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Syrian Moderate Terrorists in 3 pictures

There are hundreds of crimes in Syria committed every day.

No there aren't, much of the military action on ground does not violate international law.

When two IDF soldiers were brutally lynched in Ramallah no one in the world gave a damn. And they were not attacking Ramallah, they just lost their way.

I don't agree with desecrating any bodies, but those soldiers are lawful targets, in occupied territory, during state of war. And yes, it drew the whole world's attention, with direct statements from US government and bombardment of supposed PLO partner with these countries. Same with the recent incident, it drew attention in media immensely, including by many foreign governments.

This incident drew no condemnation by anybody, US stated it may pause the aid and is reviewing. US and its allies support child beheading terrorist groups, and you do too.

No its not false. He was a combatant. The video of him in uniform is released.

There is no proof he was combatant, all the video shows is a kid under rubble for whatever reason unknown.

You are right. It killing that kid was a sick crime. But alas there are more sick crimes in Syria committed daily.

Why do you need to reference other things? Why can't you just condemn, or abstain from posting? Are you some humanitarian activist concerned for human suffering? No you aren't, you support much worse aerial bombardment against Palestinians, which you phrase as 'terrorist attacks' if Syrian Air Force conducts them.

We all still remember when settlers burned alive a Palestinian child in the West Bank, after beating him, torturing him and forcing him to drink gasoline, that instead of being the humanitarian activist you are when it comes to Syrian conflict, you actually tried attributing his murder to something else. Which was a supposed 'honor killing' because he was gay according to you. It turned out to be crap. You tried passing off fake diversion, proving you're far from concerned about human life.

I suggest u to join cannon fodder Liwa al Quds attacks on Handarat. Supporting genocidal maniac Assad .

I suggest you go join these terrorist groups that you fiercely support and defend on this forum. But, really, are you stupid? What does extending moral support to a government mean to you? Does it mean everyone in world should do military draft and fight from every inch of land everywhere in the world? Stop being dumb, and stop with your baseless 'genocide' accusations.

Your Likud government is implementing a slow and less messy genocide of Palestinian identity, culture and peoples. You don't need to kill anyone in mass to erase their history, land, and rights. You just need to out gun them, control media narrative, and have unconditional support from superpower. If Russian or Chinese superpower took the Palestinian side in same way US takes Israel side, you would be trying to actively mass kill every Palestinian. So spare us your crocodile tears.
No there aren't, much of the military action on ground does not violate international law.
Yes there are. Each unguided bomb on populated area is war crime. Each act of food siege. There are currently tens of thousands people in Assad's jails tortured as we speak.

I don't agree with desecrating any bodies, but those soldiers are lawful targets, in occupied territory, during state of war.
Sorry to say but u are POS. Firt of all PA and Israel were not instate of war. Secondly they were captured alive, brought to police station and then brutally lynched.

And yes, it drew the whole world's attention, with direct statements from US government and bombardment of supposed PLO partner with these countries.
Israeli helicopter fired a rocket at empty police station after prior warning. Thats what u call bombardment? Then everyone told Israel it must be restraint.

There is no proof he was combatant, all the video shows is a kid under rubble for whatever reason unknown.
It shows him in uniform after failed al Quds attack on Handarat.

Why do you need to reference other things? Why can't you just condemn, or abstain from posting? Are you some humanitarian activist concerned for human suffering? No you aren't, you support much worse aerial bombardment against Palestinians, which you phrase as 'terrorist attacks' if Syrian Air Force conducts them.
Assad supporters are not the ones who can complain about crimes. Thats it. They dont have any moral right to do so. Especially since on a same day they murdered some 50 civilians including many kids.

I suggest you go join these terrorist groups that you fiercely support and defend on this forum. But, really, are you stupid? What does extending moral support to a government mean to you? Does it mean everyone in world should do military draft and fight from every inch of land everywhere in the world? Stop being dumb, and stop with your baseless 'genocide' accusations.
I never said I support any group there. Besides Assad destruction of Syria is good for my country. For Israel the longer psychopath maniac Assad stays in power - he better.

Your Likud government is implementing a slow and less messy genocide of Palestinian identity, culture and peoples.
LOL wut? Palestinians are multiplying faster than anyone else. What Palestinian identity and culture? There were no any Palestinians before Zionist on first place.

You don't need to kill anyone in mass to erase their history, land, and rights. You just need to out gun them, control media narrative, and have unconditional support from superpower. If Russian or Chinese superpower took the Palestinian side in same way US takes Israel side, you would be trying to actively mass kill every Palestinian. So spare us your crocodile tears.
Assad mass murders Syrians without any problem. As for tears u are whining here.
Yes there are. Each unguided bomb on populated area is war crime. Each act of food siege. There are currently tens of thousands people in Assad's jails tortured as we speak.

You're dumb, and resort to baseless accusations. No air strikes were 'random', they targeted militants. There was no 50 civilians killed, that's empty crap, to you guys, everyone killed on opposition side is a civilian. And the only people possibly killed on pro-government side, are always soldiers or combatants. Never have any of you terrorist supporters shed light on civilians killed in government controlled areas, or executed by militias.

As such, your 'torture' claim is baseless, we can play guessing game with any and every country. Since there are thousand of prisoners in every nation, we don't know what goes on in those prisons, so let's just assume it is torture. Which is funny, since you support the current Egyptians government detention and torture of thousands of political activists. Let alone in your nation, or other nations which claimed moral high ground and were embarrassed. So spare us double standard.

Sorry to say but u are POS. Firt of all PA and Israel were not instate of war. Secondly they were captured alive, brought to police station and then brutally lynched.

Uh no, Israeli terrorists are militarily occupying foreign military, had any other nation dealt with such, they would be bombing your troops before they commit incursion into border. Palestinians were absolutely justified in targeting all Israeli forces in the occupied territory. Anything further is not necessary and not something I would support.

It shows him in uniform after failed al Quds attack on Handarat.

No it didn't, shithead. There is no uniform noticeable. A t shirt is not a uniform.

Assad supporters are not the ones who can complain about crimes. Thats it. They dont have any moral right to do so. Especially since on a same day they murdered some 50 civilians including many kids.

Again I addressed this above, every single person killed according to your sources is a civilian. If we took such claims seriously, the opposition would have highest manpower in the world and defeated Syrian government long ago. But obviously your claims are bullshit and nobody is reporting how many rebels are among the dead.

I never said I support any group there. Besides Assad destruction of Syria is good for my country. For Israel the longer psychopath maniac Assad stays in power - he better.

Bullshit, you're clearly a terrorist supporter, that supports mercenary militias that are supported by the Jewish dominated US gov't which implements these foreign policies. And you try defending these militias to no extent, and busy demonizing the Syrian gov't on daily basis. You're not fooling anyone, the rest of your post is crap.

And your point about culture is dubious, cuz thanks to your stupid religion, it single handedly wiped culture off the face of the ME. You don't even have an culture, it's just the bullshit religion you follow, which is nothing but a supremacist cult. Unfortunately, after your crap religion was founded, everyone else in region sought need to compete, and formed another two crap religions that decimated cultural richness of region, and the tribes and peoples that existed before. That were many times more interesting and innovative.
You're dumb, and resort to baseless accusations. No air strikes were 'random', they targeted militants. There was no 50 civilians killed, that's empty crap, to you guys, everyone killed on opposition side is a civilian. And the only people possibly killed on pro-government side, are always soldiers or combatants. Never have any of you terrorist supporters shed light on civilians killed in government controlled areas, or executed by militias.
There is no even point to argue with u. U are moody like a teenage girl. One day u are Islamist another day atheist, one day support rebels another day Assad...

No it didn't, shithead. There is no uniform noticeable. A t shirt is not a uniform.
He was a soldier, but not a Palestinian but Alawite from Homs:


US Considers a 'Pause' in Supplies for Group Beheading a Child

'... if we can prove that this was indeed what happened and this group was involved in it, I think it would certainly give us pause.'

Originally appeared at Moon of Alabama

Yesterday some ten year old kid in Syria was beheaded by U.S. supported "moderate rebels".

The "rebels" alleged that the boy was a fighter for a Palestinian group on the Syrian government side. But the boy looks very small and weak, has infusion tubes in his arm and no military attributes like a uniform or weapons.

The five "individuals" who killed the child are members of the Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki, a group supported by the CIA as well as with Saudi money and weapons. The group issued a statement on the case. It called it "an act of an individual" and blamed the "international community" for its problems. While only one person does the cutting the video shows that the five "individuals" are clearly acting as a group, cheering Takbeer and Allahu Akbar during and after the beheading.

Despite the publicly available video and the statement by the Zinki group leaders admitting the case, the U.S. State Department had only a very subdued response to it:

QUESTION: Is this the kind of thing that would affect assistance, U.S. assistance to this specific group but also just in general to the FSA?
MR TONER: Well, I think we’d take a – if, as you said, if we can prove that this was indeed what happened and this group was involved in it, I think it would certainly give us pause.
QUESTION: It would give you pause?
MR TONER: Well, give us pause about any assistance or, frankly, any further involvement with this group.
QUESTION: So, in other words, so it will draw – there will be some kind of consequence if you’re satisfied that this actually happened?
MR TONER: I can’t – again, I can’t say what that consequence will be, but it will certainly give us, as I said, serious pause and we’ll look at, frankly, any affiliation or cooperation with this group we may have going forward, if these allegations are proven true.
We may expect, says the State Department, a "serious pause" in the delivery of new lethal U.S. weapons to the group. Will a day or two do?

And here is how a western expert, who is paid by Qatar and other Gulf states to support the head choppers, responds to the case:

Amnesty International provides material that proves how both, Zinki and ISIS, abduct people, torture and commit summary mass killings. But the Islamic State is bound by a brutal but strict interpretation of Islamic law. It would likely never behead a sick child on camera for the fun of it. Neither has any element of the Syrian state ever done such crime.

Comparing the Zinki group to the Syrian government or even the Islamic State savages is indeed absurd.
You are such a Poor Boy..
Don't be prejudice. Alhamduilallah!! I am a suni muslim. Defending Asad doesnt mean i am a pro Iran guy.
One can distinguish very clearly the mulla slaves, don't be smart.
They ask him about his last wish and when he says wants to be shot, they say we are worse than ISIS, we will behead you. I love how these cockroaches say the truth themselves.

Sick, psychopathic terrorists, they don't scare anybody if they think that's what they achieve, they just show to the world that they're trashy mercenaries for NAZTO that do not have a legitimate cause and need to be crushed by the Syrian army, Palestinians, Russians, Iranians, Lebanese and all others. The US government still has even refused to 'pause' aid to this terrorist group, since they need 'proof'. The US government is officially a terrorist government, and they need to face legal measures, if not then the Jewish American community responsible these policies need to come forward, turns themselves, or pay with their own blood.
What does this terrorist praising scum in response to such a crime? They only step up their lies campaign...
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