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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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T-LORAMIDS Tender Thread

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Russia to Offer Turkey S-300 & S-400 Surface-to-Air Missile Systems

Russia is ready to participate in a tender to offer Turkey S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, the state-controlled arms exporter said on Wednesday.

The advanced version of the S-300 missile system, called S-300PMU1, has a range of over 150 kilometers (over 100 miles) and can intercept ballistic missiles and aircraft at low and high altitudes, making it effective in warding off air strikes.

The S-400 (SA-21 Growler) is capable of simultaneously engaging six targets to a range of 400 km (250 miles) and an altitude up to 30 kilometers, including aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles.

ASIAN DEFENCE: Russia to Offer Turkey S-300 and S-400 Surface-to-Air Missile Systems
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if there is a cap off 300km max on the transfer (sale) of missiles and tech how can s400 e on sale with 400km range can sum1 clarify plaese!!!!!

Hahaha! This is amusing. There on one hand, Turkey has barely scrapped its ties with the West and is playing to be a neutral player and here Russia has already started offering air defence systems to Ankara!

I guess AKP would be pleased in taking that anti-Israel decision as it is paying off with some of the best SAM offers in the world. Wasn't the Patriot system efficient enough that they needed Moscow's offer?
I guess AKP would be pleased in taking that anti-Israel decision as it is paying off with some of the best SAM offers in the world. Wasn't the Patriot system efficient enough that they needed Moscow's offer?


Are you one of those aantisemitism bogey guy???

Are you one of those aantisemitism bogey guy???
The one that Erdogan started taking many months before the flotilla incident. There's no need to get so defensive. Many Turkish members here themselves don't approve of Erdogan's methods domestically as well as internationally. Their opinion carries more weight, you know.

Anti-Semitism was most prominent in vast parts of the world and its the truth. It is your choice to believe it or not but not believing it or calling it a conspiracy will not make it undone. So I am not a bogey but someone who accepts an apple as an apple.

RameeX Xaved

You cannot use a SAM system against someone. It is a defensive weapon and by getting it, Turkey is only making its defence stronger.
Hahaha! This is amusing. There on one hand, Turkey has barely scrapped its ties with the West and is playing to be a neutral player and here Russia has already started offering air defence systems to Ankara!

I guess AKP would be pleased in taking that anti-Israel decision as it is paying off with some of the best SAM offers in the world. Wasn't the Patriot system efficient enough that they needed Moscow's offer?

No this was requested by Turkey multiple times that Russia submit offers for this tender.
How serious is that Website? :/

Also i am pretty sure the S-400 is not offered unless they recently changed their view on it. I know the S-300 was always up for them to offer.

Anyway i see no way for us to go with the U.S. Pac-3 systems. They will give us no tech transfer at all. At least with the chinese we know we will get a high tech transfer deal. Possibly the same would go with the Russians. (S-300 not for the S-400)

Though the Pac-3 is a really good system. It just doesn't fit into the current way Turkey is procuring arms.

EDIT- Actually i think they are offering us S-400s. In that case we should jump on this as it would put us ahead of many. http://www.trdefence.com/?p=927 is also reporting on it and a few other places.
The one that Erdogan started taking many months before the flotilla incident. There's no need to get so defensive. Many Turkish members here themselves don't approve of Erdogan's methods domestically as well as internationally. Their opinion carries more weight, you know.

Am asking which one??

Anti-Semitism was most prominent in vast parts of the world and its the truth. It is your choice to believe it or not but not believing it or calling it a conspiracy will not make it undone. So I am not a bogey but someone who accepts an apple as an apple.


Where did I mention it is conspiracy, I think your mind is doing tricks.

Maybe perhaps, you are telling your state of mind, when no one asks.

So this antisemitism may be just a state of mind, a victimhood trait...
Anyway i see no way for us to go with the U.S. Pac-3 systems. They will give us no tech transfer at all. At least with the chinese we know we will get a high tech transfer deal.

i never knew Turkey had a deal with China? please explain further!
i never knew Turkey had a deal with China? please explain further!

China is offering us HQ-9s. U.S. is offering us Pac-3. Russia is offering the S-300 and S-400. The Eurosam (french and Italian company) are offering the Aster 30. This is all for our multibillion dollar tender to replace our older SAMs we currently operate the Rapier and Hawk SAM platforms.
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