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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Another sectarian mindset, no wonder your 'revolution' is sooo messed up. A revolution that is based on sectarian lines is doomed form very beginning. Good luck dealing with ISIS, Nusra and other terrorists, they will give you your freedom indeed. :)

PS: Instead of inviting me to Syria, live the comfort of U.S and go fight for your 'freedom', this is the irony, isn't it?
The Inner Jihad of bettering yourself is better than the outer Jihad of fighting an oppressor. According to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If the situation absolutely requires it, I will go and defend my people in an instant.
Welcome to the forum brother.

You first need to be aware of the fact that many users here (from a certain country especially - you know which) are against Arabs and especially Sunni Arabs. This is why when condemning ISIS (which we all do) they always turn a blind eye to the even bigger crimes of Al-Assad while we criticize both equally and want both removed.

I see that you thanked my earlier posts which is good to see. You, the Syrians, are a proud people and belong to the Arab and Semitic fold that we all share together. Any attempts from foreigners (whoever they are) of turning your state into a proxy or making silly claims and "bragging" about ruling Syria will fail.

Anyway the biggest evil in all of this is Al-Assad and his bloody dictatorship. For destroying Syria and for inviting foreigners and selling their honor all just to keep their throne intact for a few more decades at the cost of Syria and its people and ultimately the whole region. That clown could have learned a thing or two from Ben Ali, Mubarak and Saleh.

Anyway the leadership of the Arab world has long been in shambles and it is the duty of our generation to change that.

Please introduce yourself if you want to.

Arab Defence Forum
Thank you for the kind and truthful words :)
As for introducing myself:
I'm just your normal Arab. My mom gave birth to me in the USA, but really, I was raised in Syria. Syria is my home country, and the only reason we came to the United States was for better education for me and my 2 older brothers (because education in Syria sucked, thanks to "great leader" Bashar Al-Assad.) Anyways, since the start of the revolution, I've always been very active in the events in Syria. One of my uncles was already killed by Hafez's regime, and about 8 months ago I've had another 7 of my family killed due to Bashar's airstrikes. So naturally, I am very involved. Inshallah all countries will get freedom from their dictators (especially Arab countries).
The Inner Jihad of bettering yourself is better than the outer Jihad of fighting an oppressor. According to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If the situation absolutely requires it, I will go and defend my people in an instant.

Syria is and was one of the very few Arab countries that I truly loved, a beautiful and ancient country, with beautiful people and a mosaic-like society were all different beliefs living together in peace.

You may see me as a 'Shia kaffir infidel', I don't care, but I'm telling you one thing: maybe not now, but in few years, you wll finally understand it was certain foreign countries who destroyed Syria and spoiled genuine protests for change. You don't agree with me now, hence we have nothing to discuss, but I hope you remember my words in few years when the dust of Syrian conflict settles.

As a human being, it's also painful for me to see Syrians suffering, but you and I look at the conflict through different lenses.

Hope Syria get rid of this bloodshed soon. Despite our disagreement on causes of this conflict, we both agree on this at least.

Thank you for the kind and truthful words :)
As for introducing myself:
I'm just your normal Arab. My mom gave birth to me in the USA, but really, I was raised in Syria. Syria is my home country, and the only reason we came to the United States was for better education for me and my 2 older brothers (because education in Syria sucked, thanks to "great leader" Bashar Al-Assad.) Anyways, since the start of the revolution, I've always been very active in the events in Syria. One of my uncles was already killed by Hafez's regime, and about 8 months ago I've had another 7 of my family killed due to Bashar's airstrikes. So naturally, I am very involved. Inshallah all countries will get freedom from their dictators (especially Arab countries).

Brother, first off all I want to extend my condolences as little worth as they might have. My heart goes out to all of our brothers and sisters that have lost their lives in pointless conflicts. Be it Syria or other countries.

Amen to that.

The good thing is that you as one of the few Syrians on PDF can give us news that non-locals cannot always know about. From what I am aware of there were 4-5 Syrians on PDF but most left. Such as @thefreesyrian .

Anyway the user Syrian_Lion is a huge Al-Assad apologist and a big fan of Russia and the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's in Iran. So you won't agree with him I imagine.:lol: Anyway it's just a forum but it would be nice to see you keeping track of him when he posts nonsense. It is also more convincing when locals do it.:D

Oh, an important thing. Do not post graphic material here on the forum. It will give you an instant ban so be cautious and avoid that.

Syria is and was one of the very few Arab countries that I truly loved, a beautiful and ancient country, with beautiful people and a mosaic-like society were all different beliefs living together in peace.

You may see me as a 'Shia kaffir infidel', I don't care, but I'm telling you one thing: maybe not now, but in few years, you wll finally understand it was certain foreign countries who destroyed Syria and spoiled genuine protests for change. You don't agree with me now, hence we have nothing to discuss, but I hope you remember my words in few years when the dust of Syrian conflict settles.

As a human being, it's also painful for me to see Syrians suffering, but you and I look at the conflict through different lenses.

Hope Syria get rid of this bloodshed soon. Despite our disagreement on causes of this conflict, we both agree on this at least.


99% of you Persians do not wish anything good for Arabs. Your words of praise are just a show and are hallow when you support a mass-murderer such as Al-Assad just because it suits the policy of the regime that rules your country. Also every sane Arab knows that you people cannot be trusted regardless what you like or do not like or what you say.
Syria is and was one of the very few Arab countries that I truly loved, a beautiful and ancient country, with beautiful people and a mosaic-like society were all different beliefs living together in peace.

You may see me as a 'Shia kaffir infidel', I don't care, but I'm telling you one thing: maybe not now, but in few years, you wll finally understand it was certain foreign countries who destroyed Syria and spoiled genuine protests for change. You don't agree with me now, hence we have nothing to discuss, but I hope you remember my words in few years when the dust of Syrian conflict settles.

As a human being, it's also painful for me to see Syrians suffering, but you and I look at the conflict through different lenses.

Hope Syria get rid of this bloodshed soon. Despite our disagreement on causes of this conflict, we both agree on this at least.

I understand there are foreign countries meddling with the protests. Everyone wants it to go their way. but the country that messed up my country the most was Iran. You guys kept Assad alive long enough for him to kill 150,000+ innocents. And you still support him with weapons, money, and manpower. But all you do is say "foreign conspiracy!" Well, it is, and it's coming mainly from Iran.
99% of you Persians do not wish anything good for Arabs. Your words of praise are just a show and are hallow when you support a mass-murderer such as Al-Assad just because it suits the policy of the regime that rules your country. Also every sane Arab know that you people cannot be trusted regardless what you like or do not like or what you say.
Do you really think I care whether you believe if my words are genuine or not? You know the answer.
I understand there are foreign countries meddling with the protests. Everyone wants it to go their way. but the country that messed up my country the most was Iran. You guys kept Assad alive long enough for him to kill 150,000+ innocents. And you still support him with weapons, money, and manpower. But all you do is say "foreign conspiracy!" Well, it is, and it's coming mainly from Iran.

I already said dear, you don't agree with me on this, so discussing the causes and roots of this conflict now is useless and is going to waste a huge chunk of our times.

PS: I don't believe Assad is innocent, he is not, but what we disagree on, is which foreign elements had the most impact on the bloodshed, which we have different opinions in this regard for sure.
Do you really think I care whether you believe if my words are genuine or not? You know the answer.

I already said dear, you don't agree with me on this, so discussing the causes and roots of this conflict now is useless and is going to waste a huge chunk of our times.

PS: I don't believe Assad is innocent, he is not, but what we disagree on, is which foreign elements had the most impact on the bloodshed, which we have different opinions in this regard for sure.

No, but I know that most of you guys have a natural hatred for Arabs (PDF has been a field study in that if any Arab ever had delusions) for reasons that we all know and that your country's interests collide with the Arab world on pretty much every topic. Especially regime supporters which you are one of.

Do you really think I care whether you believe if my words are genuine or not? You know the answer.

I already said dear, you don't agree with me on this, so discussing the causes and roots of this conflict now is useless and is going to waste a huge chunk of our times.

PS: I don't believe Assad is innocent, he is not, but what we disagree on, is which foreign elements had the most impact on the bloodshed, which we have different opinions in this regard for sure.

If you want to end this conflict (you do not nor your country you just want Al-Assad to win and return to status quo) then stop supporting Al-Assad and call for the removal of both sides (Al-Assad and Al-Nusra/ISIS).
No, but I know that most of you guys have a natural hatred for Arabs (PDF has been a field study in that if any Arab ever had delusions) for reasons that we all know and that your country's interests collide with the Arab world on pretty much every topic. Especially regime supporters which you are one of.
Judging people over an internet forum, shows how credible it is. For example, if I want to judge Arabs based on your behavior on this forum, I should say all of them are racists, is it logical? Do you accept it?
If you want to end this conflict (you do not nor your country you just want Al-Assad to win and return to status quo) then stop supporting Al-Assad and call for the removal of both sides (Al-Assad and Al-Nusra/ISIS).
How about starting with your own countries? or everyone else who is arming/funding different groups fighting against Assad? You can't do that and then come here and play the innocent one. Difference here is that Iran helped Syria anyway it could much before the conflict started, because they helped us back in 80s, but you started arming different groups in Syria and made the situation only worse and worse. So please, don't act innocent here. What GCC and Turkey and some western countries are doing in Syria is nowhere near innocence at all.
persians hate far less Arabs than saudis hate persians. they spread hatred towards persians in all the region.
don't deny it

sorry for your family. many Syrian i know in France already lost faith in future ... that's painful.
hopefully in a few years all will be past and you have steps to a democracy (i understand that with Assad it is not possible)
Judging people over an internet forum, shows how credible it is. For example, if I want to judge Arabs based on your behavior on this forum, I should say all of them are racists, is it logical? Do you accept it?

How about starting with your own countries? or everyone else who is arming/funding different groups fighting against Assad? You can't do that and then come here and play the innocent one. Difference here is that Iran helped Syria anyway it could much before the conflict started, because they helped us back in 80s, but you started arming different groups in Syria and made the situation only worse and worse. So please, don't act innocent here. What GCC and Turkey and some western countries are doing in Syria is nowhere near innocence at all.

I am not a racist just because I speak the true. None what I have written in this discussion today is untrue. Well, you can do that.

We did not arm people until much later on. When we got involved in this criss there was no ISIS in Syria but in Iraq. Well, back then it was Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

I struggle to see what GENUINE interest a Persian (no relation with any Arabs) has in all those internal conflicts in the Arab world. I mean as much as you tried then nobody here would believe that your regimes intentions were that of love. In fact it has proven only to be the opposite.

If you could your regime and supporters such as yourself would have created 1000's "Southern Lebanon's" in the Arab world. We are not stupid.

If KSA and Yemen goes to war it is an internal Arab matter. It has nothing to do with Iran. Similarly internal GCC and Syria relations.

If you stopped meddling in a negative way and instead focused on cooperation and got past your complexes and hatred with steams from the Arab Muslim conquest of Iran almost 1500 years ago we would not have this discussion.

At least during the Shah there were not such conflicts at all. After your "glorious revolution" in 1979 hell broke lose.

The Arabs to be honest with you do not want anything to do with you under those circumstances outside of your brainwashed proxies (Hezbollah, Shia militias in Iraq).
Judging people over an internet forum, shows how credible it is. For example, if I want to judge Arabs based on your behavior on this forum, I should say all of them are racists, is it logical? Do you accept it?

How about starting with your own countries? or everyone else who is arming/funding different groups fighting against Assad? You can't do that and then come here and play the innocent one. Difference here is that Iran helped Syria anyway it could much before the conflict started, because they helped us back in 80s, but you started arming different groups in Syria and made the situation only worse and worse. So please, don't act innocent here. What GCC and Turkey and some western countries are doing in Syria is nowhere near innocence at all.
Iran arms Hezbollah, along with Iraqi shia groups, have their own IRGC in Syria, and they have Afghani and Iranian sectarian groups in Syria as well. That is plenty of armed groups to support. Also, Turkey has done much more for Syria than all other countries combined. They've taken in 1.5 million refugees, they've supported the revolutionary cause, among other things...all Iran did was send shias to defend "shia shrines." (besides arming the regime to the teeth.) Even though most of them are killed far off from those areas.
Iran arms Hezbollah, along with Iraqi shia groups, have their own IRGC in Syria, and they have Afghani and Iranian sectarian groups in Syria as well. That is plenty of armed groups to support. Also, Turkey has done much more for Syria than all other countries combined. They've taken in 1.5 million refugees, they've supported the revolutionary cause, among other things...all Iran did was send shias to defend "shia shrines." (besides arming the regime to the teeth.) Even though most of them are killed far off from those areas.

Well, there is no point discussing with such people. Noticing their comments in regards to Syria and the Arab world is enough. Thankfully 90% of all the almost 450 million Arabs know this already. The remaining 10% are composed of people living in their fairytale world's where everyone can hold hands and sing and the remaining are Shia radicals who regard the word of that Grand Ayatollah as that of a demigod.

Do not forgot Jordan and Lebanon as helpful as Turkey has been. With all due respect then those two countries (with much less resources than Turkey) like Jordan and Lebanon have done even more. Look at the refugee situation in Jordan and Lebanon. It's absolutely insane. God bless all those that help.
Iran arms Hezbollah, along with Iraqi shia groups, have their own IRGC in Syria, and they have Afghani and Iranian sectarian groups in Syria as well. That is plenty of armed groups to support. Also, Turkey has done much more for Syria than all other countries combined. They've taken in 1.5 million refugees, they've supported the revolutionary cause, among other things...all Iran did was send shias to defend "shia shrines." (besides arming the regime to the teeth.) Even though most of them are killed far off from those areas.
Why only see one side? Tens of other groups are fighting on opposite side and you bring them all under the banner of 'revolutionary'. What can I say?

And no, we didn't arm Assad. Arms is the last thing Syrian army needs, since it was one of the best equipped Arab armies before the conflict. Even if Syria doesn't import any arms for ten years, it won't need any arms to get the fight going. It's an army after all, not a small group of fighters.

I am not a racist just because I speak the true. None what I have written in this discussion today is untrue. Well, you can do that.

We did not arm people until much later on. When we got involved in this criss there was no ISIS in Syria but in Iraq. Well, back then it was Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

I struggle to see what GENUINE interest a Persian (no relation with any Arabs) has in all those internal conflicts in the Arab world. I mean as much as you tried then nobody here would believe that your regimes intentions were that of love. In fact it has proven only to be the opposite.

If you could your regime and supporters such as yourself would have created 1000's "Southern Lebanon's" in the Arab world. We are not stupid.

If KSA and Yemen goes to war it is an internal Arab matter. It has nothing to do with Iran. Similarly internal GCC and Syria relations.

If you stopped meddling in a negative way and instead focused on cooperation and got past your complexes and hatred with steams from the Arab Muslim conquest of Iran almost 1500 years ago we would not have this discussion.

At least during the Shah there were not such conflicts at all. After your "glorious revolution" in 1979 hell broke lose.

The Arabs to be honest with you do not want anything to do with you under those circumstances outside of your brainwashed proxies (Hezbollah, Shia militias in Iraq).

All this whining about Iran's 'interference' in Arab world, again, with double standards.

Just look what a mess your country created in Afghanistan by supporting Taliban terrorists. Were they Arabs? Of course not. Why did you interfere in there then?

Countries don't choose their interests based on races and it's too hard for you to understand it seems.
Well, there is no point discussing with such people. Noticing their comments in regards to Syria and the Arab world is enough. Thankfully 90% of all the almost 450 million Arabs know this already. The remaining 10% are composed of people living in their fairytale world's where everyone can hold hands and sing and the remaining are Shia radicals who regard the word of that Grand Ayatollah as that of a demigod.

Do not forgot Jordan and Lebanon as helpful as Turkey has been. With all due respect then those two countries (with much less resources than Turkey) like Jordan and Lebanon have done even more. Look at the refugee situation in Jordan and Lebanon. It's absolutely insane. God bless all those that help.
While Jordan has done good, Lebanese government doesn't do much. For example, Hezbollah attacked the refugee camp in Arsal and the city itself, the army didn't do anything. Around 10-20 civilians/refugees died. Also videos of Syrian refugees being abused in the streets, while people just standby and watch.
@Dr.Thrax Welcome to the forum. make sure to open a thread in the section of introduction of members. I hope your presence brings balance to the forum, since we just already had one syrian, who is an Assad mercenary. I hope you get rid of the dictator soon and bring prosperity to your nation. BTW, try to avoid entering sectarian stuff, since it has been what Assad, and mullah regime used to make shias and christians to have a negative opinion about the opposition. So, be careful ;)
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