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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You forgot...these are arab planners.

Arab as in El Sisi planners backed by the West...?

Real arabs spread Islam to the world, and were the most successful war planners the world has ever seen.

Keep in mind majority of Egyptians elected Morsi as their leader. Sisi is a western puppet and most likely not a true representation of the Egyptian Arab population’s inner selves.
Sisi is going against Egypt's Western backers, who mostly support the Radicals in Tripoli trying to bring down Democracy in Libya. Barely anybody supports the legitimate democratically elected government of Tobruk.

Even zionist Israhell has a hard time supporting Haftar.

Where Erdogan should have gone in being a responsible leader, Sisi has taken that path.

Erdogan is the Western puppet like ISIS. There to cause trouble and division. Erdogan is trying to take over the entire Eastern Mediterranean. Syria, Greece, Cyprus, Libya, Egypt.
Arab as in El Sisi planners backed by the West...?

Real arabs spread Islam to the world, and were the most successful war planners the world has ever seen.

Keep in mind majority of Egyptians elected Morsi as their leader. Sisi is a western puppet and most likely not a true representation of the Egyptian Arab population’s inner selves.
Sadly there are no real arabs left
A fake old video....
The Egyptian M1 Tanks are a scale down version, should be an easy target for the Turkish drones. After Libya SISSI should be removed, has completely destroyed his country.
You don't send in a few of your best tanks into a proxy war.

You send in all of your worst tanks M60s, T-55s, T-62. So that would be 2000-3000 tanks from Egypt, if Egyptians want victory. And you don't spread them out for easy picking by anti-tank attacks. You group them together and create pockets with pincer movements and let the infantry surround the pocket and finish off the enemy infantry. Keep doing this until the only thing left is Tripoli and that is besieged and make a peace treaty offer.

This is basic attacking 101. These are German Wehrmacht tactics.

Egypt goal is to secure Eastern Libya to prevent massive refugee influx if Sarraj decides to go after Eastern Libya.
The Egyptian M1 Tanks are a scale down version, should be an easy target for the Turkish drones. After Libya SISSI should be removed, has completely destroyed his country.

KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Algeria would enter the war if Turkey goes after Egypt. It be a very terrible ethnic war pitting Turks against Arabs. Not to mention countries like Greece, China, India which are hostile to Turkey would join in as well.

As I said he will secure only the borders, probably few klms inside eastern Libya and that's it.

Up to and including Sirte. Russian military is deployed in Sirte plus Russian air force is deployed to Jufra airbase nearly.
I've met some and even worked for some. Real arabs. Among the most amazing people I ever met.
thats refreshing to hear
thats refreshing to hear

Check out the movie Valley of the Wolves. Its apparently banned in Saudi Arabia.
Turkish forces will pick their teeth with Egyptian forces , I feel sad to see Egypt on the wrong side ... My support is with Turkey as always :cheers:

I agree. The Egyptian Zionist stooges are dead meat...
ceasefire starting Monday. So if Sarraj attacks Sirte then boom it's on.

Libya is open air....tanks wont work..eygptians ally need air power...precision, intelligence and endurance ..so lots of drones..
You don't send in a few of your best tanks into a proxy war.

You send in all of your worst tanks M60s, T-55s, T-62. So that would be 2000-3000 tanks from Egypt, if Egyptians want victory. And you don't spread them out for easy picking by anti-tank attacks. You group them together and create pockets with pincer movements and let the infantry surround the pocket and finish off the enemy infantry. Keep doing this until the only thing left is Tripoli and that is besieged and make a peace treaty offer.

This is basic attacking 101. These are German Wehrmacht tactics.

Egypt used that Tactic in October/Ramadan war in 1973 that led to destruction of the Israeli 190th Armored Brigade and capturing the Colonel and Commander Assaf Yaguri

Turkish UCAVs can turn Egyptian Army M1A1 Tanks into crap of metal
Turkish UCAVs can turn Egyptian Army M1A1 Tanks into crap of metal

Rafale can blow up TB2 from 100+ km away. What's your point?

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