those battle hardened rebels were trained by previous Malaysian administrations. Karmic justice eh. The Pinoys gov't took some flak from idiotic Pinoy bots and nationalist who accused the Pinoy government of siding with the Malaysians. The Scarborough islands OTOH was a bunch of islands that have been used by the Pinoy navy and the US Navy as bombing ranges in the past. Pinoy lost it last yea when the Chinese forcibly took it away from them which ya know resulted to strained relations between the Pinoys and the Chinese.
Taiwanese fishermen burn Philippine flags in protest

13 May 2013 8:09 PM

Taiwanese fishermen burn Philippine flags in protest - Channel NewsAsia

TAIPEI - Angry Taiwanese fishermen on Monday burned Filipino flags in protest after the Philippine coastguard fired on a Taiwan fishing boat killing a crew member.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino called for calm as tensions escalated between the two countries over last week's incident in which the 65-year-old fisherman was shot dead.

Hundreds of fishermen wearing yellow headbands and chanting "Justice must be done!" and "Killer must be punished!" hurled eggs at the Philippine de facto embassy in Taipei, which was guarded by dozens of police.

Aquino said Monday that the embassy in Taiwan was in talks with Taiwanese foreign ministry officials and had assured them an investigation was being carried out.

"I think it is in the interest of both parties to proceed in a calm basis," Aquino told reporters. "We are proceeding in that manner."

The Philippine coastguard admitted on Friday to firing at one of four Taiwanese fishing vessels that it said had strayed into the country's waters.

Taiwanese authorities said more than 50 bullets hit the 15-tonne vessel, and fisherman Hung Shih-cheng was killed.

The victim's son, who was with his father and two other sailors on the boat at the time, has insisted they did not cross into Philippine waters.

Prosecutor Liu Chia-kai described the incident as "nothing but a slaughter," after examining the boat after it was towed back from sea.

Taiwan's government has come under pressure from the opposition and the media to take action.

Aquino declined to comment on demands by Taiwan at the weekend for his government to apologise for the shooting and pay compensation to the victim's family, or face a potential freeze in sending Filipino workers to the island.

There are about 87,000 Philippine domestic helpers and other workers in Taiwan, who send home hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Taiwan at the weekend sent four coastguard and naval vessels to protect its fishermen in waters near the Philippines.

The Philippine government said on Sunday that Antonio Basilio, head of the Philippines' de facto embassy in Taiwan, had visited the family of the fisherman and "extended condolences and apologies".

Aquino said he did not want to comment further, preferring to let diplomats handle the dispute.

"If we comment on that (at the presidential) level, we guarantee the issue will escalate," Aquino said.

The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions around the region over rival claims to the nearby South China Sea.

China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the sea.

Taiwan has ruled itself since 1949, but China still considers the island part of its territory. The Philippines, like most countries, officially recognises China over Taiwan but maintains trade ties with the island.

- AFP/ir

why the philippines are delaying in the release to the public of the video footage of the incident which they claim they have on hand?
Philippine leader urges calm over Taiwan shooting

13 May 2013 5:04 PM
Philippine leader urges calm over Taiwan shooting - Channel NewsAsia

MANILA: Philippine President Benigno Aquino called for calm Monday amid an escalating dispute with Taiwan over the death of a Taiwanese fisherman in a confrontation with the Filipino coastguard.

Aquino said Manila's de facto embassy in Taiwan was in talks with Taiwanese foreign ministry officials and had assured them an investigation was being carried out into last week's incident in which the fisherman was shot dead.

"I think it is in the interest of both parties to proceed in a calm basis," Aquino told reporters. "We are proceeding in that manner."

The Philippine coastguard admitted on Friday to firing at one of four Taiwanese fishing vessels that it said had strayed into the country's waters.

Taiwanese authorities said more than 50 bullets hit the 15-tonne vessel, and a 65-year-old fisherman was killed.

Aquino declined to comment on demands by Taiwan at the weekend for his government to apologise for the shooting and pay compensation to the victim's family, or face a potential freeze in sending Filipino workers to the island.

There are about 87,000 Philippine domestic helpers and other workers in Taiwan who send home hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Taiwan also sent four coastguard and naval vessels on the weekend to protect its fishermen in waters near the Philippines.

The Philippine government said on Sunday that Antonio Basilio, head of the Philippines' de facto embassy in Taiwan, had visited the family of the fisherman and "extended condolences and apologies".

Aquino said he did not want to comment further, preferring to let diplomats handle the dispute.

"If we comment on that (at the presidential) level, we guarantee the issue will escalate," Aquino said.

The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions around the region over rival claims to the nearby South China Sea.

China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the sea.

Taiwan has ruled itself since 1949, but China still considers the island part of its territory. The Philippines, like most countries, officially recognises China over Taiwan but maintains trade ties with the island.

- AFP/ac/sb

US voices 'regret' at death of Taiwanese fisherman

14 May 2013 6:21 AM


WASHINGTON: The United States Monday voiced regret over the death of a Taiwanese fisherman killed when the Philippine coast guard fired on his vessel, but stopped short of condemning the incident.

"We regret the tragic death of a Taiwan fishing boat master during a May 9 confrontation at sea with a Philippine patrol vessel," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters.

"The United States has been in touch with both the Philippine government and the Taiwan authorities regarding this incident. And we welcome the Philippine government's pledge to conduct a full and transparent investigation."

Pressed by reporters to take a stronger stand, Psaki said merely that Washington continued to urge all sides "to refrain from provocative actions."

"There will be an investigation into this case, and we'll follow that closely," she added.

Angry Taiwanese fishermen Monday burned Filipino flags, as Philippine President Benigno Aquino urged calm amid tensions over last week's incident.

The Philippine coast guard admitted on Friday to firing at one of four Taiwanese fishing vessels that it said had strayed into the country's waters.

Taiwanese authorities said more than 50 bullets hit the 15-tonne vessel, and fisherman Hung Shih-cheng, 65, was killed.

The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions around the region over rival claims to the nearby South China Sea.

China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the sea.

- AFP/jc
Muslim rebels that the Pinoys had been fighting for ages which BTW we (U.S) have sent troops to help train Pinoys marines to battle the extremist. In addition, those battle hardened rebels were trained by previous Malaysian administrations. Karmic justice eh.

you should read more as well , Malaysia is just one of the Islamic country that offered assist to the Muslim people in Philippines out of sympathy, and it was because Jabidah massacre .Philippines government tried to cover up a failed plan to invade Sabah by massacred the Muslim people they trained .Muslim rebels were formed because of that . Karmic justice? Philippines government was the reason Muslim in Philippines picked up their weapon.
But that well know the kiramas did it for themselves they want to claim sabah that's it anyway back on topic

Philippine leader urges calm over Taiwan shooting

13 May 2013 5:04 PM
Philippine leader urges calm over Taiwan shooting - Channel NewsAsia

MANILA: Philippine President Benigno Aquino called for calm Monday amid an escalating dispute with Taiwan over the death of a Taiwanese fisherman in a confrontation with the Filipino coastguard.

Aquino said Manila's de facto embassy in Taiwan was in talks with Taiwanese foreign ministry officials and had assured them an investigation was being carried out into last week's incident in which the fisherman was shot dead.

"I think it is in the interest of both parties to proceed in a calm basis," Aquino told reporters. "We are proceeding in that manner."

The Philippine coastguard admitted on Friday to firing at one of four Taiwanese fishing vessels that it said had strayed into the country's waters.

Taiwanese authorities said more than 50 bullets hit the 15-tonne vessel, and a 65-year-old fisherman was killed.

Aquino declined to comment on demands by Taiwan at the weekend for his government to apologise for the shooting and pay compensation to the victim's family, or face a potential freeze in sending Filipino workers to the island.

There are about 87,000 Philippine domestic helpers and other workers in Taiwan who send home hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Taiwan also sent four coastguard and naval vessels on the weekend to protect its fishermen in waters near the Philippines.

The Philippine government said on Sunday that Antonio Basilio, head of the Philippines' de facto embassy in Taiwan, had visited the family of the fisherman and "extended condolences and apologies".

Aquino said he did not want to comment further, preferring to let diplomats handle the dispute.

"If we comment on that (at the presidential) level, we guarantee the issue will escalate," Aquino said.

The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions around the region over rival claims to the nearby South China Sea.

China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the sea.

Taiwan has ruled itself since 1949, but China still considers the island part of its territory. The Philippines, like most countries, officially recognises China over Taiwan but maintains trade ties with the island.

- AFP/ac/sb

US voices 'regret' at death of Taiwanese fisherman

14 May 2013 6:21 AM


WASHINGTON: The United States Monday voiced regret over the death of a Taiwanese fisherman killed when the Philippine coast guard fired on his vessel, but stopped short of condemning the incident.

"We regret the tragic death of a Taiwan fishing boat master during a May 9 confrontation at sea with a Philippine patrol vessel," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters.

"The United States has been in touch with both the Philippine government and the Taiwan authorities regarding this incident. And we welcome the Philippine government's pledge to conduct a full and transparent investigation."

Pressed by reporters to take a stronger stand, Psaki said merely that Washington continued to urge all sides "to refrain from provocative actions."

"There will be an investigation into this case, and we'll follow that closely," she added.

Angry Taiwanese fishermen Monday burned Filipino flags, as Philippine President Benigno Aquino urged calm amid tensions over last week's incident.

The Philippine coast guard admitted on Friday to firing at one of four Taiwanese fishing vessels that it said had strayed into the country's waters.

Taiwanese authorities said more than 50 bullets hit the 15-tonne vessel, and fisherman Hung Shih-cheng, 65, was killed.

The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions around the region over rival claims to the nearby South China Sea.

China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the sea.

- AFP/jc

Hello midterm elections still going on! and investigations take time moron your demonetization of the philippines is just typical chinese racism so typical its getting old and beside your brothers like yourselves were stealing and trespassing and try to ram our ship so expect to get shot at! Oh you just wait until our new ships get here
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