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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I wonder if the Alawite state will restablished, if things get really bad for Assad in the future.

atleast they aimed at something.

I wonder if the Alawite state will restablished, if things get really bad for Assad in the future.

No because the coast is pretty much Sunni these days. After 4 YEARS, I can't imagine rebels taking Damascus. Just doesn't look like it's possible. Unless the US goes in with a full ground attack I mean no fly zone.
Turkey is supplying terrorists to improve the roads in north Aleppo :




ISIS is about to take Deir Ez Zor Airbase .

Sorry its our fault for trying to fix Syrian infrastructure after its destroyed by Assad regime's indiscriminate air strikes and artillery bombardsments.Perhaps we should too act like your country and send sectarian minded militia soldiers to Syria so even more of Syria gets destroyed.
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Sorry its our fault for trying to fix Syrian infrastructure after its destroyed by Assad regime's indiscriminate air strikes and artillery bombardsments.Perhaps we too should sent sectarian minded militia soldiers to Syria so even more of Syria gets destroyed.
I will say nothing about jihadis from other countries but Almost 100% of Georgian and Chechen wahabis are getting into syria from Turkey
I will say nothing about jihadis from other countries but Almost 100% of Georgian and Chechen wahabis are getting into syria from Turkey

actually, the beard-burqa fanatics in georgia, chechnya, dagestan, central asia and china are connected with "hizb ut hahrir" group which is derived from the india-origin "tableeghi jamaat" mullah movement which itself is branch of the british-created deoband mullah movement from india.

saudia may provide funding but india provides their perverted ideology.

other criminal groups inspired by "tableeghi jamaat" are the ikhwaan ( "muslim" brotherhood ) of africa and syria, and the "jemah islamiya" of east asia... turkey's ruling party, akp, is branch of ikhwaan... hamas is branch of ikhwaan... taliban are derivation of "tableeghi jamaat" and deoband.

india has influenced all the fools of the world.
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Caucasian Jihadist aren't united, they often suffer from infighting.
I will say nothing about jihadis from other countries but Almost 100% of Georgian and Chechen wahabis are getting into syria from Turkey
Turkey has the longest border to Syria along side Iraq its no wonder that these two countrys are being used as transit, thousads of jihadists are already arrested and deported back to their countrys, you cant arrest every jihadist looking person only because his look.
Turkey has the longest border to Syria along side Iraq its no wonder that these two countrys are being used as transit, thousads of jihadists are already arrested and deported back to their countrys, you cant arrest every jihadist looking person only because his look.
Everyone in Georgian MIA and Turkish intelligence knows very well who is going to turkey to get into Syria (and believe it or not, it's not secret at all, every interested person can get information about it) and they do absolutely nothing. you can get information about jihadist recrut centers in Turkey near syrian border in Georgia,so it's bit funny to say that Turkey cant stop jihadist going to syria.
Everyone in Georgian MIA and Turkish intelligence knows very well who is going to turkey to get into Syria (and believe it or not, it's not secret at all, every interested person can get information about it) and they do absolutely nothing. you can get information about jihadist recrut centers in Turkey near syrian border in Georgia,so it's bit funny to say that Turkey cant stop jihadist going to syria.
1100 Jihadists deported back at the end of 2013.

Turkey deported 1,100 European jihadists, says daily | Business Standard News

Another 830 deported back till september 2014.

Turkey sends back 830 European jihadists - DIPLOMACY

Pls show the informations about recruiting centers.
actually, the beard-burqa fanatics in georgia, chechnya, dagestan, central asia and china are connected with "hizb ut hahrir" group which is derived from the india-origin "tableeghi jamaat" mullah movement which itself is branch of the british-created deoband mullah movement from india.

saudia may provide funding but india provides their perverted ideology.

other criminal groups inspired by "tableeghi jamaat" are the ikhwaan ( "muslim" brotherhood ) of africa and syria, and the "jemah islamiya" of east asia... turkey's ruling party, akp, is branch of ikhwaan... hamas is branch of ikhwaan... taliban are derivation of "tableeghi jamaat" and deoband.

india has influenced all the fools of the world.
In caucasus Jihadism got strong after chechen wars and the death of Nationalism in Nothern Caucasus, chechens got help only from Wahhabis and soon they became majority in so called "resistance movement" in caucasus. after Second chechen war, Galayev went to Georgia(pankisi village, near russian border) and at first was welcomed but had to go back to mountains after Yankees ordered then president of Georgia Shevardandze to get rid of wahhabis, they left but wahhabi presence remained in Pankisi and it became transit point of money and weapons(mostly Saudi) to Chechnya.Under saakashvili's regime they became very powerfull in vilage and now most of Gergian jihadis are from Pankisi( himself abu omar al shishani is also from there ). Interesting point,that FSB/KGB did nothing to stop spreading of wahhabism in Chechnya.

1100 Jihadists deported back at the end of 2013.

Turkey deported 1,100 European jihadists, says daily | Business Standard News

Another 830 deported back till september 2014.

Turkey sends back 830 European jihadists - DIPLOMACY

Pls show the informations about recruiting centers.
“One man was supposed to meet me in Turkey and see me off to Syria,” she remembers. “Without talking, he took me to the car, gave me a cellphone, and someone spoke to me in poor Russian, asking, ‘Are you Abu Abdula’s mother?’ I said that I was. He asked again, whether I really was the mother of the man who recently married a woman from Chechnya. Again I confirmed. We went to a big building, full of wounded people, refugees from Syria.

“I went downstairs and entered a large room,” she continued, “where I saw about 10 tables with computers and men with long beards. What can I say—they looked very frightening! A group of young boys from Chechnya again asked me: ‘Are you Abu Abdula’s mother?’ Even they knew him.” She had no idea at the time how famous her own son had become in jihadist circles after appearing on YouTube calling on the whole Muslim world, especially athletes, to take part in jihad.

“Then a man came and took us to a bus station,” Leila recalled. “They paid for our tickets. I did not spend a single coin. From there they took us to the Syrian border.”
The Secret Life of an ISIS Warlord - The Daily Beast
you can find a lot of such reports. In Georgia,everyone little bit interested, knows how to go to syria Via Turkey without problem
In caucasus Jihadism got strong after chechen wars and the death of Nationalism in Nothern Caucasus, chechens got help only from Wahhabis and soon they became majority in so called "resistance movement" in caucasus. after Second chechen war, Galayev went to Georgia(pankisi village, near russian border) and at first was welcomed but had to go back to mountains after Yankees ordered then president of Georgia Shevardandze to get rid of wahhabis, they left but wahhabi presence remained in Pankisi and it became transit point of money and weapons(mostly Saudi) to Chechnya.Under saakashvili's regime they became very powerfull in vilage and now most of Gergian jihadis are from Pankisi( himself abu omar al shishani is also from there ). Interesting point,that FSB/KGB did nothing to stop spreading of wahhabism in Chechnya.

“One man was supposed to meet me in Turkey and see me off to Syria,” she remembers. “Without talking, he took me to the car, gave me a cellphone, and someone spoke to me in poor Russian, asking, ‘Are you Abu Abdula’s mother?’ I said that I was. He asked again, whether I really was the mother of the man who recently married a woman from Chechnya. Again I confirmed. We went to a big building, full of wounded people, refugees from Syria.

“I went downstairs and entered a large room,” she continued, “where I saw about 10 tables with computers and men with long beards. What can I say—they looked very frightening! A group of young boys from Chechnya again asked me: ‘Are you Abu Abdula’s mother?’ Even they knew him.” She had no idea at the time how famous her own son had become in jihadist circles after appearing on YouTube calling on the whole Muslim world, especially athletes, to take part in jihad.

“Then a man came and took us to a bus station,” Leila recalled. “They paid for our tickets. I did not spend a single coin. From there they took us to the Syrian border.”
The Secret Life of an ISIS Warlord - The Daily Beast
you can find a lot of such reports. In Georgia,everyone little bit interested, knows how to go to syria Via Turkey without problem
Excatly these people are being deported if caught, the same recruiting methods also exist in Europe, ofcourse going to Syria from Georgia is very easy since you dont even need to fly, you can easily take the bus which makes it even harder to catch jihadists from Caucasus.
In caucasus Jihadism got strong after chechen wars and the death of Nationalism in Nothern Caucasus, chechens got help only from Wahhabis and soon they became majority in so called "resistance movement" in caucasus.

i don't understand why these chechens wanting khalifaat don't see that chechen government is muslim too... and am i correct that chechnya has autonomy like tibet has in china??

Under saakashvili's regime they became very powerfull in vilage

not surprising... saakashvili was i suppose given orders by usa govenment to breed these criminals for later use in libya and syria.

Interesting point,that FSB/KGB did nothing to stop spreading of wahhabism in Chechnya.

was this under putin?? then it was foolish... because russia later saw that train station bombing ( i forgot which city ).

( himself abu omar al shishani is also from there ).
‘Are you Abu Abdula’s mother?’ I said that I was.

why do these criminals always have "abu" in their new names...

We went to a big building, full of wounded people, refugees from Syria.

refugees, indeed... :lol: israel has also treated such "refugees"...

What can I say—they looked very frightening!

don't those fools realize they won't attract any non-muslim to islam?? just by their looks, they have created hatred for islam among various peoples of the world... or maybe that is the plan.

In Georgia,everyone little bit interested, knows how to go to syria Via Turkey without problem

and with blessings of the turkish government.

Please stop talking about a social movement you know nothing of.


"social movement"...


It is a social organization with many moderate members.

i don't know what "moderate" means... kindly explain.

I know people that part of Hizb Al Tahrir overseas, you don't know anything.

i hope "people" have read that.

Trolling again? :D

just the reality, my friend.

You have an obsession over Hamas, just like the Zionists do.

israeli hospitals certainly have an obsession for treating family members of hamas "activists", and for treating the "unarmed rebels" from syria, injured after having been barrel-bombed by the evil dictator.

The whole world knows and wants them to go through

ah... this "whole world" is the same as "international community"... essentially the puppets of usa government.
Tough words. Care to back it up? :p: FSA doesn't even control a single major city. Rebels in Donbas control both capitals.
Rebels in Donbass control 1/3 territory of Donbass or less than 3% of total Ukraine territory.

Rebels in Syria control over half of Syria territory.
Rebels in Donbass control 1/3 territory of Donbass or less than 3% of total Ukraine territory.

Rebels in Syria control over half of Syria territory.

Define what you mean by saying rebels? Because absolute majority of it is held by Daesh, then Al-Nusra in Idlib and the south and IF in Eastern Ghouta, Quenteira and to some extent, Deraa.

So ISIS and Nusra hold more than 70% of territory.
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