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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


One can literally perceive the frustration and hate emanating from his post.

Those who are exposed should be frustrated, I'm enjoying.

Definition of hypocrite. 1 :a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. 2 :a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.AKA @BATMAN

Lets analyze @BATMAN statement here shall we; If you are defending yourself from Wahhabi terrorist, or condemning Wahhabi terrorist, you are a hypocrite and shameless, but if you defend and sympathize with trash of the world "Wahhabi terrorist" and pick up weapons to please House OF DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!! You are an angel and going straight to heaven!!!!!!! Am I right so far @BATMAN

@BATMAN also the same person who said; If shia didn't come out of their homes they won't be killed, In other words Wahhabi terrorist blowing himself up is actually the victim here, so, obviously shia fighting back and killing the terrorist is bothering @BATMAN and others terrorist sympathizers like him.............
Its near impossible to reason with unreasonable tribe. Let me try:

Its all over the news that Pakistani Shias are THE ruthless force involved in rapes and baby killings in Iraq & Syria.
With departure of Zardari, numbers of travelers to Syria and Iraq may have been lowered, but still every Shia family has managed to contributed at least one able body man for Iraq /Syrian.... civil war, you may call it.

It doesn't matter, if reason was misplaced history or (as you mentioned) some imaginary wahabi or some illusions about some one's house being a devil's house. You managed to surprise the world with the amount of hate you are filled with, but seriously children!

Ah... I'm sorry you said you are fighting back??? :hitwall:
Fighting back from who.... general Zia ul Haq? whatever..... baby killing is a crime which shouldn't go unpunished and all those Pakistanis, who served in Syria and Iraq must be exposed.

Funny part remains, despite such open admissions, thread title reads Syrian Civil War.

Last but not least its also in news that source of weapons and gas to both Isis and Assad is India but don't bother, keep your head in sand.
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Its near impossible to reason with unreasonable tribe. Let me try:

You mean People with brains and eyes aren't buying your BS.

Its all over the news that Pakistani Shias are THE ruthless force involved in rapes and baby killings in Iraq & Syria.
With departure of Zardari, numbers of travelers to Syria and Iraq may have been lowered, but still every Shia family has managed to contributed at least one able body man for Iraq /Syrian.... civil war, you may call it.

Your kinder garten grade failed personal brains farts aren't national news, your stats against every Shia are nothing more than homemade or buffoon mullah feed BULL crap, you continue to spread hatred on basis of lies and nothing more. You take what your brothers are actually doing and blame it on Shia, but unfortunately for you, world can see the truth. hence the reason most of the terrorist are being sent to hell and rest will soon follow


A baby was fed to its own unwitting mother by Isis, who also raped a ten-year-old girl to death in front of her own family, an Iraqi MP has claimed.

Vian Dakhil is a prominent Yazidi politician and has served as an important mouthpiece for the horrors perpetrated by Isis against her people.

The Terrorist group believe the Yazidi minority – who follow their own religion and customs – are devil worshipers and have waged genocide against them.

Where did I say I am fighting back? People fighting the terrorist should be punished and Terrorist should be what?

Zia was just one of the kids devil had and he had 1000s upon 1000s who continue to multiply all have to be sent back to hell and it will take some time

It doesn't matter, if reason was misplaced history or (as you mentioned) some imaginary Wahhabi or some illusions about some one's house being a devil's house. You managed to surprise the world with the amount of hate you are filled with, but seriously children!

I suppose destruction of middle east and death of 1000s upon 1000s at the hands of Wahhabi terrorist is my imagination

Ah... I'm sorry you said you are fighting back??? :hitwall:
Fighting back from who.... general Zia ul Haq? whatever..... baby killing is a crime which shouldn't go unpunished and all those Pakistanis, who served in Syria and Iraq must be exposed.

Funny part remains, despite such open admissions, thread title reads Syrian Civil War.

Last but not least its also in news that source of weapons and gas to both Isis and Assad is India but don't bother, keep your head in sand.

Funny you know who is supplying weapons to ISIS and AL-Qaeda Terrorist, yet you don't know who is paying for those weapons

Biggest threat Pakistan facing now is the Wahhabi terrorist hence the reason Pakistan army and air force continue to send them to hell every day
You mean People with brains and eyes aren't buying your BS.

Your kinder garten grade failed personal brains farts aren't national news, your stats against every Shia are nothing more than homemade or buffoon mullah feed BULL crap, you continue to spread hatred on basis of lies and nothing more. You take what your brothers are actually doing and blame it on Shia, but unfortunately for you, world can see the truth. hence the reason most of the terrorist are being sent to hell and rest will soon follow


A baby was fed to its own unwitting mother by Isis, who also raped a ten-year-old girl to death in front of her own family, an Iraqi MP has claimed.

Vian Dakhil is a prominent Yazidi politician and has served as an important mouthpiece for the horrors perpetrated by Isis against her people.

The Terrorist group believe the Yazidi minority – who follow their own religion and customs – are devil worshipers and have waged genocide against them.

Where did I say I am fighting back? People fighting the terrorist should be punished and Terrorist should be what?

Zia was just one of the kids devil had and he had 1000s upon 1000s who continue to multiply all have to be sent back to hell and it will take some time

I suppose destruction of middle east and death of 1000s upon 1000s at the hands of Wahhabi terrorist is my imagination

Funny you know who is supplying weapons to ISIS and AL-Qaeda Terrorist, yet you don't know who is paying for those weapons

Biggest threat Pakistan facing now is the Wahhabi terrorist hence the reason Pakistan army and air force continue to send them to hell every day

What Isis is doing in regions mutually held under control by Iran and US is not the context.
I'm only afraid of the tribe from Pakistan, which went to Syria for any of the excuse (which you have given so far). I simply replied to your excuses and here you are accusing me? what next..?
IMO, those who went to Syria and Iraq must be exposed by state of Pakistan, irrespective whatever excuse they present.
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What Isis is doing in regions mutually held under control by Iran and US is not the subject.
I'm only afraid of the tribe which went to Syria for what ever excuse (which you keep changing).
Whatever you wrote is totally out of context, I simply reply to your excuses and here you are accusing me?
Go chill... those who went to Syria and Iraq must be exposed, whatever their excuse was.

Is there a specific reason, you fear people fighting terrorist and not the terrorist? What about 1000s of Pakistani and Afghan Wahhabi that have joined Al Nusra and ISIS Terrorist, what should we do with them and their sympathizers?
Is there a specific reason, you fear people fighting terrorist and not the terrorist? What about 1000s of Pakistani and Afghan Wahhabi that have joined Al Nusra and ISIS Terrorist, what should we do with them and their sympathizers?

I fear them because they are basically being prepared for Pakistan, in Syria their hate and resolve is being tested by directors of theater.

My question to you: How do you identify a wahabi before executing him and his family? Why Iran let wahabis of Pakistan to travel Iraq and Syria?
Syrian Democratic Forces, Coalition Forces Liberate 80% of Raqqa

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), along with the anti-Daesh coalition have liberated 80 percent of the city and continue to clear mines and the remaining militants from the city’s squares where fighting persists.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), supported by the US-led coalition, announced on Wednesday that some 80 percent of the Syrian city of Raqqa from the Daesh terrorist group (banned in numerous countries).

"It can be said that 80 percent of Raqqa city has been liberated. Our units continue clearance of mine and remaining militants in the city’s squares where fighting continues," the SDF said in a statement.


US-Led Coalition Accuses Russia of Striking US-Backed Forces Near Deir ez-Zor

Earlier SDF media relations representative Mustafa Balli told Sputnik Turkiye that Daesh terrorists entrenched in the city of Raqqa were sending female suicide bombers into the fray. According to him, the fighting was raging in six districts of the city, including the city center, where the government buildings are located, and around the Saat and Delle squares where Daesh terrorists publicly executed civilians.

SDF forces launched an offensive aimed at liberating the city of Raqqa that was held by Daesh terrorist group since 2013.

The US-led coalition of 68 nations started carrying out airstrikes against Daesh in Syria and Iraq in 2014, with the strikes in Syria not being authorized by the government of President Bashar Assad or the UN Security Council. Russia has been fighting terrorists in Syria at Assad's request since September 30, 2015.

I fear them because they are basically being prepared for Pakistan, in Syria their hate and resolve is being tested by directors of theater.

My question to you: How do you identify a wahabi before executing him and his family? Why Iran let wahabis of Pakistan to travel Iraq and Syria?
You liar !
Your kind are blowing themselves in Pakistani cities, how low life liar could you be?

No wonder, your kind has destroyed Libya and Syria. How can you accuse the people that fled Pakistan to avoid any civil war in their motherland?
Your kind are exploding suicide belts in Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar, Islamabad ... and the kind of yours have their hands in the gloves of Saudi-Israeli intelligence services.
No Shia commits suicide mission to visit 72 virgins of heaven, no need to prove it اظهر من الشمس
You Madrassa kids, are ready to turn Pakistan into an other Libya, with everyday explosions, daily basis suicide missions. You and your kind are a curse to whole Muslim world. Allah's lanat on you and your kind. The destruction of Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and all of insecurity in Islamic world owes to you Madrassa kids.
Meanwhile nusra hts and its allies started attacking Hama region which would slow down operations in deiralzawr. Planes are readied to support Saa positions but safety checks should be more than ever now


It would be the easiest way for usa-israel to turn the tables back against Syria by making hts do another chemical attack in Idlib such as Sarin or Chlorine to accuse Syrian planes doing operations in close proximity.

Chem attack very possibly have been planned and rehearsed several times by now.

So what can be Syrian options to debunk such false flag operations immediately that occurs everytime Syria gains the upper hand. Several things that come to my mind.

-usage of armed drones imported from Iran or Russia for deep strikes close to city population centers. Drones cant carry chem weapons but atgms.
-realtime video recording of planes such as Syrian Su24 weapons cargo and its glonass-gps data and video records of weapons after landing taken by a third party for example Russian personnel to support Syrian operations with immediate concrete evidence after an hts chem attack.
-deep artillery strikes to predictable locations can trigger chlorine attacks there. Both artillery and heavy bombing should be focused on repelling hts attacks close proximity and should still be as unpredictable as possible as they can make a suicide chlorine squad as well.

There can be other measures but if no precaution is taken for another chem attack same story will repeat again without any significant backing making Syria give up the rights of its people by usa enforced new agreements.
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Is there an expected Turkish coordinated FSA operation in Idlib against Nusra Front anytime soon? It's being reported in Arab and Turkish media but not sure what Turkish media is reliable and which isn't.

Is there an expected Turkish coordinated FSA operation in Idlib against Nusra Front anytime soon? It's being reported in Arab and Turkish media but not sure what Turkish media is reliable and which isn't.
There are some troop movements along the Iraqi border but nothing in the South( Syria,Idlib) yet.
Which Turkish media reported it?
Edit,some military vehicles were sent to the Hatay(near Idlib) region but no mention of any operation so,it could mean,nothing.
We'll have to wait for more news.
Its in Turkish.
Check this thread every now and then for more info,

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Definition of hypocrite. 1 :a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. 2 :a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.AKA @BATMAN

Lets analyze @BATMAN statement here shall we; If you are defending yourself from Wahhabi terrorist, or condemning Wahhabi terrorist, you are a hypocrite and shameless, but if you defend and sympathize with trash of the world "Wahhabi terrorist" and pick up weapons to please House OF DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!! You are an angel and going straight to heaven!!!!!!! Am I right so far @BATMAN

@BATMAN also the same person who said; If shia didn't come out of their homes they won't be killed, In other words Wahhabi terrorist blowing himself up is actually the victim here, so, obviously shia fighting back and killing the terrorist is bothering @BATMAN and others terrorist sympathizers like him.............
First his posted news was publish in BBC then ABC news after that Dawn posted. Still this news is not verified. Not even any local Pakistani source able to verified. Just ignore. Some people love to defend ISIS, they love to see destroyed Pakistan or any place of the world, but they will not tolerate the defeat of this clan of stray dogs in the hand of any Shia.
Today will be his happiest day on his life because ISIS is waving its flag in Islamabad.

Syria drops off the radar at UN general assembly
Syria’s war has taken a new turn with the expected recapture of Raqa from the Islamic State, but world leaders gathered at the United Nations this week seem to be paying little attention. Once the focal point of a myriad of high-powered meetings during the UN General Assembly, Syria this year dropped off the diplomatic agenda, dwarfed by the crisis over North Korea and the Iran nuclear deal. Last year, tensions were running high at the UN assembly, with Western powers locked in heated exchanges with Russia and Iran, the Syrian government’s allies, over the offensive against rebel-held Aleppo. Since then, President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have retaken Aleppo and most of the opposition-held territory, backed by Moscow and Tehran. The Islamic State (IS) group is close to defeat in its two remaining Syrian strongholds: Raqa and Deir Ezzor. Russia, Iran and Turkey have set up four “de-escalation zones” in Syria and are working with the United States and Jordan in the south to bring about ceasefires that have eased the violence.

“The war in Syria is not over yet,” European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini reminded foreign ministers at an EU-hosted meeting on Syria on Thursday. But she acknowledged that “the situation on the ground has improved. Daesh (IS) has been driven out from its strongholds,” and fighting has eased. “For many Syrians, this makes the difference between life and death.” Now in its seventh year of war that has left 330,000 dead, Syria has become an extremely complex conflict, but diplomatic efforts remain low profile.

The Kurdish issue and Israel’s growing involvement, fueled by fears that neighboring Syria will become a springboard for Iran, are shaping up as new crises, diplomats say. “Nothing is resolved”, said a European diplomat, who asked not to be named. The country remains deeply divided – some would call it a de-facto partition – five million Syrians are still refugees and a new outbreak of fighting is still possible, he said.

During his address to the assembly, French President Emmanuel Macron called for the establishment of a new Syria “contact group” to push for a diplomatic solution. Russia and the United States reacted coolly to the proposal. The administration of President Donald Trump has yet to define its Syria strategy beyond fighting IS militants and is refusing to give Iran, a key player in the war, a seat at the table.

“If the contact group had Iran in it, that would be difficult for us,” a senior US official told AFP this week following a meeting between the United States and allies on Syria. “The Americans have dropped out of the search for a political solution,” said the European diplomat. “Their focus is solely military: defeating IS.” The United Nations is planning to convene a new round of peace talks in the coming weeks between Syria’s government and the opposition, even though past negotiations have failed to yield more than incremental progress.

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