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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

There are other means to expell foreign fishering boats such as water canon. Again, using fire arms is not appropriate and wrong. That is a general question the Philippine coast guard should answer.

Sir one its small civil turn BFAR (our Aquatic Resources management agency) Maned by the PCG notice the machine gun for protection of our seas they shot the engine the guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time so its not intentional i agree with you but we simply not have that but the ships the Japanese allow us to loan have things like that but we make no apologies we sympathies with their lose it is a human life but remember they try to ram a small civilian turn PCG ship for BFAR you people saw the picture of the ship didn't you? so again ram our ship you get shot simple.
Taiwan hands out 72-hour ultimatum to Manila

Publication Date : 12-05-2013

Respond to demands or face consequences, Ma warns

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou has given the Philippines 72 hours to respond to demands regarding the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman or face the consequences, Presidential Office spokesperson Garfie Li said yesterday.

The retaliation would include a freeze on all applications of Philippine labourers, the recalling of Taiwan's envoy in Manila and the expulsion of the Philippine envoy in Taipei, Li said.

The president yesterday called a national security meeting over the recent shooting of a Taiwan fishing boat by the Philippine coast guard.

The meeting, attended by Foreign Minister David Lin, Defence Minister Kao Hua-chu and other officials, signified an official upgrade of the case.

Chen Li-tung, a professor at National Taiwan Ocean University's Insitute of the Law of the Sea, said that under international law it was illegal for the Philippines vessel to shoot on an unarmed boat.

Meanwhile, Hu Nien-tsu, director of National Sun Yat-sen University's centre for Marine Policy Studies, said according to a 1982 U.N. convention, the Philippines must accept the traditional right of fishermen from neighbouring countries to fish “in certain areas falling within archipelagic waters.”

“The Philippines must apologise, find and prosecute those responsible for the brutal killing, and offer compensation for the fisherman's death,” Ma said earlier yesterday.

If the Philippines fails to do this and does not provide assurance that similar incidents will not happen again, Taiwan will consider imposing sanctions against the country, Ma said. A former high-ranking security official reportedly said that sanctions against the Philippines would not have a great effect.

The president should set up a task force and bring the Philippine suspects to Taiwan for trial on murder charges, the official said, adding that in the event of an arrest at sea, if the suspects resist, the Taiwanese Navy and Coast Guard should open fire and shoot to kill.

On Thursday, a Philippine government vessel opened fire on a Taiwanese boat that was fishing in disputed waters south of Taiwan.

In the ensuing gunfire, Hung Shih-cheng, a fisherman aboard the Taiwanese vessel, died from a bullet wound to the neck, investigators said.

Such excessive use of force is unacceptable in any country, Ma said, adding that the act of opening fire on an unarmed boat was “inhuman, brutal and cold-blooded.”

Meanwhile, footage of the event was brought back by a Philippines coast guard officer involved in the incident. The video, which will be given to investigators, will not be released for the time being.

Though the Philippines' top envoy to Taiwan has apologised to the family of the dead fisherman, its government has refused to apologise for the shooting, Ma said.

It is “absolutely unacceptable” for the Philippines to illegally kill someone and then refuse to apologise, the president said.

Ma noted that the tragedy once again highlights the issue of safety for Taiwanese fishing vessels operating on the high seas.

Taiwan's Coast Guard must beef up its operations in the South China Sea, he added.

The Philippines' top envoy to Taiwan, Antonio Basilio, yesterday visited Hung's family on outlying Siaoliouciou Island to offer his condolences and apology. Basilio was accompanied by Taiwan's foreign minister.

Basilio reiterated that his government welcomes a joint investigation led by law enforcement authorities from both countries to establish the location of the incident and the circumstances that led to the tragedy.

“Should the investigation show that there was a violation of international law and practice...as well as our domestic law, we will let the law take its course so that justice will be served,” Basilio said.
I think Taiwan and China shouldn´t take this tragically fatal shooting as an excuse to damage the Philippines economy. Wait for the outcome of investigation.

Then blame the pinoy government to all the wrong doings!
...and to be fair, for Philippine posters here, the shooting at fishermen was not wise.
It's inevitable when China keep bullying its neighbours.Chinese shoot and killed unarmed VNese fishermen in 2005, too .

Btw:S.K also killed Chinese fishermen.

Then blame the pinoy government to all the wrong doings!
They just learn the way you did to our fishermen in 2005,Phil only forgot to say that TWese boat was pirate boat. Look at the mirror and blame urself first.
It's inevitable when China keep bullying neighbours.Chinese shoot and killed unarmed VNese fishermen, too .

that was no more than firing warning flares for the illegal vietcong fishermen if you related that to our recent conflict

They just learn the way you did to our fishermen in 2005,Phil inly gorgot to say that TWese boat was pirate boat. Look at the mirror and blame urself first.

old news and the answers to vietcongs' bullying and murdering our fishermen in our territory
that was no more than firing warning flares for the illegal vietcong fishermen if you related that to our recent conflict

old news and the answers to vietcongs' bullying and murdering our fishermen in our territory
You didnt make a full investigation,you lied, everyone knew our men were unarmed and innocent.

The Philippnes also should annouce that was pirate ship and need no investigation like what China did to our fishermen in 2005.
You didnt make a full investigation,you lied, everyone knew our men were unarmed and innocent.

The Philippnes also should annouce that was pirate ship and need no investigation like what China did to our fishermen in 2005.

we had killings on both side and you got your answers for murdering and bullying our folks! why keep lying and disrespect the truth - again stop quoting old news between China and vietcongs!

relating to the recent conflicts our investigation was no more than firing of warning flares at the intruders unlike this tragedy when the brutal pinoy coastguards kept chasing the unarmed fishermen for over an hour, spraying 32 rounds of bullets through their machine guns, making over 52 bullet holes which all showing their blood-thirsty desire for a massacre!
Then blame the pinoy government to all the wrong doings!
You shouldn´t generalise everything. The act of a single Philippine coast guard ship is not of their government nor their people. I can understand the emotion runs high at the moment. However, t is good for everybody to keep a cool head.

It's inevitable when China keep bullying its neighbours.Chinese shoot and killed unarmed VNese fishermen in 2005, too .

Btw:S.K also killed Chinese fishermen.
They just learn the way you did to our fishermen in 2005,Phil only forgot to say that TWese boat was pirate boat. Look at the mirror and blame urself first.
Vietnam must not copy China everything. We are different. Bro.
we had killings on both side and you get your answers for murdering and bullying our folks! why keep lying and disrespect the truth - again stop quoting old news between China and vietcongs
our boat were unarmed,our people were innocent.
Chinese ships deliberately shot to kill Vietnamese fishermen during attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin Jan. 8, said a survivor.
"They fiercely attacked us with the intention of killing the crew to steal the boat rather than just stealing our boat," crew member Pham Van Quan said while telling the nightmare tale of Chinese boat attacks which killed nine Vietnamese fishermen and injured seven others.

Quan is a crew member of the boat which managed to reach the shore after being attacked by Chinese ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. The boat returned to port Jan. 11 with one dead and five crew members injured.

However, another Vietnamese boat with a 16-member crew was not so lucky during the attack. Half of the crew were shot to death, while the rest, including two injured, were arrested by the Chinese. The boat is now being held illegally on China's Hainan Island .

Nguyen Van Hoan, owner of the returning boat, showed Thanh Nien reporters hundreds of bullet holes in his boat.

At the time of attacks, the Vietnamese boats were legally fishing in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Shockingly barbaric


With just a small 70-90 CV engine, the Vietnamese boats are unable to go fishing too far from land.
(Source: Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper)

"At 10 a.m. on Jan. 8, I received S.O.S. signals from a Vietnamese fishing boat and asked the crew to withdraw their nets to go and rescue the boat in danger," Mr. Hoan told the reporters while sobbing.

At that time, his boat was located at 19.16 degrees northern latitude and 107.06 degrees eastern longitude, he said.

"But I immediately found my boat surrounded by many vessels carrying Chinese flags. My crew made signs for the strange ships to stay away from the fishing nets but the ships kept coming closer to us.

"Then the Chinese ships opened fire on my boat in the barbaric attack. Nguyen Van Tam was shot through the heart and died instantly. Five other crew members were seriously injured," he lamented.VPA - News
China held our boat in Hai Nan and they found no weapons on it. China killed unarmed VNese fishermen,so you cant blame Phil for doing the same ghing to ur people.

Vietnam must not copy China everything. We are different. Bro.
I dont say VN should become mudder ,too. I mean : Phil kill Chinese fishermen is inevitable when Chinese keep bulliyng its neighbours and China cant accuse Phil for that incident coz China did the same thing to foreign fishermen.
You shouldn´t generalise everything. The act of a single Philippine coast guard ship is not of their government nor their people. I can understand the emotion runs high at the moment. However, t is good for everybody to keep a cool head.

"generalise"???!!! - the pinoy government is the ultimate answer to the acts - for better or worse - of its serving departments which work under it. The meaning of governance!

Vietnam must not copy China everything. We are different. Bro.

while saying that you have been copying us for centuries until today and beyond!

our boat were unarmed,our people were innocent.
China held our boat in Hai Nan and they found no weapons on it. China killed unarmed VNese fishermen,so you cant blame Phil for doing the same ghing to ur people.

I dont say VN should become mudder ,too. I mean : Phil kill Chinese fishermen is inevitable when Chinese keep bulliyng its neighbours and China cant accuse Phil for that incident coz China did the same thing to foreign fishermen.

you need to cut out the conflicts between China and your country.

This is between Taiwan, China and the philippines!
you need to cut out the conflicts between China and your country.

This is between Taiwan, China and the philippines!
if u forget,let me remind u that VN-Phil are Hand in Hand against China-TW's aggression:

You cant blame Phil for doing the same thing like u.Punish ur mudders first if u want a fair justice for this case.:coffee:
Taiwan hands out 72-hour ultimatum to Manila

Publication Date : 12-05-2013

Respond to demands or face consequences, Ma warns

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou has given the Philippines 72 hours to respond to demands regarding the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman or face the consequences, Presidential Office spokesperson Garfie Li said yesterday.

The retaliation would include a freeze on all applications of Philippine labourers, the recalling of Taiwan's envoy in Manila and the expulsion of the Philippine envoy in Taipei, Li said.

The president yesterday called a national security meeting over the recent shooting of a Taiwan fishing boat by the Philippine coast guard.

The meeting, attended by Foreign Minister David Lin, Defence Minister Kao Hua-chu and other officials, signified an official upgrade of the case.

Chen Li-tung, a professor at National Taiwan Ocean University's Insitute of the Law of the Sea, said that under international law it was illegal for the Philippines vessel to shoot on an unarmed boat.

Meanwhile, Hu Nien-tsu, director of National Sun Yat-sen University's centre for Marine Policy Studies, said according to a 1982 U.N. convention, the Philippines must accept the traditional right of fishermen from neighbouring countries to fish “in certain areas falling within archipelagic waters.”

“The Philippines must apologise, find and prosecute those responsible for the brutal killing, and offer compensation for the fisherman's death,” Ma said earlier yesterday.

If the Philippines fails to do this and does not provide assurance that similar incidents will not happen again, Taiwan will consider imposing sanctions against the country, Ma said. A former high-ranking security official reportedly said that sanctions against the Philippines would not have a great effect.

The president should set up a task force and bring the Philippine suspects to Taiwan for trial on murder charges, the official said, adding that in the event of an arrest at sea, if the suspects resist, the Taiwanese Navy and Coast Guard should open fire and shoot to kill.

On Thursday, a Philippine government vessel opened fire on a Taiwanese boat that was fishing in disputed waters south of Taiwan.

In the ensuing gunfire, Hung Shih-cheng, a fisherman aboard the Taiwanese vessel, died from a bullet wound to the neck, investigators said.

Such excessive use of force is unacceptable in any country, Ma said, adding that the act of opening fire on an unarmed boat was “inhuman, brutal and cold-blooded.”

Meanwhile, footage of the event was brought back by a Philippines coast guard officer involved in the incident. The video, which will be given to investigators, will not be released for the time being.

Though the Philippines' top envoy to Taiwan has apologised to the family of the dead fisherman, its government has refused to apologise for the shooting, Ma said.

It is “absolutely unacceptable” for the Philippines to illegally kill someone and then refuse to apologise, the president said.

Ma noted that the tragedy once again highlights the issue of safety for Taiwanese fishing vessels operating on the high seas.

Taiwan's Coast Guard must beef up its operations in the South China Sea, he added.

The Philippines' top envoy to Taiwan, Antonio Basilio, yesterday visited Hung's family on outlying Siaoliouciou Island to offer his condolences and apology. Basilio was accompanied by Taiwan's foreign minister.

Basilio reiterated that his government welcomes a joint investigation led by law enforcement authorities from both countries to establish the location of the incident and the circumstances that led to the tragedy.

“Should the investigation show that there was a violation of international law and practice...as well as our domestic law, we will let the law take its course so that justice will be served,” Basilio said.

We don't care majority of chinese criminals here are taiwanese next to you mainlanders so to that i say good bye to bad rubbish and the comeback of our industries and hey we have a lot of Panthers i mean your stupid boycotts did not work either so to hell with you and your B.O policies no apology to criminals only sympathies as a human being but that's all you people keep pushing now you have only your own to blame.

Taiwan hands out 72-hour ultimatum to Manila

Publication Date : 12-05-2013

Respond to demands or face consequences, Ma warns

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou has given the Philippines 72 hours to respond to demands regarding the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman or face the consequences, Presidential Office spokesperson Garfie Li said yesterday.

The retaliation would include a freeze on all applications of Philippine labourers, the recalling of Taiwan's envoy in Manila and the expulsion of the Philippine envoy in Taipei, Li said.

The president yesterday called a national security meeting over the recent shooting of a Taiwan fishing boat by the Philippine coast guard.

The meeting, attended by Foreign Minister David Lin, Defence Minister Kao Hua-chu and other officials, signified an official upgrade of the case.

Chen Li-tung, a professor at National Taiwan Ocean University's Insitute of the Law of the Sea, said that under international law it was illegal for the Philippines vessel to shoot on an unarmed boat.

Meanwhile, Hu Nien-tsu, director of National Sun Yat-sen University's centre for Marine Policy Studies, said according to a 1982 U.N. convention, the Philippines must accept the traditional right of fishermen from neighbouring countries to fish “in certain areas falling within archipelagic waters.”

“The Philippines must apologise, find and prosecute those responsible for the brutal killing, and offer compensation for the fisherman's death,” Ma said earlier yesterday.

If the Philippines fails to do this and does not provide assurance that similar incidents will not happen again, Taiwan will consider imposing sanctions against the country, Ma said. A former high-ranking security official reportedly said that sanctions against the Philippines would not have a great effect.

The president should set up a task force and bring the Philippine suspects to Taiwan for trial on murder charges, the official said, adding that in the event of an arrest at sea, if the suspects resist, the Taiwanese Navy and Coast Guard should open fire and shoot to kill.

On Thursday, a Philippine government vessel opened fire on a Taiwanese boat that was fishing in disputed waters south of Taiwan.

In the ensuing gunfire, Hung Shih-cheng, a fisherman aboard the Taiwanese vessel, died from a bullet wound to the neck, investigators said.

Such excessive use of force is unacceptable in any country, Ma said, adding that the act of opening fire on an unarmed boat was “inhuman, brutal and cold-blooded.”

Meanwhile, footage of the event was brought back by a Philippines coast guard officer involved in the incident. The video, which will be given to investigators, will not be released for the time being.

Though the Philippines' top envoy to Taiwan has apologised to the family of the dead fisherman, its government has refused to apologise for the shooting, Ma said.

It is “absolutely unacceptable” for the Philippines to illegally kill someone and then refuse to apologise, the president said.

Ma noted that the tragedy once again highlights the issue of safety for Taiwanese fishing vessels operating on the high seas.

Taiwan's Coast Guard must beef up its operations in the South China Sea, he added.

The Philippines' top envoy to Taiwan, Antonio Basilio, yesterday visited Hung's family on outlying Siaoliouciou Island to offer his condolences and apology. Basilio was accompanied by Taiwan's foreign minister.

Basilio reiterated that his government welcomes a joint investigation led by law enforcement authorities from both countries to establish the location of the incident and the circumstances that led to the tragedy.

“Should the investigation show that there was a violation of international law and practice...as well as our domestic law, we will let the law take its course so that justice will be served,” Basilio said.

We don't care majority of chinese criminals here are taiwanese next to you mainlanders so to that i say good bye to bad rubbish and the comeback of our industries and hey we have a lot of Panthers i mean your stupid boycotts did not work either so to hell with you and your B.O policies no apology to criminals only sympathies as a human being but that's all you people keep pushing now you have only your own to blame.
LOL. You know why? Your American dad are making use of you puppy and hope you die as early as possible. They incite you to bark and bite without solid support like advanced weapons. What does it mean then? Never see more stupid people than Filipinos who are so pleased to be cannon fodder.

Really looking forward to seeing what would happen when Filipinos kill Viets fishermen. Monkey fighting? Must be interesting!
Again, when things occurred, some helpless chinese can not do anything but insult others, LOL, you're not dare arguments but using dirty words, it's show how low some Chinese in here ... :lol:
Martian2 and other Chinese posters, you all can tone down the bottomless hatred against the Philippines a bit.
Look at them, Viet, Could you expected anything else from person like this... :coffee:
Again, when things occurred, some helpless chinese can not do anything but insult others, LOL, you're not dare arguments but using dirty words, it's show how low some Chinese in here ... :lol:

Look at them, Viet, Could you expected anything else from person like this... :coffee:

We are just not that urge to fark u up. But u look like more urge to be farked. U Viets really
think China can do nothing toward you? Where's your confidence come from? Funny moron.

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