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Syrian lira crashes after tycoon Rami Makhlouf criticises Assad regime in new video

I pity you lol
If it wasn't because of you there would be no civil wars in Islamic countries such as Syria, Libya etc...

Prophet Muhammad (S): The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Turks (Anatolis); people with small eyes, red faces, and flat noses.

Sahih Bokhari - Sahih Muslim
Why is the Iranian guy(im assuming shia) quoting a sunni hadith book, isnt it supposed to be wrong/inaccurate for shias? selectively deciding when to randomly quote things, w/o providing context? it a reference to pagans not a reference to someone based on ethnicity.

you could decide to quote "Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be" its in the same collection, why choose one quote over the other.

edit: I seem to have looked into it, and it seems to be a mistranslation, I found other translations with a reference to "romans" as the people in anatolia..
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Why is the Iranian guy(im assuming shia) quoting a sunni hadith book, isnt it supposed to be wrong/inaccurate for shias? selectively deciding when to randomly quote things, w/o providing context? it a reference to pagans not a reference to someone based on ethnicity.

you could decide to quote "Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be" its in the same collection, why choose one quote over the other.
I don't have a problem with his Shiite identity, I give zero sh*t to whatever he says but it's fun to trigger him :D
Why is the Iranian guy(im assuming shia) quoting a sunni hadith book, isnt it supposed to be wrong/inaccurate for shias? selectively deciding when to randomly quote things, w/o providing context? it a reference to pagans not a reference to someone based on ethnicity.

you could decide to quote "Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be" its in the same collection, why choose one quote over the other.
If you hang out with these guys one night, you might not be surprised at anything... Bigotry is a big problem in this geography,
I don't have a problem with his Shiite identity, I give zero sh*t to whatever he says but it's fun to trigger him :D

I pointed it out, b/c he is quoting a book he doesn't believe in the accuracy of(if he is shia), its a disingenuous act. he is also quoting something thats a mistranslation of "romans", implying its a reference to something else.
There is no difference between Sunni and Shia Hadiths. The only difference is Sunnis only have Hadiths only from Prophet Muhammad (S) but Shias have hadiths from 14 infallibles.

That's not a random hadith from Prophet Muhammad (S), search " Turk " in Sahih Hadith books and read what Prophet has said about Turks.


The difference between Sunni & Shia is Sunnis follow the Caliphs who came after Prophet (S) but Shias follow Ahlulbayt who became martyred from Daughter of Prophet to Imam Ali to grandsons of Holy Prophet Imam Hassan, Imam Hussein (PBUT) to Imam Hassan Askari, 11th Imam.

Martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra:


Martyrdom of 11 Imams:


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There is no difference between Sunni and Shia Hadiths. The only difference is Sunnis only have Hadiths only from Prophet Muhammad (S) but Shias have hadiths from 14 infallibles.

That's not a random hadith from Prophet Muhammad (S), search " Turk " in Sahih Hadith books and read what Prophet has said about Turks.


The difference between Sunni & Shia is Sunnis follow the Caliphs who came after Prophet (S) but Shias follow Ahlulbayt who became martyred from Daughter of Prophet to Imam Ali to grandsons of Holy Prophet Imam Hassan, Imam Hussein (PBUT) to Imam Hassan Askari, 11th Imam.

Martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra:


Martyrdom of 11 Imams:



Well, you started this debate. Hopefully a shia mod won't ban me again for replying to shia lies.

There is a big difference between sunni & shia hadiths. The shia hadith system is pretty much fabricated, it was created in response to criticisms by sunnis towards shias that they have no hadith checking system. Some ex-shias actually give the shia hadith system as a reason for leaving shiaism.

3) The shia system of hadith is just... ... HMM
There seems to be no methodology adapted. Many a time, sahih ahadith are discarded because they go against 'common' practices/beliefs. Many (MOST) a time, weak ahadith are simply picked out of hadith books and are accepted.
Here are the words of Hurr Al-Amili, in Wasa'il Ash-Shi'a, 30:260-61:
ويلزم بطلان الإجماع ، الذي علم دخول المعصوم فيه ـ أيضا ـ كما تقدم .
واللوازم باطلة ، وكذا الملزوم .
بل يستلزم ضعف الأحاديث كلها ، عند التحقيق ، لأن الصحيح ـ عندهم ـ : « ما رواه العدل ، الإماميّ ، الضابط ، في جميع الطبقات » .
ولم ينصوا على عدالة أحد من الرواة ، إلا نادراً ، وإنما نصوا على التوثيق ، وهو لايستلزم العدالة ، قطعا ، بل بينهما عموم من وجه ، كما صرح به الشهيد الثاني ، وغيره .
ودعوى بعض المتأخرين : أن « الثقة » بمعنى « العدل ، الضابط » .
ممنوعة ، وهو مطالب بدليلها .
وكيف ؟ وهم مصرحون بخلافها ، حيث يوثقون من يعتقدون فسقه ، وكفره ، وفساد مذهبه ؟ !
وإنما المراد بالثقة : من يوثق بخبره ، ويؤمن منه الكذب عادة ، والتتبع شاهد به ، وقد صرح بذلك جماعة من المتقدمين ، والمتأخرين .
ومن معلوم ـ الذي لاريب فيه ، عند منصف ـ : أن الثقة تجامع الفسق ، بل الكفر .
وأصحاب الاصطلاح الجديد قد اشترطوا ـ في الراوي ـ العدالة فيلزم من ذلك ضعف جميع أحاديثنا ، لعدم العلم بعدالة أحد منهم ؛ إلا نادرا .
ففي إحداث هذا الاصطلاح غفلة ، من جهات متعددة ، كما ترى .
وكذلك كون الراوي ضعيفا في الحديث لا يستلزم الفسق ، بل يجتمع مع العدالة ، فإن العدل ، الكثير السهو ، ضعيف في الحديث ، والثقة ، والضعف غاية ما يمكن معرفته من أحوال الرواة .
ومن هنا يظهر فساد خيال من ظن أن آية ( إن جائكم فاسق بنبأ ) [ الآية (6) من سورة الحجرات (49) ] تشعر بصحة الاصطلاح الجديد .
مضافا إلى كون دلالتها بالمفهوم الضعيف ، المختلف في حجيته .
ويبقى خبر مجهول الفسق :
فان أجابوا : بأصالة العدالة .
أجبنا : بأنه خلاف مذهبهم ، ولم يذهب إليه منهم إلا القليل .
ومع ذلك : يلزمهم الحكم بعدالة المجهولين ، والمهملين ، وهم لا يقولون به .
ويبقى اشتراط العدالة بغير فائدة .
الخامس عشر :
أنه لو لم يجز لنا قبول شهادتهم في صحة أحاديث كتبهم ، وثبوتها ، ونقلها من الأصول الصحيحة ، والكتب المعتمدة ، وقيام القرائن على ثبوتها ، لما جاز لنا قبول شهادتهم في مدح الرواة ، وتوثيقهم .
فلا يبقى حديث ، صحيح ، ولاحسن ، ولاموثق ، بل يبقى جميع أحاديث كتب الشيعة ضعيفة

He is clear in point out that weakness and the 'fakeness' of the system, and that it was created as a defense reaction at the criticism of the sunnis that they have no system, and that if the system was actually applied, only a handful of ahadith would prove to be sahih, hasan or muwathaq.

And here are the words of Ayatullah Brujerdi (Taraif al-Maqal 2:380):
أخبار المحمدين بصحة ما في كتبهم جميعا في حيز المنع ، سيما مع ملاحظة إدراجهم الضعاف فيها بل هي أكثر ، ولعل الصحيح المعتبر المدرج في تلك الكتب كالشعرة البيضاء في البقرة السوداء

which rougly translates to: "To believe in the authenticity of the narrations reported by the Muhammads is impossible, especially with the reports of weak narrators among them. Rather, the weak are far more (than the authentic), whereas the authentic ones in those books are like the white hair on a black cow."

Now as to your implying that Umar (ra) killed Fatima (ra). Literally please stop for a moment and think about it. You're telling me that Umar attacked Fatima to such an extent that she died (in 6 months), all whilst her husband just watched? What an insult this is to lion of Allah (swt) - Ali (ra). Some shia scholars have realised that they insult Ali (ra) by saying this. I advise you to listen to the ones who say this and see some common sense, here's ayotollah fadlallah:
Turn english subs on btw

Also Umar (ra) married the daughter of Fatima (ra) and Ali (ra). How could Ali (ra) give his daughter to a man who murdered her mother? The answer is because Umar (ra) didn't attack Fatima (ra). Ayotollah sistani is one such person who believes the marriage happened. From a website where sistani answers questions :
https://web.archive.org/web/2007020...j.net/ar/fikh/2/?ohJCgBXYrO1075094893&61&90&3 (I used wayback timemachine because the question got removed)

Question 85:

the question:
Is it true that the second caliph married the daughter of Imam Ali, peace be upon him?
This is how it was reported in history and narrations.

Did you know that Ali (ra) and his descendants had a habit of naming people after those who shia claim are their enemies?

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