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Syrian father asks Israeli doctors: "Save my son, he's all I have left" - bittersweet news

Actually Israel was doing this for about 12 months before it became public. Rumours about field hospitals were around, but no proof.

In fact your terrorist PissTV news even reported it.

Once the stream of Syrians became too big to keep a secret, it was made public. Also in response to some accusations by anti-Israel detractors that Israel was not doing anything to help.

About 6 months ago CNN went mainstream with the news and said Israel was "quietly treating hundreds of Syrians".

Your Iranian maniacal state on the other hand, is sending arms and revolutionary guards to perpetuate the conflict.

As for it costing "nothing", the hospitals have bills of Millions to pay for these operations.
don't bother with him , he has been trolling for a long time on this forum.
Whats your point, how does this make your jew occupation legitimate
@WebMaster it is time to permanently ban this troublemaker and serial double user/troll.


He is favorite cartoon character of lot of posters. He may have been irritating in the beginning but now he is just funny.

The rules should be the same for all people. I am sure that 1-2 Indian trolls will replace his amount of posts in a matter of days so that should not be a problem.

You are overestimating importance of middle east in context of India.

Barring myself, i have not seen any regular poster in ME section for great length of time at a go. Even i have cut down on postings as i have to focus on studies these days.

Most Indians just don't care about ME affairs.You would have better luck with our cousins across the border.
A very good gesture by our cousins.
Hundreds of severely wounded Syrians have been treated so far in the Israeli hospitals. Obviously they can't pay the bills and someone would have to pay for them. Either it would be the Israeli government, or it may be a good gesture from, let's say, Saudi Arabia... The total cost so far is around US$10M.
Hundreds of severely wounded Syrians have been treated so far in the Israeli hospitals. Obviously they can't pay the bills and someone would have to pay for them. Either it would be the Israeli government, or it may be a good gesture from, let's say, Saudi Arabia... The total cost so far is around US$10M.
Last I heard it was double that amount.

I guess in the grand scheme of things it's not a lot of cash, but if the war continues for years more, then it will become a real problem as we don't have a disposable income.

Maybe then the Gulf would need to cover the cost.
Good job, now I found out the reason why Netanyahu was being smug.
Israel is now at least 25% Arab. Israeli doctors could be Arabs, not Hebrews.
i thought UN would pay something to you do you paying all of form yourself ?
i thought UN would pay something to you do you paying all of form yourself ?

I think only the countries hosting refugees are getting UN help. Not enough help, but getting some.

I don't know how Lebanon is managing with a million refugees.
I think only the countries hosting refugees are getting UN help. Not enough help, but getting some.

I don't know how Lebanon is managing with a million refugees.
they don't get enough help from UN or from countries who say they care about refugees but do very very very little (west for exemple)
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