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Tactical & Operational Side of 65 Saga


Mar 31, 2008
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Our Founding Fathers Vision represents our envisaged way of life. Can we be deemed good Pakistanis without knowing the raison detre of our nation as defined by the founders of our state?


Help select/evaluate National Strategic Values and help affirm values into believe.

End States:

1. Knowledge by the people of Common Identity and National Purpose of Pakistan.

2. Knowledge by the intelligentsia (intellectuals, civil society, bureaucracy, legislature and executive) of all strategic values i.e. Common Identity, National Purpose, Vital National Interest, National Security Policies/Strategy and Public Policies.

3. Not only knowledge, but also belief by intelligentsia in the six values.

4. Not only knowledge and belief but also knowing the implications by intelligentsia, to execute , promote and achieve these for all citizens of Pakistan.

Courtesy: salmansignals YouTube - salmansignals's Channel

(Here he talks about the Men Vs Officers' shahdat ratio-i have already talked much about it)

(Rafiqi:Cecil, i hope Iris would forgive me for this!
Cecil: Sir, you wont be there, i wont be there, how does it matter..!!)

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See the senior Officers (War Vets) from the three armed forces testifying the qualities of courage, integrity, faith, comradeship, honesty, professionalism and sacrifce of our Men and Officers which lead to a victyorious Pakistan in '65.

The debate also amply talk about the strategical/operational decisions that lead to certain failures during the war. Quite an honest analysis.
See the senior Officers (War Vets) from the three armed forces testifying the qualities of courage, integrity, faith, comradeship, honesty, professionalism and sacrifce of our Men and Officers which lead to a victyorious Pakistan in '65.

The debate also amply talk about the strategical/operational decisions that lead to certain failures during the war. Quite an honest analysis.

Sir victorious Pakistan would invite some bashing on this thread which is in fact beautiful in the sense of the War vet. We need to respect them.

No one actually won the war it was a stalemate.
Sir victorious Pakistan would invite some bashing on this thread which is in fact beautiful in the sense of the War vet. We need to respect them.

No one actually won the war it was a stalemate.

Hold the horse!

BTW, giving a bloody nose to an enemy three time as big as yourself is considered a victory in terms of military dictionary. Try to accept it!
Hold the horse!

BTW, giving a bloody nose to an enemy three time as big as yourself is considered a victory in terms of military dictionary. Try to accept it!

Oh sir i give you a choice if you want a source.... Would wikipedia work or should i give you another independent medication for nose bleeding fantasy or last choice "I want to remain in my delusional world." then no need of anything it is incurable.

anyways here is wikipedia. if you want some more let me know

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh sir i give you a choice if you want a source.... Would wikipedia work or should i give you another independent medication for nose bleeding fantasy or last choice "I want to remain in my delusional world." then no need of anything it is incurable.

anyways here is wikipedia. if you want some more let me know

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keep the Wiki BS to yourself, PLEASE!

i have not opened this thread for this purpose, the sole aim of the thread is to discuss the '65 War with respect to the Pakistan side (for the time being), so i'll request you to keep your flame bait away from this thread. Open up a new thread to vent out your disgust.
Keep the Wiki BS to yourself, PLEASE!

i have not opened this thread for this purpose, the sole aim of the thread is to discuss the '65 War with respect to the Pakistan side (for the time being), so i'll request you to keep your flame bait away from this thread. Open up a new thread to vent out your disgust.

No flame intended... I already said war vet should be respected but you cannot serve falsehood to people by denying the stalemate. If you are not convinced with wiki bullshit then here is another one for you.

Indo-Pakistan War of 1965
i have not opened this thread for this purpose, the sole aim of the thread is to discuss the '65 War with respect to the Pakistan side (for the time being)
What possible purpose do you have in mind?? 65 War with Pakistani prespective or knitting some fairy tales for unfulfilled objectives. I know it is difficult to digest such facts of Pakistani defeat for an milletary professional and Mythical descriptions are used for providing a morale boost, but dont streatch it too far..

giving a bloody nose to an enemy three time as big as yourself is considered a victory in terms of military dictionary.
And Launching an offensive into enemy territory and then rushing back to secure your own is termed as pointless (using the mildest term since I'm dealing with TT and his clout) without creating any fictional dictionary and using common sense.
Sir victorious Pakistan would invite some bashing on this thread which is in fact beautiful in the sense of the War vet. We need to respect them.

No one actually won the war it was a stalemate.

RAW you do work for RAW dont you by the looks if it you do. Now how did you come up with this analysis that it was a stalemate and all by yourself:lol:.
Any Tom, Dick Harry can go on Winp and write what ever they want that site is full of bull and a lot of Shi-t
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Ok, i think the indians need to re-look at the title of the thread!

Which kind of language do you people understand? i am interested in discussing the planning and its execution at the operational and strategical level from the Pakistani point of view here, it's my mistake, should have opened the thread in the MP or TT sub-forums!!
False statements that Pakistan won 1965 war it was a stalemate and facts should be presented
Okay. It was a stalemate. But we dominated on the ground, air and sea. The numbers tell the story.

RAW you do work for RAW do you by the looks. Now how did you come up with this analysis that it was a stalemate and all by yourself
Sir ji, would you care to show him some of those amazing uploads? Or are you going to let it slide this time.
Uploads!!! what Uploads!!! are we being deprived off from some facts?
It would had been a more better debate if we had some one like mudrak sir who had actually participated during the war of 65 from the Indian side also .We could had then heard his side of the story and then finally decide who was the winner or loser.
It would had been a more better debate if we had some one like mudrak sir who had actually participated during the war of 65 from the Indian side also .We could had then heard his side of the story and then finally decide who was the winner or loser.

Who the hell is mudrak, hi guys do we have a member named mudrak.
Who the hell is mudrak, hi guys do we have a member named mudrak.

Hehehe...sounds like a character from Star Wars...mudrak the dark sith...

Xeric, yes i think you should have opened this on TT...:lol:

Few observations i have....

Stalemate is between two evenly matched opponents...if Pakistan with much smaller Army, Air force and Navy is considered an equal by India then surely it was a stalemate...

However to me 65 was a case of Pakistan achieving something which India may not understand...a sense of everlasting pride in keeping a much larger military at bay and giving it a lot of punishment as well...i do not know how this can be called a stalemate since by all accounts, Pakistan should have been roundly beaten by India...if we take traditional comparative parameters into account...

India claimed 100 odd aircraft kills which was the height of exaggeration...PAF had prewar strength of nearly 152 fighters and bombers and displayed 77% of its aircraft in a post war military parade for all the world to see after the War...the PAF claim of 20 odd losses and dozen odd damaged aircraft was pretty much proven in this parade as well...

Now compare these losses with the relevant strengths of the two air forces and one wonders why it cannot be called a great achievement in face of overwhelming odds...
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