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Syrian father asks Israeli doctors: "Save my son, he's all I have left" - bittersweet news


Feb 20, 2014
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United Kingdom
The boy's brother died on route to hospital, but this boy survives life-saving brain surgery.

Rambam Medical Center in Haifa performed life-saving brain surgery on a Syrian child, releasing him this week, the hospital announced Thursday.

After arriving at the hospital in critical condition from Syria, the child's father told doctors, "Please save him, he's all I have left."

According to a press release, the child was released earlier this week on his own feet and walking.

A month and a half ago, the family's home was leveled, killing the boy's mother and sister.

The child was evacuated with his eleven year old brother and father to the border and from there to the Rambam Medical Center. The brother died en-route to the hospital.

The boy was immediately rushed into surgery upon arriving at the hospital. The force of the explosion had caused severe swelling of the brain, leading to severe intra-cranial pressure which needed to be relieved by removing parts of the skull. The removal of parts from the boy's skull made room for his swollen brain while it healed.

The child was unconscious for nearly three weeks in the pediatric intensive care ward, carefully monitored by the staff, while the pressure was slowly reduced. The boy finally regained consciousness and began to communicate.

“When the child came to Rambam he was comatose and almost dead,” said Dr. Sergey Abeshaus, a Senior Neurosurgeon at Rambam, who also performed the surgery. “I remember I met with the father before surgery and he said to us, 'Do all you can to save him, he is all I have left.'”
Typicall israelis exploiting the misery of their victimes
It costs nothing and they call all the journalists
Typicall israelis exploiting the misery of their victimes
It costs nothing and they call all the journalists
Actually Israel was doing this for about 12 months before it became public. Rumours about field hospitals were around, but no proof.

In fact your terrorist PissTV news even reported it.

Once the stream of Syrians became too big to keep a secret, it was made public. Also in response to some accusations by anti-Israel detractors that Israel was not doing anything to help.

About 6 months ago CNN went mainstream with the news and said Israel was "quietly treating hundreds of Syrians".

Your Iranian maniacal state on the other hand, is sending arms and revolutionary guards to perpetuate the conflict.

As for it costing "nothing", the hospitals have bills of Millions to pay for these operations.
Actually Israel was doing this for about 12 months before it became public. Rumours about field hospitals were around, but no proof.
Stop liying please
Each time you health someone you call the cameras
Stop liying please
Each time you health someone you call the cameras

You are from Vietnam apparently. Why do you care about the ancient Middle East and its peoples that you have seemingly no connection to?

Are you even going to troll good and admirable news such as this one?

I don't know if you saw it but yesterday I tried to mimic you for a few hours. I only lasted 1-2 hours before I was seriously fearing for my well-being.

Just stop it, clown.
Thank God, Israeli border guards didnt put "rubber bullets" in Father and son's body and let them pass peacefully
Yara, Israeli's are pretty decent people and their army is very well trained and professional.... don't believe all the Arab state propaganda...... furthermore, don't forget how they riled-up our people against one another for decades and decades...... look and analyze the outcome and Pakistan we have at our hands......

Thank God, Israeli border guards didnt put "rubber bullets" in Father and son's body and let them pass peacefully
Yara, Israeli's are pretty decent people and their army is very well trained and professional.... don't believe all the Arab state propaganda...... furthermore, don't forget how they riled-up our people against one another for decades and decades...... look and analyze the outcome and Pakistan we have at our hands......

I commend Israeli shrewdness, what I don't like is their use of extreme firepower and collective punishment in case of a small rocket attack, A sniper firing from Hamas. They loose their decency at once. The protesters at flotilla were beating israeli commandos with bare hands or sticks, instead of hand to hand combat with them, they put a bullet in them. They escalate things up to point of no return
You are from Vietnam apparently. Why do you care about the ancient Middle East and its peoples that you have seemingly no connection to?

Are you even going to troll good and admirable news such as this one?

I don't know if you saw it but yesterday I tried to mimic you for a few hours. I only lasted 1-2 hours before I was seriously fearing for my well-being.

Just stop it, clown.
Yes i've noticed that don't worry
Did you ever think that it might be an effective tactic? Imagine we did the same with Talibaneese? Wouldn't it be great!

I commend Israeli shrewdness, what I don't like is their use of extreme firepower and collective punishment in case of a small rocket attack, A sniper firing from Hamas. They loose their decency at once. The protesters at flotilla were beating israeli commandos with bare hands or sticks, instead of hand to hand combat with them, they put a bullet in them. They escalate things up to point of no return
Yes i've noticed that don't worry

Why don't you answer my questions for once @elis aka @Sun Piwa aka @waikici aka @Fukuoka

@WebMaster it is time to permanently ban this troublemaker and serial double user/troll.

The rules should be the same for all people. I am sure that 1-2 Indian trolls will replace his amount of posts in a matter of days so that should not be a problem.

We are sick and tired of his childish trolling and his usual 3-4 trolling one-liners that he repeats in every thread. He adds nothing to this forum.

It is a mystery to me how he can get banned and then return with a new user despite his ban. He is not even trying to hide the fact that he is the same troll.

Always the same rhetoric. JEW USA etc. nonsense.
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