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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines


Taiwan is not a country... remember we only observe a One China Policy.

If you want, DECLARE your INDEPENDENCE first then we'll be HAPPY to turn over them to you, if proven GUILTY.


Wow nice :victory:
Insincere Taiwanese leader politicizing poacher’s killing
GOTCHA By Jarius Bondoc (The Philippine Star) | Updated May 20, 2013

President Benigno Aquino III has apologized for the Philippine Coast Guard’s killing last week of a Taiwanese fisherman. It was as sincere as can be, given the circumstances. His government was still investigating how exactly the shooting had happened. But even as the coast guards invoked self-defense against a belligerent poaching vessel, it was apparent that they had erred. They supposedly were aiming for the Taiwanese boat’s engine to prevent it from ramming theirs, but in the process hit Hung Shih-cheng, 65. For that, Aquino sent the director of the Taipei-based Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) to convey his and the Filipino people’s apology and condolences to the Hung family and the Taiwanese people. He already was treading on thin diplomatic ice as Beijing, so adamant about a one-China stance, jealously frowns on any official recognition of provincial Taiwan’s sovereignty. Still Aquino followed up with a formal letter, hand-carried by his personal envoy, the MECO chairman in Manila, with the same message.

Yet Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou rejected the contrition as “flippant.” His government recalled its de facto envoy to Manila, severed ongoing trade and cultural activities, and took it out on Filipino guest workers and travel agents. It even called out provocative naval exercises at the sea border.

All this happened as the Taiwanese press, divided between pro- and anti-Beijing, united in editorials calling Aquino insincere. From whatever side they stood, they took Manila’s observance of one-China as excuse for inadequate response. Ma, for months now chastened by a low 14 percent approval rating, saw a chance to rise by riding the wave of outrage. He set off increasingly jingoistic measures, including potential harassment of 87,000 Filipino workers in Taiwan. He had his factotums in Taipei and in Washington accusing the Philippine Coast Guard of “murder.” He ranted that Aquino apologize to him no less.

Sooner or later the Taiwanese will come around to realizing that it’s Ma who’s insincere. He is using fisherman Hung’s death to recoup his tattered look as a fence-sitting centrist. His first demand was recompense for Hung’s heirs. Even if the Philippines wished to comply, that cannot happen unless Ma sets the sober event for it.

But sobriety is farthest from a desperate mind. Ma’s agents worked on hotels where MECO officials usually stayed to deny them billeting this time. He mumbled mere bromides as reports swirled of diners and grocery stores turning away Filipinos in Kaohsiung, the southern port city where Hung resided. No sympathy too when a Filipino worker was pummeled in the head with a baseball bat by neighborhood bullies.

Ma is even cutting off his nose to spite his face. His government has halted processing Filipino work contracts to Taiwan or renewing expiring ones. And yet his man at the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Manila, the counterpart to the MECO in Taipei, had said that the island’s manufactories flourish because of the highly skilled Filipino workers. Acknowledged too was that Filipino domestics boost Taiwan’s economy by freeing its entrepreneurs from housework.

But Ma is unstoppable. He calls for trade sanctions, overlooking that the $11-billion annual commerce between Manila and Taipei favors the latter with a $6.7-billion surplus. He chides the Philippines for its one-China line, forgetting that Manila, at the height of Beijing’s global drive for UN recognition and Taiwan’s expulsion, had thought up the MECO-TECO setup to maintain long-standing ties with the island’s early Kuomintang rulers. Manila had twice earned Beijing’s ire in the ‘90s for feting Taiwanese presidents who dropped by en route to Washington.

Forgotten in Ma’s politicizing of a fisherman’s death is that the incident occurred in Philippine internal waters. Even the Taiwanese map (shown by The STAR yesterday) pinpoints it in the Balintang Channel, between Babuyan Islands of Batanes province and mainland Luzon. The Philippine fisheries bureau’s patrol craft, with 15 coast guards on deck, had spotted a Taiwanese boat and a mother ship poaching marine life. As it approached and gave notice to board, the bigger vessel sped off. The smaller Guang Ta Hsin-28, meanwhile, twice attempted to ram the Philippine craft. Both times the coast guards fired warning shots, then pursued and shot at the boat’s motor as it too fled. That the GTH-28 sustained 59 bullet holes does not mean murder, but self-defense against and hot pursuit of a resisting intruder-rustler.

Insincere Taiwanese leader politicizing poacher
Taiwanese, think bigger, be smarter. Don't let China take advantage from this accident.
If not, go ahead then you will be just an island province.

China is trying to separate 2 allies of US. With China, human life is nothing, don't pretend to have compassion for the fisherman. Many many Vietnamese fisherman were and are bullied by Chinese Navy on sea with no mercy. A Vietnamese fishing boat has just been set on fire by Chinese Navy recently. Vietnamese' ve got angry and opposed a lot but Chinese are absolutely safe in Vietnam. You will see our real power once we enter the fight like 1979 at border war, this time on sea.
Taiwanese, think bigger, be smarter. Don't let China take advantage from this accident.
If not, go ahead then you will be just an island province.

China is trying to separate 2 allies of US. With China, human life is nothing, don't pretend to have compassion for the fisherman. Many many Vietnamese fisherman were and are bullied by Chinese Navy on sea with no mercy. A Vietnamese fishing boat has just been set on fire by Chinese Navy recently. Vietnamese' ve got angry and opposed a lot but Chinese are absolutely safe in Vietnam. You will see our real power once we enter the fight like 1979 at border war, this time on sea.

They won't they are all like that they are chinese after all
Taiwan must understand that acting like a bully will not be helpful in any way to the relationship of both sides. They have no jurisdiction whatsoever to the Philippines territory. Let our investigators finish the investigation before making threats and so forth against the Philippines. Taiwan is acting like their motherland, the mainland China, which they themselves will not tolerate.
Taiwan must understand that acting like a bully will not be helpful in any way to the relationship of both sides. They have no jurisdiction whatsoever to the Philippines territory. Let our investigators finish the investigation before making threats and so forth against the Philippines. Taiwan is acting like their motherland, the mainland China, which they themselves will not tolerate.

They are chinese after all its what they do best
De Lima: Taiwan’s conclusion on death of fisherman premature
By Edu Punay (The Philippine Star) | Updated May 20, 2013

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Justice (DOJ) dismissed as premature the conclusion of Taiwanese investigators that the killing of a poaching Taiwanese fisherman by the coast guard last May 9 was intentional.

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima over the weekend said the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has not yet completed its probe into the incident and has not come up with conclusive findings yet.

She would not confirm reports that the NBI found several violations of rules of engagement during the incident, while investigators so far gathered evidence showing the coast guard acted in self-defense against the aggressive act shown by the Taiwanese fishing vessels.

As to the statement of Taiwan’s Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs director Chen Wen-chi that Taiwanese investigators found that the shooting was intentional, De Lima said she was not sure if their probe was thorough and complete.

“We advise everyone to just wait for the results of the NBI investigation and avoid making any speculations and/or premature disclosure of so-called insider sources,” De Lima said.

De Lima believes that premature findings were irresponsibly released as they “would further fuel or aggravate the prevailing tension between the Philippines and Taiwan.”

The 17-member Taiwanese investigation panel arrived in the country last Thursday and left Saturday after their request for a joint probe was denied by the DOJ. They did not have access to key evidence gathered by the NBI: incident report from the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), statements of the coast guards involved in the incident, and the ballistic reports from the firearms used.

The Taiwanese investigators said they decided to leave because of a lack of sincerity and cooperation by the Philippines.

Parallel probe possible

De Lima clarified that while a joint investigation is not possible since it would violate the country’s sovereignty, a parallel probe or cooperation between the Philippine and Taiwanese investigators could be considered.

She also assured the Taiwanese authorities that the NBI is conducting “a fair, thorough and expeditious probe to arrive at a just and credible conclusion.”

“That is the NBI’s mandate and NBI is perfectly cognizant of the seriousness and crucialness of its task. Until the conclusion of the NBI probe and submission of its report, everyone, including the media, is urged to refrain from making statements relative to the probe,” De Lima said.

The DOJ chief earlier directed NBI officials not to prematurely disclose initial findings in their probe. She said what can be released to the media are the steps and processes being undertaken and “not findings, opinions or conclusions.”

The NBI is expected to come up with its findings this week as the probe has been given “highest priority.” The bureau, however, has yet to get a go-signal for its team to fly to Taiwan to examine the fishing vessel and interview companions of the slain fisherman, Hung Shih-cheng, to be able to come up with a complete probe.

Citing sources privy to the probe, The STAR reported initial findings of the NBI that while the coast guards were on a defensive stance in shooting the Taiwanese vessel and only wanted to disable the poachers from fleeing, they may have violated rules of engagement in doing so.

It was learned that the personnel of MCS-3001, a 35-meter vessel jointly manned by the PCG and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), were preventing the Taiwanese fishermen from further entering the Philippine territory. – With Alexis Romero and AP

De Lima: Taiwan
Ma’s antics
COMMONSENSE By Marichu A. Villanueva (The Philippine Star)
May 20, 2013

It was indeed very unfortunate that a Taiwanese fisherman was killed when a patrol ship of the Philippine Coast Guard accosted his errant fishing boat last week. The Philippine vessel – actually a joint patrol ship of the Coast Guard and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) – chanced upon the Taiwanese fishing boat straying into the disputed, overlapping sealanes in Balintang Channel.

While nobody wanted or intended anyone to be killed, opposition leaders in Taipei used this sad incident to bear upon their incumbent government officials led by their President Ma Ying-jeou. The incident has been blown out of proportion and thousands of innocent Filipino workers are now bearing the brunt of undeserved wrath and scorn of the Taiwanese people.

Having in mind the welfare of more than 90,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) all over Taiwan, President Benigno “Noy” Aquino III issued a “personal apology” to the family of the slain Taiwanese fisherman. Adhering to the “one-China” policy, this is all that P-Noy could do.

At the time of the incident, the Taiwanese fishing boat was sailing some 80 kilometers off the Balintang Channel. Or this was 304 kilometers southeast of Taiwan based on the Coast Guard account of the incident. The Taiwanese fishermen who did not obviously understand any English words were probably surprised to find a Coast Guard accosting them and telling them they were in Philippine territory.

The Coast Guard admitted it fired at the Taiwan-flagged fishing boat to “disable” its engine because it reportedly tried to ram its vessel several times. If not for its maneuvers, the Coast Guard ship could have sunk, or so the Coast Guard claimed.

This certainty of sinking in Balintang Channel has high risks, as anyone who has sailed there will tell you. I experienced this myself on board the former presidential yacht BRP Ang Pangulo when it conked out while we were in Balintang Channel.

Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

Along with several other Malacañang reporters and photographers and members of the Presidential Security Group (PSG), we were going back to Manila after having covered the visit to Batanes of P-Noy’s late mother, former President Corazon Aquino. While the yacht was running with just one engine, we were tossed around by turbulent waves as the crew repaired the ship. We were later told the Balintang Channel is one of the most dangerous parts of Philippine waters where the China Sea meets the Pacific Ocean.

Thus, the Coast Guard personnel, in defending the country’s territory and themselves, were not trying to kill anyone in Balintang Channel. They were trying to save their lives as well, and were just doing their job.

The truth is, Taiwanese fishermen have long been poaching in our territorial waters in Balintang Channel, the small waterway that separates the Batanes and Babuyan islands. Both Philippine islands lie in the Luzon Strait, clearly Philippine territory.

Ask the local Ivatan fishermen of Batanes. The Taiwanese commercial fishing vessels have been lording it over the channel because they are the only ones who could. Local fishermen, with their small boats, cannot handle the gigantic waves in the area. Indeed, they regularly hire local Ivatans to do the dirty work in their boats and pay them a pittance.

Despite this, P-Noy also asked the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) to make unspecified donations to the family of the slain Taiwanese fisherman. But even P-Noy’s personal emissary, MECO chief Amadeo Perez, who flew to Taipei to do this errand, was prevented to do so. Perez was bullied, physically and otherwise, the minute he stepped in Taiwan soil.

There have been some reports that some of our OFWs in Taiwan were experiencing different kinds of maltreatment from their employers. To put it in perspective, these complaints have been reported even before the Batanes incident.

But for the sake of diplomacy and for the sake of our workers in Taiwan, President Aquino ate humble pie and formally apologized. For now, the commander and crew of the Coast Guard vessel were relieved and the incident is being investigated by Philippine law enforcement authorities led by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

That’s what a President is supposed to do. He is supposed to put the welfare of his people first. I’m sure there are many who disagree with the decision to apologize to Taiwan when the Coast Guard people were just defending Philippine waters against poachers. They would rather have the President play hardball, stand toe-to-toe and do some macho posturing, but what good would that do?

Nothing. Like Taiwanese President Ma’s saber rattling, it would do more harm than good to both the Taiwanese and the Filipino people. But we must think about the plight of our OFWs employed in Taiwan’s factories and homes who might be affected by the escalation of adversarial relations with a bully.

Filipinos comprise the third-largest group of foreign workers in Taiwan. Figures from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Manila show that Taiwan was the seventh top destination country for OFWs in 2012.

The president of Taiwan recalled back to Taipei the very amiable and hardworking Raymond Wang as TECO representative in the Philippines. President Ma also froze the hiring of Filipino workers after rebuffing President Aquino’s apology. The Taiwan government also issued a “red” travel alert urging Taiwanese not to visit the Philippines. But the more rational Taiwanese people ignore their government’s perorations and are still coming here.

Over the weekend, Taiwan leaders have notably toned down their previous demands. In their latest official statements, they just renewed their request to conduct a joint investigation into the incident in line with the existing mutual legal assistance agreement and to hold bilateral talks on fishery to prevent the recurrence of a similar incident.

Taiwan doesn’t have enough local skilled workers to keep its economy going. They need our OFWs more than we need Taiwan. With Taiwan’s economy in doldrums, President Ma cannot afford to look soft because his approval ratings are hovering at a very low 14 percent.

Taiwan’s tough stance and show of force are openly meant to score brownie points for their embattled President Ma. But why must we be dragged into Ma’s antics?

Ma’s antics
Taiwanese, think bigger, be smarter. Don't let China take advantage from this accident.
If not, go ahead then you will be just an island province.

China is trying to separate 2 allies of US. With China, human life is nothing, don't pretend to have compassion for the fisherman. Many many Vietnamese fisherman were and are bullied by Chinese Navy on sea with no mercy. A Vietnamese fishing boat has just been set on fire by Chinese Navy recently. Vietnamese' ve got angry and opposed a lot but Chinese are absolutely safe in Vietnam. You will see our real power once we enter the fight like 1979 at border war, this time on sea.

I didn't know you guys had a navy, but I wouldn't talk if I were you. NVR's were the cruelest people during Vietnam war who didn't give a rats *** about the Geneva convention. So don't act humanitarian, it doesn't become you
you guys can trash talk about Taiwan, give it unfair characterizations, call it a "renegade province," raise the one "china policy" when it suits your interests (not when it benefits your economy, of course), attack Ma, who is an angel compare to Aquino (remember that Taiwan gave refuge to Aguino's parents in the 80's that made his mother come to prominence possible), the fact remains, your coast guards have been bullying Taiwanese fisherman in the overlapping zone for that last 20 years, with the previous shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman in 2006, which went nowhere after your regime promised a "fair and expeditious" investigation that was forgotten by history. well, if it takes a military exercise for the world to notice, then so be it, and your Flippant ranting only make you guys appear ignorant.
you guys can trash talk about Taiwan, give it unfair characterizations, call it a "renegade province," raise the one "china policy" when it suits your interests (not when it benefits your economy, of course), attack Ma, who is an angel compare to Aquino (remember that Taiwan gave refuge to Aguino's parents in the 80's that made his mother come to prominence possible), the fact remains, your coast guards have been bullying Taiwanese fisherman in the overlapping zone for that last 20 years, with the previous shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman in 2006, which went nowhere after your regime promised a "fair and expeditious" investigation that was forgotten by history. well, if it takes a military exercise for the world to notice, then so be it, and your flippant ranting only make you guys appear ignorant.

Nope the real fact is your idiots to think your the master of this area and your not and MAtopac political mileage rhetoric has made a foreigners witch hunt that your uncivilized country needs because majority of your own people are too stupid and prideful to work on this industries now they are getting hurt thanks to your people's ignorance and stupidity and your demands are simply ridiculous to begin with the mere fact that President Aquino apology and got rejected by the Uncivilized Taewanese simply puts it that you want blood well come and get it then and as for those Brave men in the PCG who defended Philippine Waters from poachers keep up the good work.

Face it dude you people made your minds along time ago your not interested in true you people want blood and can't not accept your mistakes and arrogance is being defied by a country you think less of well its your lose your like this with all of your neighbors just like big brother imperial mainland china two pees in pod.
Nope the real fact is your idiots to think your the master of this area and your not and MAtopac political mileage rhetoric has made a foreigners witch hunt that your uncivilized country needs because majority of your own people are too stupid and prideful to work on this industries now they are getting hurt thanks to your people's ignorance and stupidity and your demands are simply ridiculous to begin with the mere fact that President Aquino apology and got rejected by the Uncivilized Taewanese simply puts it that you want blood well come and get it then and as for those Brave men in the PCG who defended Philippine Waters from poachers keep up the good work.

Face it dude you people made your minds along time ago your not interested in true you people want blood and can't not accept your mistakes and arrogance is being defied by a country you think less of well its your lose your like this with all of your neighbors just like big brother imperial mainland china two pees in pod.

another FLIPpant rant. stfu already

at least write something intelligible if you really want to communicate like a human being
another FLIPpant rant. stfu already

at least write something intelligible if you really want to communicate like a human being

Am a human being the question is are you? So does beating up foreign nationals makes you feel better?
once in a while, I will hear fair comments from the Filipinos here. Most of the time, you guys just distort the facts and truth.

Am a human being the question is are you? So does beating up foreign nationals makes you feel better?

there was only ONE incident that I was aware of.


this is the only incident reported so far.

at least he wasn't killed by an agent of the government.
once in a while, I will hear fair comments from the Filipinos here. Most of the time, you guys just distort the facts and truth.

there was only ONE incident that I was aware of.

Wow so ignorant just a few hours ago a filipino was stab by mob of Taewanese maybe MAtopac has made a media block out to hide the true from the people and also heard news of Taewanese stores not selling to filipinos but have you people heard any news from the Philippines beating up Taewanse here? or not selling them food? really trying to hide from the fact your people are Uncivilized monsters?
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