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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


If you can get actual updates on the battlefield please report them.
Iran sent lots of fresh mercenary meat to Syria.

First they tried attack in Hama, advanced 50 m lost many tanks stopped.
Then they tried advance in Latakia advanced 50 m lost many stopped.
Then they attacked in Sheikh Maskin, Dara, could not advance at all.
Now they attack south to Aleppo.
Iran sent lots of fresh mercenary meat to Syria.

First they tried attack in Hama, advanced 50 m lost many tanks stopped.
Then they tried advance in Latakia advanced 50 m lost many stopped.
Then they attacked in Sheikh Maskin, Dara, could not advance at all.
Now they attack south to Aleppo.

Why aren't rebels making any gains? Do they even have weapons supply or purchasing through black market?
Why aren't rebels making any gains? Do they even have weapons supply or purchasing through black market?

Insurgents cannot mount an offensive anymore because any staging area or convoy would be attacked mercilessly from the air by Alliance Russian air force.
Kataib Hezbollah are grand ayatollah Sistani's personal forces. Grand ayatollah Sistani is a personal friend of grand ayatollah Khamenei.
And u are still spamming like u were doing yesterday.
spammer that pro secular is acceptable here

there is no tolerance if that spammer is pro islamist or anti-secular

now i get it
Not sure if updated. Anyway, red part bigger, green part smaller, white part no change, no one cares about black part and yellow part.


Alliance captured Fuel Hill near Khan Tuman and advancing on Khan Tuman.

Alliance captured Haddadin.

Are the Greens fighting the Yellows, or are they allies?

What do you think is the most important next step for each color?
They typically behead people or slowly torture people to death. Iraqi Shia militants are some of Alliance's most notorious ground forces. They have proven their worth at the Battle of Tikrit. They spearhead Alliance's southern Aleppo offensive.

Kata'ib Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alliance claims to have captured Tall Sabin and Al Muflisah in eastern Aleppo province.

thanks to hezbollah for fighting the terrorist in Iraq
now they have humvee , m113 , abrams m1a1 tanks awesome :)

only missing is F16 of hezbollah
A detailed map by the Russian Ministry of Defense found on reddit. Translation from a reddit poster given below,

Просмотр изображения m8LXY.jpg

"Red arrows mean Russian air strikes, blue - US, green - France.
There are also estimated numbers of opposing forces, it goes like this - ИГИЛ до 15 отрядов, 3000 чел. Which means - ISIS, up to 15 formations, 3000 combatants. There are also border crossings and field hospitals (looks like a rectangle house with a triangle as a roof) on the map.
Green areas are Nusra, grey - IS, purple - Islamic front, blue - FSA, orange - Kurds."

I notice that Russian strikes have more of an objective than US or France strikes. The Russian strikes are mostly on areas where the SAA can move its ground troops in. What's the point of strike somewhere deep in ISIS territory if no one is there to take advantage of the situation, unless its based on intelligence to destroy arms depots or get rid of high level officers.

Also, I hate to sound insensitive, but is it just me, or would a strategy game based on the Syrian war be awesome? I don't mean a Call of Duty kind of game, I mean the old school turned based strategy war games.
Surprisingly adequate article considering the country of origin.

Everyone wrote off the Syrian army. Take another look now.

While the world still rages on at Russia’s presumption in the Middle East – to intervene in Syria instead of letting the Americans decide which dictators should survive or die – we’ve all been forgetting the one institution in that Arab land which continues to function and protect the state which Moscow has decided to preserve: the Syrian army. While Russia has been propagandising its missiles, the Syrian military, undermanned and undergunned a few months ago, has suddenly moved on to the offensive. Earlier this year, we may remember, this same army was being written off, the Bashar al-Assad government said to be reaching its final days.

We employed our own army of clichés to make the case for regime change. The Syrian army was losing ground – at Jisr al-Shugour and at Palmyra – and so we predicted that the whole Assad state had reached a “tipping point”.

Then along came Vladimir Putin with his air and missile fleets and suddenly the whole place is transformed. While we huffed and puffed that the Russians were bombing the “moderate” rebels – moderates who had earlier ceased to exist according to America’s top generals – we’ve been paying no attention to the military offensive which the Syrians themselves are now staging against the Nusra Front fighters around Aleppo and in the valley of the Orontes.
Everyone wrote off the Syrian army. Take another look now | Voices | The Independent
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