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Syrian Rebels test the chemical weapons to use on Syrian civilians

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic

Explanation of the above video :

The video starts with several scenes showing chemical containers with Tekkim labels (Tekkim is a Turkish chemicals company) and some lab equipment, while playing Jihadists chants in the background. A glass box then appears with two rabbits inside, with a poster on the wall behind it reading The Almighty Wind Brigade (Kateebat A Reeh Al Sarsar). A person wearing a lab mask then mixes chemicals in a beaker in the glass box, and we see some gas emitting from the beaker. About a minute later, the rabbits start to have random convulsions and then die. The person says: You saw what happened? This will be your fate, you infidel Alawites, I swear by ALLAH to make you die like these rabbits, one minute only after you inhale the gas.

Judging from the rabbits’ reaction, the gas must be a nerve agent. The number of containers, if not a bluff, indicates ability to produce a considerable amount of this gas. Deployment could be by means of a smoke generator placed in the target area, an explosion, possibly a suicide one, of a ”chemmed” car, or simply by using a humidifier.

This going to be used as a false alarm in a pretext to justify war against Syria, NATO and the USA are providing those terrorists with chemicals to blame the Syrian government...

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Cheap acting by Assad terrorists, they really should find better propaganda directors.

Also i bet Assad is going to use his last card "Chemical Weapons" against his people then he will blame FSA for it.

We shall wait and see...
You have to be a monumental idiot if you think US supports the small elements of terrorists among the rebels. regardless of this " dubbed " over video. but ultimately you brought this upon yourself by acting like equal savages...

WE do not in anyway support Ji-hadist any less than we support genocidal dictators. You WILL NOT find us a party of support for savagery on either side.
You have to be a monumental idiot if you think US supports the small elements of terrorists among the rebels. regardless of this " dubbed " over video. but ultimately you brought this upon yourself by acting like equal savages...

WE do not in anyway support Ji-hadist any less than we support genocidal dictators. You WILL NOT find us a party of support for savagery on either side.
USA just listed an FSA wing as Alqaeda terrorists...

France regrets their support to those terrorists....

and you are telling me you are not supporting those terrorists?? who raised Alqaeda? who funds Alqaeda? its USA and their allies....

That's prove my point even further, Your terrorist regime is trying to play the victim but i'm afraid thats not going to happen the whole civilised world is against you the hole Muslim world is against you and the hole Arab world is also against you.
Also cease to give me stupid links from RT that propaganda will work on your primitive brain but not mine.

The whole world against Syria, and Alasad is still in power, how can he still be in power? because Syrians support him... Syrians don't give a crap about what the outside world thinks.... Syrians and only and only Syrians matter to Syria...
The whole world against Syria, and Alasad is still in power, how can he still be in power? because Syrians support him... Syrians don't give a crap about what the outside world thinks.... Syrians and only and only Syrians matter to Syria...

Assad is still in power because he has the superior firepower and no one is supporting the FSA, and even though Assad have the superior firepower FSA managed to survive for the last 2 years because Assad army soldiers keeps defecting and leaving your terrorist regime alongside with the support from the Syrian people to the FSA since more than 50% of it are originally civilians how took up arms to defend themselves from your terrorist regime, however recently the FSA start to get the upper hand that's why your regime is trying to use his last cards the "Chemical weapons" then he will try to blame it one the FSA too bad no one will believe your crumbling terrorist regime.
Assad is still in power because he has the superior firepower and no one is supporting the FSA, and even though Assad have the superior firepower FSA managed to survive for the last 2 years because Assad army soldiers keeps defecting and leaving your terrorist regime alongside with the support from the Syrian people to the FSA since more than 50% of it are originally civilians how took up arms to defend themselves from your terrorist regime, however recently the FSA start to get the upper hand that's why your regime is trying to use his last cards the "Chemical weapons" then he will try to blame it one the FSA too bad no one will believe your crumbling terrorist regime.

GCC openly admitted it its giving the so called FSA weapons and money... and the west is supporting them with the media and intelligence services... plus FSA is composed from outside Syria, they come from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Chechan, Afghanistan and more... Syria if facing world terrorism...
GCC openly admitted it its giving the so called FSA weapons and money

GCC governments never admitted to support the FSA because they never did support it, if you have any proof that GCC really admitted of supporting the FSA then please show it to me, and i wish you telling the truth this is the least thing we can do for our Syrian brothers who suffer under your terrorist regime.

plus FSA is composed from outside Syria, they come from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Chechan, Afghanistan and more... Syria if facing world terrorism...

FSA was established to protect the civilians, Also the FSA traces its origin to early defectors from the Syrian army who refused to shoot on unarmed protesters during the Syrian uprising. The first defections occurred when the army was sent into Daraa to quell ongoing protests. There were reports that different units had refused to shoot on protesters and had split from the army. Defections continued throughout the uprisings as Assad used lethal force to clamp down on protesters and lay siege on protesting cities across the country, Many soldiers who refused to open fire against civilians were summarily executed by the army.

In July 2011, seeing the need for action ((( Riad al-Asaad))) and a group of officers announced the formation of the "Free Syrian Army" with the goal to protect unarmed protesters and to help overthrow the regime.

This is the video of him establishing the Free Syrian Army

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GCC governments never admitted to support the FSA because they never did support it, if you have any proof that GCC really admitted of supporting the FSA then please show it to me, and i wish you telling the truth this is the least thing we can do for our Syrian brothers who suffer under your terrorist regime.

FSA was established to protect the civilians, Also the FSA traces its origin to early defectors from the Syrian army who refused to shoot on unarmed protesters during the Syrian uprising. The first defections occurred when the army was sent into Daraa to quell ongoing protests. There were reports that different units had refused to shoot on protesters and had split from the army. Defections continued throughout the uprisings as Assad used lethal force to clamp down on protesters and lay siege on protesting cities across the country, Many soldiers who refused to open fire against civilians were summarily executed by the army.

In July 2011, seeing the need for action ((( Riad al-Asaad))) and a group of officers announced the formation of the "Free Syrian Army" with the goal to protect unarmed protesters and to help overthrow the regime.

This is the video of him establishing the Free Syrian Army

Then how come there is still something called THE SYRIAN ARMY, that's kicking the terrorists out of the country...
you keep showing me some western propaganda... those people sold their dignity and their country for $$$
again even the west admits that FSA is not composed of Syrians....http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...amists-seek-turn-syria-into-sharia-state.html

And the GCC openly said it many times in many conference... go to youtube and look Qatar talking about arming FSA and much more....
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It seems terrorists will do a red flag chemical attack on Syrian civilians, and West will immediately blame Syria for it, giving them an excuse to openly attack the country.

P.S. Its ironic to see yet another Saudi so brainwashed, that he doesnt even know Saudis, Qatar, etc. are openly supporting terrorists.
Keep up the good fight Syria.

The life of a terrorist suicide bomber is very short. If he doesn't blow himself up, he gets the barrel of an AK up his back side.
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