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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

By the way, I have sent emails to the state dept. of Taiwan urging them to cool down and to move pass the "apology" stage. I would ask you to do the same to your state depat. asking them to open their investigation files and let Taiwan join in on the investigation forthwith without ado.
By the way, I have sent emails to the state dept. of Taiwan urging them to cool down and to move pass the "apology" stage. I would ask you to do the same to your state depat. asking them to open their investigation files and let Taiwan join in on the investigation forthwith without ado.

The period of waiting for apology is over. Its time to use the military to enforce a blockade. The Pinoy pirates need to be handed over to Taiwan and court martialed.
The period of waiting for apology is over. Its time to use the military to enforce a blockade. The Pinoy pirates need to be handed over to Taiwan and court martialed.

The apology has been made.

Also, Taiwan should remember that the main reason for the military assistance given by the US to them is for SELF DEFENSE AGAINST CHINA . Using American military warfare against a US Defense Treaty Ally is something Taiwan should think about very thoroughly, just saying.

PH and TW should fix their differences ASAP as the PH is not a threat to TAIWAN but an ALLY ever since.

The apology has been made.

Also, Taiwan should remember that the main reason for the military assistance given by the US to them is for SELF DEFENSE AGAINST CHINA . Using American military warfare against a US Defense Treaty Ally is something Taiwan should think about very thoroughly, just saying.

PH and TW should fix their differences ASAP as the PH is not a threat to TAIWAN but an ALLY ever since.


Its time for Filipino gov to fully apologize, compensate and turn over the criminal coast guard if it wants to remain an ally. Otherwise, Philippine is worse than gov of China as Chinese coast guards are not murdering Taiwanese fisherman. I don't recall the last time China murder any Taiwanese fisherman. Can anyone recall?

As this is the case, Philippines need to compensate.
Its time for Filipino gov to fully apologize, compensate and turn over the criminal coast guard if it wants to remain an ally. Otherwise, Philippine is worse than gov of China as Chinese coast guards are not murdering Taiwanese fisherman. I don't recall the last time China murder any Taiwanese fisherman. Can anyone recall?

As this is the case, Philippines need to compensate.

To answer your question, any Taiwanese would not dare go NEAR any CHINESE controlled lands. Also, China would not dare kill any Taiwanese as the MAINLAND'S goal is to get the heart of the Taiwanese people to make the reunification easier. JUST TELLING THE REALITY. Also, please don't forget about the Taiwan Strait Crisis where the Communists attacked Taiwan.

Also, the incident happened within the Philippines Area of Jurisdiction and any geographer would AGREE to that. Given that, legally, the Philippines HAS the SOLE right to try the PCG because it happened within their area of responsibility.

Also, the Philippines CANNOT just turn over anyone of them without proper trial. The investigation is still on going and I don't care if it takes them a month (just my opinion) because I believe they NEED to scrutinize every single data as the case is VERY SENSITIVE.

Technically, the intruders also are obligated to PAY FINE to the Filipino people for ILLEGALLY STEALING resources that were EXCLUSIVELY for the FILIPINOS. The CHASE took about 4 HOURS because the INTRUDERS were REALLY DEEP inside the Philippine Waters. The Intruders were not in the Philippine EEZ but were in the TERRITORIAL WATERS. The GOVERNMENT dont mention about this BECAUSE they want to cool down the incident.

As far as compensation is concerned, I believe that the result of the investigation should be the basis whether we have to compensate or not as GIVING SO without proper reasons would MEAN stealing MONEY from the FILIPINO people. The FILIPINOS own the MONEY and not the GOVERNMENT. JUST SAYING THE TRUTH.

I strongly urge the PH government to update the Taiwanese Gov. on a daily basis about the progress of the investigation.

But if proven guilty, the PCG crew, like in any regular trials should pay for what they have committed, also the Philippine Government should pay compensation and should apologize-addressing all Taiwanese people. But again, let us wait until the trial is over as judging without basis is just improper.
despite your trash talk, I will be patient with you, b/c I think there are reasonable and intelligent Filipinos. If you read the article to the end, you will see there was ONE reported incident of beating by a mob/ gang of kids. It was an isolated incident, and Ma has promised to keep the rest safe. Unlike leaders of many third-world countries, president Ma is not a capricious liar.

Really? One we are not a third world country you idiot using a cold war terms is so like you uncivilized monsters its newly industrialized country get that to your uncivilized head and please his losing popular support before so he's using this to get high scores with the public and you morons fell for it! But unlike you calling us bloody killer we will wait if he does not protect them its on his head May araw rin kayo sa amin mga hayop kayo!
Its time for Filipino gov to fully apologize, compensate and turn over the criminal coast guard if it wants to remain an ally. Otherwise, Philippine is worse than gov of China as Chinese coast guards are not murdering Taiwanese fisherman. I don't recall the last time China murder any Taiwanese fisherman. Can anyone recall?

As this is the case, Philippines need to compensate.

We don't need to do nothing as for apologies even though many are against it President Aquino a very good man did but your uncivilized government did not accept it so its not our fault its MAtopac fault if can't accept it because he's using it as political mileage to bring his sources up with your uncivilized public! May Araw rin kayo mga hayop kayo!
The period of waiting for apology is over. Its time to use the military to enforce a blockade. The Pinoy pirates need to be handed over to Taiwan and court martialed.
Taiwan is afraid to go to war with the Philippines. It will never happen now, and it will never happen in the future. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain with it. So please enough talking and just conduct your military drills. We Filipinos don't care whatever you want to do with your lives.

Besides if you want us to make some hand over. Declare your Independence to China first then we'll be happy to turn over it to you. DEAL?
Former envoy Lauro Baja tells Taiwan to 'remember who its friends are'
Friday, 17 May, 2013, 4:49am

A former top Philippines diplomat has urged Taiwan to "remember who its friends are", in comments that appear to suggest Taiwan is ungrateful for Manila's longstanding support for its political autonomy.

"Taiwan should remember we were the first ones to have these informal relations with them and we have substantial relations with them in terms of trade," said Lauro Baja, the former Philippines ambassador to the United Nations.

Baja said he decided to speak out as a citizen because of what he perceived was Taiwan's "overreaction" to the death of one of its fishermen on May 9 when a Philippines coastguard vessel fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat that Manila said was inside Philippine territory.

Baja said that, contrary to Taipei's claims that the incident occurred in disputed territory, Taiwan had long recognised the area as a part of Philippine waters.

"If you recall, during the time of [President] Cory Aquino, there was some sort of corridor established for Taiwanese fishermen" to pass through that area, he said. But Baja, once foreign affairs undersecretary for policy, did not know the status of that agreement because "it came from Malacanang Palace and did not pass through the DFA [Department of Foreign Affairs]".

"With their entity being a province of China, giving sanctions and refusing to receive the representative of the president, what is that? Sometimes I feel we have these things coming to us because of our very timid diplomacy," Baja said.

Rex Robles, a retired Philippine Navy commodore and security consultant, also pointed to the corridor agreement as proof that Taiwan recognises Philippine sovereignty over that area.

"I think everyone has forgotten about the safety corridor which Cory Aquino signed during her term. It allowed Taiwanese fishermen to pass through Philippine waters on their way to the Pacific Ocean," he said.

Robles said if Taiwan believed the area was theirs, in the first place, "why will they sign that MOU [Memorandum of Understanding]?"

Robles said he was "puzzled over the Taiwanese government's overreaction" and called for a thorough probe.

Outrage over Taiwan's Manila bashing and reported incidents of violence against Filipinos in Taipei spilled over yesterday to the social media.

Rafael Alunan, a businessman and former cabinet minister, wrote on Facebook: "China will take over Taiwan one of these days, and I will not shed a tear. Even without that formal takeover, they seem to be in bed together applying the same tactics against us and Japan in our respective territories."

International law expert Harry Roque noted that Taiwan has no legal leg to demand a fishing agreement with Manila because "Taiwan is not an independent state and should not expect to be treated as such".

Former envoy Lauro Baja tells Taiwan to 'remember who its friends are' | South China Morning Post
Taiwan, of course, is over reacting. We should bear in mind that Taiwanese need us more than we need them. In the event that the PRC start its reunification campaign of the island bastion, what country in the region will these Taiwanese try to take refuge? Would we let them take refuge in the Philippines or let them settle their scores with their brothers in the mainland?
Actually am not surprised because this Taiwanese people are known barbarians. Members of their parliament fight tooth and nail and had shown un-educated actions before the eyes of the world in many occasions. Filipinos must brace for more cruelties and inhumane treatments in Taiwan or GO HOME!

Lawmakers Brawl: Video of mass fight in Taiwan parliament - YouTube

Even Indonesians, Vietnamese dragged into Taiwan harassments
May 20, 2013

Even Indonesians and Vietnamese are being dragged into the harassments by some Taiwanese groups over the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman in disputed waters last May 9, a Filipino worker there said Monday.

Marissa de Guzman, who works at a Taiwan semiconductor firm, said the groups behind the harassment are targeting people who look like Filipinos, even if the victims are of different nationalities.

"Magkakamukha kaya minsan napagkakamalang Pilipino, nasasaktan nila," she said in an interview on dzBB radio, when asked about Indonesians being targeted in the incidents of harassment.

When asked about reports of Vietnamese also being beaten up, she said, "magkamukha kasi talaga."

"Kaya lang sa pananamit ang difference. Mas maganda tayo pumorma," she added.

When asked if the situation had improved, she said it has not, at least based on posts on Facebook.

"Sa ngayon sa dami ng post sa Facebook, parang nagiging worse din po," she said.

Filipinos had been targeted in harassment incidents since a Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead in an encounter between a Philippine surveillance ship and a Taiwanese fishing boat off disputed waters last May 9.

The incident prompted Taiwan to impose sanctions, including freezing the hiring of Filipino workers and imposing a travel alert discouraging travel to the Philippines.

Last Saturday, de Guzman said a fellow OFW in Taiwan had been attacked and injured by a gang of Taiwanese.

De Guzman also said that while she had heard reports of some victims getting killed, there had been no confirmation so far.

Medical insurance

De Guzman also said their employers had advised them not to go out of their dormitories for their safety.

She said their employers had promised to shoulder their medical expenses if something happened to them in the factories, while their brokers would shoulder their expenses if they are injured in the dormitories.

"Sa labas hindi kami sagot. So kung hindi importante lakad sa labas, huwag muna," she said.

De Guzman said the dormitories are relatively well-equipped, with facilities for Internet as well as stores and establishments allowing money tranfers and remittances.

Meanwhile, to avoid further trouble, de Guzman said Filipinos communicate with each other using Tagalog.

"Nilalaliman lang namin ang Tagalog kasi marunong sila kahit papaano mag-Tagalog. Dapat laliman mo kaunti ... para hindi nila maunawaan," she said. —KG, GMA News
The Communists are no better, with your brutal "Cultural Revolution" that killed MILLIONS of your people and ruined the lives of many more. It even killed 1.2 million Tibetans and the genocide still continues up to the present.

The topic is Taiwan and the Philippines, anything else is just :argh:
Taiwanese officials is just using this issue for their political interest.

To Taiwanese people, make us your enemies and soon we'll just laugh at you when China invades your precious land.
If Taiwan intercept all trips going to Philippine, is there anything Philippine can do???? Yes, it can apologize, compensate and turn over the murderer. Its time for Philippine to surrender the criminals inside its military.

Taiwan is not a country... remember we only observe a One China Policy.

If you want, DECLARE your INDEPENDENCE first then we'll be HAPPY to turn over them to you, if proven GUILTY.

Taiwan is really very persistent in their agenda to get US support.

So no wonder if their reporter got palmed on her face :omghaha:


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