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Tahir Ul Qadri return, reactions and discussions.

Elaborate please, to what actions of the ECP are you alluding to?

The fact that the elections were free, fair, inclusive and constitutional in contrast to the previous elections which we, as a nation, have had to put up with I would say that I am content with the way they have been conducted. I know IK would like to disagree, as would his following, but in my opinion they are expending far too much energy contesting their legitimacy, than they are working with what they have.

There is no dissolving the ECP, my friend. What ground is there to ask for its dissolution? The question has been raised and refuted in the Supreme Court on so many occasions that it has lost its academic power. An extract from the same judgement:

As the above-excerpt from the judgement reads, no Pakistani challenged the constitution of the ECP at the time of the elections, except TUQ. And, as is evident from the previous excerpt, the reason he challenged its constitution was because he signed an agreement with the previous government, to that effect - an agreement, which the Supreme Court declared was rife with mala fide.

I am sorry, did you say that the elections were free and fair and content in the media was all planted by Imran Khan. Peoples phones showing ballot boxes stuffed and destroyed were all staged? Pictures of votes having rodent and water damage on cameras were photoshopped? Telling the reporters that they made a "clerical error" in counting votes and put an extra 0 is something an organization that handles a countries votes can say and get away with? That seems all legit to you? I dont know where you live but let me assure you that I live in this country and I know very well what post in Baluchistan Ex CJP son is sitting on. You can go through his linked in profile and see what his accomplishments are and what that post requires. Not to mention the fraud case that is still running against him. Every party you are against is demanding one thing in particular. Not a repeat of the elections that happened a year ago. That is their main demand. How dumb does a tyrant need to be not to come upfront and say that sweeping reforms on ECP will be his priority. Instead he panics and kills unarmed protestors, then locks down his jaghir and hijacks a foreign commercial plane with a canadian on it. What is he scared off? Other than being an idiot who has no right to give orders within his house let alone a country. Jaisi Qaum waisay Hukmran.

"Finally a demand worth discussing on " Nawaz sharif. :P :P
nawaz used ti be dhegi?
what are you golive in present dear. don't make
I don't know how SOLID reasons you need? Here are two of them.

1) He is proven liar, if you don't know go read LHC order 1992 against him, when he run away to Canada and got Asylum
2) He is known for making wrong hadith, like that (Nauzubillah) Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) giving Wahi to Jibrael to deliver to Prophet Muhamad (SAWW).

It was never a LHC judgment . it was a single member administrative tribunal formed by the then PML(N) chief minister composed of LHC justice. when his house was attacked by PML (N), striking points & bullet rounds were shown to the authorities and one attacker killed of his guard's bullet proved during the inspection, which Punjab Govt denied. Within 25 days, when all proofs collected going into his favor, the chief minister changed the one man administrative tribunal and brought govt biased retired Justice by giving him bribe. and when Dr. TUQ appeared on his Notice, the new justice denied of considering all those old proof and witnesses, so prejudice was expected hence he boycott this newly formed so called administrative tribunal....
so all useless baseless and shameless allegations, hence he was never on political asylum and it was never written anywhere in the Canadian immigration documents ever. you call this a Political asylum, I call it rather a stupid joke. yes u may associate the term political asylum with people like BB Bhutto, Nawaz, Altaf & etc. dat wud certainly make sense. you must research about the qualification of Dr.TUQ and magnitude of his activities globally for which he commutes from one country to another to further. so he has to take Canadian immigiration for carry on his global activities. & look at stubborness our existing politician, they have all the time in this world for staging a hearing on dual nationality and wasting precious time of High Court rather than serving the deprived Nation. He is here in Pakistan, he has been here, commuting freely in/ out as per the requirement without any fear connecting particularly to your raised accusation. so dear think deep and objectively before making or circulating any false accusation.

about the second one, making or referring wrong hadith, I am unable to understand what are you hinting at to be precise. if you can give the reference I may be able to satisfy that. but let me tell u before hand dat this is all from the propagandist even from the same school of thought, I regret to say that, and it was all due to the jealousy of different Aalim's, simply because of his level of knowledge. He is Sheikh-ul-Hadith, this qualification is not a small one, this title was accredited to him by famous oldest Islamic institute of Egypt i-e-Jamma tul Azhar. so there is no way he could refer and make any wrong conclusion to the hadith. With this Accreditation, he is considered to be a responsible and respected global Islamic Ulema. His level of knowledge and global activities is unmatched among most Ulema's of his School of Thoughts. Look at the series of programs that he conduct on QTV, there gotta be a reason for his huge following. Who are we to point the finger at him regarding this? are we qualified enough? Yes other Ulema may file a combined reference against him if any such thing happened. If they dint feel so then who are we to make a fuss of it? So dear come out of hatred. the thing is we all want CHANGE? don't we? ask yourself, honestly. where the hell we are heading towards being a nation. how deprived our Nation is considering we are living in this 21st century? how blessed we are by the Almighty Allah with tregard to the natural resources. how the current family/other politicians are making Nation fool every time allowing them looting public money & illegal use of national asset. lastly remember Hazrat Hur (A.S) representing Yazid's Army, how his mind changed and enlisted himself in the greatest martyrs of KARBALA. Insaan ko dosti/dushmani sirf Allah ki raza k liye kerni chahiye. so cant we better listen think realize assess monitor & understand objectively in its true spirit rather saying insanely in public. Come & help raise the dignity of our National Identity!
I am sorry, did you say that the elections were free and fair and content in the media was all planted by Imran Khan. Peoples phones showing ballot boxes stuffed and destroyed were all staged? Pictures of votes having rodent and water damage on cameras were photoshopped? Telling the reporters that they made a "clerical error" in counting votes and put an extra 0 is something an organization that handles a countries votes can say and get away with? That seems all legit to you? I dont know where you live but let me assure you that I live in this country and I know very well what post in Baluchistan Ex CJP son is sitting on. You can go through his linked in profile and see what his accomplishments are and what that post requires. Not to mention the fraud case that is still running against him. Every party you are against is demanding one thing in particular. Not a repeat of the elections that happened a year ago. That is their main demand. How dumb does a tyrant need to be not to come upfront and say that sweeping reforms on ECP will be his priority. Instead he panics and kills unarmed protestors, then locks down his jaghir and hijacks a foreign commercial plane with a canadian on it. What is he scared off? Other than being an idiot who has no right to give orders within his house let alone a country. Jaisi Qaum waisay Hukmran.

The fact that the elections were free, fair, inclusive and constitutional in contrast to the previous elections which we, as a nation, have had to put up with I would say that I am content with the way they have been conducted.

Do you recall the fiasco of 2002, which was spearheaded by the PML(Q)? Would you not say the present elections were more fair in comparison?

The constitutional remedy for challenging the result of a rigged election is provided under section 52 of the Representation of People Act, 1976 which enables a candidate to file an election petition and call into a question the veracity of any election result wherein he may have been a candidate. The petition is then supported by evidence, both documentary and oral, whereafter the tribunal rules on the admissibility of the result and makes a declaration pursuant to section 67 of the same Act. The constitutional remedy is not to hold dharnas, call for protests, rally and give fiery speeches. Do tell me how many candidates actually resorted to the legal remedy available to them? Be precise, not cursory.

What nexus does the posting of the Ex-CJP's son have on the foregoing discussion? Also, do not stray from the topic - all posts must inherently purport to one action, or the other, of TUQ - how does he fit it to your last post?
Let's Suppose they let PAT supporters enter into Islamabad... won't they do same thing in Islamabad and wouldn't they try to enter into Parliament.. They fired gun shot in Model Town Lahore that's why police also fired.. why police didn't shot today they just did tear gas shelling???

Do you recall the fiasco of 2002, which was spearheaded by the PML(Q)? Would you not say the present elections were more fair in comparison?

The constitutional remedy for challenging the result of a rigged election is provided under section 52 of the Representation of People Act, 1976 which enables a candidate to file an election petition and call into a question the veracity of any election result wherein he may have been a candidate. The petition is then supported by evidence, both documentary and oral, whereafter the tribunal rules on the admissibility of the result and makes a declaration pursuant to section 67 of the same Act. The constitutional remedy is not to hold dharnas, call for protests, rally and give fiery speeches. Do tell me how many candidates actually resorted to the legal remedy available to them? Be precise, not cursory.

What nexus does the posting of the Ex-CJP's son have on the foregoing discussion? Also, do not stray from the topic - all posts must inherently purport to one action, or the other, of TUQ - how does he fit it to your last post?

You said the supreme court laid down its law telling the Canadian that everything is allright and he is making things up and that he has mala fide reasons for bringing up electoral reforms. Do you remember who's father gave that ruling? Thats how that Ex CJP's son comes into this debate.

Now going back to electoral reforms you are forgoing the discussion by saying that this election was so much better than what happened in the past. Which in my opinion is an insane claim with the amount of evidence through the media that its not even funny. We have the data to actually call this within reason the worst possible example of an election. But anyway I will entertain your claim and say it was better than the PML Q one. Do you want to have a discussion about the past? How will that help? Electoral reform in its entirety is the future. There is no if ands or buts about it. Why would I debate of what has happened in 2002. How will that improve my life in the next four years?

It is within the constitution to protest any such blatant act of thievery and that too with the masses who are supposed to be electing their representation. You use constitutional means to protest in courts, you get shut down by the bought and paid for judges. You protest on the streets, you get shot by the police being led by gullu butt. What you are seeing is the next level of unhappiness of the masses towards the people that are not giving them justice. Fix the electoral mafia and you could redeem yourself or continue to make the population work towards building a better Lahore by borrowing billions of $'s and have yourself a rebellion. The choice is theirs.
Chalo apna apna kam karo
Today drama is finish and Waite for next episode which coming soon
You said the supreme court laid down its law telling the Canadian that everything is allright and he is making things up and that he has mala fide reasons for bringing up electoral reforms. Do you remember who's father gave that ruling? Thats how that Ex CJP's son comes into this debate.

Now going back to electoral reforms you are forgoing the discussion by saying that this election was so much better than what happened in the past. Which in my opinion is an insane claim with the amount of evidence through the media that its not even funny. We have the data to actually call this within reason the worst possible example of an election. But anyway I will entertain your claim and say it was better than the PML Q one. Do you want to have a discussion about the past? How will that help? Electoral reform in its entirety is the future. There is no if ands or buts about it. Why would I debate of what has happened in 2002. How will that improve my life in the next four years?

It is within the constitution to protest any such blatant act of thievery and that too with the masses who are supposed to be electing their representation. You use constitutional means to protest in courts, you get shut down by the bought and paid for judges. You protest on the streets, you get shot by the police being led by gullu butt. What you are seeing is the next level of unhappiness of the masses towards the people that are not giving them justice. Fix the electoral mafia and you could redeem yourself or continue to make the population work towards building a better Lahore by borrowing billions of $'s and have yourself a rebellion. The choice is theirs.

I am for electoral reforms, through a fair, open, just and inclusive process. I am not for a Tahir-led revolution and an open, unabashed disgrace of the constitution. I am also not for false claims and rhetoric.

Before our conversation can proceed, give proof for the following:

1. How was PML-Q's election more fair and just than the most recent general elections.
2. Give evidence for judges being bought in trials of significance where the recent general elections are concerned.

Also for your own sake, consider all the protests which have taken place in the last 2 years where Gullu Butt was not involved. There is no need to get worked up my friend. It is evident that you are supporter of the PTI - Was there any disruption by Gullu Butt in Islamabad on the 11th of May, 2014 when IK was protesting against the rigging? None. So don't let an isolated incident cloud your judgment. There are plenty who are happy with the way things are going.
Ab in logon ke bolti band ho jai ge.....So much for the "peaceful protestors"........I was watching a footage of PAT/PML-Q mob beating a policeman and they were almost ready to finish him off by smashing bricks on his head before some other policemen were able to reach their downed fellow.

these pictures recent? looks like from the protests against blasphemy during Zardari reign.
"Main na manu".....
I am for electoral reforms, through a fair, open, just and inclusive process. I am not for a Tahir-led revolution and an open, unabashed disgrace of the constitution. I am also not for false claims and rhetoric.

Before our conversation can proceed, give proof for the following:

1. How was PML-Q's election more fair and just than the most recent general elections.
2. Give evidence for judges being bought in trials of significance where the recent general elections are concerned.

Also for your own sake, consider all the protests which have taken place in the last 2 years where Gullu Butt was not involved. There is no need to get worked up my friend. It is evident that you are supporter of the PTI - Was there any disruption by Gullu Butt in Islamabad on the 11th of May, 2014 when IK was protesting against the rigging? None. So don't let an isolated incident cloud your judgment. There are plenty who are happy with the way things are going.

What proofs do you want from 2002 when there was no media and no cell phone videos? How exactly do you want me to go through court records for common sense? Do you see me pressing charges against any judges? I am pressing for Electoral reforms not trying to catch corrupt judges because I know the only way to control or catch them is to have free elections and in the next decade or so get competent folk in office instead of the family of Sharifs bought and paid for entourage.

You keep comparing the present the situation with the past for some reason. There is always a first time for everything.
Which party do you want to name that is against Electoral reform? Its not just the canadian that is asking for it. Except for PMLN everybody for their selfish reasons would want that. Should you not be pushing your party to agree to Electoral reforms instead of killing people and hijacking foreign planes? Im not with the Khan pushing for peace talks with terrorists and not with the Canadian either. I am with correct policies being implemented by the masses to get their right otherwise whats the use of my vote when MQM or waderas are going to steal like in Lahore? If people are happy with how things are going why would the Nawaz family panic like a school girl as to whats happening.
What proofs do you want from 2002 when there was no media and no cell phone videos? How exactly do you want me to go through court records for common sense? Do you see me pressing charges against any judges? I am pressing for Electoral reforms not trying to catch corrupt judges because I know the only way to control or catch them is to have free elections and in the next decade or so get competent folk in office instead of the family of Sharifs bought and paid for entourage.

You keep comparing the present the situation with the past for some reason. There is always a first time for everything.
Which party do you want to name that is against Electoral reform? Its not just the canadian that is asking for it. Except for PMLN everybody for their selfish reasons would want that. Should you not be pushing your party to agree to Electoral reforms instead of killing people and hijacking foreign planes? Im not with the Khan pushing for peace talks with terrorists and not with the Canadian either. I am with correct policies being implemented by the masses to get their right otherwise whats the use of my vote when MQM or waderas are going to steal like in Lahore? If people are happy with how things are going why would the Nawaz family panic like a school girl as to whats happening.

At least we agree on something.
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