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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

Pinoy is frustated that China keeps humiliated them in the first two rounds of confrontation, now they are unleashing their frustration on our little brother Taiwan like their punching bag, it is China they are looking for troubles, now the big China is here, what they gonna do? :butcher:
Well, as neither China seems to be doing squat....not much they need to do.

Give me a break. Now you're being silly and wasting my time.

Lol....wasting your time? When you guys do something besides bleat like sheep....say it then. (as an American....I am well acquainted with what concrete action looks like....attack an American ship....see what goes down)
You're wasting my time, because your suggestion is utterly ridiculous.

You seem to be unaware of the basic facts of the Philippine coast guard massacre of an unarmed Taiwanese fisherman.

If you have something to say, it has to be consistent with the known facts. Otherwise, you're wasting everyone's time with your ignorance.


To be complete, I will answer the troll.

1. The side of the little Taiwanese boat show no collision damage. The paint (where not perforated by bullet holes) is also pristine.

2. If the Taiwanese boat had rammed the Philippine coast guard metallic boat, it would have suffered serious damage and would no longer be seaworthy. In other words, the little Taiwanese wooden boat would have most likely sunk on the spot. Thus, ramming is an idiotic excuse by the Philippine coast guard.

Also, if there had been a side collision then the Taiwanese boat would most likely have been captured by the Philippine coast guard boat.

What actually happened was that the Philippine coast guard ship approached the Taiwanese boat and started firing. The little Taiwanese boat tried to escape the hail of bullets for an hour until the Taiwanese coast guard showed up. That's the most likely scenario and it's consistent with the physical proof and the skipper's recollection.
Excuse me, but the U-shape map is also Taiwan's map as well and I regard myself as Chinese.

I'm not a Hokkien myself and I have not been to the Philippines but I can guess how they perceive Taiwan as being Chinese, because the Chinese community in the Phillipines is made out of mostly Hokkien people, the majority of Taiwanese are also Hokkien and both Hokkiens in the Philippines and Taiwan have links to Fujian. Some families in Taiwan and the Philippines can trace their exact origin from which village they came from in China.

The infrastructure Japan built in Taiwan was not for Taiwan's benefit or industrialization, it was for Japan's exploitation of the island. China started modernizing Taiwan in the 1880s after the French invaders were defeated at Keelung. When Japan took over, it tried to assimilate the people into the Japanese nation by making them speak Japanese.

China also doesn't rely on the PLAN in its war plans against superior fleets. It relies on land to sea missles.
Excuse me, but the U-shape map is also Taiwan's map as well and I regard myself as Chinese.

I'm not a Hokkien myself and I have not been to the Philippines but I can guess how they perceive Taiwan as being Chinese, because the Chinese community in the Phillipines is made out of mostly Hokkien people, the majority of Taiwanese are also Hokkien and both Hokkiens in the Philippines and Taiwan have links to Fujian. Some families in Taiwan and the Philippines can trace their exact origin from which village they came from in China.

The infrastructure Japan built in Taiwan was not for Taiwan's benefit or industrialization, it was for Japan's exploitation of the island.

China also doesn't rely on the PLAN against America, it relies on land to sea missles.

There are many "Taiwanese" from southern Taiwan are likely having their true origin from Nippon, they are constantly calling Chinese as "支那", which is a Japanese racial slur against Chinese and Taiwanese.

Taiwan will be much cleaner without those anti-Chinese parasites.
There are many Taiwanese from southern Taiwan are likely having their true origin from Nippon, they are constantly calling Chinese as "支那", which is a Japanese racial slur against Chinese and Taiwanese.

Taiwan will be much cleaner without those anti-Chinese parasites.

They are not from Japan they are just brainwashed. Even DPP members don't deny their ancestral village is in China.
They are not from Japan they are just brainwashed. Even DPP members don't deny their ancestral village is in China.

Some of these scums are even on Pinoy's side, just because China is strongly condemning the atrocities committed by Pinoy. Unbelievable.

Since Nippon has colonized Taiwan for 50 years, they must have some of their offsprings left in Taiwan, these parasites are born to hate China just like their twisted mind father.
Like I said earlier Ma and his cohorts are all talk no action. Taiwanese government = no balls :omghaha:

Sorry Martian they let you down.

Taipei waits for answer from Manila - Taipei Times

Taipei waits for answer from Manila
JAW-JAW NOT WAR-WAR:Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin did not rule out the possibility of further sanctions, but said armed conflict was not on the table
By Shih Hsiu-chuan / Staff reporter

Taipei expects to hear from Manila by midnight today on four demands it made after a Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead by Philippine Coast Guard personnel last week.

Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin (林永樂) told lawmakers yesterday that Philippine Representative to Taiwan Antonio Basilio has assured him that Malacanang Palace will have a formal response to the demands before the 72-hour ultimatum, issued on Saturday, expires.

Lin said Basilio promised him on Sunday night that “he would make the utmost efforts” to find a solution to the situation when he returned to his country.

According to a Central News Agency report from Manila, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III presided over a confidential meeting to discuss issues, including the incident, which Basilio attended.

Philippine coast Guard personnel on board a maritime surveillance vessel on Thursday last week attacked a Taiwanese fishing boat, the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, killing Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成) and leaving the boat riddled with bullets.

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) on Saturday demanded the Philippines apologize, compensate Hung’s family, investigate the incident and punish the perpetrators, as well as begin talks over a fisheries agreement as soon as possible.

Ma has threatened to freeze Philippine migrant workers’ applications, recall Taiwan’s representative to the Philippines and expel Basilio if Manila fails to answer the demands in a positive manner.

“We will immediately impose the sanctions if we find the response from [Manila] to be unacceptable,” Lin said when questioned by lawmakers at a meeting of the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee.

Lin dismissed lawmakers’ concerns that Basilio might not return to Taiwan if Manila rejected the demands, saying “It’s unlikely.”

Late last night, ministry spokesperson Anna Kao (高安) said the ministry had learned that Basilio is scheduled to return to Taipei today.

In response to doubts expressed by lawmakers about the effectiveness of the threatened sanctions in getting the Philippines to agree to the demands, Lin said that they were solemn and serious requests that the Philippines had to respond to.

“We do not rule out additional sanctions,” Lin said, but ruled out the possibility of armed conflict.

Asked by lawmakers about the possibility of cooperation between Taiwan and China in protecting fishing boats in the disputed waters, Lin rejected the idea.

Lin said he “didn’t see this happening” because the Philippines has been intimidated by Beijing into upholding the “one China” principle and not talking with Taiwan about a fisheries agreement to settle disputes.

“The mainland [China] did not help us [in this regard],” Lin said.

At a separate setting, Benjamin Ho (何登煌), director-general of the ministry’s Department of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, said the government informed the US Department of State of the ultimatum before it was delivered.

On Sunday, Philippine Presidential Office deputy spokesperson Abigail Valte issued a statement expressing heartfelt sorrow over Hung’s death and extended sympathies and condolences to his family.

Valte said the Philippine government would conduct an “impartial, transparent and expeditious” investigation into the tragedy.

She said that the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 was “one of the fishing vessels reportedly poaching in the area” and that the maritime control surveillance was carrying out its duty to combat illegal fishing within the maritime jurisdiction of the Philippine
Some of these scums are even on Pinoy's side, just because China is strongly condemning the atrocities committed by Pinoy. Unbelievable.

Since Nippon has colonized Taiwan for 50 years, they must have some of their offsprings left in Taiwan, these parasites are born to hate China just like their twisted mind father.

I know some of those people and they do not have any Japanese blood. They are fully aware that their ancestry is 100% Chinese, they are just a testament to how warped the mind can become.
LOL at the Chinese members taking Taiwan's side on this. Taiwan is a hostile, non-Chinese state founded on stolen Chinese land. We will take back the land and drive out so called Taiwanese. Let the Taiwanese and Filipinos kill each other. China does not have a dog in this fight.
LOL at the Chinese members taking Taiwan's side on this. Taiwan is a hostile, non-Chinese state founded on stolen Chinese land. We will take back the land and drive out so called Taiwanese. Let the Taiwanese and Filipinos kill each other. China does not have a dog in this fight.

Isn't Taiwan considered by the world as well as CCP PRC's territory?
LOL at the Chinese members taking Taiwan's side on this. Taiwan is a hostile, non-Chinese state founded on stolen Chinese land. We will take back the land and drive out so called Taiwanese. Let the Taiwanese and Filipinos kill each other. China does not have a dog in this fight.

You must be an anti China troll in disguise because I cannot imagine any Chinese person saying something this stupid.
Isn't Taiwan considered by the world as well as CCP PRC's territory?
Up until little Chiang died in 1988, Taiwan was very much Republic of China. You had anti-Japanese heros like Sun Liren and Zhang Xueliang living there.

25 years after, there is nothing left of ROC identity. Now, Republic of Taiwan is ethnically Chinese, culturally Japanese and politically America's dog. Chinese should host no illusions. War is absolutely necessary to take back our beautiful Formosa island from Republic of Taiwan.



In any situation, it's legal to kill those who tresspass your home or territory as long as they threatened you.


Our coast guard aren't that stupid to shoot those fishermen, just because they are there. They even rescued them in the past. THEY TRIED TO RAM THE COAST GUARD BOAT, and ramming a boat isn't a joke, once you capsized in the middle of the sea, you're dead. That's why they shot them. So get over it.
Philippine Coast Guard officials said the Taiwanese boat may have tried to ram their vessel.

See this from a fellow Taiwanese face it the Moron President of Taiwan

Please note the "may have" from your own sentence. If you could have applied common sense to your comments before replying, a small fibreglass boat is very unlikely to even think about attempting to ram a small warship. Also, due to restricted movement of a mounted 50 cal. machine gun, it would be impossible to have shot the taiwanese fishing vessel at such short distance.

The taiwanese fishing vessel was not in Philippines territory. Even if we assume it was, it is irresponsible for a warship to utilize such violent force on a innocent unarmed fishing boat.

Isn't it an irony that you are criticizing our president? Let me just ask you, how good was your last few presidents? I think you can answer this for yourself. Get your arrogant sorry *** off the internet and go learn some english. No one can understand wh

i wanna see mainlanders do works like that oh wait they just steal or copy or both
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