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Assad is winning get over it Haters

How come he is winning when 50% of the territories under the FSA control who at the moment are pushing hard around his hometown, Latakia.

He is winning in his own imagination however, the reality on the ground says otherwise.

You should update every once in a while. It's been weeks since they are on defensive in Latakia and SAA is on the offensive, getting back areas slowly. Rebels haven't advanced in Latakia for many days. It was doomed to fail anyway.

coward Assad is winning because of US support via Iraq.

Even if it is true, why would you be celebrating the victory of a DESPOT and a MURDEROUS THUG ?

Are you a Religious Bigot ?
because i want to see other despots and murderous thugs to be put on their place
SAA is winning cause the majority of Syrians have returned to their side, a few thousand Shia fighters are not the reason as many here say, there are almost 20 million Syrian Sunnis, they're the ones that are deciding the battle. With all the arms flowing in from abroad they don't lack any small arms.

People still thinking of 'liberating' Syria from the SAA should wake up.

20 million Sunnis vs a few million weak Alawites and a couple of thousands foreign Shia yet Erdogan keeps bringing in all of the worlds jihadi trash into Syria, so much trash that even Polio emerged.
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Until spring 2013 Assad was rapidly losing ground. Then he managed to stop.

There are several factors why it happened:

1) Assad does not have enough troops to control the entire country. But when his territory shrank the defence for him became much easier.
2) First Assad was somewhat reluctant to make massive war crimes. But then he realized that no one gives a damn. Assad began to use massive barrel bombings, heavy "Vulcano" rockets, starving blockade, ethnic cleansing. He even used chemical weapons once, but then world finally reacted.
3) Hezbollah and Iraqis Shias arrived to help him.
4) Russia and Iran increased help to Assad sending regular supplies.
5) ISIS attacked rebels and Kurds.

So here are Assad's achievements in 1 year:

1) He stopped losing ground in massive way.
2) With help of Hezbollah and heavy bombings managed to cleanse some encircled rebel enclaves in Homs and Qalamoun.
3) In Damascus using starvation and barrel bombs he forced several rebel areas to sign truce. But this truce is not surrender and it can also act in both ways, because rebels from other areas can get supplies now from "truce" areas.

Does it mean that Assad is winning? - Nope.

1) North-East of the country, where are located virtually all Syria's resources dont show any improvement. Rather on contrary.
2) The situation in south of the country became considerably worth for Assad.

Rebel brigades became much more mature in this year. They started production of own artillery (hell cannons and mortars). They received some ATGMs.

Whats going to happen next?

If the situation is not changing (Assad receives massive aid from Russia and Iran, Hezbollah, rebel receive ATGMs) then the situation will not change much either. Assad may finish two remaining enclaves in Homs (Homs old city and the triangle Talbise-Rastan-Houla). If rebels receive more supplies (lots of ATGM, mortars, some MANPADS) then Assad will begin losing ground again.


Anyway, Assads economy is destroyed for good, he cant survive anymore without billions of annual aid from Russia and Iran. Basically only prolonging his agony.

Assad will break your teeth,make sure.
SAA is winning cause the majority of Syrians have returned to their side, a few thousand Shia fighters are not the reason as many here say, there are almost 20 million Syrian Sunnis, they're the ones that are deciding the battle. With all the arms flowing in from abroad they don't lack any small arms.

People still thinking of 'liberating' Syria from the SAA should wake up.

20 million Sunnis vs a few million weak Alawites and a couple of thousands foreign Shia yet Erdogan keeps bringing in all of the worlds jihadi trash into Syria, so much trash that even Polio emerged.

Yeah this is pretty much what happened most who were protesting have returned to Assad's fold.
Yeah this is pretty much what happened most who were protesting have returned to Assad's fold.

Yes, majority of those that protested wanted more freedom and such, they didn't want to go full retard and behead everyone + massacre the Alawites. This was fueled by the Gulf states, Erdogan + Saudi Arabia ( which is not a Gulf state !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for their own benefit of countering Iran.

See, one of the many defecting back to SAA side :

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Also the plan of arming the opposition through Jordan won't help, even if they advance towards Damascus that would endanger the sites considered holy by the Shi'a which will push tens of thousands of them to go to Syria to protect the southern front. However none of the brain damaged cretins will understand.
Congratulations, hoping for a long term peace in Syria.

On a side not, can you give us an idea on the reason of the civil war, not much acknowledged about Syria. But had been a Syrian supporter through out. :tup:

It started out as just another wave of "Arab Spring" protests, which got heavy hand treatment
from the government, (and I think that while Al-Assad is nominally in power, he is weak, and the show
is really run by his fathers cronies). The protests became an armed revolt, which was hi-jacked by Islamists
of all kind resulting in the current mess. It is also a proxy war between KSA / Gulf states / Sunnis
and Iran / Shia.
its turkeys and jordans problem, assad should support greater autonomy or giving kurds even independence. A kurdish state on turkey borders would be a good thing

Well Kurdistan comprises of parts of Turkey and Iraq as well. Kurdish nationalism will harm more than one Syria.
The war is ongoing their is no conclusion

Syria is destroyed no economy, no coherent state, no jobs, no nothing and ostracised from much of the muslim and rest of the world

bottom line is always same, alewite dictator backed by minority alewites ruling over muslims in syria, no longer tolerable

nusra front, ISIS, FSA all still exist and all still hold huge areas, with lots of fighters and weaponry

The most assad could do was maybe take the destroyed major cities but their will be near constant guerilla warfare, attack on supply lines etc

syria has no real way out and is stuck until assad is dead
why no one is supporting humanity? Why everyone is supporting Assad or Fsa?
Humans are dying in Syria but people are talking about who is winnig or loosing war in syria

what about bahrine where Sunnis are ruling shites?

I support effective democracy in Bahrain also I dislike monarchies and rulers for life

but you are right about humanity, no one cares

Syria is done for the nation it once was it will never be again

140,000 people dont die with new life long divisions being created

syria will be in war/ chaos for years to come with no hope of giving it's people any chance of happiness ot jobs or success

its a clusterfuck and the fighters will keep coming
You're still alive? Thought you blew up or something. I hadn't seen your posts in quite a while.

Yes i'm alive and i can see disappointment on your face, keep burning hater?
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