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Syrian - Iraqi Turkmen Support Thread

Are you the government ? Iraqi Turkmens, Ahiska Turks has every right to call government traitors, as they're being ignored while Arabs are revered.

What the hell are you smoking.

they are not Turkish citizens how can they demand sh!t from us they have no anymore right than another tourist or whatsoever.

its because our good intentions they can be so loud mouthed and demand things because we made them believe so that they have equal rights that doesnt mean they can disrespect and humiliate us..
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They even didnt help sunni Turkmens from mosul, if they was Arabs then they would built another best refugee camp of the world. :rolleyes1:

PS: not beeing anti Arab but hating AKP hypocricy.

Accusing others of secterianism while you are motivated by pure racism.. according to you we should carry them on our shoulders based on purely racist matters which is ridicilous thing to say the least..

imo it was a grave mistake to start fight against those invading bandits they should not be confronted at all and have been avoided alltogether, even the damn Iraqi army retreated without putting a fight...but no, we have a bunch of Turkmen militias wannebee heros picking up arms and decide to fight them.

Who told them to fight? because they have been tricked!

you simply dont start fight that you will lose!

if they listened to Turkey instead of others before making such a unnecessary and highly risky and destructive move maybe then they wouldnt find themselves in this miserable condition now.

now they are in middle of desert cursing at Turkey as if we are responsible.

i dont know who told them to start fights cause they have been basically used as canonfodder.

imo they have let their sectarian bros abuse them and now they come forth and blame Turkey.
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Fleeing atrocities, Iraqi Turkmens turned away at Turkey's border - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Don't know if this is real, but when they bomb children and innocent people daily in markets they can do this as well.

They talked about a Turkmen girl of 13 [or] 14 years old being gang-raped [by IS members] while being filmed, and then she was hung to death from an electric pole. They told me stories about the kind of violence the Turkmens face,” Ihsanoglu said. “They are there with no water or food. They have no place to sleep. Yet, there is no word here in Turkey about them, and we keep talking only about Gaza.”

Kara also repeatedly told Al-Monitor that the aid provided through Kizilay, Turkey’s Red Crescent, is not enough. “We’re betrayed by the Kurds. They don’t allow us into Erbil. We don’t have any sense of safety here,” Kara said. “It’s difficult to go south toward Najaf, Basra [and other places]. But those who make it tell us that they are at least welcomed there.
It just appears so for you cause you are blinded by sectarianism thats your problem.

Are you incapable of understanding ? nobody says we should take Turkmens and leave Syrians out or something like that, we don't ask for discrimination, we ask for discrimination to stop, that guy is going all crazy when its involves Arabs, but when its comes to Turks no word. And of course we feel Turks should be the priority, doesn't means we don't care about the pain of others, Arab wannabees like you could continue talking sh.t like that, majority of this country is Turkish and feels same, if you don't like it you know the place of door,
You don't even know the meaning of racism.

What a genius logic, according to that logic, why do Palestinians still tries to fight back ? may be Turkey should tell Palestinians that they should drop weapons and flee too ?

I'm the sectarian ? are you kidding me ? He says "they're even worse then Shia" and I'm the sectarian here for showing this ? you're the only one blinded , by stupidity.
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Turkey is not doing it's best... AFAD is doing it's best....

Turkey has many more tools other than AFAD but not using them and not solving any problems of Iraqi Turkmens.

But ofcourse Prime Ministry will tell us, "how they are creating miracles"... buy it if you want...
Accusing others of secterianism while you are motivated by pure racism.. according to you we should carry them on our shoulders based on purely racist matters which is ridicilous thing to say the least..
Are you nuts? My comment actually proves the opposite of sectarianism. o_O
If it makes me a racist when i say, nobody cares for our brethen so Turkey should take responsibility for them, well then i guess im a racist.

The rest of your post souds like bs so it not worth to answer.
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What the hell are you smoking.

they are not Turkish citizens how can they demand sh!t from us they have no anymore right than another tourist or whatsoever.

its because our good intentions they can be so loud mouthed and demand things because we made them believe so that they have equal rights that doesnt mean they can disrespect and humiliate us..
Why do i have this feeling (based on my impression of your posts and tone in the past) that if those people were Arabs, you would be sounding different now? What kind of Turk are you? You were even the one bashing fellow Turks in the Arab section, much to the delight of some Arab users, says enough about your foolishness
What the hell are you smoking.

they are not Turkish citizens how can they demand sh!t from us they have no anymore right than another tourist or whatsoever.

its because our good intentions they can be so loud mouthed and demand things because we made them believe so that they have equal rights that doesnt mean they can disrespect and humiliate us..
We are Turkic(ish) we have every right to demand everything from Turkey.
Just look at everyother country in the world where they help their related ethnicies WORLDWIDE
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Bugün Irak’taki kavga, ön planda Suriye ve Irak Türkmenlerini vuracaktır. Maalesef Türkiye’nin ne mazide ne de bugün bu gruplar için aldığı bir tedbir söz konusudur

Suriye ve Irak Türkmenlerinin sayısını çok kişi bilmez. Bir tarihte kendisi de Kerküklü olan İhsan Doğramacı Hoca’nın, Amerikan elçilik müsteşarına bölgenin nüfusunu sorduğunu ve “
Kuzey Irak’ta 1 milyon Türkmen var” gibi bir cevap yüzünden “Sen bu işi bilmezsin, git öğren” dediğini hatırlıyorum.
Suriye’de 1.5 milyon Türkmen, Irak’ta 2 milyonu aşkın Türkmen kaderine terk edilmiştir. Bunların içinde Şii olanlar vardır. Lafını etmek bile çok münasebetsizdir
çünkü Türkmenlerin etnik kültürü içinde bu mezhebin etkin bir dokusu yoktur. Türkiye Oğuz boyundan yani Türkiye ve
Azerbaycan aşiretlerinin de dahil olduğu gruptan
bu azınlıklarımızın haklarını korumakla mükelleftir.
Binaenaleyh Suriye ve Irak politikalarımızda ön planda bu kitleleri gözetmek ve bunlara karşı olan grupları desteklemekten kaçınmak gerekir. Irak’ta Türkmenlerin Şii olanları üzerindeki
IŞİD politikası bu nedenle tasvip edilemez.

Fatihlerin izlediği yol
Suriye ve Irak Türkmenleri miladın 12’nci asrından beri bu bölgelerde yoğun olarak yerleşmişlerdir. Zira Selçukilerin asıl hedefi
Bizans’ın orta ve batı bölgeleri değildi. Malazgirt’ten sonra yöneldikleri asıl bölge Mezopotamya, Suriye, Filistin ve ana hedef Mısır’dı. Doğudan gelen fatihlerin izlediği yol budur. Son hedefte muvaffak olamadılar çünkü Memluklar vardı. Onları ancak 16’ncı asırda Yavuz Sultan Selim Han mağlup etmiştir.
Türkmenler genellikle “Berdeli ağzı” dediğimiz bizim Urfa,
Halfeti bölgesindeki şiveyi andıran bir Türkçe konuşurlar. Irak bölgesindeki Türkçe ise daha çok Güney Azerbaycan şivesini andırır. Bu çevrede edebiyatımızda klasikleşen en muhteşem sima ise Fuzuli’dir. Bugün Irak’ın içine düştüğü, görünüşte Şii-Sünni çatışmasıyla izah edilen kavga ise ön planda Suriye ve Irak Türkmenlerini vuracaktır. Maalesef Türkiye’nin ne mazide ne de bugün bu gruplar için aldığı bir tedbir söz konusudur. Eğer yakın muhtemel sığınmacılar için tedbirler ve konuşlanma tesisleri hazırlanıyor ise gönülden özür dilemeye hazırız. Ama emare yoktur.

Şiddet renkliliği zedeledi
Bugün Musul vilayeti, sekiz asırdan beri Türk dilinin ve Türk grupların yer aldığı bir coğrafyadır. Buranın ne Araplığı ne Kürtlüğü ne de Müslümanlığının tek başına başat bir unsur olduğunu söylemek zordur.
Ortadoğu’da 2 bin seneden beri görülen bütün dinler ve mezhepler buradadır. Konuşulan dillerin sayısı daha azdır. Türkçe en çok konuşulanlardandır.
Uzmanlar Musul’un niteliğini Musulluluğa dayandırarak verirler. Musul, Yezidilik gibi çok ilginç bir inanışın Laleş’te bulunmasından, Süryani ve Keldani kiliselerinin en önemli merkezlerinin Musul vilayetinde, Sünnilik ve Şiilik bir yana birçok Müslüman tarikatlarının da yakın tarihe dek bu bölgede inkişaf etmesine kadar silinemez bir renkliliği bünyesinde bulundurur. Dört asırlık Osmanlı hâkimiyeti boyunca ayrı bir eyalet olarak idare edilmiştir. Irak’ı oluşturan diğer iki eyalet ise
Bağdat ve Basra’ydı. Yezidiler gibi gene Kürtlerin dahil olduğu Nasturi Hıristiyan mezhebin mensupları ise bu bölgede 1960’lara kadar görüldü. Şimdi onların en kalabalık temsilcilerine Paris, Stockholm, Berlin ve Amerika’da rastlarsınız.
Ortadoğu’nun bu bölümünde dört asırlık Osmanlı yönetimi hariç, hep şiddet vardı. Bu şiddet bu bölgenin renkliliğini hep zedeledi. Ama bölge her zaman renkli kaldı. Çünkü doğası homojen, tekdüze bir milli devlet oluşmasına manidir. Hiçbir dil ve hiçbir milliyet bu tekdüzeliği orada kuramaz. Bunu sakinleri kadar çevredeki milletlerin de düstur edinmelerinde büyük fayda vardır.

Suriye ve Irak’taki Türkmenlerin durumu | İlber Ortaylı | Milliyet.com.tr

Those words are written by İlber ORTAYLI, WHO is well-know and respected historian. Some of those worsds:

- There are 1.5 m. Turkmen in Syria and over 2 m. in Iraq,

- They are of Oghuz branch like Turkey and Azerbaijan,

- The ones in Syria speak Turkish accent that is close to Urfa city in Turkey; while The ones in Iraq speak Turkish Accent that is close to South Azerbaijan,

- Today There is no procaution to be taken by Turkey for the security of those Turkmens.


Those arab lover Akp and Erdoğan are whining for those Arabs in anywhere in the World; However, They ignore Turks right next to the border.

The Arab lovers are loosing the ground day by day; they first lost the Gulen cemaat, now the only ally left is pkk terrorists; When that so called oslo tea garden meetings erupt in the face like happened in Habur humiliation; they will have lost two core allies in Turkey to keep the power.

Some people believe and claim that The prison will be waiting for you Arab lovers, if you do not flee like your fellas from Refah Party did before.
Dont attack the messenger.. i am just telling you how it is whats happening now and why it happen.?

but you are blinded by hate and ignorance thats the reason why you prefer to turn your backs for the truth all you do is insult me instead answering my arguments and then accuse me of being uncivilised etc.


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