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Tabriz: Protest against Shia killings in Azerbaijan

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An Iranian Azeri speaker only can understand 10% of your istambuli turkish, the language which is forced to you Anatoli people since 600 years ago after Ottoman empire.

false, I can easily understand people from Turkey

Azerbaijani language is as close as you get to actual Turkish language
you can also ask @Kamil_baku unless you gonna come back claiming we don't know about the language we actually speak.
oh yea ? you got people from Tebriz? here is a photo from Tebriz from recent protests :lol:

View attachment 279081

an average Azerbaijani has more rights than an Iranian , we have no restrictions on internet, there is an existing opposition in Azerbaijan and many organizations that actively write against the government

you have nothing of sort in Iran, you are considered 2nd North Korea

then which country are you talking about ? since Azerbaijan itself is a Shia majority dumbass :rofl:
Funny he is taking Ostad as reference, i was gonna post about something he told to us a couple months ago in Cay Bahcesi but better not.
Funny he is taking Ostad as reference, i was gonna post about something he told to us a couple months ago in Cay Bahcesi but better not.

yea, they talk about rmi and ostad , as I remember both consider themselves Turks :lol:

yeah, that's your mentality, sending some military advisers is equal to air raid!

pretty sure Iran's hand in Syria extends further than just couple military advisers
pretty sure Iran's hand in Syria extends further than just couple military advisers
In October, the Wall Street Journal reported on experts' assessments there more than 7,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps members and other militia volunteers were aiding the Syrian regime. In late October, General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified there were 2,000 Iranian troops in Syria leading the fight to save Assad.

Today that number has dwindled, according to U.S. and other Western officials. One estimate shared with me by a senior Western defense official said there were only 700 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps members now fighting in the Russian-led offensive. (That estimate does not include Iranian military advisers who have embedded with the Syrian armed forces since 2012.)

Thats excluding the Afghan and Pakistani volunteers.
What different medieval non-iranian Arab intellectuals and historians say about Azeris:

Ebn al-Moqaffa’ (died 142/759) is quoted by ibn Al-Nadim in his famous Al-Fihrist as stating that Azerbaijan, Nahavand, Rayy, Hamadan and Esfahan speak Fahlavi (Pahlavi)


Ibn Hawqal states:
“ the language of the people of Azerbaijan and most of the people of Armenia (sic; he probably means the Iranian Armenia) is Iranian (al-farssya),


Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn al-Husayn Al-Masudi (896-956), the Arab historian states:
The Persians are a people whose borders are the Mahat Mountains and Azarbaijan up to Armenia and Aran, and Bayleqan and Darband, and Ray and Tabaristan and Masqat and Shabaran and Jorjan and Abarshahr, and that is Nishabur, and Herat and Marv and other places in land of Khorasan, and Sejistan and Kerman and Fars and Ahvaz...All these lands were once one kingdom with one sovereign and one language...although the language differed slightly. The language, however, is one, in that its letters are written the same way and used the same way in composition. There are, then, different languages such as Pahlavi, Dari, Azari, as well as other Persian languages.


Al-Moqaddasi (died late 10th century) considers Azerbaijan as part of the 8th division of lands. He states:"The languages of the 8th division is Iranian (al-‘ajamyya). It is partly partly Dari and partly convoluted (monqaleq) and all of them are named Persian".

Old Azeri language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the complete Re-Iranisation of Azarbaijan is only a matter of time.
. .
pretty sure Iran's hand in Syria extends further than just couple military advisers
they are not a couple, and it's nothing beyond that.
and as I said it's your mentality that sending some advisers to help a government against mostly foreign terrorists is equal to air raid to another country!
buy a ticket to Azerbaijan , ask them if they consider themselves Iranian, they will laugh in your face.

I'm very sorry, but spreading Iranian influence will continue till the whole Re-Iranisation of Azerbaijan is completed.
they are not a couple, and it's nothing beyond that.
and as I said it's your mentality that sending some advisers to help a government against mostly foreign terrorists is equal to air raid to another country!

you sure? there are Iranian UCAVs flying over Syria too as well as boots on the ground.

the point isn't against who you fight , the point is Yemeni government requested Saudi help
exact same as Iranian involvement in Syria
you sure? there are Iranian UCAVs flying over Syria too as well as boots on the ground.

the point isn't against who you fight , the point is Yemeni government requested Saudi help
exact same as Iranian involvement in Syria
we sell weapons to Syrian and they fight with those weapons (including drones, which are mostly recognition ones). yet this is Saudi and the rest of Gulf monarchy armies who are invading the Yemen. they can't just send weapons, cause Yemeni people aren't in their side.
here, the difference is the people, and I wont expect you to understand that.
Iran spreads influence through "religion".

Zionist? Oh man, your brain has been fried well with state propaganda.

How about you go demand for human rights in Iran first because we are definitely doing better in Azerbaijan.
Human rights like gay parade or depriving native citizens (real owners of Az Republic) from exercising their religopus rituals? You either don't know the meaning of secularism or are so mouth-watered by ugly anti religion culture of whore ship and animal-ism in Europe... State of Az always trying to show they have rich culture and identity through lots of cultural spending while at the same time they hate their ancient and contemporary culture in a way that state thinks they will be more azeri if they are counted as Europeans!! A Shia Muslim nation will be a part of Europe!!

We have nothing against your system in Az republic in Iran a side from being a base for Iran's enemies and state savage approach regarding people of Az exercising their basic human right which is practicing their religious rituals freely...

Az state closes her eyes or even support many Wahhabi masjids and foundations in Az, let Saudi Takfiris spread their culture of hate and Takfir in Az, let Gays and lesbians to promote their animal culture, let Israelis to do whatever they like, yet instead of defending their own people and citizens who happens to be mostly Shia Musim, the state attacks them by fire arms...

btw, it was Azeris of the mother town Tebriz who threatened Aliev and Az state against their actions against Azeri Shias...

Funny... Az state let Takfiri Saudi Wahhabis to spread their Takfiri terrorist bases in Az, washing more brains to blow up themselves killing non-Takfiris, yet forbid Azeri Shia to obtain religious education (which is the most moderate and civilized version of Islam and never encourages people to Takfir others) in Iran... Funnny!!

Do you know why Iran's Shah system collapsed while no body thought it woud be possible? Because he stood up against his people's culture and religion... He tried to make peope somethiing which they are not... the exact thing that Aliev system is trying to do today...

I personally, see a Shia revolution in Az republic very soon... sooner than Aliev realize it... I bet on this
we sell weapons to Syrian and they fight with those weapons (including drones, which are mostly recognition ones). yet this is Saudi and the rest of Gulf monarchy armies who are invading the Yemen. they can't just send weapons, cause Yemeni people aren't in their side.
here, the difference is the people, and I wont expect you to understand that.

why don't you come back with some numbers then

show me the % of Syrian population that supports Iranian involvement compared to % of Yemeni population that supports Saudi intervention,

Human rights like gay parade or depriving native citizens (real owners of Az Republic) from exercising their religopus rituals? You either don't know the meaning of secularism or are so mouth-watered by ugly anti religion culture of whore ship and animal-ism in Europe... State of Az always trying to show they have rich culture and identity through lots of cultural spending while at the same time they hate their ancient and contemporary culture in a way that state thinks they will be more azeri if they are counted as Europeans!! A Shia Muslim nation will be a part of Europe!!

We have nothing against your system in Az republic in Iran a side from being a base for Iran's enemies and state savage approach regarding people of Az exercising their basic human right which is practicing their religious rituals freely...

Az state closes her eyes or even support many Wahhabi masjids and foundations in Az, let Saudi Takfiris spread their culture of hate and Takfir in Az, let Gays and lesbians to promote their animal culture, let Israelis to do whatever they like, yet instead of defending their own people and citizens who happens to be mostly Shia Musim, the state attacks them by fire arms...

btw, it was Azeris of the mother town Tebriz who threatened Aliev and Az state against their actions against Azeri Shias...

Funny... Az state let Takfiri Saudi Wahhabis to spread their Takfiri terrorist bases in Az, washing more brains to blow up themselves killing non-Takfiris, yet forbid Azeri Shia to obtain religious education (which is the most moderate and civilized version of Islam and never encourages people to Takfir others) in Iran... Funnny!!

Do you know why Iran's Shah system collapsed while no body thought it woud be possible? Because he stood up against his people's culture and religion... He tried to make peope somethiing which they are not... the exact thing that Aliev system is trying to do today...

I personally, see a Shia revolution in Az republic very soon... sooner than Aliev realize it... I bet on this

keep waiting then, people in Azerbaijan couldn't give less crap about religion nor is the government suppressing peoples
rights, just a couple months ago Azerbaijan opened the biggest mosque in the region.

it is Iran that turned religion into a source of influence, and Azerbaijan has all the right to jail the morons on such payroll.

and Lol at terrorist bases in Azerbaijan , you are the biggest terrorist supporter in the world.
false, I can easily understand people from Turkey

Azerbaijani language is as close as you get to actual Turkish language
you can also ask @Kamil_baku unless you gonna come back claiming we don't know about the language we actually speak.
Nonsense. Azeris in Iran only can understand 10% of turkish (ottoman) istanbuli.

Btw you're a proven liar when you say 80% of Azerbaijani people support aliev dictator dog and that brutal Islam hater Zionist goon is a lovely religious person!!!

Iranian Azeri (right side) and turk (left side):


Persian, Azeri, Kurd, Jew DNA:


Tatar dogs from North of China changed language of Anatoli people and Azeris:


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where people have far more rights, on the freedom of speech and religi
seriouisy!!!? Kidding me right?
exactly like what Erdugan said when met Rouhani in one ocassion and the Vice President Jahangiri in Ashkabad yesterday... you know what Erdugan said?

"Media in Iran publish stuff against me and my family... Suppress your media... Control them... Don't let them publish these stuff!! "
For more info:


Human rights in Azerbaijan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World Report 2014: Azerbaijan | Human Rights Watch
Civil Rights Defenders – Human Rights in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Human Rights | Amnesty International USA
Open Letter Regarding the Human Rights Situation in Azerbaijan | Freedom House


Human rights in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkey | Human Rights Watch
Turkey's Human Rights Record Impedes European Integration
Turkey Human Rights | Amnesty International USA
Turkish government guilty of human rights abuses, group says - CNN.com
Turkey accused of gross human rights violations in Gezi Park protests | Amnesty International

At least in Iran, religious minorities are free to exercise their religion and rituals... At least in Iran a murderer act of taking "a life" is settled by taking "a life" in compensation... At least in Iran, drug traffickers who kill thousands by their drug is settled by justice... At least in Iran people can not promote gay and lesbian becoz people don't want them (pure democracy.. is n't it?.... In a very pure democratic move, people of Iran decided they want their society to be ruled by Shia Islam rules.. It is like a nudism town somewhere in the middle of the ocean make rules that becoz everybody in that Island is a NUDE then nobody have the right to ask others to wear anything... pure democracy...

I agree that Iranian human right case is not perfect and has a lot to be fixed but it is a joke when two third world countries with even worse human right and democratic resume are defending SUPPRESSION of poor native Az citizens of practicing their basic human right which is religion...

To tell you the truth I never expected anything different from both Turkey and Azerbaijan regimes... Both are Third World countries who beside all their incompetency and dictatorship also have no IDENTITY and CULTURE... They have culture but they are trying hard to get rid of it and adopt a more civilized gay culture from west...

to be honest nothing disgusts me more than seeing two totally Muslim and Eastern Culture nations to beg Europe to be counted as one!! It is so himulating and disgusting...
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