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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

I wish they had different names

T129, T625 an T929 too confusing
Dont forget T629 ,. T625 is untility variant
Wonder what country is this? Hope us here in the PH can do additional!
Nigeria. (+ Some TB-2)
That statue is in Brazil
Yes, the photo is from a demonstration flight with brazilian pilots in 2019.
Most agile and versatile chopper in its class.
Does pakistan really need these. I think drones are way better. Look at what's happening to gunships in Ukraine.
Drones fly higher are quieter and still deadly. We can mix drone with a combo of weapons such as missiles and machine-guns
Also cost benefits. Drones are way cheaper and multiple drones can be launched givingbthe enemy a greater headache
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